Without him
Heyo, I'm in English at school and we have exams next week so we are allowed our phones out the revise. Writing stories is technically English revision right?🤣🤣 ok, this is a story I wrote in maths because proportion is boring. I wrote it on a scrap piece of paper and it was originally about lesbians but it has been repurposed and rewritten for your enjoyment. Well not enjoyment because this is my first angst in this book so yay😶😶. So maybe don't read this if you are feeling particularly mentally unstable? Or maybe do if you like crying and stuff. K, have fun.
Warnings: angst, death, all feels and such. (Set after the fall and before empty hearse so yeah)
Word count:650 (it's short because angst is not as fun to write so you know)
The memory of you haunts my dreams. I awake. The cold sweat clinging to my brow. My aching fingers are reaching out for something that is no longer there. And I call for you, my throat red and raw from screaming your name. My lungs are collapsing like 2 party balloons ripped from a child's grasp; they flew so high for a moment before they caught in the branches of an oak and slowly deflated to sad reminders of the joy they once were.
We once sat under that tree. Do you remember? When the sun beat down so hit that we wilted like the thousands of Daisies that scattered the green grass. We sought shelter beneath the great boughs and pressed our backs against its rough trunk. Thankful for the cool bark that seeped relief into our burning veins. You had held my hand, uncaring of its clammy sweat and we had sat together there. I had leant my head against your shoulder. You were wearing that purple shirt I liked so much. The one that clung to your thin form like moss on a carved sculpture of a grecian hero.
We had laughed. We had talked and smiled. We ran across London, following tight streets after criminals. Adrenaline filled and exhilarated. I can still hear the sirens which rang out to announce the police arrival. Or maybe that's just because I'm in London and crime happens all the time but whichever it is, they remind me of you.
Do you remember when we went to the country and went running through a wood just because we could? We raced past the dark trunks and over uneven undergrowth, the afternoon sunlight streaming through dappled leaves. Another sound still fills my ears, one that I know isn't there: the babbling of a stream over which we bounded. Well tried to bound. My foot got caught on a carelessly placed tree root and I had pitched forward into the water. You had laughed and held out your hand to pull me up. But I wasn't having that, if i was going to be soaked then you would have to be too so I pulled you in with me. The water reached our waists were we sat and the look of surprise on your face is one I shall always cherish. We were soaking all day but it was worth it for the kiss you gave me. You dragged me into your lap and kissed me with the searing heat that each kiss from you sent rushing through my body. What I wouldn't give to kiss you again. But you're gone so I guess I never will.
Ok, I think I'd better go now then Sherlock. My shift starts at the surgery in 20 minutes. I love you. I always will, you know that but I'm moving on so maybe I won't come tomorrow. Or maybe I will. We'll see how strong my will power is.
John stands up from the grave and wipes the single tear from his cheek. He straightened his jacket and coughs once. He looks at the bright bouquet of tulips and daffodils he has placed on the dark earth. With one last sad smile, he turns and leaves, back to his nice normal life with Mary and doctoring and house cleaning and cooking and bill paying. His nice ordinary life without him.
K, hope that didn't make you feel too sad or anything. I'd better like do some proper work or something now. Or I could read some oneshots. I'm probably going to read some oneshots. Ok, have a lovely day. Psa, please dont do what I'm doing and write fanfiction instead of revising when you have exams next week. It's a very stupid idea and all that. Ok, have a gay day. love yous, bye,
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