Did you just come out to me?
an. hello, im writing this on my laptop and i dont really know how wattpad works on here so bear with me:) also, there might be missing capitols as im used to autocorrect, sorry about that. i used to write phan and now im writing johnlock because why not? i doubt this book will have many stories but i just thought i might as well write something as i have some ideas. i hope you enjoy this fluff:). BTW, there are swears in this. i started of with censoring them with shiz and fudging but it sounded stupid so now they are just swear words. Sorry about that.
Word count: about 1200
John's pov
My fingers drummed against the table as i watched the clock. I don't know why i was watching the clock, its not like I'm waiting for something. Well ok, maybe I am. Sherlock went out half an hour ago and I already miss him. Gosh that's sad isn't it? Did my mind just use gosh as an exclamation? I'm so strange. What was i thinking about again? I really need to get more sleep but its hard with a one and a half year old and a dead wife. thank god i have Sherlock, i genuinely don't know what i would do without him. I thought he would be dreadful with kids but he's actually really good with Rosie. I think he's trying to overcompensate for what happened with Mary by taking extra care with her. I notice that the pain i used to feel when thinking about that day is much less now. I guess im used to grief from all those army days. Besides, i still have Rosie. And Sherlock. He's so handsome and funny and sometimes he is really kind. And Rosie loves him and so do... Oops, no, no i don't. Well I do and im not sure if its just as a friend anymore. No, it is as friends. It can't be more because he's ace and aro and im almost straight. There is the almost though and he is so pretty with his cheekbones and (insert gayness here but im bad at describing men as an ace lesbian so sorry). John, you have to stop. You are fantasising about him again. I guess that's what happens when you only get 2 hours of sleep a night, you fall in love with your best friend. ugh. I get up and stretch, wondering what i should do about this, this situation. Well this is fun.
Sherlocks pov
Well that was a waste of time. Too easy, it was so obviously the next door neighbour, he might as well have painted 'i am the murderer' on his forehead. Boring. Why is everything so boring at the moment? Everything is always boring but usually cases aren't. Why do i always wish i was somewhere else when im doing them? i guess she is very cute and stuff but why do i want to go back to a flat with a crying baby? Because i love her and he's there. Ooh. i stop suddenly, my eyes arrested by the shop window display. I like that. I'll just go and have a look.
Johns pov
The downstairs door banged shut and my eyes opened. Shoot, i must have fallen asleep. I hope Rosie hasn't woken up. i listen carefully for any crying. There isn't any so i assume she must be fast asleep still. I breathe a sigh of relief. I should get up. i check the clock. 5;30. bollocks, i really should get up and make some dinner. But then again i could just lie here and go back to sleep. Surprise surprise, i choose the latter.
Sherlocks pov
The door bangs as i open it. Oh dear, that had better not have disturbed Rosie or I'll never hear the end of it from John. I stand for a moment in the open door and listen carefully. No howling so i should be fine. To make up for my brash entrance, i quietly tiptoe up the stairs to the flat, closing the door softly behind me as i go. I open the door to the sitting room and am surprised to see John asleep on the sofa. Actually, that's quite a relief considering what I've just bought. It was really very nice and he's not the most observant of people so i doubt he would have noticed it anyway. Besides, if he did I'm sure he wouldn't know what it meant. Just then, John opened his eyes slightly and turned to look at me just standing there, watching him sleep. Well this isn't awkward.
Johns pov (sorry about all the pov switches but thats just how i seem to be writing today)
My eyes are closed and I'm just drifting back to sleep when i hear Sherlock come in. At least, i hope it's Sherlock or i should probably be more worried. I open my eyes a tiny crack to check. Yup, definitely Sherlock. Why's he just standing there? I wait for him to speak for a few seconds. He doesn't so i open my eyes fully and turn so i can see him better.
"whatr you doing" my voice is slightly deeper than usual and thick with sleep.
"Hello John, I thought you were asleep."
"i was but now I'm awake."
"I can see that." This feels awkward. Why does this feel awkward? Just then i notice that Sherlock is holding something in his left hand.
"Why do you have a demiromantic paper weight in your hand?" He looked very taken aback as i sat up and reached out to take it from him to see it better. Yes, this was definitely the demiromantic flag inside a paper weight.
"Umm, no reason" i raise my eyebrows as he flushed a light shade of pink.
"Are you.. Erm" now i feel even more awkward, "Are you demiromantic?"
"No. Maybe. If i was, which i'm definitely not, it wouldnt be any of your business anyway." This was weird. Sherlock was being distinctly weird. Weider than usual i mean. And then it clicked.
"Oh. My. God."
"What?" his eyes were very wide now.
"The only way you would know you were demi was if you had fallen in love with someone. Have you fallen in love with someone?" My stomach clenched as i asked this, wondering who it was that had made Sherlock realise he was demi instead of aro.
"N no. Why would you think that? Shut up, you don't even know what you are talking about!" This was distinctly unSherlock like and i was getting very suspicious now.
"Meethinks the lady doth protest too much." I teased him, still filled with curiosity and apprehension about this new romantic interest of his.
"No she doesn't. Besides, how do you know so much about being demiromantic, i thought only queer people or people who are friends with queer people knew a lot about such a marginalised identity."
Shit, how had he made this about me? I stood in open mouthed silence thinking "erm, i am a queer people you stupid man. I'm the bloody B in LGBTQ+. I mean fucking hell, how have you not noticed I'm in love with you!" I calm down slightly and think of a better reason i can say out loud. "I'm a blogger. I internet for a living, alongside doctoring and detecting; I'm a man of many talents, of course I know about gay shit!" Sherlock is staring at me. Like literally staring. Like a fish out of water. Did i say something i didn't mean to? After what felt like forever but was actually only a few seconds, he spoke.
"Did you just come out to me?"
"And say you're in love with me?"
"Double fuck". We stood in awkward silence for a few moments before he spoke again with a deep breath and an outpouring of words.
"Ok. Yes, I am demiromantic. And ok, also yes, i have fallen in love with someone." My heart dropped. Oh dear, I've just told him I love him and he's fallen in love with someone else. All i could manage was a whispered "who?"
"Who? What do you mean who?"
He was playing stupid, well this was going to be fun.
"Who have you fallen in love with?"
"And you said I'm a stupid man for not noticing you're in love with me? I mean, do i need to spell it out?"
"Possibly." My brain had appeared to stop functioning. "I'm confused."
"Oh for Fucks sake John! I'm in love you too, you stupid man."
OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. My brain genuinely exploded and i just stared at him.
"Are you ok?"
"Did you just come out to me?"
"And tell me you love me?"
"Can i kiss you now?"
"I thought you'd never ask, of course you can!"
I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him and kissed him and kissed him. It was like magic. No not magic because Sherlock is much too real to be magic and he doesn't believe in it anyway, like fireworks.
an. finished:) I hope you liked it. I'm now either going to read more Johnlock oneshots by @Ceinwencooke123 which are really very good btw and you should go and read right now if you haven't or rewatch Sherlock. I actually want to go and watch the last episode of the irregulars which im watching with my mum rn and prompted me writing and reading Johnlock but shes gone out so i cant. i might watch it now anyway and watch it with her again later. It's really very good even though the characters are nothing like they are in the original stories or in Sherlock but oh well. John is pretty nasty in it which is a real shame but oh well, it's still brilliant. Anyway, Ima go, bye bye and thank you if you actually read this:)
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