Unexpected Happiness- Jim and Karen
Karen's pov
"Jim, hang on a second." he cringed as he stopped walking out and sat back on the couch with his adorable goofy smile. Damn that smile.
"So, you're still doing this kind of stuff huh?" I looked at him with a soft smile. As much as I say I was over him, it was all a lie. It's hard to get over someone like Jim.
"Yeah, trying to quit though..." I looked into his eyes and I couldn't help but say what was actually on my mind.
"If you wanted to see me, you could have just called me like an adult."
"Oh no, didn't want to see you..." the way he averted his gaze was a tell that he was lying, so I gave him a pointed look.
He sighed "Ok I wanted to see you, but it felt rude of me to try and talk to you after I broke up with you." he looked at me this time, completely sincere.
I raised my eyebrows "And this elaborate plan to bomb the building wasn't rude?" my tone was anything but playful.
"Hey see I didn't want to do that. I specifically made sure Dwight wouldn't hurt anyon-" he stopped talking when he noticed that my face was taken over by a smile.
I missed making him so flustered. "You were joking" he let a small chuckle out.
We grinned at each other, looking away as we realized how intimate the moment became.
"Jim why did you break up with me?" I blurted. He never gave me a proper answer, but I'm sure it was all for Pam.
I mean come on, he was in love with her and she confessed that she liked him back while we were together. There was no way that she wasn't the reason. I bet he's going to tell me that they both are happy and together in a relationship.
"I-" he started, he cleared his through and looked away before looking back into my eyes. "I was confused. I was in the middle of these two amazing women and I was confused." I rolled my eyes but before I could say anything he continued.
"I thought that I still loved Pam when she confessed, but I couldn't feel it in my heart as much anymore. I thought I wanted Pam but when I started to think things through, you were the only one that made me smile and laugh and actually feel when I was not feeling like myself. You're not Pam, but that's what makes you a million times better. Karen I had to break up with you because I didn't want you to waste time with someone who wasn't sure what they wanted. I think I'll always love Pam but not the same way I used to. I love someone else now." he ended his long speech.
I was dazed, did he indirectly just say he loved me? Was he actually here for me?
"Jim I-" he stopped me. "Listen, Karen, I know after doing what I did, I might've made you feel like you're my second option but you're not. I just didn't want to come to realize the wrong thing in the wrong situation. I'm ready emotionally to be in a relationship with you again. But of course, I'll wait until you feel ready only if you want to by the way... I'm sorry I shouldn't assume you want to be with me after what I put you through. I'm gonna leave." he stood up ready to walk out again but this time I walked over to the door and closed it.
I was in a comprising position in this moment, standing between Jim and the door. I could feel his breath on my nose, I placed my hands on his chest careful not to push him back cause I liked being this close to him.
"How would that work with me here and you in Scranton?" I looked into his beautiful hazel eyes as he gazed down at me with and amused face.
"I'll move here... You know there's one too many people back there." he grinned. I smiled as he brought back my words from that night in New York. I hid my face in his chest, all I wanted was for this to follow through.
"And what if we don't work out? Then what?" I looked back up. He looked up at the door before looking back down "I don't think we have to think about that right now".
The grin on his face was what sealed the deal for me. "Alright, I'll do it but how about we start after you move here and figure out your job situation?" he leaned down a bit, resting his forehead on mine.
"I think that sounds like a plan." we both smiled, happy with this unexpected conclusion.
"I feel like maybe we should seal this with something." he raised his eyebrow confused with what I was trying to ask of him.
"Kiss me you idiot."
"Oh!" he shook his head in amusement as he leaned closer to my face and kissed me slowly and softly. I could feel him smile into the kiss and I'm pretty sure he could feel me doing the same as well.
"Well, I'll see you soon?" he said as he got ready to leave, I nodded.
The only thing I could think of as he left my office was how this 6'3 man was going to be the death of me.
A/n: I know. I know. Jim and Karen aren't people's favorites. But I just want you guys to think about how happy they would've been if Pam wouldn't have been there. See in the podcast Jenna said that the writers were never sure that Jim and Pam would end up together. Pam and Roy could've actually been together and the same with Jim and Karen was an actual possibility. So no hate. If you don't like it then don't read it.
Have a g'morning or g'night wherever you are... I love you guys
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