Chapter 2
Jade POV
"I know there's more.. though this is recent." I say in the hug, he was stiff.
"I've felt myself slipping recently.. ever since I lost that book and Seraphina got suspended Arlo hasn't stopped pushing my buttons. He already knows about my ability and now Seraphina has somehow lost hers-" I cut him off.
"Wait.. lost her ability? How? Is she the girl I saw on the rooftop with you?" I ask pulling away from the hug.
"Yeah she was, we still don't know how but after these people injected her with something they came back for her. We managed to fend them off somehow even though they did something to jam our abilities.. when she woke up she couldn't use her abilities anymore." He says making my eyes widen.. is that even possible?
"That's scary." I say as he looks at me.
"What about you? Why did you transfer to this school now and not at the beginning of the year?" He asks making me freeze for a second.
"What you thought you were the only one with questions?" He asks and I could see the slight smirk.
"Well after the way you treated me earlier, yes." I say glancing at him.
"Sorry.. I just didn't wanna talk then. Seraphina doesn't know anything about my ability or past." He says petting my head.
"And to be honest you coming out of nowhere to question me wasn't the best thing ever." He says with a sigh.
"I guess.. sorry if I surprised you." I say looking at him.
"It's fine, it's good to see you again. But why did you transfer now and not before or after at the beginning?" He asks again and I look down at my lap again.
"I was queen of my last school, as you know being a royal comes with rumors, pressure, all eyes on you.. and when you're dating the king things are worse. We were dating for a few months and we'd been friends for years.. but then I found out he was cheating on me. Needles to say everyone found out and the rumors didn't stop, he wasn't even sorry and he could've cared less a long with everyone else.. they didn't care about me at all. Even those I thought were my friends.. they knew about it and never told me. I was humiliated and had to get away from there.. so here I am." I say letting out a sigh.
"I guess I understand why you're doing it.. you don't want to be a part of all this, you want to stay away from the whispers when you walk down the hall, the pressure of having to do everything right. You wanted to disconnect, but that also meant being a punching bag for the worthless kids who believe are better than you just to feel some sort of power because of the royals." I say looking at him.
"Don't you? You want to manage your anger and keep yourself what doing what you did before. You had been a cripple your whole life and when you finally get an ability you believed it would stop.. but it just got worse." I mumble as he nodded.
"As long as your happy I guess it doesn't matter what you do right?" I say making a half smile apear on his lips.
"Yeah.. you should get going though." He says getting up.
"Wait, don't you have a phone I can contact you with?" I ask.
"No, it broke I still need to buy a new one. But I promise I'll give it to you when I do k?" He asks walking to the door as I follow.
"Fine, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." I say as he nods. He walks me to the door to get out of the dorm and was about to open it when I hug him.
"I've missed you." I mumble to his chest feeling happy when he hugged me back petting my hair.
"Me too.. now go before you get in trouble. And one last thing." He says making me look up at him.
"I don't want anyone to know we're siblings.. I don't want anyone connecting us together so please be careful." He says and I nod even though I felt a bit hurt.
"Yeah, sure. Bye." I say opening the door and leaving the room heading back to mine. Once there I notice Blyke and Isen are still here. I open the door and get to my room door stepping inside and looking for cloth to take a bath.
"Oh you're back, how did it go?" Remi asked as I open the door again to go to the bathroom.
"Good, just a warm welcome." I say giving her a slight smile before walking past her and to the bathroom. I slowly strip off the uniform and step into the shower letting the warm water hit my back.
'I don't want anyone to know we're siblings.' The words still rang in my head, was this only to keep his reputation as a cripple or is it just because he's embarrassed of me somehow? Things kept crossing my mind until finally I got dressed and walked out. I guess I shouldn't treat him any different then.. he'll just be a stranger to me.
"Are you ok?" I jumped a bit and look up to see Blyke there.. right in front of me. I feel my cheeks burn before nodding.
"Yeah." I say noticing his blush as well when he looked at me and looked away.. that's right I have a crop top and shorts.
"Um, well I'm leaving now." He says before almost running to the door and out making me blink.. he's actually pretty cute.. wait what? I just ended a relationship what the hell am I even thinking?! I sigh and open the door to my room letting myself flop on the bed feeling myself blush. His blushing face didn't leave my mind. God what the hell I don't even know him for goodness sake!
Still he seems pretty sweet.. maybe I can ask Remi about him? But what if they're dating? That wouldn't be good at all. Maybe I should just get to know him the old fashion way? I guess that's my only option huh?
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