An. Hello:) today was Easter Sunday so I wrote a little Easter oneshot. When I say little, I mean a really rather long one shot:)
Warnings: again, this is pure fluff so I don't think there are any. There is a brief mention of implied suicidal thoughts but it is very brief and not explicit. Also briefly mentions Mary's death. It's only in a paragraph so you can skip that bit if it's an issue, ill put a little ❤ to show where it is when you get to it. The rest is just complete fluff:) I hope you enjoy it
Word count: 2685
I blinked awake to find a small face looking at me expectantly and sharp knees pressing into my stomach.
"Daddy, daddy, daddy!!" She exclaimed, bouncing up and down with every word.
"Oof, morning Rosie. You ok?" I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and smiled at her adorable face. Her blond curls were falling in messy ringlets and her bright blue eyes sparkled with excitement.
"Get up, get up, get up!! There are EGGS!!" she squealed the last word loudly and pulled at my sleeve. I looked at the glowing red numbers on my digital alarm clock, 7:15. Shit. I really hoped that Sherlock remembered he was had promised to hide the eggs. If he hadn't, I was fucked. He wasn't lying next to me though so there was hope.
"Come on, come on, come on!!" She was still bouncing and tugging so I sat up and scooped her into my arms.
"Come on then my little munchkin." I gave her a kiss on her curly hair and carried her out to the living room. There was no sign of Sherlock there. There was also no sign of any eggs. Oh dear. Then Rosie pointed at something and shouted "look!!" I looked. In the middle of the floor was a large wicker basket covered in a pastel pink cloth.
"Shall we have a look then sweetheart?"
"Yes, yes, yes!!" I smiled at her. She was in such an excited mood that everything she said was repeated 3 times.
I carried her over and set her on the floor. She pulled at the cloth and I helped her take it off. Inside was an assortment of brightly coloured costumes. Together, we removed them. There was a tiny pastel pink and blue floaty dress for her and a light purple waistcoat for me with a little rabbit embroidered on the pocket. There were also 2 pairs of white, fluffy ears. I must admit that I was surprised: I really wasn't expecting Sherlock to much so much effort in. This was our first Easter as an official couple so I supposed he just wanted to prove how much he wanted us to be a family. It was so sweet!
We had finally gotten together last year. It had taken me 2 years to get over Mary's death and be able to move on. I'd loved him for much longer but it was only when Mary died and he stepped in to be another parent figure for Rosie, did I realise how much. Before, it had always been platonic, maybe verging slightly on romance but I had never really thought about it too deeply. There was always so much going on and I'd always assumed I was straight in any case. Turns out that I'm bi.
When Sherlock "died" it did cross my mind but I pushed it away. It was too late now anyway, why bother questioning my whole identity when the only man I had ever possibly loved was dead anyway? Then I met Mary and I fell head over heels with her. So supported me and understood me on a different but just as incredible level as Sherlock. I loved her with all my heart. When it turned out he wasn't dead, everything felt right. I had the women and man I loved best in all the world. And sure me and Mary had our fights but so does every couple. And then Rosie came along and my life felt complete.
❤When Mary died, I felt like my whole world had ended. Like the sun had imploded and the world had stopped spinning. I felt like I couldn't continue. I just couldn't. But I had to. Rosie needed me. So did Sherlock for that matter. And so I tried. Every day I got out of bed and continued to live. For them. For Molly and Mrs Hudson and Greg and Rosie and Sherlock. And for her. I lived for Mary because she had asked me to. I made it through the worst time in my life and ended up in the best.
Sherlock had been there the whole time. He had always been there. Even in his childish anger and unfeeling narcissism, he had always been there for me. And there he was. Still there, waiting for me. I couldn't have lived without him. He was essentially another father to Rosie and I loved him for it. I loved him. And somehow, he loved me too. I don't know how it happened. It was so gradual, we didn't really notice it.
We would cuddle together after collapsing on the sofa in exhaustion. I would kiss him goodnight automatically after kissing Rosie goodnight. We held hands when we were in crowds so that we didn't lose each other when I was holding Rosie. We even started sharing a bed when Rosie was old enough to need her own room as it was easier that way. We said 'I love you' to each other constantly as it just felt natural. We had become a little family without realising. Everyone assumed we were a couple. That Rosie was our child. And after a while, I stopped contradicting them. It felt nice. It felt right for us to be a family. And then, in May Sherlock just asked me.
I was making tea after putting Rosie to bed and he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He had kissed my hair and I had leaned into him happily.
"Watson my dear?"
"Yes love?"
"Are we a couple? I mean, everyone seems to think we are and, from what I understand, we certainly act like one."
I had turned round to look at him. His deep, ever changing eyes were steady and questioning.
"Yes darling, I think we are." He had kissed me then. Properly. Not just a peck on the cheek or a brief kiss on my head. This was deep and loving and passionate. When we broke away, we were both smiling very widely.
"What does this mean for us?" He asked quietly.
"Not much actually, we've pretty much been a couple for a while now anyway. The only difference is that now I can call you my boyfriend."
"John Watson, my boyfriend." He spoke carefully, feeling each word in his mouth.
"Yes, I like that. I like that a lot."
"Good cos you're going to be saying it a lot." With that, I had leaned in and kissed him again.
And so now we were officially together. It was nice. Really nice actually. Our relationship really didn't change much except now we went out for dates and kissed and told everyone that we were together. Sherlock is asexual which meant there wasn't too much of that side of things. He was sex positive though so he was very obliging. He said that it was worth it to make me happy. What more could you want? The past 11 months had been pure bliss.
Present day
Removing the costumes had revealed and egg shaped piece of paper with a message written in gold cursive.
It's finally here, today's the day
When John and Rosie Watson get to play
The bunnies been, it's time for us to have a lark
Come meet Sherlock at 8.30(am) at our spot in the park.
In the corner it said pto in very small letters. I did and saw the instruction 'ps, don't eat breakfast John.'
This was intriguing. I smiled happily. My heart felt like it was going to explode. This was so fucking cute!! Rosie squealed excitedly as I read this out. I appreciated that Sherlock had correctly predicted that Rosie would wake up early. He probably knew it would be about 7.15 and had factored in time for getting ready and getting there.
"Come on then munchkin, we'd better get ready so we can go and see what the Easter bunny has planned for us." She squealed happily again.
"Can I wear this?" She held up the floaty dress we had picked up from the basket.
"I imagine that's why it was put there so of course."
"Whoohoo, this is going to be the best day ever!!"
It was 8:15 by the time we finally left Baker street. Sherlock had been right to factor in emergency time. Rosie had been do excited about whatever the Easter bunny had planned for today that she had bounced on her bed and fallen off. Even this had not quelled her excitement though and she was grinning widely as they climbed into a cab, a purple hello kitty plaster on her scraped knee.
"Where to sir?"
Asked the cabbie once we were settled.
"Regents park please." (I have no idea if that is far away enough from Baker street to need a taxi, I live in Newcastle so just imagine that it is🤣)
We arrived a few minutes later and ran over to "our spot", a big sycamore on a slope in the park, Rosie's little hand in mine, tugging me quickly after her.
When we reached it, my eyes went wide. The branches of the tree were strung with pastel coloured ribbons and a beautiful picnic breakfast was laid out on a blanket. I could also see colourful eggs leading in a trail towards a section of trees a little way off.
And the best bit was Sherlock, standing under the tree in a pale blue suit I had never seen him in before. He was wearing a pink waistcoat similar to the one I had on and there were flowers of the same colour in his hair and button hole. His face was painted as a rabbit and he had a matching pair of ears like the ones me and Rosie were wearing wrapped into the same little flowers. He looked adorable.
He smiled as he saw us approaching and ran down to meet us, kissing me gently on the cheek and scooping up Rosie.
"Hello my little irregular, are you ready for your egg hunt?" He smiled at her and spun her round in his arms.
"Yes papi Lock!!"
This was her name for him as she hadn't been able to say Sherlock when she was younger and had been calling him papi since a lady had asked "is this your papi?" when Sherlock had taken her out to play on the swings. She had nodded and said "papi lock" and the name had stuck.
"Come on then!" He exclaimed running up the hill with her. I walked slowly behind them, taking in the wonderful site of them laughing as the approached the beautiful scene.
"Hurry up Watson my dear." Sherlock shouted over his shoulder." I smiled and sprinted to catch up with them.
Sherlock handed Rosie a basket and instructed her to look behind the tree. She did so and was exhilarated to discover Lestrade and Molly waiting for her, also with baskets.
"Uncle Greg, Auntie Molly!!" She exclaimed, throwing herself into their arms.
"Hello flower, you ready to find some eggs?" Greg smiled as she hugged him.
"Yes, yes, yes!" She squealed.
"Come on then!" I smiled as they lead her towards the trail of eggs further down the hill. I heard Molly say "isn't that a lovely dress Rosie, where did you get that from?" As they walked away. I laughed as I saw the faint figure of Mrs. Hudson waving to them from wear she sat on a bench just in front of the wooded area they were heading to.
I turned away and looked at Sherlock.
"You really have planned this to perfection haven't you." He smiled
"Only the best for you and Rosie." As if he couldn't get anymore perfect right now.
"Should we sit down?" I asked, looking towards the picnic blanket.
"Not yet, I have something I want to do first."
"Really, and what's that." He didn't say anything. Instead he just knelt down onto one knee and pulled out a little velvet box. I gasped and covered my mouth, tears already pooling in the corner of my eyes.
"John Hamish Watson, when I first saw you I saw that you were an army man. 'Afghanistan or Iraq'. I saw that you had a psychosomatic limp, a therapist, a brother (who was in fact a sister but I can't be right everytime) who drinks and you didn't approve of. I saw that Stafford had brought you to meet me as a potential roommate. I saw a strong man who was loyal and brave and a sucker for danger. In fact, I saw you. But what I didn't see was how you would change me. I didn't see how you would take a cold, unfeeling sociopath and make him into someone that you could love and who could love you. I didn't see how you would make every moment better, how you would breathe joy into my life. I didn't see that you would become the best thing in my life, other than Rosie of course. I didn't see how much I would grow to love you and all the amazing memories we were going to make together. And now I can't see my life without you. I can't see a world in which we don't make new memories together. I can't see myself without you stood beside me. And I don't want to. I want to spend a lifetime with you. More than a lifetime, an eternity. And so I ask, humbly and lovingly, John Hamish Watson, will you make me the happiest man in infinity and agree to marry me?"
Tears were streaming down my face now.
"Yes. Oh my God, yes!" He slipped on the ring and I pulled him to his feet and kissed him passionately. When we pulled apart, we were both smiling just as widely as after that very first kiss.
"So John, my amazing, beautiful, wonderful fiance, would you care to have some breakfast with me?"
I lay, pressed against Sherlock's chest, laughing and eating with him for the rest if the morning. After about 20 minutes, Rosie came bounding over to show us the spoils of her egg hunting, followed by the others. They were all laughing. Apparently, Irene and Mycroft had also been invited as they, too appeared.
"Wow Sherlock, did you invite everyone we know?" I laughed and rolled over so I was facing him.
"Well this required a lot of planning, I needed some help. Originally I only asked Mrs. Hudson but she was so excited that I was going to propose that she told everyone else and they all insisted on helping me."
"Admit it, brother dear, you appreciated the help." They had reached us now and Mycroft was leaning on his umbrella, smiling happily as Greg kissed his cheek. (I have included all the Sherlock ships to make sure everyone is happy:), you're welcome)
"I would say you couldn't have done it without us." Molly laughed as she sat down and leaned back against Irene.
"Ok, ok. It's true, they were all amazing." Everyone smiled.
"Come on then, future Mr. Holmes, show us the bling." Irene prompted, stroking Molly's hair gently.
I obliged but protested half heartedly, "Hey, what makes you think I'll take his name, maybe he'll take mine."
"I doubt that very much John, you know Sherlock, as proud as a blooming rooster." Laughed Greg. I looked at Sherlock.
"So Locket, what do you think?"
"I think Watson Holmes has a very nice ring to it. Don't you John?"
"Oooh, my boys are getting married, next door won't be the only house with married ones!!" Exclaimed Mrs. Hudson happily. Rosie was sitting were I had been a moment before, wrapped up in Sherlock's arms.
"Daddy and Papi Lock are getting married!!" She grinned, popping a mini egg into her mouth.
"Yes, yes we are." I smiled and smiled and smiled as we sat under the sycamore tree in the sunshine, surrounded by everyone we cared about, discussing my marriage to the most wonderful man I had ever met.
The end
There you go, I've eaten far too much chocolate today but oh well. I really have to go cos my dinners ready, love you all, remember to be kind to yourself❤🧡💛💚💙💜
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