Chapter 14
Jessica P.O.V
We walked in and the guys were watching aphmau. "You guys are watching my favorite youtuber without me?! I asked acting angry. "N-No..." tom said. "Shes playing around. Plus we have something to say" Jin said smiling. We sat on the couch but there was no room for me so I sat on Jins lap. "Did we miss something here?" John asked. "We're official" I said smiling like crazy. Everyone congratulated usand there was a knock on the door. I opened it and it was a little girl in ripped up clothes "h-hewp m-mwe" she said scared. "Come inside" I said. She came in and I picked her up. I put her on the coffee table and sat on Jins lap again. "Whats your name sweetie?" I asked. "Carwy" she said. "She means carly" mithzan said. "No dip sherlock"i said. "How old are you hun?" I asked her. "Last I wemember is thwat im one" she said. "Do you remember your birthday?" I asked her. "MmHm! Its mawch thwird" she said. "So your gonna be two in three days. What do you want for your birthday sweets?" I ask. "In genwall I just want a home. Pwobabwy some clothes and toys bwut mostwy a home"she said. "Well happy early birthday carly. Welcome home" I said smiling. She gave me a toothy smile and hugged me. "Awre yoe mwy dwaddy?" She asked Jin. He nodded and she hugged him. "Come. I have clothes that you can have from when I was a child" I said smiling. I lead her to a guest room I made a childrens room. It was plain, cause I didnt know what gender so it just has white walls, a bed with a white sheet with pillows, and a empty closet and no decorations. "I put them in a drawer (this is actually how you spell it. Goggle it I ya dont believe meh) in the dresser. AH HA HERE THEY ARE! Here go put these clothes on, and we can go shopping for some more clothes when your done" I said handing her the clothes and smilimg. She took them and walked out to the hallway confused. "Its all the way down. Its the door to your right dear"i said closing the door. She walked down the hall and walked into the bathroom to change. I walked back into the living room and I sat on Jins lap. "How are you comfortable?" Dan asked. "A boys lap is like a comfy chair to girls. I dont know how it works, but its true." I said. Jin wrapped his arms around my waist and we waited for carly to come out. When she came out she gave me her ripped up black skirt, and ripped up shirt that had aphmau on it. "You can keep it. I know how to sew thanks to cadenza so I can sew it back up. So looks like I need a sewing machine and thread" I said. I put the clothes in my purse and we headed off. (Heres what carly looks like)
( Carly also has light pink hair lie kawwai~chan but a shade darker. She has ocean blue eyes and is pale but has a tan )
We walked to the clothes store for girls and when we walked in there was so much pink. She dragged me over to the dark pink side. Luckily I grabbed a cart. She got dark pink vans, hot pink tennis shoes, and light pink flats. We walke over to the purple section and she got a purple necklace with a heart chain on it, a purple headband with flowers, and about three purple me scrunchies (cant spell to save my life lol) and a pack of regular hairties. We finally reached the clothes ection that wasnt olor coded. She got two ripped jeans, three regular jeans, and one pair of shorts. She got a white shirt that was laced on the bottom, a blue v-neck shirt, a teal hoodie, a pink tanktop, and she got a white and black shirt with a red heart that said 'love comes from the heart'on it. We went to the dress Isle of the store and she got a pink dress, a light blue dress, and a purple dress because I could only spend so much money. She got black vans and black converse. We paid for it all and it came out to be $100 dollars. We put the bags in the car and drove home. "BOYS COME HELP WITH THE BAGS. BE GENTLEMEN" I shouted. Everyone came out and stopped when they saw how many bags we had. "YOU SPOILED HER?!"The shouted. "Only this once. Nkw get the bags so I can go buy a sewing machine and thread" I said. They each took a bag and walke inside. "Carly you can stay here and help them put your clothes in that room we were in before we left ok?" I asked her. She nodded and headed inside. I got in the car and went to the sewing machine and thread store. ( Thats the stupidest name ive ever come up with for a store ) I got a sewing machine and the thread I needed and went home. "JIN CAN YOU CARRY THE SEWING MACHINE IN?!" I shouted. "COMING BABE" He shouted from inside. He got the sewing machine and put it in a spare room that had a desk and drawers. I went into the garage and grabbed some stuff to decorate carlys room with. I walked in and she gasped happily and we started working. ( when they were done )
"ITS PERFECT" We scream together. We laugh and go downstairs. "Soyour gonna start school tommorow ok?" I ask. She nods. "Now since we're technically still in highschool, your gonna be called our little sister so just roll with it k? If they pick on you, come find one of us" I said. "Otay" she said. Luckily in scaleswind high they also have pre-k through elementary school. I make spaghetti with garlic bread and all the boys sit down. I sit on my chair and put carly on my lap and we start eating.
Enjoy? Well, if you read this book before teh other one, then.........
Im making a teamcrafted adopted book
So, I hope you enjoy and when im done with all teh books, im gonna start the first chapper of teh book
So hope you enjoyed the chapper!
Pandalover ~
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