{Chapter 1} How ghost got a little brother.
~Jimmycasket's POV~
I decided to take control of JohnnyGhost for a bit. Just walked around for a bit till this wizard guy just came up to me. He said "Hello JimmyCasket. I have a offer for you. Give me JohnnyGhost's hoodie and ill give you a body back." ??? Said. 'Why would he want Johnny's Hoodie? Is it because he's famous?' I thought. 'And how does he know how I'm Jimmy?!' I asked myself. "so do you want a body Jimmy or not?!" ??? Said. "Oh by the way I'm castor." He added. "Deal!" I said giving him Johnny's hoodie. Castor ran off. I got out of Johnny's body and my old self formed. I went into my body.
~...JohnnyGhost's POV...~
I got control over my body again and picked Jimmy up. I went to me and toast's house and put him in the guest room bed. He looks so.... Innocent... For some reason. I mean he's only 9. Maybe that's why. But I went into my bedroom and sat in my bed watching tv toast came home. I explained my problem to toast and he replied "Maybe he can be your little brother sir." "That's a good idea Johnny!" I said to toast and patted him on the back. He went into his bedroom and I went into mine. We went to bed and over all, that was a good night.
* (a/n: Hey guys, I know that you might not be having a good day but.... Hopefully this cheered you up. Do you mind if I call my fandom the Minecraftians? I was just thinking!)
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