Chapter 5
Aphmaus P.O.V
A little boy with blonde hair ran up to me and another kid who looks like him with brown hair also runs up. They hide behind me as a guy runs up to us. "Have you seen two kids around here?" He asked. Gene, his friends, and the populars walk up confused on whats happening. "No, sorry sir." I said. "LIAR. THEIR RIGHT THERE BEHIND YOU" He shouted pushing me onto the ground making me scrape my elbows. My eyes went red and the guys went flying into a tree. "MILLIE GET THE KIDS TO THE HOUSE NOW" I shouted clearly angry. She took the kids and ran to the house with the guy following her closley. "APHIE HELLP ME" Millie screamed. I looked at the guy and he went flying into a tree again. This time he ran sraight towards me WITH A KNIFE!!! I screamed and tried to duck but he grabbed me by my neck and held me into the air. I loomed oer to where everyone was and I saw everyone shift their gaze to laurence who eyes were slowly turning red. Mh eyes widen and I kicked the gu in the gut and ne dropped me. I got up and ran towards lajrence and dragged him away from everyone. "I. Cant. Control. My. Shadow night. Form" he slow, y said shaking. I took in a deep breath keeping my composure and turned to my sk form and so did laurence. "Laurence just think happy thoughts. Go into yor own little world. I promise you'll get through it." I said in a soft voice. I saw laurence loosen up a bit and smile. Then he hugged me and we turned normal. We walked out to wnere everyone was bjt I saw the guys on the ground and the populars tied to trees and gene and his friends were on the ground passed out. I felt my shadow night self want to go on a rampage. "No." I said to myself. "No what?" Laurence asked me. My sk wants to go on a rampage. kts getti g ojt of contro- GAH" I said then fell to one knee screaming.
Dantes P.O.V
I saw aph fall to one knee screaming. 'Something must be happening in ner head' I thought. I was snapped out of my thoughts by betting thrown into the wall of the school. I heard someone scream my nae before everything went black.
Aphmaus P.O.V
I saw dante get thrown into the wall lf the school. "DANTE" I screamed. Millie came back with the kids and saw dante. She loomed between me and him then her eyes widened. "APH YOU CANT DO IT!!! YOULL BE PUT INTO ANOTER COMA" She shouted. Aaron and Zenix's eyes widened and they loomed at me. "Im sorry" I whispered. I pushed lajrence ojt of the way and loomed oer to see the populars with fear in their eyes and tne shadow knights looking at me confused. "Im so so sorry guys" I whispered. A beam of light hit me and I screamed in pain. A flash of light appeared and just as fast as is appeared is dissapeard. Everyone even dante looked at me ad I smiled and waved goodbye before fallig to the ground. The last thing I saw was the kids running to me efors everything went black. (Time skip to a wek later) I woke up and I was in my room (this isnt a dream) I got ojt of my bed and noticed I was in the clothes I was in when I blacked out. I looked at my calendar and saw I was out for a week. 'Not as long as I thought id be out but whatever' I thought. I grabbed a pair of clothes ad changed into them. Im wearing a plain black spaghetti strap shirt with a galaxy crop top. Im wearing jean shorts and kitty socks that go to my knees. I noticed it was almost time for school to end since it was Monday. I got some lunch and ate it then I heard a car pull up and I heard laughing. I sat on the couch and waited for eeryone come in. "Bout time guys. I was getting bored" I casually said. I turned around and when I saw their faces I died laughing. "Whats so funny?" Aaron asked. "HAHAHA ITS JUST YOURE GUYS FACE HAHAHANAAAHAH" I shouted laughing. Im pretty sure I was a tomato by now. Millie ran up to me and hugged me really tight. "Room....getting...dark....cant....breath" I choked out. She said sorry and let go. I saw the litt, e kids run up and each hug a leg. "Hi guys. Whats your guys names?" Asked them. "Im levin. That my twin malichi" levin said pointing to the other kid. "Nice to meet you. Im aphmau or aph or aphie" said. "Aphmoo?" Levin asked. "Jess" malichi said. I put on my vake smile and said I needed to go. I grabed my shoes and my keys and ran out the door. When malichi said jess it reminded me of sky, jin, barney, max, ross, and shelby. I walked to my car with tears in my eyes and got In and put my shoes on. I went to where I first met them. The woods. I drove on the dirt pah tears going down my face and stopped in a clearing. I turned the car off and got out. I took my shoes and socks off and put them in the car. I sat on the hood of my car and allowed past memories of them flow trough my mind. "Jess?..." I heard a voice ask. I slowly turned around and I saw sky, jin, barney, ross, shelby, and max. "G-guys?..." I asked getting off the hood of my car. They nodded and I ran to them and hugged them. Max got the longest hug and a kiss on the cheek. "*Ahem*" I heard from behind me. I groaned and turned around. I saw gene and the shadow nights. "Hello kitty" gene said. " UGGGH Can you go annoy some one else gene?!" I snapped. When I snap its never a good thing. My eyes were slow, y turning red and mh fists were white and my jaw was clenched. Max put a hand on my shoulder but retreated knowing he couldnt do anything. My eyes got redder and redder to the point where my friends drive up.
"You've crossed the line gene" I growled. Gene and tbe shadow nights dissapeared and I calmed down. Sky let out his breath I didnt know he was holding. The skyarmy hugged me and I hugged back remembering memories and tears slowly made their way down my face.
Ok I know is mostly aphmaus pov bjt I couldnt come up for anything for the others to do so I just basically just did it all in aphs pov. Sorry
Pandalover ~
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