Chapter 8
Aphmaus P.O.V
I slammed my hand on the alarm. I pushed myself out of bed and got into the shower. I washed my hair with strawberry flavored shampoo and conditioner and rinsed my hair. I washed my body with pumpkin body wash. I rinsed my body and got out of the shower. I dried my self with a towel and put this on :
(Pretty out of this world huh? Lol ill go bye)
I walk into school and go straight to my friends. "Hey guys " I said. " Hey aph " ross said running up and down the hallway. "Typical ross..." sky said. I giggled at a memory of when he bought two pet chickens. " What?" Cadenza asked me. I told ths story about the chickens and sky shouted "WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT THAT APH". " But I want to sky~" I said giggling. " I said no. I am not in the mood for a story about the past." Shelby said. I looked at her concerned when her phone went off when she walked off and I read the message sent to her
Im coming and you cant stop me! Im gonna take jess back and if you try and stop me, you and her new friends are dead!
This is jess jason. You can try but you'll be the one dead, hear me? Nw I gtg byeeeeee~
~Shelbyprincess~ has logged off
~Jasonisbae~ has logged off.
I just glared at her phone as shelby watched afraid of my next move. I grabbed maxs phone and threw it at a wall. "HEY MY FANFICS WERE ON THERE" Max shouted. "MAD MA-" Sky screamed but I cut him off by slapping the back of his head. "Go home. Call the few" I growled. The skyarmy's eyes widened and sky hit a buttong on his amulet. The few came crashing in and every minute I knew Jason was coming, I got even angrier. "Hes coming back for me. Protect me while I do something" I said. "Whos coming for you? Loki? The SL?" Kala asked. I shook my head in a no motion. "The guy that made me move away from justicville, and the hall, and asgard" I said. Sly got angry and I soon saw Jason. "STUDENTS THERES ABOUT TO BE A FIGHT SO GO TO THE FIELD. ITS ME AGAINST MY EX GF APHMAU" Jason shouted. Everyone went to the field and I got infront of jason. He swung at me, but I grabbed his hand. "But-how- you were weak last I saw you" he said. I iicked him in the gut. "You helped them kill MY children. My anger has built up everytime I thought about it or someone brings it up. Ive had it with you and your stupid mind games Jason. This fight is mine" I said with hatred and kicked his head, knocking him out. I turned to the crowd and they just stood there in shock. Well, everyone but the few and the skyarmy. Jason tripped me and started talking bad about our children. "They were annoying brats" or "You wanna know the truth? I faked all of it. Loving them, loving you, loving the things we liked to do together". Thats one got my blood boiling. My eyes turned purple and I kiced Jason off me and stood up filled with hatred for them and him. "I thought you loved me. I thought you cared. I WORKED MY FUCKING ASS OFF FOR MY FUCKING HALF OF THE RENT!" I screamed. I was glowing purple and my clothes were changing. My shirt turned to a galaxy long sleeved top that showed a quarter of my stomach. My pants turned to a skirt that went to my mid thighs, and it was pink that faded into purple on the bottom. My shoes turned to galaxy heel boots.
(Sorry couldnt find a picture for the skirt)
My hair turned purple
The skyarmy and the few smiled while everyone else is shocked. I laughed like a maniac, and jason dissapeard in a purple light. I turned back to normal but my hair was still purple. "Guess I have purple hair now hahahaha" I said laughing with everyone. Max walks off and comes back with a girl I can see right through. "Chica. Nice to see you again. Not" I said. "Ugh. They diserved it fr messing with foxy" chica said. My blood was boiling again and it looked like chica didnt see my hair. "Hey chica. Notice anything different about me?" I asked. Chica finally noticed my hair and her eyes widened in fear. "You can go tell the others now chica. Im coming back tonight" I say then chica runs off faster than sound, but I can run faster. Everyone but the skyarmy raised an eyebrow. I walked off and went to lunch.
Jefforys P.O.V
We watch aph walk away and a glimpse of her hapiness grew stronger, but it also looked like she REALLY wanted to go back t wherever she wants to g back to. Everyone meets at mh house except the skyarmy. "I think we should follow her" katelyn said. We nodded and hung out until 11:45 when we saw aph walking down the street in a uniform. We follow her to... freddy fazbears? Looks like she has the night shift all week so no sleepovers until the weekend. Good thing its friday so we can have one tommorow night to ask her questions about the job, and the chickens. SHIT SHE TURNED AROUND AND WE'RE LOCKED IN DAMMIT APH
Aphmaus P.O.V
I turned around to see the gang except the skyarmy, cause they came early and ae already in the office. "You know what? Just follow me to the office where the others are..." I sighed. When we got into the office I locked both doors an ne checked the stage. "OF COURSE OF ALL TIMES THEY DECIDE TO MOVE NOW! THIS IS JUST GREAT!" I shouted. I checked foxy and ne was running down the hall to meh left. I looked at the door and it was closed. I sighed and we heard banging on it. "DAMMIT FOXY GO AWAY NO ONE LIKES A KILLER PIRATE" I yelled and he walked back sad. I saw toy bonnke and toy chca outside my riht door and let them in and they sat down. "Hi aphiepoo" toy bonnie said. I waved and checked the right hall and chica and the other animatronics were making their way towards us. I locked the right door just as I saw chica running towards me with no emotion. I waved my hand and chica suddenly stopped. I shut the door and sat back down. "Aphiepoo can you sing the song you always sing us when you used to work here before we closed down and moved?" Toy chica asked. I nodded and grabbed my guitar and started playing the tune.
Everyone except the animatronics were shocked about the song. I looked at them and they nodded smiling. I smilied back and started singing playing the instrument that goes with it.
By now ears were going down meh face and I put the instrument back and two suits fell to the ground and vanished. I looked up to see 2 4 year olds. I gasped and everyone looked at them confused. "Your human again chris!" The girl with black hair said. "So are you brittany" chris said. They looked over at me and gasped. They hugged me while we were all crying. "My sweet babys arent dead after all" I wispered. They looked at the skyarmy and smiled bright and hugged every one of them. "Guys I think you killed them hahahahahahahahaha" I said laughing and rolling on the floor. They laughed with me then the skyarmy joined. "Aww so you are alive? Bummer, I liked jin when he was dead and not moving" I said jokingly. "HEY" Jin screamed. We all laughed and vincent, kr purple guy entered with a knife. "Time to go odison" he said. I pushed everyone to the back wall and turned towars purple guy. I turned to the marionette and killed him freeing the children inside the suits. There were two girls and the rest were boys. "Thankyou for saving us mari" the boy who was foxy said. I nodded and turned normal and all the kids except chris and brittany and the two girls ran to their parents. "Why arent you leaving?" I asked. They said "Because we found out brittany and chris are our family" the girl with my eye color said. I gasped and hugged them and they hugged back screaming mommy. "Ive missed you soooo much girls!" I said. Chris and brittany were twins and the two others were twins so I had quadruplets. All of them are fojr and today is their b-day so we got ice-cream for the little five year olds. The next day in school I brought them with me and the brats walked up and pushed Rachel and she punche ivy. I chuckled and we walked off to the cafeteria because it was lunch. I entered and everyone starred at me. I then said.
*World war 2 starts*
*Eveyone stops and stuffs their face with cupcakes, especially Zane and kc*
Me- well bye pandas!!!
Pandalover ~
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