Folie á Deux Rewrite • Peterick
I really wanna rewrite Folie á Deux
Carpe Noctem
Chapter 1- Mentions of 5 years before, homeschooling, not good with numbers, sees a man in the reflection at Walmart, group counseling
Chapter 2- Hears Justin ask why he can't touch him, mentions of nightmares, relapses
Chapter 3- Writes in notebook, homeschooling, tells the 'truth' (really just lying to himself but they don't know that)
Chapter 4- is told that Pete is real, sees another one of them (girl?)
Chapter 5- Justin touches him, Flashbacks, night terror, writes in notebook,
Chapter 6- News talks about a jailbreak, talks to Jones, panics, asks Mrs. Love to leave
Chapter 7- keeps a constant watch, sees a man, Gets a note
Chapter 8- Wakes up in the middle of the night, is taken back to the drug house
Chapter 9- meets Pete, is terrified, tortured/beaten/abused, writes in notebook
Chapter 10- tortured/beaten/abused, Talks with Pete more, writes in notebook
Chapter 11- tortured/beaten/abused, talks with Pete, writes in notebook, is close to death, saved by police
Chapter 12- wakes up in hospital, met by Dr. Johnson, refuses to talk unless Pete's there. Is told Pete is gone, isn't told where.
Chapter 13- Goes back to Mrs. Love's home, doesn't talk, doesn't interact with anyone, goes to the park to think for a while, thinks he heard voices
Chapter 14- Justin keeps trying to talk to him, he won't talk, he just ignores and writes and goes to the park where he finds Pete, hears voices doesn't tell anyone.
Chapter 15- Talks with Pete for a while, still hearing voices, changes into Mikey, changes back at end of chapter
Chapter 16- Pete explains what just happened, Patrick looks it up on his phone, realizes who the voices belong to, he pukes out of stress and tells Pete not to tell anyone, Pete agrees
Chapter 17- Patrick keeps changing, he keeps meeting up with Pete, Pete tells him it'll be alright, Patrick doesn't believe he's really crazy, doesn't believe it's actually happening,
Chapter 18- getting harder to control when he changes, meets up with Pete at the park, talks about changing so much and how horrible the voices are, Pete admits that he hears them too
Chapter 19- Patrick gets mad at Pete for not telling him, leaves. Goes home and writes, runs a chore for Mrs. Love. When he comes home, he blacks out and turns into Gerard
Chapter 20- Gerard takes over and beats Justin. Mrs. Love stops him and eventually Gerard blacks out. Patrick wakes up locked in his room. He beats on the door until his knuckles are bloody and eventually police come and take him to the jail. At the end of the chapter, he's sent to the mental institute
Patrick's lie to himself: He dreamt it all up that he was raped by Pete. Pete isn't real and he was traumatized by the nightmares that wouldn't go away and the nightmares began to happen five years before. He doesn't believe anything else. Claims the scars are from self-harm.
True story: Patrick grew up in the drughouse when his parents left him there. He was beaten daily, barely fed, and forced to sleep in the bathtub 24/7 unless someone went in there and, stressed, raped him. He didn't learn anything and had to learn a lot of things (like how to talk) on his own. Pete was the only person who cared for him because he was the youngest in the family. He was beaten, too.
Patrick underwent extreme emotional, verbal, physical, and sexual abuse. A few of the younger teens who had no sympathy tried Chinese water torture once or twice just to see if it would work.
At twelve years old (five years before), a sympathetic client who came to the drughouse one day, called 911 and had Patrick and Pete taken to the hospital leaving scars all over their bodies. When they left, one of the main dealers said Patrick and Pete would get what they deserved for it (they thought Pete and Patrick called 911). Patrick was taken into Mrs. Love's foster home and hates people because of the drug dealers.
Drug Dealers:
Victor Fuentes
Michael Fuentes
Tony Perry
Jaime Preciado
Alexander Gaskarth
Jack Barajas
Zack Merrill
Rian Dawson
Ashley Frangipane
Foster Kids:
Mrs. Love
Mr. Love
Carpe Diem
Chapter 1 - Patrick, another group therapy session, keeps thinking he sees Victor and Alex, Dr. Martinez is his new therapist, changes into Mikey during a solo therapy session and is terrified of everything. Starts having the dreams again.
Chapter 2 - Patrick, hears voices, Feels lonely, reads through notebook, refuses to talk, eats just fine, starts taking pills for his PTSD and nightmares are worse, changes into Ryan
Chapter 3 - Mikey, wakes up with a lengthy nightmare, cries and contemplates how things got here, misses Pete, Pete returns at the end of chapter
Chapter 4 - Frank, sent into solitary confinement, turns into Patrick and begs to be released but isn't, voices fill his head, is revealed that Pete has DID too
Chapter 5 - Ryan and Brendon, Ryan can't stop thinking, Brendon comforts him and tells him it'll be okay. Falls asleep as Patrick and has another dream about the Ferris wheel
Chapter 6 - Mikey comes out and Ray comes too soon after, introduces their relationship. Ray and Mikey, Ray tells Mikey it'll be okay, they kiss, fluffy smut.
Chapter 7 - The next day, Pete and Patrick wake up. Counseling, Dr. Martinez brings out all four of Patrick's personalities, gets their opinions on things,
Chapter 8 - Tyler is a new arrival, Patrick and Tyler talk for a while while Pete is at a really long session with Dr. Martinez. Patrick suggests the kitchen sink theory to him. Patrick makes friends with him and also tells him about the dreams.
Chapter 9 - Someone touches Patrick, he relapses, sees Vic this time, lengthy flashbacks
Chapter 10 - Ryan, Wakes up in his room with Ms. Martinez by his bed, is told what happened, asks for Joe. They talk for a while.
Chapter 11 - Patrick, goes back to his room where America's Suitehearts oneshot happens, Peterick. Patrick finally kisses Pete again.
Chapter 12 - Patrick changes into Frank in the middle of lunch in the blink of an eye and attacks Pete who changes into Gerard. Long fight, they're eventually split up and Frank is put into an appointment with Melanie. Talk about trying ECT
Chapter 13 - Frank, 2 days and still hasn't changed back. When he and Gerard manage to visit in private, Frank and him have sex.
Chapter 14 - Patrick changes back and is confronted by Tyler, Mike, Tré, and Billie that they're breaking out. Patrick agrees to help with the help of Pete. Dr. Martinez stops him in the hall to say Jones denied. Falls asleep and has another dream, this time Mr. Sandman shows up.
Chapter 15 - Ryan is out again and Pete comes into their room, they talk for a while and Ryan decides to write some of it down. Later, Patrick changes back and he and Pete decide to take their relationship further when Patrick says he wants to please Pete. Despite the fact he's ace.
Chapter 16 - Mikey and Ray talk about if it'll really work, Ray assures him that it will and they'll get out alive. The next morning, there's a group session. Tyler meets up with Patrick afterwards and he promises it'll happen on Thursday, it's Friday.
Chapter 17 - Mikey comes out and has a flashback, triggered by someone speaking Spanish, much like Vic did. Ray comes to his side and helps him forget.
Chapter 18 - Ryan is back and he talks with Tyler for a bit, ready to take action. Brendon joins him after a bit and they go back to their room where they make love. The next morning, Melanie stops Patrick in the halls and says he needs to come to her office tomorrow morning.
Chapter 19 - tension continues to build and Pete and Patrick return to normal for a bit, they talk about the escape and the plan with Billie, and Tyler. Patrick goes to Dr. Martinez's office and is forced into another room with ECT. Fire alarm goes off last minute and he breaks away.
Chapter 20 - On the way to escape, Patrick tries to get Tyler to come but he only gets a gun from security and shoots himself. Patrick and Pete and Billie are forced to run.
Patrick - Knows - Ace
Frank - Aggressive (hate sex) - Bi
Mikey - Scared - Str
Ryan - Thinks too much - Bi
Pete - Doesn't know - Gay
Gerard - Aggressive (hate sex) - Bi
Ray - Friendly
Joe - Normal (more like Patrick)
Brendon - thinks (not as much as Ry)
Peterick - Isn't much of a relationship, friends, known each other for a while but have been out of contact.
Frerard - Abusive, rough sex, just met
Rikey - Light fluff, healing smut, Mikey healing, coming out to Ray, they've known each other for a long time
Ryden - Lots of fluff, Brendon comforting Ryan's constant buzzing worries and thoughts, have known each other for about a month (Little Talks)
Patrick is the boy who was born, the boy all the personalities were based off of. No personality. Numb. Depressed. Doesn't believe in the disorder. Doesn't think he belongs there, hears the voices of Frank, Andy, Mikey, and Ryan. (Schizophrenia, PTSD, BPD, Selectively Mute)
Frank represents the people who lived at the drughouse. Drughouse happened but he's unafraid. Aggressive. Doesn't believe in the disorder. Knows what Vic did to him. (Anger issues, snaps a lot, violent)
Mikey is the boy Patrick was after the abuse, the boy he was turned into without the lies. Drughouse happened to him. Doesn't believe in the disorder. (PTSD, BPD, anxiety)
Andy is Patrick after he's lied to himself so much. He's the fake persona. Drughouse never happened to him. Doesn't believe in the disorder. Terrified of Pete. (Anxiety)
Ryan is Patrick's thoughts. His wonders. Drughouse happened but it kind of just made him question everything. He thinks too much and gets lost in the thoughts. Believes in the disorder. (Depression, Bipolar Disorder, BPD)
Tyler always has theories, severe depression, suicidal, hears voices in his head, hears Josh in his head, always doubts himself, goes into episodes where he screams for the voices to go away and will attack anyone who comes near him. Can't find a purpose.
Clozapine - Suicidal/Schizophrenia/DID
Olazapine - Schizophrenia/Bipolar
Ziprasidone - Schizophrenia/Bipolar
Mikey + Gerard + Frank + Ray - Mikey was raped by his dad, everyone thought it was Frank and Gerard hated Frank after that even though they were close friends. Frank loves Gerard and tried to tell him but he wouldn't believe it. Ray's there to comfort Mikey when he can't take anymore and everything is depressing.
Ryan + Brendon - Ryan's parents are homophobic and he went into psychology to try to figure himself out but he found out there's nothing wrong with being gay, Brendon has always been there but Ryan's been pushing him away and pulling him back at the same time.
Chapter 1 - Patrick and Pete part ways with Billie in Portland and together they try to decide what to do. Patrick suggests they go back to Tacoma to see Jones and after some hesitation, Pete agrees.
Chapter 2 - Travel to Tacoma on foot, pick pocketing other people for food and places to stay. Patrick continues to have dreams about the Ferris wheel. Arrive at end of chapter.
Chapter 3 - They find Jones' house. She promises not to tell anyone about them escaping as long as they promise to explain themselves and they do. Patrick tells her about ECT. Eventually she agrees to help them.
Chapter 4 - They stay at Jones' for a week. Patrick changes to Ryan for a bit, then to Gerard where he's restrained, but overall stays as himself. Same for Pete. Dreams about the Ferris wheel, Patrick knows he has to find it.
Chapter 5 - Finally leave again with $5,000 and food from Jones. Patrick is confronted by a woman, his mother. She explains everything that happened and about Justin and he doesn't forgive her for what she did. Ends the chapter where he holds her at gunpoint and she is forced to leave. Pete shows up as well.
Chapter 6 - Mikey and Brendon, on the way to Love's, they find out that Vic escaped from jail again and they realize they have to get to Love's fast.
Chapter 7 - Ryan and Brendon, they head to Love's but it's a crime scene. Talk to an officer and try not to show themselves. Find out that Vic took Justin but have to run soon after so they won't get caught.
Chapter 8 - Pete is freaking out so Patrick comforts him at a hotel. More dreams about the Ferris wheel, they come almost every night and Patrick tries to reach it but he always wakes up before he can. Mr. Sandman is waiting for him.
Chapter 9 - Pete and Patrick. They check out the old drughouse but there's nothing. End of chapter, find an address on the inside of the door.
Chapter 10 - After some hesitation and conversation, they find the place and they decide to go, spending the night at an old motel. More dreams about the Ferris wheel, Mr. Sandman sings lullabye from a distance.
Chapter 11 - They go to the house, Patrick with a gun and try the door. It opens. They find Justin, Joe, and Andy. Vic traps them and they're forced to stay. Pete goes into a panic attack and Patrick has to calm him down.
Chapter 12 - Ryan and Ray, Mikey is terrified and won't move. Vic doesn't feed them and at the end of the chapter he holds them at gunpoint telling them this is the end of it.
Chapter 13 - Another dream about the Ferris wheel; he sees it in real life now. They're left in the house for a while, hurt just like before.
Chapter 14 - Ray changes to Gerard who fights back against Vic and, despite getting shot in the arm. Kills Vic and together they escape with Justin, Joe, and Andy.
Chapter 15 - Justin and Gerard are injured badly and Patrick considers taking them to the hospital. Joe and Andy say they have to leave soon but before they leave, offer them a place to stay for a while.
Chapter 16 - Patrick keeps seeing it, swears he sees Mr. Sandman out of the corner of his eye. After staying at Joe and Andy's for a while, Ray and Justin get worse. Joe suggests a friend come who knows about medical things.
Chapter 17 - Kurt comes over and after some convincing, helps bandage and take care of Pete and Justin's wounds. Patrick thanks him, accidentally calls Pete Mr. Sandman in which he replies, "Benzedrine?" Neither of them talk about it for a while.
Chapter 18 - After healing for a month, they hear knocking at the door and Joe and Andy answer. Police are asking if they can search the house for Pete and Patrick. Joe quickly brings them to the attic to hide and they aren't found.
Chapter 19 - Ryan, Brendon, and Justin leave and Ryan suggests they run away. They stay at multiple hotels and talk about it, eventually Brendon admits that he's tired of running and he just wants to rest and stop running and be okay.
Chapter 20 - Patrick wakes up and he's in the desert, the Ferris wheel is there, Mr. Sandman is waiting for him. He gets on, realizes he's dressed in yellow, but doesn't pay it much thought, they do a round and when they hit the bottom again, Mr. Sandman singing, he hears a faint gunshot and it's all over.
Epilogue - 10 years later, Pete has healed for the most part. He lives with Justin and his DID is controlled. Goes to Patrick's grave and calls him Benzedrine.
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