sock war
You generate a lot more socks over the years then you realize. You get them stuck in weird places. Like behind beds, in cabinets, in bras, in boxes, chip bags, underwear, etc. So of course, every couple years you have to sort through all the socks that have been collected. So right now, while Bucciarati mommy does the laundry, the rest of them are sitting in a huge bed, going through a mass amount of socks. There's an occasional headband, thong, or bullet, but those are set aside for later.
Right now, Narancia was getting Fugo angry. And with a bunch of socks in front of them, anything is bound to happen.
"Hey Fugo, how many people do you think I could strangle with all these socks. If it were one sock per person?" Narancia asked.
"The only person i'd like to see getting strangled by a sock is you, Narancia." Fugo said.
"You're so mean Fugo." Narancia pouted.
"I'm sorry, I can't help it but you really get on my nerves sometimes." Fugo said. Narancia kept digging through the socks until he paused when he found something and threw it at Fugo.
"Haha, it's one of your thongs Fugo." Narancia teased.
"I'll strangle you with a thong." Fugo said. Narancia gasped offendedly.
"Not if I strangle you with a sock first!" Narancia said, digging through the pile to find a long enough sock to strangle Fugo with whilst Fugo reaches for Narancia with his thong in hand.
But simultaneously, the two had felt something wrap around their necks. They froze.
"Shut up, and stop fighting before I strangle both of you with the same sock." An angry Bucci mommy said behind them.
"Sorry Bucciarati," The two said, and continued mating socks while occasionally hitting the other with an exceptionally long sock or a thong. But they could feel the angry stares from mommy. The two eventually continued their conversation normally.
"FUGOOOOO I HAD NO IDEA YOUR THONG MATCHED YOUR TIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Narancia screamed. Fugo could hear himself snap, grabbing the thong and wrapping it around Narancia's neck.
"Ah- HEY!" Narancia screamed, grabbing the nearest long-sock and wrapping that around Fugo's neck.
Fugo made a gurgling sound, like that of Purple Haze's gurgles.
"What the hell is wrong with you two?" Bruno mommy said, shaking his head. Bucciarati pried the thong and sock from their grubby hands and took them into his own, and tightened them. They both clawed at the clothing, trying to get it off but miserably failing. The two were held there until they were almost passed out. But Bruno let go just in time, and the two were left panting.
"Narancia, go buy an incinerator." Bucciarati said.
"Why an incenerator?" Narancia asked.
"Just shut up and get it. Fugo, keep doing what your doing." Bruno mommy said. Fugo nodded and Narancia reluctantly trudged our if the room to go buy an incinerator.
On the other side of the bed, Mista and Giorno were peacefully pairing socks, while having a useless conversation. Abbacchio wasn't doing anything because Bucciarati let him be free from the children, just this once.
"Mista! Stop! You're supposed to pair them when they're THE SAME SOCK!" Giorno said. You see, Mista was pairing all the wrong socks, and putting them in the wrong places. Giorno on the other hand, was doing everything right. So of course he'd be bothered by what Mista was doing.
"They're the same brand it's fiiiine!" Mista said. Giorno could not believe how stupid Guido Mista was being.
"You're so stupid Mista." Giorno said. Mista offendedly gasped.
"No you're so stupid Digiorno!" Mista yelled, grabbing a long sock and grazing Mista with it. Mista narrowed his eyes.
"Oh, two can play at that game!" Mista said, also grabbing a long sock. They both narrowed their eyes at each other, more then they already had. Mista let out a war cry and Giorno joined a second later. They immediately went at each other, wacking every inch of surface area on each other's bodies. The socks were soft enough to not leave harsh marks, but hard enough to actually leave something. Or maybe that was just how hard they hit each other. But this went on for a while, they eventually started adding throwing other socks too, thanks to Mista's quick and irrational thinking.
But suddenly the pair felt some long socks wrap around their necks. It couldn't be Bucciarati mommy, he was busy dealing with local house rat Narancia, so it only could've been daddy Abbacchio. Mista gasped, "Abbacchio noooooo!" Mista yelled. Abbacchio father tightened the grip on the socks, more tight on Giorno's sock. Giorno was clawing at his neck, and Mista was struggling to get his fingers under the sock. All Abbacchio had to say was, "lel" because he liked seeing Giorno struggle. Abbacchio held in a smirk. He finally let go eventually. Giorno didn't really bat an eyelash while Mista was being extremely dramatic.
"Mista, you stoopo poopo, never do that again! How many times do I have to tell you not to get into a fight that leads to being strangled! You know what happens with Fugo and Narancia!" Giorno lectured.
"I know , I know!" Mista hung his head in shame.
"I'm sorry to disappoint you Bucciarati mommy and Abbacchio daddy!" Mista cried. Suddenly Bruno appeared from thin-air. And started comforting rubbing Mista's back.
"It is ok Mista, we forgive both you and Giorno." Bruno said with a reassuring smile.
"Can't say the same about those two." Abbacchio mumbled, talking about the two boys across the room who were somehow strangling each other again. Bucciarati mommy dissapeared out of thin air and reappeared next to the two fighting on the floor.
"BOYS! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO STOP FIGHTING!!" Bucciarati yelled. Narancia squealed and got up and ran, Fugo following right behind. They'd just get out of doing work and stuff.
"Heh, they're probably going to go make out-"
"MISTA! DONT MAKE ME STRANGLE YOU TOO!" Bruno mommy said. He took a deep breath to calm down.
"Now get out of here you two." He said, the two leaving the room silently.
"They're probably going to make out.". Abbacchio said, walking over to Bruno.
"I need a nap." Bruno mommy said.
"Me too." Abbacchio father said.
They pushed all the remaining socks off the bed and got under the covers together and fell asleep because strangling children can be a real workout sometimes.
Words: 1084
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