So, we dont call it elementary school in England, we call it primary but I thought it was a clever pun and when I thought of it I decided to roll with it so here it is. Also, I did that drawing of Sherlock today, I know it isn't great but I don't really draw people very often as I'm much more into landscapes and getting people to look right is super difficult cos it's really obvious when something goes wrong.
Word count: 1700
John's POV.
Beep beep beep beep beep.
Urgh!!! Shut up you stupid thing! I roll over and glare blearily at the angry red numbers of my digital alarm clock.
"What is that awful racket John?!? Make it stop." Groaned Sherlock from beside me, pulling his pillow dramatically over his head.
I fiddled with the buttons until I found the one that would make the confounded beeping stop.
"Sorry darling. Urgh, it's too early to be awake."
"What time is it?"
"What? Why do you have an alarm set for 7.15?" He rubbed his eyes and ran his hand through his messy curls. I blinked several times as I tried to find the answer in my still sleep laden brain.
"Give me a second, it will come to me in a minute."
"Ok, well let me know when it does, I'm just going to rest my eyes for a minute longer." He murmured and closed his eyes again. Ever since we had begun to share a bed, he slept a lot more and actually really enjoyed it. Which was great for his overall health and excellent because I get a lot more cuddles but apparently, sherlock is very slow when he has just woken up which had caused issues on more than one occasion. This one was included in that as neither of us could seem to remember why an alarm had been set.
Then suddenly it hit me. Quite literally. The door suddenly burst open and in rushed Rosie in her purple dinosaur pyjamas, grinning from ear to ear. She threw herself onto my chest and began to bounce up and down excitedly.
"Papa, dada!!! Get up, get up, get up!!" She squealed. Sherlock opened his eyes again and looked at her bewilderedly.
"Morning my little irregular." He yawned, "what's got you so excited?"
"Oh," I suddenly remembered, "That's what the alarm was for! Its Rosie's first day at Primary school today!"
"I'm going to big school!! Come on, come on! We have to go get ready!" Rosie was still bouncing on me and had also now turned to pulling at Sherlock's ears to make him wake up.
"Elementary, my dear Watson." He muttered and began to sit up slowly.
"Did you just make a pun love?" I laughed and he looked confused.
"Did I? Oh yes, i think i did. Sorry, my conscious mind has not yet caught up with my subconscious. In essence, i am still half asleep."
"I've noticed." I laughed and gave him a quick kiss on the nose. Rosie had been watching us impatiently and was now pouting slightly.
"Come on Daddy, come on Papa, we have to go!!"
"We really don't munchkin, your school doesn't start till 10." I ruffled her blond hair and smiled at her affectionately.
"Yes, but we have to go and meet Auntie Molly first so that she can give me Fwoggy and wish me good luck!! Also, I want muffins for breakfast. Muffins take ages cos you always get confused daddy and papa always distracts you. So you have to get up. Also, I need my hair doing and it's not going to do itself. Please daddy, I have to look nice as this will be my first impression on everyone!!!"
As much as I loved Sherlock, I do wish he hadn't taught her to always ask for exactly what she wants. It means there are very few misunderstandings but also means she is more organised than both of us combined and takes great joy in making us into responsible adults who do things at a sensible time. At least one of us was a morning person who is good at scheduling.
"Ok, you are right. If the scrambled eggs and salmon ever want to be eaten, then we'd better get up. Come on Locket."
He groaned slightly but acquiesced reluctantly. He went off with Rosie to help her do her hair, leaving me to get myself ready for the day. I pulled on some jeans, a blue shirt and a jumper and went to see how the hairdressing was going.
I stood at the door to Rosie's room and watched with amused happiness as Sherlock gently plaited the 5 year olds curly hair. Much to my joy and surprise, it turns out Sherlock is really very good at doing hair. After a little bit of help from YouTube and Irene, he had become a bit of an expert and was currently arranging Rosie's blond locks into a very complicated looking French plaite, complete with a red ribbon and various multi coloured butterfly clips dotted throughout. It was a relief to me that at least one of us could work out hair. I am truly hopeless at it and can only really manage brushing and possibly a pony tail if I'm lucky but Sherlock could do some really fancy things that made Rosie very happy. They were laughing as Sherlock plaited and Rosie was telling him, with great enthusiasm, about the mental disorders of the winnie the pooh characters and how it is a very beautiful way to show how best to help others around you who are struggling with mental health. For example, piglet struggles with anxiety but his friends are always there for him and pooh always holds his hand and reassures him that it will be ok which is really very lovely of him. Piglet never stops his anxiety from stopping him and always does his best to be brave and goes on all the adventures with the others despite being scared and that is a really good life lesson.
Somehow, Rosie has absorbed Sherlock's intelligence, possibly by osmosis (see I'm clever too and know good words) and constantly surprises everyone with her observations that are much too astute for a 5 year old. It certainly made things very interesting when a smiling, dimpled little girl correctly deduces any mental conditions you may have and takes great joy in telling you how best to manage them and that your job is really not suited to you and that you really should leave your wife as you are very clearly in love with her brother (She once said that to one of the governmental officials when we went to visit Mycroft and it had been a very awkward 5 minutes trying to apologise while Sherlock had tried his absolute best not to burst out laughing until Mycroft had finally turned up and managed to smooth everything over. Apparently, the gentleman in question had quit his job the next day and eloped with his brother in law and they were now living, very happily, on a small island in the Caribbean). It was also quite possible that she had inherited rather a lot of brains from her mum because lord knows she didn't get it from me (although I am actually a doctor so I can't be that stupid. I think it's just that I have a tendency to hang out with unreasonably smart people. I really should invest in a few idiot friends). Anyway, all this meant that her first day of school could be an absolute disaster as it was more than possible that the teacher would end up in tears after Rosie corrects all of her teaching methods and suggests that baking would perhaps be a better career path for someone with her skill set (this had happened with her first teacher at nursery but it had turned out fine as Rosie had apologised profusely and they had ended up baking cakes as a class all day and the teacher realised that she might be right and now owns a bakery near the school. She gives Rosie a free bun whenever we go in. Apparently, Rosie has the intelligence of Sherlock but also quite a lot of compassion and usually ends up getting anyone she deduces to follow their heart and do what they really want with their lives. It's quite touching really). Ok, so maybe her first day would be ok, but then again, it would be better if all the teachers didn't quit to follow their dreams as someone needed to teach the little darlings maths and reading.
I am shaken out of my thoughts of Rosie's past exploits by Sherlock's hand on my shoulder.
"John, John?"
"Hmm, what? Hello, sorry, what was the question?"
"Which dress is better, the red one or the yellow one?" He held up two gingham dresses and Rosie looked hopeful.
"Which one do you prefer Bubba?" I asked her. She pursed her lips slightly and looked at both of them in turn.
"I'm not sure, the red one matches my bow, but the yellow one matches my hair. The question is, which one is more desirable?" I considered for a minute then decided.
"Wear the yellow one, I like the little bows on the sleeves."
"Oh yes, good choice." Sherlock smiles and Rosie takes off her pajamas before holding her hands up above her head and he slips it on for her, careful so as not to mess up her hair.
"Give us a spin. Perfect. You look fabulous my dear."
She beams, "thank you papa, are the muffins ready daddy?" She asks happily.
"Not yet Bubba, I thought you may like to help crack the eggs."
"Ooh yes, can I?"
"But of course, come on." She smiles and we head off towards the kitchen to get the breakfast ready while Sherlock returns to our room to get dressed himself as he is still in his dressing gown.
To be continued
Here is part one to this parentlock first day of school:) I will hopefully get the other part done tomorrow if I have time after school. I am now going to have a lovely bubble bath and drink some hot chocolate so I'll see you all later:) as always, be kind to yourselves and take all the time for yourself that you need. I have spent this whole weekend doing nothing as I made myself ill working super hard with exams last week and it's been really nice to just have some me time. I hope you all get some rest and relaxation too:) ok, bye.
Love you all,
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