Tied up
I have written a really long AN cos I had a bad day and wanted to vent so please feel free to skip straight to the story and ignore my essay on my emotions🤣🤣
AN: Hi:) so I've had a bad day. Basically I was having a break down all day about being ace and feeling excluded from most conversations as everyone seems to be obsessed with sex and being fed up of being erased. Reading what Moffat had said about not making Sherlock ace because it was boring really triggered me. So basically, I was shaking with anger all day and on the verge of tears. But then my chem teacher asked what was wrong and I told him and he was so sweet and nice and I felt much better. Unfortunately, we still had pe and we currently just walk round the field for an hour at the moment since lockdown and this bug group of bigoted boys harassed me and were basically being very homophobic and transphobic (even though I'm cis, I guess it's because I had an androgynous phase and some of my friends are clearly gender non conforming even though they arent out, that they thought they should address that transphobia at me? I dunno, they were idiots and it's hard to work out the reasons behind idiots behaviour). After about 20 minutes of this, I went and told the teacher. I didnt tell them straight away because I thought I was fine with it and it was kind of helping to have something to direct my anger at even though I remained very calm and reasonable considering the situation I was in. Turns out I wasnt fine though and I cried quite a bit in the way home. All my friends gave me hugs though so that made me feel much better. This evening I finished watching the irregular with my mum which is so good even though it is like the loosest interpretation of the Holmes stories I've ever seen. I would definitely recommend it. I then played games with my dad and read Johnlock fluff for ages so now I feel sooo much better. I'm so sorry for always writing really long ANs but I feel much more able to write what I'm feeling on here and its really helpful for me to just write my emotions down and feel like someone is listening even if noone actually reads these. I have literally written a 400 word AN so I really should stop now. I really hope you like this fluff:)
Word count: I don't know the exact amount as the an at the start and finish are included so without them I'm going to guess that the actual story is about 1800 words:)
"Hi Sherlock, I'm back!" John announced as he pushed open the door. He had been out for most of the day, running errands and his arms were laden with shopping bags.
"What have you been," he began then paused and said the last two words of his question in confused surprise "up to?"
Sherlock was sat on a chair in the middle of the living room with his eyes closed. His dark curls were slightly unkempt and his clothes were heavily creased. None of this was particularly unusual though. What was unusual were the thin, white cords wrapped around his hands, ankles and chest, securing him tightly in position.
"Are you ok Sherlock? What's happened?" John's voice was anxious as he dropped the shopping he was holding and ran over to his flatmate to check his state of well being. As he approached, the detectives eyes snapped open and he looked slightly taken aback by John's sudden concern.
"I'm perfectly fine John, why do you ask?" The other man's eyebrows furrowed slightly as he gestured at the ropes wrapped around his friend.
"Oh that, Mrs. Hudson tied me up." He spoke this statement as though it was an obvious inference that anyone could have made. He made it sound like this was a perfectly natural occurrence. To be fair, it wasn't the weirdest thing that had happened at 221b Baker street but it was up there.
"Mrs. Hudson?" John's voice was incredulous, "she.. she..why?"
"Because I asked her to." Sherlock was giving John a look of annoyance as if to say that these were stupid questions with obvious answers.
"Stop acting like this is obvious and perfectly natural Sherlock. This is really strange."
"Really? I thought you would be used to things like this by now."
John sighed, "when I say this is really strange, I mean by other peoples standards. You keep thumbs in our freezer so the standard isn't exactly high."
"For the last time, they were for a case!! The engineers thumbs were a vital key to solving it."
John rolled his eyes and turned to retrieve the shopping he had dropped in his hurry to check Sherlock was alright. He took it through to the kitchen and began to unpack it.
"Anyway, I still don't have an explanation for why you are tied up like an overly excitable dog who keeps wrapping themself in their lead." He called over his shoulder as he tried to fit the mayonnaise in between a moldy cabbage that Sherlock was using to collect bacteria from to study the effects of various chemicals on them and a pickled pigs heart floating in a large jam jar filled with vinegar.
"I needed to think." Replied Sherlock.
"You always need to think when you are on a case but that usually doesn't involve you tying yourself down to a chair." John was smiling to himself at his friends peculiarities.
"Well there were too many distractions, I couldn't concentrate."
John's voice registered surprise as he responded "What distractions? I was out and I don't imagine Mrs. Hudson is that distracting. Other than when she's tying you up of course." He added as an afterthought.
There was a silence as the man in the chair tried to come up with an appropriate response. He couldn't exactly tell John the real reason which was that he had been looking through old pictures of them together while sitting on John's bed and wearing one of his jumpers. He had spent a good hour smelling all of his clothes and another just browsing through all of his things and thinking fondly of the memories associated with each item before he had sighed and realised he really should get on with solving these serial killings before someone else got hurt. At this point he had fetched Mrs Hudson from her rock music and hoovering rock out and instructed her to tie him to a chair so he could think.
She had been surprisingly good at it and when he questioned this she just smiled and said 'I was young once you now dear. When I was with Frank we used to do this all the time. It was one of the reasons I married him. I couldn't do any of that now though, on account of the hip.' She had then gone into more in depth details which made Sherlock feel very peculiar and quite uncomfortable to hear about his landlady and mother figure talk about her sexual escapades. Unfortunately for him, he could not just leave like he usually would as she had tied him up very nicely and so he was forced to listen in an uncomfortable silence. Eventually, she had taken the hint and left when Sherlock shouted "Mrs Hudson! I got you to tie me to this chair so I could think without distractions, not so I could hear you talk about your past encounters. Now will you please just leave!" At which point she had backed out of the room with a 'sorry dear, I just got a bit carried away, you should have said something sooner' and closed the door leaving the detective to his thoughts.
Unfortunately, being tied up had not helped his concentration much as he continued to think about John just while getting leg cramp at the same time.
Sherlock reached the end of his deliberating of what was an acceptable answer to John's question and settled on a blunt, "Just things."
"What things?" John had put away the last of the shopping during Sherlock's silence and he was now turning to come and talk to him face to face again.
"Just, you know, thing things. Why does it matter what the distractions were? What matters is they were there and I wanted to think." John scratched his head. Sherlock was being weird. 'Thing things'? Very unsherlock like. He was definitely hiding something. He decided not to push it though and instead asked
"So, did it help?"
"Did what help to do what?" Sherlock being absent minded and forgetting the train of conversation so quickly? Definitely fishy.
"Being tied up, did it help you think?"
"Not really, no." The doctor nodded, he was sure that sitting absolutely still was not good for Sherlock's brain stimulation. They fell into a strangely awkward silence.
"Could you possibly stop asking me such mundane questions John, it's not exactly helping with the whole thinking thing. You always ask such basic questions, you're very predictable you know." He tried to change the subject to divert the conversation away from what he was sure would be John's next question of 'why did you think it would? What were the distractions Sherlock?' Or something along those lines that Sherlock did not have a decent answer for.
"Do you think I'm mundane and predictable Sherlock?" John felt hurt at this and his voice showed this but with an edge of defiance there too.
"I can usually predict how you will react to a situation, yes. Occasionally, you do surprise me but that's not hugely often. Mostly, your emotions and actions and reliably similar from one circumstance to the next."
John frowned 'was he too boring for Sherlock or was he just being a dick and trying to deflect his questions?' Then he got an idea. It was probably not a good idea. In fact, it was almost certainly a terrible one that would end very badly but he didn't really care at that moment. If Sherlock was going to be defensive and call him predictable then he would do something that was sure to surprise him.
He walked towards the stationary Sherlock until he was very close to him.
"John? What are you doing?" Sherlock's face was confused.
"You think I'm predictable do you?" John growled this and his aggressive tone and close proximity knocked Sherlock off his guard but he was careful not to show it.
"I think that you are reliable in your actions." He tried to speak evenly despite his surprise.
" If you think you can predict my actions in a situation, what do you think I'm going to do now?" Sherlock swallowed as his friend put one leg through the arm of the chair he was sitting on and then the other so that he was straddling him.
"Ermm I, uh." Sherlock was lost for words as John began to gently run his fingers though his messy hair.
"I, I, I don't know." He whispered, averting his gaze. John softly grabbed his face and turned it so that he had no choice but to stare directly into his eyes.
"What, erm, what are you doing John?"
John licked his lips nervously.
"In going to do something now and it's almost certainly something you wouldn't have predicted. God I'm going to regret this later. Sorry Sherlock."
With this quick apology, John leaned down and connected his lips with Sherlock's, who was initially completely surprised and taken aback but soon began to kiss back, after all, isn't this what he had wanted for years? He didn't imagine he would be tied to a chair and he certainly hadn't even dared to hope it would be a reality, let alone that John would be the one to instigate it. It was electrifying and every nerve in Sherlock's body felt heightened and John moved his fingers through his hair as he kissed him.
And then it was over just as quickly as it had begun and John moved away, softly clambering of his lap. Sherlock guessesd that the red blush and glassy eyes of the man in front of him was reflected exactly on his own face.
"You're right," he spoke as he pursued his lips, "I did not expect that."
"I thought you probably wouldn't." Smiled an ecstatic John and with that, he turned and walked out of the room towards his bedroom the door of which Sherlock heard click shut behind him.
"No, wait, John! I need you to untie me. John. Come back! I need your help here! John?" He heard a loud giggle and sighed.
"Please help me, I'm sorry I said you were predictable, I admit I was wrong ok and you really won't hear me say that often. Please John, come back you and at least kiss me again! You can't just do that and then leave!" There was just more laughter in response. And then John's voice shouted though his door "you'll will have to get yourself untied as a punishment for underestimating me."
"I suppose I do deserve that." Frowned Sherlock.
"Oh, and when you do get yourself untied, come here and you can kiss me again." Right, that was it. Sherlock was going to undo these ropes if it killed him.
The end
I hope you liked that. I don't know where this idea came from but it was just gloating about in my head so I thought I had better write it down. I really hope you enjoyed it and that you are having a wonderful existence right now or that you at least had one thing to smile about today. If not, then here is your thing to smile about A) this was pretty cute Johnlock fluff if I do say so myself and I think that in itself deserves a little smile and B) you are a wonderful person who is alive and if you are breathing then there is already more right with you than wrong. Always remember, you are beautiful, you are valid and you are loved.❤🧡💛💚💙💜 Anyway, Ima sleep now cos its 2:15 am and I'm going out tomorrow, See you soon my lovely catkins
Isabella 🐹🐹🐹
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