Chapter 11
I did a whole bunch of this chapter, and it made me do it over... fuck my ipad and lag lol...
Aphmaus P.O.V
I woke up to ross shaking me lightly. "Whaaaaaat?" I whined. "Come on get up. We start school on monday" he said. (Just say its saturday) I groaned and got up. I brushed my hair and dyed it pink and black. I gave ross his squirrel jaket, dyed dantes hair black, gave max his z necklace, barney his dinosaur ounsie, gave sky or adam his sunglasses, and jin a purple a white jacket that used to be my dads cause my family was obsessed with the color purple. They hugged me and I made breakfast. We ate and I put youtube on the tv because our house doesnt have cable. (like my house lol... :(...) "Who do you guys want to watch?" I asked. (Their not youtubers in this fanfiction) "lets watch aphmau do not laugh!" Everyone said. "Ok." I said. I looked her up and clicked on a random video on her do not laugh.
We were cracking up and I was crying from laughing too hard. I wiped my tears and made lunch. "FOOD" I shouted from the kitchen. Everyone was at the table in five second devouring the corndogs except max. "Hey max! Look imma eating the corndog" adam said devouring the corndog. "ADAM! DONT RUB IT IN MY FACE" Max shouted. Max doesnt like corndogs cause his mom made him choke on it on accident. I gave him some steak and he devoured it. "What now?" I asked washing the dishes. "We can watch mithzan" max suggested. "Ya sure. I've wanted to watch one of his videos for a while" I said. I sat on the couch and looked him up and clicked on one of his videos.
"Ok that video was awesome!" I said. "Yea!" Adam said. Everyone yawned and I noticed it was 9 o clock. We went to bed and I had a scary dream about my old friends.
Dream start
"Hey everyone!" I said walkig up to the gang. "Go away you bitch!" Laurence said. I teared up and everyone was calling me names.
Then I woke up
Dream end
I woke up wth tears going down my face. I grabbed my phone and blocked everyones numbers except dantes. 'I just realized I dont have the others numbers' I thought. I wiped my tears but they just kept coming. Soon I couldnt hold it in and I cried so loudly everyone stormed in. "WHATS WRONG JESS?!" Ross shouted hugging me. I didnt say anything except cry. "Let me talk to her guys" I heared jin say. Everyone left us alone and I heard dante say something under his breath. Jin sat next to me on te bed and pulled me ito a hug. "Whats wrong?" He asked softly. I told him about my dream and he hugged me even more. I buried my head into hks chest and cried. I stopped about 2 minutes later and just sniffed. I went downstairs where everyone was and everyone hugged me. I smiled and made eggs and toast. Everyone ate and we changed our clothes. (Ignore the bag )
I walked downstairs and everyone was watching pretty little liars on netflix. "What should e do today?" I asked sittig down. "Lets explore the town. We are new so why nkt explore?" Adam suggested. And we left.
Hey guys!
Hope you enjoyed!
Pandalover ~
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