Hello:) sorry I haven't posted for a while. Exams are a pain🙃🙃 Anyway, here's this. I hope yous like it
Trigger warning: mentions the fall. I don't think there are anymore.
Word count: 1000
It was raining. Like really raining. Like the sort of rain you get in romantic comedies at the end when the main characters finally kiss, their hair flattened against their scalps and the mans shirt glued to his muscles to appeal to a predominantly straight female (and quite a few gay male) audience. The darkness pooled around the streetlights like the puddles that collected on the black road. The water fell thick and fast outside and streaked down the window panes, tracing glimmering patterns that caught the light.
John was looking out into it and sighing dreamily. He was stood by the window in a sort of rain and lack of sleep induced daze. The quivering lines of water that danced like static hypnotised him and made him feel like he too, as the TV had that had caused this falling white static, had disconnected.
Sherlock was lying on the sofa, his eyes closed and hands steepled under his chin in his typical Sherlockian pose, thinking. Well, half thinking, half dreaming. He was in a place between realities, not quite asleep, but not quite awake. It wasn't so much his memory palace but a dream world in which he stood. He was standing on a ledge below a water fall and he could hear the crashing water. He could feel the cool sting of it as it pounded against his skin. He could taste the warm ash of a regularly smoked pipe, although there was no pipe in his hand: sensible really considering the water would instantly put it out. He could smell the damp Earth that shuddered with the force of falling liquid under his feet. And he could see water. Endless water, mixed in with shadows and dancing light.
He had been here before, he was certain he had been here before, but he couldn't quite remember when. Each time he reached out for the thought, it alluded him like the silver stag of Artemis. All he knew was that last time, something was different although he was sure everything had felt just as real.
He reached out again and grasped gently at the silver strings of remembrance. There was someone else here that time. Yes, a man. There was a man here. Did he like the man? No, he was sure he didn't. There was another emotion there, much stronger. Hate? Or was it Love? The two feelings were so similar and Sherlock wasn't brilliant with emotions at the best of times. What were they doing? No, can't remember that. What was he doing hers now though? He didn't remember coming here. Here just sort of happened. He was met with a wall at this and his mind pulled him away from wondering that.
He stood there for what could have been seconds or could have been years, watching the water fall with all the power and roaring of a tiger before he heard a voice behind him.
"Hello Holmes." He froze, this was a voice he recognised. But where from? He turned around to face the new comer with all the confidence and flamboyancy that accompanied all of his actions. When he saw the man's face he remembered where it was he knew him from.
"You, your the man from before!"
The man looked amused.
"Before what?"
"Before now. You were here last time."
"Well I'm flattered. I seem to be in your mind rather a lot." The man smiled in amusement.
"Yes, you do rather. There is a reason for that... if I could just remember it." The man stepped forward and Sherlock looked questioningly into his eyes.
"Would you like me to help jog your memory?"
"That may be helpful, yes." The man closed the gap between them and took a good of Sherlock's shirt in his fist. He pulled him closer so they were wrapped in a tight embrace.
"Does this help exercise those brain cells of yours?" Some part of Sherlock's mind was beginning to wake up but not enough to tell him who this man was.
"I may need a little more." The man smiled.
"Did it hurt?"
"Did what hurt?"
"When you fell?" Sherlock looked confused.
"Fell from what?"
The man leaned in very close to him so there noses were almost touching before whispering, "heaven." He then softly placed his lips against Sherlock's and kissed him deeply, the water still crashing down around them.
When they pulled apart, Sherlock's pale cheeks were dusted pink and he was smiling happily.
"Ahh, my dear Watson. How could I ever forget you?"
"I have absolutely no idea Holmes. Perhaps it is your unconscious mind playing tricks on you or part of your brain switched off during sleep. Whatever it is, I think it's probably time to wake up now." John smiled at him and took his thin, willowy hand in his own rough one.
"You might be right. I'm sure the real John is eagerly awaiting for my return from the realm of dreams."
"I'm sure he is. Together?"
"Together." And with that, they jumped of the riechenbach falls.
Sherlock landed back in reality with a jolt and blinked his eyes open for a second before springing to his feet and rushing over to join John who was still stood by the window, staring out at the rainy London street. Before he himself quite knew what he was doing, he had placed his hands on his flatmates cheeks and pulled him closer into a tender kiss. There was a moment of uncertainty as John tried to process what was happening before he began to softly kiss back. It was sweet and gentle and when they pulled apart, both men's faces had matching blush and smiles.
"Well that was nice, if slightly unexpected. What was it for?"
"No reason, just that I think I'm falling for you."
"Oh darling, you already fell a long time ago." With that, John kissed him again and they spent the rest of the night talking and kissing as the rain poured down outside.
The end
Hope yous liked it:) I wrote it while listening to dodie and watching the rain fall in great bucket loads outside. I was in a poetic mood so the imagery might be a little strong but that what rain does to me so I apologise if its a bit much:) I'm super tired now and its midnight and I have a physics and a maths exam tomorrow so ima sleep:) love you all, take care of yourselves and all that jazz, remember that you are valid, you are beautiful, and you are loved
Good night my lovelys,
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