the golden experience
Truly a golden experience
"I need to peepee poopoo" troosh says, needing to peepeepoopoo. Bucciarati 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔👏😏ed at trish and got an eyedea. "come here thot" brucciarati said, beeckoning her over.
"ok waddle waddle waddle, waddle waddle waddle" she said, gradually going up the octive. She waddled over to the closet bruhno was standing by and he opened the door. There was nothing in the closet.
"here" He said and unzipped a hole in the floor.
"toilet" he said.
"Where does it go?" Trish the freshmen visco gurl said. "I don't know where it's going, and I don't know why." Bruno the old said. "Why don't you look" he said.
Trish shrugged her shoulders and approached the closet. The closet said, "Oh, your approaching me?" Trish responded, "I cant explore your hole without getting any closer" She said, approaching it. "Oho, then come as close as you'd like!" Closet said. Trish entered the closet, and then bruno mars followed her in. Trish looked down into the zipper, not seeing much. She sticks her head in the hole, and she sees, what is that. She gasped and exited the hole. "Bruhno you gotta see this!" She cried. the so called-bruhno looked into the hole, gasped, and then exited the hole. "Trish do you know what this is?" he said. "What is it-" Trish was interrupted by a hiss. "Awww man" Bruno mars bars said, and then closed the zipper for a moment. He felt the boom and then re-opened it. It was still there- In that world.
"TRISH WE'RE IN MINECRAFT!" He screamed. Trish gasped and then said, "What's miencraft" Brunoh gasped and then said, "Trish you stupid uneducated thot, ITS THE BEST GAME IN HISTORY YOU DUMO! You're sounding like narancia now, and we don't want another of him here." Bruhno dives into the hole and turns up in minecraft world. He grabbed trish and pulled her though the hole. She screamed and fell in a hole. "Oh no, It's gonna be night soon, we need to build a house." Bruno said. Trish was clueless so she did nothing. They were in a plains biome, there was a surrounding ocean, jungle, savannah. "This seed is so incredibly good, I cannot believe this." Minecraft bruno said. He and Trish then leisurely walked over to the savannah, hand in hand just in case if an enemy attack. Bruno wasn't sure at first how to get wood. But he just used his stand to punch it into singular blocks. He also figured out how to use his inventory, he just pressed "e" and that was it. He crafted some planks, and then a crafting table and sticks. He also soon made tools of all kinds. But he and trish soon returned to the zipper to start their base. Bruno new it would take long, the blocky sun would set very soon, and they needed safety and shelter. So they got to work.
For the next while. The two ran around the area for a while, getting things required to make a house. It was made out of acacia planks and they used stained glass. It was a rad house and they (bruhno) enjoyed building it. They also explored the jungle and got a parrot, and ocelot. They also got some dogs. Trish eventually got the hang of it and they split up. They had an amazing new house and would constantly renovate it. It soon became a mansion and they lived happily, they almost forgot they were real people with jobs and things. They eventually moved the zipper into the house, however that worked. But the two soon had a realization. They were real people, involved in the mafia, delivering straight to the boss, the realization had struck them, but they had already come so far. They had diamonds already, AND a nether portal that they were yet to go in. But they knew they couldn't and had to go back. They took one last stroll around the area. On their way home they heard a noice, it was getting night and mobs would be spawning soon.
"Aww man" Trish said this time. Bruno explained the joke to her while he was teaching her to build in minecraft. The boom blasted them only so far, but they were very damaged. Probably like a heart and a half left. They weren't at full hunger either, so they couldn't regenerate. They realized they were screwed as they didn't have any food on them. Their visions were blurring, ready to let the creeper take them into wherever they end up going once they die. But Bruno had a shocking revelation. HE WAS IN THE MAFIA! HE CAN'T DIE NOW!
Bruno grunted, and got up slowly. But he suddenly froze, his eyes were still quite blurry so he couldn't get a good look at the unknown approacher. He weakly said,
"Oh, you're approaching me?" He said, hoping to get a response. He heard a weird text-to-speech-audio play.
"I can't beat the shit out of you without getting any closer" Bruno smiled at that.
"Oh, then come as close as you'd like." He said, collapsing on the ground. His vision cleared but he couldn't move. He saw a blocky figure above. It was an odd skin. It had fair skin and blue eyes, and pale lips. It was a boy, he thought at least. It kind of looked like a girl because the arms were oddly skinny. (Maybe it was just a new feature) His fair skin was accompanied with blonde donuts in his blonde hair that was fastened into a blocky braid flattened to his skin. He was wearing a dark blue suit with a yellow-heart-shaped boob window. Wait a minute, he'd know that boob window anywhere.
"GIORNO!" He yelled. But he suddenly stopped. "Why is Gio in minecraft?" He thought. "WAIT A MINUTE! YOURE SUPPOSED TO BE PROTECTING THE TURTLE YOU IDIOT!" He screamed at Giorno. In response Giorno placed down a bucket of lava and killed himself, and burnt down the house.
Trish and Bruno ran for their lives and jumped through the zipper. Bruno immediately closed the zipper and disintegrated it. They were both panting in the closet and covered in blood and burnt clothes. Thankfully, Trish's clothes didn't burn. But some of Bucciarati's did. He looked like Fugo now. Except he had holes wherever Fugo didn't, like in the ass. So now they all can see what kind of underwear he wears. Sadly, it's not a thong. Also his entire shirt burned off so that happened. And both of their skin got burnt too, but they'll just get Giorno, their healing slave to fix them up whenever he can. But the question is, where did Giorno get a laptop to play minecraft on? He'd have to scold him later, but now is not later. He and trish exited the closet. "So what's minecraft?" She asked again. Bruno held up a hand for a moment, signaling her to hold on for a minute. His top half exited the turtle, looking around for Fugo.
"Give me one of your forks"
"What made you think I have forks on m-"
"Just- Come on Fugo!"
Fugo pulled out a fork from his pocket, many other forks came tumbling out but he shoved those back in his pocket. He looked around to see is anyone else had seen, only narancia but he knows about the forks already, and he's already been stabbed by all of those forks anyways. Bruno thanked Fugo and went back into the turtle, fork in hand. Once he was back he stabbed trish with the fork on her arm. She gasped and her lungs exploded and then she died, but the boss was in her body so he died too, therefore this entire thing is canonical as one of Diavolo's death so haha I win.
Bruno announced,
"This truly was a golden experience wasn't it."
Words: 1330
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