ack! giorno!
mista x giorno
fugo x narancia
subtle hint of buccirati x abaccio (i have no idea how to spell their names they're just mom and dad)
"Mista what the fuck, every time you shoot a bullet it comes back to your bullet-magnetized sexy ass." Giorno complained.
Mista said, just waiting to be praised for only getting hit by 92% of his bullets instead of 100%.
"Well, you weren't hit by the small amount of 8% of your bullets fired." Digiorno said. "Looks like you get a reward~" Giorno continued. Moist nodded vigorously, just like how he would be squirming around soon. Digorno took mistas five-fingered hand and led him over to a local bench. But moista gasped and said,
"Digorno not this one, there's four cracks on the ground under this one! I MIGHT POP A BALL IF WE USE THIS ONE!11!" moist screamed.
"Shut the fuck up" Digiorno said, and oh so painfully slowly unzipped his pants like how buccirati unzips a multidimensional portal for everyone to fuck, shit, and piss in.
"NO GIORNO WE CANT!! NOT ON THIS ONE1!!11" Meesta said.
Digorno smashes their faces together to shut him up. Moist gasped and digorno took to opportunity to shove his tongue into mistas pie hole. He eventually pulled apart, a big and sticky string of saliva connecting them.
"You taste like cheese." Digorno said.
"Well let's see what you taste like." Meest said and then did the reverse to digorno.
"Hmmmmm...." Mista said, caressing a fake beard on his face. "You taste like BISCUTS AND TEA." He said.
"ooh, yes I absolutely adore that scrumptious biscuts and tea! It was always me mums favorite." The great british cheese said.
"Fucken DISGUSTANG!" Mistan said.
"Tch," Giorno giovanna tched.
"Oh yea and GET ME OFF THIS BENCH" Mista started screaming.
"Shut up!!1!1!1! And just remember, no homo" Digorno said, and imemediately gobbled up mistas massive meat scepter.
"No hom- Ack! Giorno!" Mista moaned, while also screaming, which resulted in an unholy sound coming from deep in mista's throat. This made Giorno laugh and the vibrations made moist go batshit crazy.
"aAaAhHh~ Giorno!!1!1!! More! More!" Mista screeched
In the distance a small boat approaces, and a person in a turltle feels like he's being talked about.
"Hey narancia you feel that?" He said.
"Feel what?" orange the dunderhead said, while puffin some smoke out because he's 420.
"Feel that feeling you fucking fence fucker" Bruno mars said.
Narancia gasped and started hysterically crying, but he noticed something popping up on his radar. It was two people.
"You see the two retards yet? Jeez they must be so bored waiting for us." He said, unzipping some of his zippers.
"Yea i guess." orange sniffed. Narancia wiped a tear and would remind himself to remind aerosmith to blow him up later. The boat was pulling up to the spot, narancia was hearing something but wasn't quite sure what of.
But he quickly saw it was the two dunderheads.
"Oi! Mista! Gior-" He was interrupted.
"Giorno! AHhHHHHh~ Be gentle! No! Stop! aAHHhhhHhH~ Please take off my clothes! I'll feel it more!111!1! AAHHHHHH~!!!!" Narancia overheard.
Narancia gasped so loud and fell of the floor.
"orange peel! what is going on up there! is it them!" buccrotch said.
"I.. uh.... THEYRE GONNA FUCK?!?!" He said, screaming and wishing the image out of his stupid brain. But alas, his brain is too small and he has too much space in his dumb brain to forget.
"Hmph." bruno hot zipper hmphed.
"aHHHHHHHHH" narancia inverse screamed.
"OhH~ Giorno! Hurry! Please! aaHh!" Mista screamed, pulling on digorno's hair.
"Ack! Giorno! Take off my clothes!! I'll feel it more!11!! I-I think i'm- aaHHhhHhHhhHh~" Mista came into giornos welcoming mouth. Giorno swallowed it all with a gulp, but did not pull off yet!
"Giorno! Keep sucking! I want more!" Mista chanted. Giorno kept going again and the process started again.
Narancia just sat there, eternally traumatized as he watched a dear "friend" of his getting sucked off by the newbie.
orange peel yelled extremely loud, enough for the two dunderheads to temporarily stop and turn to him. He stood up.
Narancia broke out of character and announced,
"so no head?"
And then immediately got hit in the head. The boat was going underneath a suddenly appearing tunnel that's too short for narancia so he fell off the boat and into the water. But Narancia forgot how to swim so he was drowning. Even everyone in the turtle noticed this, and Fugo hopped out to save his drowning orange peel buddy. He dived off the boat and into the water to save him. He swam around for a while and then found narancia. He grabbed him and swam up with him. they got on the boat and fugo needs to preform cpr. he laid narancia. down and needed to move his hand so he could cpr. But his hand accidentally brushed against his grOin, and narancia let out a small moan, indicating he's turned on and also doesn't need cpr. Mista and Digorno are still watching and are surprised at their stupid friend.
"Oh hey Fugo," Mista waved.
"Hey" He casually said back
Moist and Digorno went back to the sucking and now orange peel is turned on (because of foog).
"Nhhg~ Do that again," Narancia whined.
Fugo debated whether or not to do that again. He decided to fuck it and do it again. So he did it again.
"aHhHhh~" Narancia shakily breathed.
Fugo decided he liked be sound of orange's sweet moans and he wanted to hear more. Fugo slid off narancia's skirt for easier access. Fugo started gently rubbing? or massaging? the area but Narancia grinded himself into his hand.
"You're too innocent for this narancia, snap out of it." Fugo interrupted. He tried to move his hand away but narancia was quicker and grabbed his hand, forcing it to his clothed grOin. Fugo groaned,
"why do I have to put up with horny teenagers?" He thought to himself. Suddenly an idea popped into his mind. Not a good idea, but an idea. He climbed onto orange peel boy
and straddled his thighs. But not high enough to really get up there if you know what i mean 😏.
"Fugo! Please~" Orange moaned. Fugo said no, "no." And it made narancia angry.
"Fugo I will murder you in my sleep if you don't move." Narancia threatened fugo, but it had no effect.
"You're gonna die anyway so what's the point of murdering me." Fugo replied smugly.
"The point is that i'm horny and want you and i'm gonna die anyways. There's a first time for everything." Orange peel responded.
"But not a first time for everyone."
Fugo snickered.
"I'm getting fed up with you." narancia announced, and then miraculously flipped him and fugo. So now he is on top and straddling swiss cheese boy. Fugo was surprised at how such a lanky boy managed to flip them.
Even though he is narancia's friend, he cant help but imagine narancia if he wasn't on the boat but in fugo's bed. Or imagining himself getting to explore ever inch of the pristine body that sit atop him. Narancia leaned down,
"F-Fugo please" Orange juice begged. Fugo finally complied so narancia smashed their faces together just like the pizza and mixed salad did. But he quickly pulled away and fugo could feel narancias hot breath on his neck. Narancia went back in for another kissy kissy and fugo groped narancia's ass (to support him obviously) and knowing he was new to this kind of stuff, he pushed his way into orange's mouth and they had a mouth battle with stands. 10 minutes later they broke apart.
Narancia was getting even more needy and horny so he started grinding on fugo. He was nothing but a moaning dumpster of dumbness, anger, and arousal. It was a bit weird for fugo to see his buddy all over him like this, he wasn't complaining. But fugo knew that they shouldn't do this out in public, even though giorno and mista are doing that exact thing.
"Nhhg~ N-Narancia! Stop!" Fugo said, trying to get up but he was pushed right back down.
"now why would i do that~" Narancia whispered into his ear seductively while moaning.
"Because were- aAh~ -in public" Fugo said.
"aAH~ So whaAaAt~" His voice cracked while speaking.
"Listen ok, we can do anything you want but just not right here." Fugo said.
"A-Anything?" Narancia smirked. He went against physics and kicked mom, dad, and trish our of the turtle so him and fugo could go in and not be bothered. The evicted people just sighed and wondered what the hell they are doing and why.
"HaHa see you later!" Narancia exclaimed as he and fugo went into turtle room. As soon as they entered narancia tore off his clothes at an inhumanly fast pace and anticipated fugo (in general). He was excited for fugo to touch him, and kiss him, and do so much more to him.
Fugo on the other hand was flabbergasted and then decided to fuck it and literally fuck him.
And now we bid those two a farewell, doing god knows what and we are left with giorno and mista, let's check how they're doing.
"Alright mista, all wounds are healed and you have come seven times. I think it's time to head home." Giorno said, peppering mista's bullet wounds with soft kisses.
"Ack! Giorno! One more please!" Moista said.
"No, you're not gonna have enough for later if we go again!" Digorno said, getting up.
"Fine." Moist said.
"Fuck you by the way." He added.
Suddenly digorno leaned in close to his ear, hot breath tingling his skin.
"I think the only one getting fucked here is you, in my bedroom, at home." Digorno pulled away. He helped mista get up and they walked home together.
The boat is slowly drifting away from Mista and Digorno, the end credits with start soon. Everyone is heading home.
words: 1670 or something like that
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