Whisked up in Thoughts- Jim and Pam
Pam's pov
Breaking up with Roy was something I had to do. So many reasons excessively dripping until it all finally flooded my mind. Roy had stopped loving me a long time ago, not only that he stopped trying to act like it.
Sick and tired of being his maid, mom and everything but his fiance, I finally stopped ignoring it. I finally stopped acting like everything was ok. I stopped acting like Jim wasn't slowly stealing my ever-breaking heart.
The final straw was pulled when he yelled at me because I was mad he already made plans with his brother on our anniversary. He didn't get me anything, which ultimately hurt less than the fact that he completely forgot.
Being newly single after so many years, I forgot how it felt to not have a ring on my finger shielding me from new possibilities. I forgot how it felt to actually look at somebody other than my fiance and not feel guilty. There was no weight around my left ring finger to hold me back, I felt free for the first time.
The ring had no moral power over me anymore.
I thought I could make it through a few days without everyone in the office knowing but if Kelly is your colleague you're bound to have no privacy.
Within the first three hours of my first day being single, everyone knew. Everyone except for Jim that is.
He was on leave for the day, he didn't mention why, he only sent in an email to Michael for his leave to be approved.
I was filled with an odd feeling. Angela sneaked disgusted faces at me while others gave me looks of sympathy. I didn't like this, I missed Jim and his stupid little jokes and his oddly creative pranks.
I missed his floppy brown hair and his hazel eyes. I missed how his tall frame leaned on the reception top just to make me smile for a few seconds.
I would be lying if I said that I never thought about Jim as more than just my best friend. About how his soft-looking pink lips would feel on mine. About how his large hands would feel on my body, running through my frizzy curls. About how he was in bed, probably vanilla, gentle and patient. I would be lying if I said I didn't think about it.
Work was boring as usual but Michael definitely crossed lines knowing the fact that I'm now single. Walking away from him every time he started talking about something inappropriate was an easy and pain-free solution.
Roy moved in with his brother so I had the house to myself till I find a new apartment. The majority of my night was searching for places to rent, with the exception of the 20 minutes I took to decide what to eat.
The search was unsuccessful even after 3 hours. I closed my laptop and threw away the empty food boxes before getting ready for bed. I couldn't wait to see Jim the next day.
I missed his sweet face.
Beep Beep Beep
I was somehow rolled in my blanket making me look quite like a burrito. I wonder how Jim would react if he saw me like this.
Getting ready was slightly nerve-wracking as this is the first time I'll see Jim as a single woman. I mean I've got to put on my cutest clothes. I decided on a light blue button-up, dark grey skirt and to top it off my light grey sweater that my mom made for me. I looked comfy and ready for a tiring day so those give plus points in my book.
Sitting at my desk as everyone walked, I looked normal to everyone in the office but inside I was nervous. Jim has not laid his eyes on me once since I broke up with Roy. I'm sure he doesn't even know.
He walked in with a grin, "Hey Beesly" I greeted him back with a large smile. We made small talk as he hung his coat and then he walked to his desk.
Every glance, every smile, every word from him makes my skin burn. He didn't seem to act any different now that I was single, maybe he doesn't know... No. How is that possible? Kelly tells Jim everything.
I'm happy he's not acting different, I'm happy that he's the same old Jim I can fall back on when I need a good old laugh.
I was not bored. When I had no task to do I would just stare at the man sitting a few feet from me. Doing exactly this, I noticed his behavior shift after a particular call on his personal phone.
He seemed different, I couldn't be sure how different but I knew he wasn't as loose as he usually was.
"Hey Pam, you wanna come have drinks with us?" Oscar smiled at me, I said I would because I didn't always get to spend time with them when I was with Roy.
Oscar said we were gonna go to this bar he knew, which made me happy since Roy was definitely going to be at Poor Richards.
As we all settled into a booth that was kind of hidden in the back, I started to soak in the ambiance. It was a dimly lit bar with deep red seats. A pool table pushed to the side and some sports game playing above the bartender. It was almost a typical bar scene, except the people were a little less chaotic.
In Poor Richards, everyone seemed to be touching and arguing about something or the other but the atmosphere here was calm and buzzing at the same time.
"It's a shame Jim couldn't come the first night you're out with us." Kelly groaned. She liked Jim, they were both friends and oddly enjoyed each other's company. They had a healthy platonic relationship, always complimenting each other and critiquing.
"Oh. I didn't know he wasn't coming." I can't say I wasn't disappointed, although I was still happy to be here.
"It was quite surprising though, he always comes out with us." Oscar commented. "Yea well he said he was busy tonight." Toby replied, I thought back to the phone call he had earlier. Maybe it's related to that.
"He never has plans. I bet he's on a date." Kevin said, his tongue sticking out on the side of his large grin.
A date. I'm not sure why but I never thought to worry about him looking at other girls. I just hope Kevin's wrong because he has a way of predicting things.
"Speak of the devil... Incredibly hot devil. Jesus Jim is so... Wow!" Kelly spoke, her eyes on the bar door. I turned my head to see a completely different Jim.
He was dressed in a slim-fit black shirt that was unbuttoned on the top and tucked into black slim-fit trousers. The sleeves of his shirt rolled up showing off his taut forearms, and the tight shirt revealed his lean body.
"There's no way that's him. That guy looks too good." Kevin said trying to make a compelling argument. "It might be his twin. Does he have a secret twin?" Oscar asked as he stared at him in shock.
"No he doesn't. He has brothers but no twin..." I finally commented. We watched as he sat on a bar stool.
"Damn... Why doesn't he do his hair like that every day? It makes him look so much hotter than he already is." Ryan looked at her in disbelief.
"Really Kelly?"
"What? I'm appreciating his beautiful features." she shrugged. I only noticed his hair after Kelly spoke cause I was a little distracted by his body that was not drowning in his usual loose-fitting clothes.
He looked very sexy. I'll say it. I immediately withdrew my words about him being vanilla. Dressed like that? He looks like he could really show me a good time. Why can't I stop thinking about him in bed?
"We should call him over right- well nevermind." Oscar stopped as we saw a beautiful girl with wavy chestnut hair, just a little shorter than him. She was dressed in black silk blouse (unbuttoned at the top) tucked into her black trousers.
Jim saw her and smiled big, he stood and hugged the girl tight before saying something and spinning around to show her his outfit. She did the same and they chuckled before sitting down at the bar.
My heart sunk. Could he really be seeing someone else?
The group found it hard to move on from the new revelation. It was too intriguing and new for them to let it go. Jim? The office cutie. Now also incredibly hot? It seemed to be indigestible.
I looked over at the supposed couple. They were talking. Obviously, I couldn't hear anything they were saying. She looked distraught, and he looked at her with empathy before wrapping an arm around her, she rested her head on his shoulder and he kissed her hair.
I looked away, my eyes green with envy. Kelly was talking about some random celebrity that she found attractive. I rested my face on my chin and sipped on my cocktail.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw them leave. I needed to take my mind off of them. So I engaged in the random conversations with my friends.
I woke up with a sheen of sweat all over my skin. The lower half of my body was awake and yearning for something in my dream, rather someone. His new look seemed to not want to leave my mind. Stuck to me like honey on a spoon.
My head buzzed from the drinks last night, but there was an ache in my nether region that needed to be tended too.
I sat at my desk feeling my neck go warm as I watched Jim walk into the office. His face was all too fresh in my mind from this morning.
He was wearing his baggy clothes again. Hiding away his body under the light cotton fabric. He grinned as he saw me, and I smiled back at him.
"Morning Beesly!" he greeted, "Hi Jim." he turned to walk to his desk.
Kelly was waiting for Jim in his chair, ready to confront him.
He stood in front of his desk in complete confusion. "Hey Kel. Why are you sitting on my chair?" his eyebrow raised.
Everyone was not so discreetly looking at them. "You wanna tell me why you don't dress up like you did last night here?" she asked him with an accusing tone.
He looked like a deer in headlights.
"What? I don't know what you're talking about." he started as he dropped his satchel on his desk.
"Really? Not even with this picture?" she turned her phone to show a picture where he was standing with the mystery girl.
He was caught red handed. He let out a heavy sigh and said "ok fine. I just dress up like that sometimes to meet people." Kelly's ears perked up.
"Meet people huh? So she's your date?" he shook his head, poker face to reveal absolutely nothing.
"Thats none of your business." by now Kelly got up and Jim sat in his chair.
"Don't be like this Jim. I'm your best friend!" he was clearly amused by her self proclamation.
"Kel I'm sorry but I don't mix business and personal." .
My heart threatened to stop beating.
I know. I sound dramatic, but as much as I deny the fact that I'm in love with Jim the more it grows. The more it consumes my entire ability to think straight.
I wonder if this mystery girl makes him feel like that. He deserves nothing short of eternal happiness, is what I want to believe. I want him to be as hopelessly in love with me as I am with him.
The day went by with Kelly torturing Jim to break and tell us who the girl was. Although he didn't seem to be close to disclosing the wanted information he constantly looked at me for help. As much as I wanted to be the helpful best friend, I ignored him.
Did he not feel the need to tell me about him seeing someone? Did he not think to tell me about this maybe very serious girlfriend? Why did he feel like he couldn't tell me?
I knew it hurt him to see me ignoring him but I couldn't help it.
Sat for lunch with a salad that is way too bland for my liking, alone. He opens the kitchen door a bag of chips in his hand, and grabs his ham and cheese sandwich before sitting next to me.
"Hi." he let out, I looked at him and couldn't help but smile back. "Hi." I looked at his sandwich before taking another bite of my almost tasteless food.
"Why are you ignoring me?" he quirked his eyebrow, opening the potato chips.
"I'm..." I looked up into his eyes and couldn't help but lie "...not".
"I would beg to differ." he smiled, he didn't seem mad about it. I let out a heavy sigh before talking.
"Yes ok? I've been ignoring you cause I don't like the fact that you didn't tell me about your girlfriend. I mean come on Jim we're best friends! You didn't even talk to me after I broke up with Roy! You didn't mention it even once." he looked stunned. Like he was drowning in the words that spilled from my mouth.
Like a puppy, his large hazel eyes looked at me, helpless. "You didn't tell me about Roy. I'm so sorry I didn't know to say anything."
Stupid, dumb, idiotic Pam. Why didn't I just shut my mouth? Why did I have to say that? Ugh, now he's looking at me for forgiveness. How is he even real?
"Oh. I thought Kelly might've told you." he shook his head, "No. Uhm, she didn't." we sat in silence for days. Ok that's an exaggeration but it surely felt like it.
"She's not my girlfriend." he broke the silence that was once suffocating us.
"Larissa. She's my sister." I looked at him my eyes wide. I cannot believe I made such a big deal out of this. I knew he had a sister why didn't I make the connection?
Maybe because just seeing him with a woman made me jealous. Still I didn't speak a word.
"She called me sometime before we were done for the day and asked if we could meet because she needed to talk." I looked at my fork, green blur slipped away and I started to see clearly.
"I thought I told you about her." he said, his tone questioning me in a way.
"You did. I just... She looks very different now." he smiled and shook his head.
"Well, that's what happens to a kid in 3 years. She's 22 now, so she's been dealing with new problems. Just needed her dear old brother's comfort. I mean obviously, she wouldn't go to the other nutcases." he blabbered on.
I laughed, his humor never failed to rise a noise from me.
"I'm sorry." I looked at him guiltily. He smiled, a sign of forgiveness.
Forgiveness. Could I imagine?
No. The answer is no. If I had done this to Roy or the type of guys Roy was friends with, I would've not been sitting fearlessly to the consequence of my action.
"So... You know I have to ask." he grinned and looked away.
"Yea I know. Whenever my sister and I meet one of us picks a dress code. So yesterday she picked James Bond but in all black." I couldn't help but let out an amused laugh.
He was endearing, to say the least.
We continued talking about random things. He even said he would help me find a new place!
"Say... You wouldn't mind going out for dinner with me tonight?" he asked, a dusty shade of pink rising on his neck and cheeks.
"I think I could spare some time on you." he smirked knowing me well enough to know I was kidding.
The rest of the day was much more fun now that I didn't need to be worried.
A/n: well this is plotless. I hope you enjoyed this no plot story. Yes.
Have a g'morning or g'night wherever you are... I love you guys
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