Chapter 3
Third Person POV
Seraphina and William were walking to the sandwich store when Seraphina looked at him. She had been meaning to ask either him or John about Adira but never found the right chance. Of course she could've asked Adira herself but she felt it a bit uncomfortable.
"Hey." She says gaining William's attention.
"Who was the girl that came with you? John seems really attached to her." Seraphina asked.
"Oh, that's right we forgot to introduce her to you!" William says surprised, how could they forget to introduce her?
"I guess I just thought John would talk more about her to you but I guess not. Her name's Adira, she's the daughter of a good friend of mine so her and John basically grew up together. They also started dating some time ago so I really thought he had told you about her." William explained surprising Seraphina. A girlfriend? He never even mentioned that to her.
"Uh, no he hadn't told me anything." Seraphina answered looking down. Now that she thought about it, she really didn't know much about John other than his personality and after the game last night she had started to wonder about it.
Adira POV
The day went by without a cinch. We talked and hung out, he talked to me about what happened with a guy named Arlo who is currently the king of this school. He looked so mad while talking about it too. I was just surprised there wasn't any trouble today and he seemed fairly calm as well.. I spoke too soon.
"Hey there John, who's your friend here?" I sigh and walk closer to the annoying boy glaring at him.
"I have no interest in people like you so please leve us alone or I'll have to make you." I say.
"If you're hanging out with a cripple like him you can't be that-" I place two fingers on his forehead and activated my ability and before he knew it he was on his knees in front of me, saliva was coming out of his mouth and I smirk.
"Not that you'll understand what I'm saying right now but please refrain from speaking to me again in the future, also you'll be back to normal in about 10 minutes." I say turning around and walk towards John who looked surprised as did everyone in the corridor.
"I didn't know you could do that." He says as we started walking to our last class.
"Neat huh? I learned this a few months ago, still I can only use it on one person at a time and can't defend myself while using it because it takes every bit of brain power I have, stupid having to waist so much energy on only touching certain parts of the brain to make him brain dead for a few minutes." I say.
"Really? What else can you do if you can do that?" He asked.
"Uh, I could control someone if I wanted to and change their personality and memories by rewriting the electrical signals of the human body." I say taking a seat.
"But it takes an awful lot of time to do and I need to be concentrated in just that until I'm finished. So it's not the best thing to do during a fight and it does tire me out a bit more." I say as he sits next to me.
"Still that's a sweet trick to have up your sleeve, what can't you do with your ability?" He asks for once making me think.
"I guess fixing, I mean my ability is very destructive really." I say as he chuckles.
"True." He says before the teacher started class. After school we headed straight to his house avoiding trouble at all cause. We hung out with his dad and Seraphina when we got back and I got to talk to her a bit as well, she seems pretty cool honestly.
When night came we had to say bye to William who seemed to have bonded with Seraphina quite a lot. And just like that the day was over, we fell asleep and waited for the next day.
School starting to get exhausting, not the work, the students. Nothing was different at all. We were talking when we made it to his house and I block his hand from touching the handle.
"John.. that's blood." I say after a few seconds there and finally we opened the door to see Seraphina on the floor.
"Sera!" John yelled as I just stay there shocked. She had her phone in her hand and a knife was on the floor. John was freaking out trying to get her to wake up.
"John stop moving her you're hurting her more!" I say finally snapping out of it and running to his side and lifting her shirt.
"We need someone that can heal her, I can stop the bleeding for now and close the wound but I can't heal it completely." I say activating my ability and touching her wound with the blood moving it and bringing it back in it's place closing the wound as best I could as John was ordering something of someone.
"Someone's coming to help." He says and I nodded unable to deactivate my ability until that person comes. Soon two people came, a blond guy and a blue haired girl.
"Seraphina! Wake up! How did you end up like this?!" The girl yells making me glare, what the hell is she doing?
"J-John... you creep...! W-What the heck did you do?! How DARE you hurt her?! What did she do to deserve this?! You better explain now!" I glare at her as John slapped her. If she's supposed to be the healer what the hell is she wasting her energy yelling for?
"Will you shut the fuck up! I didn't call you here to listen to your worthless rambling! Hurry up and heal her!" John yelled at her and as she activated her ability I deactivated mine leaning on him while closing my eyes.
"You ok?" He asked and I nodded.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I say before opening my eyes again some time later when the blue haired girl talked.
"O-Okay, all done. Most of the damage was from the stab wound. She should be fine now." She said.
"Then why hasn't she woken up yet?" He asked her.
"It's strange. She... she's perfectly healthy yet something is off." Oh boy, I sat up knowing what came next.
"'Something is off', huh? No shit! Anyone could've figured that out! What exactly?! Be specific!" He yells.
"I-I don't know! That's beyond my power!" The girl answers making me sigh.
"So fucking useless! You call yourself a healer?!" I take in a long breath before placing my hand on his.
"Why don't you do it? We both know your ability is superior." I say causing him to look at me then at the scared girl and he sighs before activating his ability and scanned Seraphina finding a little hole on her neck making my eyes widen.
"What the hell is this?!" He says.
"That's a needle." I answer knowing the wound all too well hugging myself.
"Maybe she was drugged and that's why she's not waking up. But how did they manage to catch her?" The blond guy says as John heals the wound.
"I don't care about that. All I want to know.. is who did this to her." He says before looking at me and taking my hand in his pulling me closer.
"H-hey!" I say as I see his ability still activated and soon I felt the needle wounds in my hand heal before he got down and carried Seraphina to his room.
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