Chapter 1
Adira POV
"What? I can't visit my own son?" Will says crossing his arms raising a brow at John who was still to know I was here.
"You could've at least told me ahead of time!" John says.
"Huh? How? You hung up on me last week and ignored all my calls afterwards." Will says as John stays quiet.
"And besides I thought you would love to see her again." Will continued pointing at me.
"Her?" John asked before his eyes land on me and I give a wave with a smile.
"Hey." I say as his eyes widen.
"Adira.. you're here." He says as I walk closer to him slowly until I was right in front of him.
"It's really you.." He says as I nodded placing my hand on his cheek caressing it.
"Yeah, I've missed you." I say but the only thing he does is wrap his hands around my waist pulling me into a hug burying his face on my neck surprising me but soon smiled caressing his hair. We stayed like that for a few seconds before he pulled away taking my hand.
"Hey Sera, could you give us a minute?" John asked placing his free hand on Will's shoulder pulling him.
"Sure, looks like you need it." She says.
"Come on, dad!" John started pulling on Will's shoulder for him to follow.
"Wha? This is how you treat your father? At least let me put my bag down first!" I chuckle at them.
"Hurry up then!" John says back, I really missed him, I missed this. I look at our hands, yeah I really missed this. Soon we were outside.
"When I call, I expect you to answer! Otherwise, what am I supposed to think? I've got no choice but to come check on you!" Will didn't look very happy about John ignoring him.
"I'm sorry! But look, I'm doing fine!" John says from beside me gripping my hand which told me he wasn't doing that well, but I won't mention that to Will.
"Yeah, I noticed. You've even got a girl living with you! Anything else you wanna tell me?" I look at John I too want to know why she's staying here.
"She's only here cause she's got nowhere else to stay for the week! I wasn't just gonna leave her stranded outside." John answers.
"Ooohh suuurre, she seems like a nice girl though. I enjoyed talking to her." Will says.
"What did she say?" John asked.
"That you got her suspended and apparently you talk about me a lot." Will answers.
"He also asked her which one of you was stronger, thankfully she took it as a joke. How come you didn't tell him you requested to be treated as a cripple here John?" I ask surprising Will.
"What?! Requesting to be treated as a cripple?! Are you insane?! If others think you can't defend yourself, they'll tear you apart! That's the first thing I taught you! What the hell made you think this was a good idea?!" I sigh.
"Well now I know why you didn't tell him, it's better this way. When you don't want to be a part of something you just do your best to lay low. Having the power he has that would be impossible and it would also mean the whole incident could happen again.. so it's better like this." I answer for John causing Will to sigh.
"Besides I have Sera. She doesn't judge me based on how strong or weak I am and I can always trust her to have my back. Plus she helps me with my school work and we have a lot of fun together." I bite my lip and look away, I'm not judging him and I do trust him but.. still I can't help but feel jealous.
"You're really ok with the way things are?" Will asked.
"Yeah..." John answers.
"John I want to be able to support your choices.. but you're not making any sense. You mention 'trust', yet you've been lying all this time. How long do you plan on keeping this from her?" He's right, as much as Seraphina has been there with him when I wasn't she only knows the John he's created, the John who's nice and let's nothing get to him, the vulnerable John. She doesn't know about his past.
"Uh, I.." I look at John as he looks away. I know why he doesn't want to tell her but still..
"You can't hide this forev-"
"I KNOW THAT!" John cuts his father off by yelling and getting up suddenly, surprising me.
"Look I just.. don't see any reason to tell her right now!" He says making me sigh.
"That's enough arguing for one day and a guest is waiting inside. So come on." I say getting up and extended my hand to him.
"I didn't come all the way here to see you sad." I say as he looks at my hand before giving a small smile and taking it.
"Ok." He says and I pull him inside with me where he started doing homework.
"Can I help?" I ask taking a seat next to him after some time seeing him struggling.
"You sure? I mean I don't-" I cut him off by taking his paper away.
"You always were difficult to help. Now shush." I say looking over the problems sweat dropping.
"And a hard head." I say looking at him.
"Well that's mean." He says crossing his arms and scoffing as I giggle and kiss his cheek.
"Thankfully you have me." I say and started helping him with his homework.
"How come you're not even taking the class and you know about all this?" He asks after some time exasperated making me chuckle.
"You know the answer to that, this is basic math for me." I say jumping when Will yelled.
"WTF, you're still doing homework?!"
"Shut up dad! It's difficult!" John yelled back.
"If it's so difficult, how come she finished hours ago and Adira is helping you?" I bite my lip to hide my laugh.
"Look, I didn't fly all the way here just to watch my son do homework the whole time! Come on let's play cards. Where's your Poker set?" Will said getting up from the couch.
"But I'm not finished yet!" John yelled.
"Just do it in the morning or something." Will answers as I shake my head smiling.
"Do it in the morning? Heh, your dad is pretty awesome." Seraphina says.
"I'll do your homework tonight, I don't want you losing sleep over this. But you owe me one." I say finishing his homework in seconds using my ability to accelerate my hand movements and write at lightning speed.
"Of course you are. Are you going to play with us?" He asks with a sweat drop as I finish the paper.
"Nah, I'm gonna sleep. It was a long day and my brain needs a break." I say kissing his cheek.
"Are you sure? We just did homework together." He says as I get up.
"Yeah, I don't feel like playing with you and your father when I'm tired. You can make it up to me tomorrow." I say smirking before continuing.
"You can show me around school and everything." I say making him blink.
"Wait.. you're joining my school?" He asks as I smirk and nod.
"Yeah!" I say giving him a peace sign causing him to smile and hug me.
"That's awesome, I get to have you with me every day now." He says as I nod.
"Now where's the shower here?" I ask.
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