Chapter 7
Aphmaus P.O.V
Welp.... me and shelbs are in the gym and we already practiced or songs. Yes you heard me, songs. Kids from other schools did their duets, but they sang the same song, we..... hehe were singing two in perfect harmony. Soon we were called up and the people with the instuments to our songs were already there. We put our headphone headset thingys (LOL. IM STUPID) and stepped onto the stage and got into our positions.
(Aphmau is the pink haired girl and shebly is the other one just a heads up)
When we finished the gym was filled with cheers and whistles. My face went crimpson red from embaressment and we bowed and we speed walked off the stage while the instruments were bieng put away. 15 minutes later the singers were called onto the stage. There were only three groups of two since tner were only three trophies. One for 3rd, 2nd, and 1st. "In thris place is scaleswind!" The announcer said. They're school clapped and thy claimed their award. "Second place is oakasis!" The announcer said. Oakasis prep was mad. Wait.... if we're the only group left then...... "AND IN FIRST PLACE IS PDH CONGRATS!!!!" The announcer shouted. My jaw was at the floor as shelby got our trophie. We held it up for pdh to see and the school whistled and clapped, so did scaleswind high, but oakasis prep was furious. DO NOT ask how all three schools fit into the gym.... AT.ALL, or ill rip you to shreds. *Ahem* so a kid from pdh named ??? (Help with a name. It has to be a boy and full credit goes to the person who made the name) ca e up to js and took the trophy. Shelby looked at me and j smirked and nodded and she did the same. "Hey kid, I think yoh forgot yohr topthy! OH WAIT! YOU DONT HAVE ONE" I said to him. Shelby took back the trophy and gave it to me to keep, since sne has enough. "Ill put this with the rest of the schools trophys on the trophy case" I said.
After school
Its after school, and im thinking on how I should break up with aphmau. Right on cew(lol. I dont knkw, I heard it from a show and it just popped into my mind lol) Aphmau walked up to me and looked angry. 'Oh no... what if sky told ner? Im gonna kill him when I see him if ne did!' I thought. "You waned to break up with me?!" She asked tears welling up in her eyes. "W-whk told you?" I asked. "Ross. You know you shouldnt trust him with secrets max!" She said tears making their way down her cheeks. "Im just gonna say it Jess, we're done" and as soon as it left my mouth was off leaving a crying aphmau or jess behind.
Aphmaus P.O.V
Max ran off leavin me crying. I fell to m knees sobbing when I felt to arms hugging me. I really didnt care who it was right now, I jusg wanted comfort. I loomed up to see meh friends and the skyarmy except max of course. I looked oer too see that the person kneeling down and hugging me was zenix. I didnt pull away becauss I was to tired and I didnt care anymore. "Just take me home" I said. Zenix picked me up and put me on his shoulder. HE KNKWS I HATE THAT!!! "PUT ME DOWN BRO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHAHNHFNFNXJXXJXJXJYCNCHCHCYCJK HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH STOP TICKLING MEH" I screamed laughing, because millie was tickling meh. And if you were wondering what that sound was, that was me eating and apple while laughing and being help upside down. Soon we made it too meh house and walmed in and I landed on the couch when zenix threw me off his shoulder. "Rude" i said. He snickered and the gang left too go home and zenix aaron millie and dad to who the heck knows where. I walked into my room and I got some clothes and changed. Im wearing this
It looks good. I go downstairs and literally EVERYONE IS HERE!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!?! I JUST WENT TO FUCKING CHANGE!!! "Im going to the music studio in our basment" I said. They nodded and went back to their conversation. I grab the karaoke machine and turn on the music I want and grab my purple microphone headset thing (life is the worst....) and put it on and started the music. Im singing counting stars by one republic. (Nightcore female version)
I finished singing and when I turned around everyone was there. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHERE DID YOU PEOPLE COME FROM" I screamed at them. "Upstairs" sky said in a 'duh' tone. I just glared at him. "Can you sing the other song please?!" Shebly pleaded. Everyone except shelby and me were confused. I smirked and turned the machine back on. My headset thingy was still on so I just had to turn on the music.
Everyone especially the skyarmy except shelbs was in shock. "A-aph....was that about him?..." Jin asked. I nodded as tears were running down my face and everyone hugged me. "Hes in jail for life now jess. He cant get to yo like he did them" shelby said soothingly. "They were only children.... I didnt do anything. I just STOOD there watching him stab my children in the heart.... I could've called them.... I could've called castor, kala, steven, pbat, alex, sly.... but I didnt, and its my fault their dead..." I said falling to the floor crying my heart out over my children.
Ill explain later, but this is a crossover of these series she did: her superhero one forgot what thats called, pdh, and fnaf.
Fnaf will be later on in the book, itll come out of NOWHERE, and jumpscare you.
*Evil laughs*
Me- N-No...
Me- *Hides in corner scared* B-Bye guys....
Pandalover ~
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