Chapter 3: More Evidence
The 4 looked at each-other and began to run, all staying together. "This is a dumb idea! We should split up!" Cierra said. "No! We can't do that! We have to stick together!" "But, If he finds one of us, we'll all be in a group and all 4 of us will die at the same time!" Bethany agreed "Better that we die together than alone." Jordan replied. They all glanced behind them to see if the coast was clear. "Ok. But we just need to be extra catious." They sprinted to a city building and stopped. "Hey! What's that glowing thing?" Bethany pointed. "Hu?" "It looks like evidence from the G-mod map!" Jordan said and ran over to it. "Ew! Is that a glowing skull?" Cierra asked. "I think so...." Jordan looked around and found a old, beat up backpack. He picked it up and placed the evidence in it. "So we're gonna carry that thing around with us?" "Yeah, It might be good if it's like the game." "Hey, what's that shiny thing?" Bethany gestured over to a house. She squinted her eyes to see better. "It looks silver... with some blood on it. It must be-" "Jimmy Casket!" Jordan interrupted. "Run!" They nodded and ran away. Eventually, they all found a house that wasn't beat up or torn down. All 4 of them ran inside and locked the door. It was fairly small, good enough to stay in. There was a wall of bookshelves, lively with books, and a broken door next to it. there was a well-kept couch and desk, though. They looked around and set down their weapons next to the couch. They sat on the couch and Jordan began searcing the bookbag he found. Inside the dusty bag, there was many pieces of paper, pencils, the skull they found, a book with a scratched out title, and a flashlight with half-used batteries. "What's all that?" Bethany hovered over Jordan. "Uh, personal space." He moaned. "Well, this is the smallest couch ever, and there's 4 people on it. I bet Isaac is just as crushed as you are over there." Bethany remarked. "Uh, sorry to tell you guys, but we're kinda stuck here." Cierra rolled her eyes and got off the couch. "Where are you going?" Bethany asked her older sister. "To see what these books have to say. We might find more rotton skulls for Jordan." "Hey!" Everyone giggled. "Well..." Isaac scooted into Cierra's spot. "It could be worse." He continued. "I guess... I mean, we could be in one of Jimmy's Caskets right now." "Hey what's this?" Cierra said, flipping through a book. "Well, that's a book. woo-hoo." Jordan teased. "No, Captain Obvious. It's some sort of biography." "Let me see that." Jordan set down the bag and walked over. "It looks like a buncha quotes." He looked over Cierra's sholder. "Wait... when will the light take me?" "What?" "That's one of the quotes, and there's more, He goes by Jimmy, but we call him Traitor." "Traitor? Jimmy is creepy, not disloyal." "You think they mean our Jimmy?" Bethany walked over. While the others were talking and looking at the book, Isaac was looking in the backpack. He looked through the pieces of paper. They were all blank except for one. He picked up the note and read it. "Wait!" He shouted holding up the paper. "What is it, Isaac- what's that?" "A note!" "What's it say?" Cierra jumped in. "It says, Iv'e been running too long with this old backpack. I can't use my flashlight, or I'll drain the power. I never would have thought Johnny would go psyco. He now calls himself, Jimmy Casket. Well, that's who he is when he goes crazy. From hunting ghosts to being one, I know not of where he is now." "wow..." "After that, there's some blood smeared." Isaac added. "You mean, he got... Killed?" "Most likely by Jimmy." "By Jimmy, hu? How do we know this isn't just an illusion created by our thoughts and dreams, hu? Explain that!" Cierra snapped. "We don't" Isaac frowned. They stood still for a moment, only to hear Jimmy Casket's laughter. "I think we need to leave!" Bethany said and threw the book to Jordan. He caught it and put it in the bag. Isaac grabbed the weapons and all 4 of them ran out what was left of the back door. Moments after, Jimmy broke through the front, armed with a knife. Jimmy smirked at the dissapearence of his prey. "Think you've got away this time, eh? Well they haven't met me yet... I'm the world's most renowned murderer!" He said under his breath. The 4 siblings ran until they were out of breath. "Crap!" "What is it, Jordan?" "I just remembered!" He screeched. "He can track our foot-prints!" "Oh no! I comepletely forgot!" Bethany agreed. "What are we gonna do?" "Uh... guys.... I think I hear him..."
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