Chapter 1: The Abnormal Night
It was one late evening in the Frye's Household. Jordan, Isaac, Cierra, and Bethany were playing G-mod, on the gamemode murder. Jordan, as usual, was doing his Jimmy Casket voice. It was basically his voice but higher and a bit crazed. "Do you wanna know my, Secret?" Jordan said, attempting to creep out his younger siblings. " See, I told you he was the murderer! You never LISTEN!" Isaac told Cierra. " C'mon! Just, Let it go!" She snickered back. That's the tenth time you've made that reference today!" Bethany shouted. "No, It was 11." Jordan corrected. "Wait, you've been counting?" "Yeah! You know what else I've been counting?" "What?" "The seconds left you have to live!" Jordan remarked. "AHHHH I saw his knife you pulled it out! Jordan's gonna kill me!" Cierra screamed "OW! You're gonna make my ears fall off!" Isaac joked. "Oh, Suuuure." Since they were tired, their comentary was lacking so it wasen't going to be uploaded."Fine. What's your stupid secret?" Bethany eventually said. "I won!" Jordan said and killed her in the game. "Darnit! You little cheater!" "I wasen't cheating! I was playing to my strengths!" He laughed. After many more rounds of Murder, eventually everyone decided it was really late, and went to bed. "Jordan... wake up!" Jordan heard a voice and woke from his sleep. " What, Isaac?" "We heard some weird voice downstairs. Mom's asleep and you're the oldest." Cierra jumped in. "So, can you help us scout it out?" Bethany finished."Hu? Sure, I guess." He said and put on a blue hoodie with their youtube logo on it."But, it's weird. The voice sounds like you, Jordan." Bethany stated. By the time they
reached their stairs, all 4 siblings were nervous, and seemed to form a line. Jordan, as the oldest was in the front, Isaac, who was the youngest was behind him, and Bethany and Cierra were side by side behind them. "Heheheh..." A voice emerged. "Jordan! You better not be making your Jimmy Casket voice to scare us AGAIN" Bethany Scowled." I swear, that wasen't me!" He shrieked. "Hey
do ya wanna know my secret?" The voice sounded. "If that's you..." "It's not!" He screeched. "Such fools! You think I'm your so called, Brave Big Brother?" The voice said in a mocking tone. "Show yourself!" The 4 siblings shouted. "But, I thought you wanted to know my secret?" " What? No! Jimmy Casket is a made up character! Now who are you and what are you doing here?" Jordan shouted. "How pathetic. You created me, yet you don't know what I'm capable of!" Jimmy snickered.
"Ok, I'm begenning to belive it's not Jordan anymore!" Bethany stutterd. "About time! You all think you're so special! But the real secret is, Are you going to make it out alive?" Jimmy said and broke into maniacle laughter. "And you know what, I'm still suprised you doubt me, Venturian. Could a fake Jimmy Casket do this?" Following immediadly after was Bethany and Cierra's screams. Jordan and Isaac turned to not see their sisters, but complete darkness.Where'd you put our sisters?" Isaac shouted. "Where? The same place I'm going to put you two!" "In...In a Casket?" Jordan stuttered."Wow, Really? You don't say? It's not like it's my last name or anything!" He teased. "You leave him alone!" Isaac shouted. "Oh, of course! But First, you'll have to say goodbye!" Jimmy said. "NOOOOO" Then, Jordan woke up. "You're awake!" Cierra said. "H-hu? I'm alive?" He stuttered. "Alive? What were you dreaming about?" Bethany asked. "Well, you guys had woke me up and asked me to see the noise downstairs. So all 4 of us went downstairs and it turns out it was Jimmy Casket! Then he threatened us to put us in a Casket, then I'm awake! There was a moment of awkward silence until; "Uh... Exuse Me?" "Jimmy Casket was REAL!" the other 3 siblings began to giggle. "Really? That sounds like a cool dream! I think." Bethany said. "But it felt so real!" He continued. "All dreams feel real." She continued. "...I guess you're right." Jordan admitted. "Well, we're going to get coffee at StarBucks. Might wanna wipe the memory of that dream and get ready. Mom's waiting on us." Cierra said. "Yeah." "We'll see you in a bit!" Isaac said and the 3 Siblings left.
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