Part 2: The embodiment of you
Just a disclaimer, I am intensely asexual so have no idea what it's actually like to be allo so this is just what I imagine it to be from what I've seen and heard. Please feel free to tell me otherwise in the comments:)
Word count: 1725
When John blinked awake, his head felt like it was stuffed with cotton wool and his body felt very far away. Something didn't feel quite right, everything felt slightly off. His fingers felt longer than usual and his shoulders less wide. The world was brighter and a slightly cooler tone and everything felt elongated. He rubbed his eyes and tried to shake the cotton wool from his brain. He succeeded and suddenly his thoughts went from muffled and tinged by unconsciousness to the clearest they had ever been. He felt like he'd been sharpened ever so slightly. The colder world had remained slightly unfocused until this moment and now it adjusted itself to clear and precise. He looked up and his heart skipped several beats.
There, above him, sat himself. His own blue eyes looked down on him kindly and his own callused fingers stroked his sharp but still slightly pounding head. And then, the figure above him spoke in his own voice but with more of an edge to it than usual.
"Ah good, your awake my dear. I was starting to worry."
It was then that John lost it and he let out a high pitched scream.
He felt his own hand press against his lips, stifling the scream that didn't quite sound like him.
"Hush John unless you want Mrs Hudson rushing in and may I remind you that I, or in fact you, are still very much naked and that you, or in fact I, have only got a dressing gown on, which does not appear to be covering much at the moment, I might add." He smirked suggestively as he said this and glanced down at John's exposed thighs.
"Sherlock?" John gasped as he moved his hand.
"Yes dear?"
"What the fuck is going on?"
"Umm, I have just done something that will change the world?"
"That is not specific enough you bloody twat. I mean, why are you.... me?"
"I could ask you the same question my dear."
"Wait what!!" John looked down at his own body in panic and was surprised to discover that it wasn't his body at all. He would recognise those legs anywhere, he had stared at them for long enough after all. And his hands were definitely the ones that had been pulling at his hair half an hour ago.
"Oh my God!! I'm you and your me!! What the actual hell Sherlock!?!?" John had sat up now and was glaring in confused annoyance at the face of himself who apparently had his boyfriends mind inside him.
"My experiment worked John!! Do you know how amazing that is!!" He was very excited now and kissed John excitedly.
"Ooh, I'm very nice to kiss aren't I? Your body seems to think so too. Oh my, this is new."
"What, what the heck is going on now?"
"Umm, I believe it's called.. ooh." Sherlock gasped as John moved closer and put his hand on his thigh through the duvet cover and looked at him in confusion.
"What is going on now exactly Love?" His eyebrows were raised at sherlock's shocked expression.
"Umm, I believe I'm experiencing what is know as arousal for the first time. Its umm, interesting."
"Omg, you have my body and my feelings. This is super weird Sherlock, I am starting to freak out slightly. What am I supposed to do?"
"I would very much like it if you could kiss me please. I really want to... No, that is a weird thought. I've never had that thought before, this is a very unexpected side umph."
He broke off as John kissed him roughly .
"There, now that you have shut up, would you care telling me what the ever loving fuck is going on!"
"I'm afraid I can't, umm, do that Joooohn. Oh dear."
"Why not? You have done something weird to us and I have every right to know what it is, how and why and you have the gall to say you can't tell me? How dare you!"
"John, I really need you to stop shouting."
"Really, and why's that Sherlock, do you think I'm being unreasonable? Is that it? Am I being a drama queen? Because let me just remind you that I am literally in your body right now, having a conversation with myself so i think that i have every right to have a bit of a freak out right now!!"
"I didn't mean that it's just that I seem to find you being authoritative incredibly attractive and it's making my brain stop working and... other things happen. Urgh, this is horrible, how do you cope with this? I can't think properly. All o can think about is how much I want to push you against that wall and" he slapped a hand against his mouth in shock and disgust at what he'd just said, his eyes filling with surprise and something else. Something so alien to Sherlock that he didn't know what to do with it. Lust.
John registered this emotion too and scrambled away, his own face echoing the shock and disgust that had flashed across his boyfriend's features.
"Eww, what the hell Sherlock!! That's super weird. Wait, no it's not, what am I talking about?! Why do I think that's weird, attraction isn't weird. Sex isnt weird. Eww, yes it is, its really weird and strange and why is that something that people want? Omg, what is happening to me Sherlock, why am I thinking like that? I don't think like that! I love sex! Don't I?"
"Ok, well this is interesting. I suppose I should have seen this coming but I never even thought about it."
"Never thought about what? Sherlock?"
"Never thought about the fact that sexuality, although romantic attraction is mental and physical attraction can also be partly mental too, most of it is in the body and we've just switched bodies John." A look of understanding slowly dawned on John.
"So that means that... I'm..."
"Me and that means that you are asexual yes."
"And your me so you're a raging bi with a healthy appetite for the physical affections?"
"That was a very me way to put it but yes, that about sums it up."
"Oh my God. I'm speaking like you Sherlock, your body is rubbing of on me!!"
"Well if you come over here then you can rub it off on me." Sherlock purred before looking horrified again and putting his hand over his mouth for the second time during this conversation.
"I didn't mean to say that, it just sort of happened."
"Bloody hell Locket, you are horny!!"
"Eww, no. I don't like it, I can't think properly and my brain is just filled with images of all the things I can do to you which is super weird because you are currently in my body but in my head you are in your own which doesn't make sense because I wouldn't be having these thoughts if I wasnt in your body. And my brain just said, I wish I was in your body in a different way if you know what I mean and I don't know what is going on or how to handle it!!!"
"And I'm stuck in this body while you are going through the thirstiness of what is basically puberty for you which is when most people first discover these thoughts and you are wishing to have sex with me which would usually be a dream come true but right now is making me feel weird and slightly nauseous because I am stuck in your body which seems to have the sex drive if a fucking frozen pea!!"
"Welcome to being a confused asexual who knows they should be feeling attraction but isn't because, actually I have no idea why, science and shit and feeling broken all the time because if it and feeling like you can't be a good partner because you just don't want that sort of thing John!"
"And welcome to the horny world of alloness with the added benefit of being bisexual meaning that everything is attractive so you can never think straight and hating yourself for it because it sucks and you know it makes the person you love most in the world super uncomfortable Sherlock!"
"God I hate this!!" They both exclaimed in unison.
"Wait, you feel broken all the time?"
"And you hate yourself?"
They both looked at each other, sadness filling their, well each others, faces.
"I'm sorry if I ever made you feel broken for not being attracted to me Sherlock."
"And I'm sorry if I ever made toy feel like anything less than amazing because of your unobjective view on the world John."
"What do we do Bubba? How do we change back? I don't like not being myself." Sighed John, snuggling up to Sherlock's chest (I am just going to use the souls names becuase it's easier but just remember they are in each others bodies). Sherlock sighed and stroked John's curly black hair apologetically.
"I'm afraid theres nothing we can do except wait."
"What do you mean? How long?"
"About a week. I measured it so that it should wear off about then."
John spun round, a look of gobsmacked annoyance on his face.
"A week!! And what are we supposed to do until then?"
"I guess we just live as each other as a while. It could be really interesting to explore how we each experience the world. It could make us closer in the long run."
"I suppose." Sighed John, leaning back against Sherlock's toned chest on defeat.
"Besides, I have some experiments I'd like to do with this newfound sexuality of yours."
"Uh oh, I can see where this is going." The taller man sighed and turned around slightly to poke Sherlock on the soft skin of his belly.
"Oh, don't be like that John, this is going to be fun!!" Laughed Sherlock, kissing his boyfriend deeply.
"Ok, maybe I am just a little intrigued to see what it's like to be asexual. I wonder what I can do with all this freed up brain space."
"See, this is going to be so cool!!!"
To be continued once again.
There we are, part 2:) there is going to be another part of this where Sherlock and as each other for a week so look out for that tomorrow:) Also, I'm actually publishing this at a very reasonable time today because I started it yesterday after I finished the first one cos my brain was still running with ideas so I thought I should probably just get them down. I've had zoom calls all day today and went out with my grandparents in the gap between the two so now I'm shattered. I had some very interesting conversations with the students from Little Rock, Arkansas who we are doing the virtual exchange with about all the different issues we face here and there and the similarities and differences so that was really cool:). Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this, it's not a oneshot is it? Second part of a threeshot? Whatever it is, I hoped you liked it. Ima go socialise with my family for a bit now cos I cant stay in my bedroom reading Johnlock all evening can I?? Well I could but I do actually quite like my family so I'm not going to:) bye all, have an excellent existence till I see yous again:)
Love yous,
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