Chapter 12
Aphmaus P.O.V
We walked to the town and there were shops. "OMI LOOK! A ANIME STALL! ROSS LEGS GO" I screamed happily. Ross gabbed my wrisg and we ran to the stall. "MIKUUUUUUUU" Ross shouted paying for the miku plush. I bought everything I saw about A.O.T. "To the mall!" Adam said. We went to the mall and looked around. We basically walked around tne whole citie of scaleswind. "Lets go *yawn* home" I said yawning. "Piggy back ride" I said to ji. He groaned and I jumped onto his back. "HOW MUCH FOOD HAVE YOU BEEN EATING JESS?!" Jin shouted. Everyone laughed and we walked home. (Te next day)
I shut my alarm off and got out of bed. I grabbed some clotbes and a towel and walked into the bathroom. I got into the shower and washed my hair with lavender shampoo and conditioner and washed my body with roseberry body wash. I rinsed my air and body nd my hair smelled like lavenders and was soft. I dried myself off and put my clothes on. ( Outfit below )
I brushed my hair and left it down. I walked downstairs and made breakfast. "FOODS DONE." I shouted. As soon as I said it everyone was eating. The boys grabbed their bags and we went to school. "Its huge..."I said looking at the school building. It had like four floors. "Lets go get our schedules" ross said. We found the office and got our schedules. I have all my classes with jin, and all of us have free period after lunch together. I have 4th perild with all of them, and thats about it. Me and jin found the math class and we walked in. "Your late!" The teacher said. "We're new, what'd you expect? Us to find it straight away? Beause that didnt happen" I snapped and sat down with jin in the back. "Your in my seat" a boy with gold hair and black eyes said. "I dont see your nae on it, mister I get whatever I want!" I said getting angry. "Jessica! Shut up before I tell the teachers to give you extra homework" jin said. "I dont give a fuck!" I screamed storming out. The skyarmy found me and jin arguing at free period behind the school. "THAT DIDNT GJVE YOU THE DAMN RIGHT TO SNAPP AT HIM" Jin shouted at me. "OH GA CAUSE YOU WOULDNT OF DONE KT EITHER!" I screamed at him. "JESSICA APHMAU ODISON PHEONIX" Irene shouted appearing out of thin air. "WHAT DO YOU WANT MOM?!" I screamed at her. "CALM DOWN" She shouted. "YOU DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO BITCH. YOUR JUST A FUCKING WHORE WHO HOOKED UP WITH RANDOM DUDES THEN HAD ME" I shouted. A circle surrounded me the skyarmy and mom. "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" Te crowd chanted. "DO NOT MAKE ME TELEPORT YOUR OLD FRIENDS HERE JESSICA" Mom shouted. "FUCKING DO IT! I DONT GIVE A SHIT I screamed. The gang teleported here and noticed me. They said nothing. "NOW CALM DOWN" Jin shouted. "YOU CALM DOWN! YOUR NOT THE ONE WO BASICALLY TOLD YOUR WHOLE LIFE TO YOUR FRIE DS AND THEH SAY THEY DONT WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOU ANYMORE JIN! SO JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP" I screamed at him. He shut up and walked off with the skyarmy following. Irene dssapeared and the crowd walked off. Leaving me and them. "Hello again aphmau" laurence said. " Its jessica here" I said coldly and with no emotion. "Shes pissed" katelyn said. " No shit sherlock!" I said sarcastically. " JESS! JINS ABOUT TO RU. OFF" Adam shouted running up. "HES TRYING TO DO WHAT?!" I screamed running off with them following me. I ran to jins room and his stuff was gone. I checked the batroom and all the stuff was gone. "No" I whispered allowing tears to fall. "Nonono" I said crying more. I teleportedto where jin was and he was in the woods setting up camp. "Jin..." I whispered. He turned around and glared at me. " I-Im sorry for snapping at you..." I said hugging myself cause it was cold. Jin gave me his jacket and I made a fire and sat by it. Jin sat next to me and I leaned on his shoulder. "I love you jessica..." I heard him whisper. "I love you too jin" I whispered in his ear. "Y-you heard m-me?" He asked. "Does this answer your question?" I asked kissing him.
Jin's P.O.V
Jessica is kissig me! I kissed back and our little kiss turned into making out. "Lets go home jessica" I said breaking our makeout session. She smi.ed and teleported us to my bathroom? "Why?..." I asked not finishing my question. "This is where I teleported to you from" she said. "Ok..." I said. I put my stuff back with jess helping me. "Hey jess?" I asked. "Hm?" She responded. "Do you want to go on a date?" I asked. "Yes. OLIVE GARDEN" she said happily. "Ok, you can get breadsticks from olive garden on our date" I said chuckling. She smiled big and hugged me and kissed my cheek. "Thank you thank you thank you! BREADSTICKSSSSSSSSSSSS" She said. We walked downstairs and the old people were gone. "So, back for good?" Dante asked. "Back for good" I said smiling. Everyone hugged me bt jess just kissed me. "Whats gong on here?" Barney asked. "Me and jin are going on a date to OLIVE GARDENNNNNNNNNNNNN" Jess said yelling at the end. The guys said "good luck man". I chuckled and we hung out till we went to bed. I changed into my pajamas and went to sleep thinking about jess
You wike?
You better
So um, ya....
Pandalover ~
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