Chapter 5
"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Tae asks while we get our shoes on to go to school.
"Yeah, I have to get an education somehow. Don't worry, I'll be fine." I say as I nod my head and put my sneakers on.
"Wait a second.. Jin, Yoongi and Namjoon, why are you coming with us? Aren't you graduated?" I ask as we exit the house. They all sport a grin as they look at me.
"We're teacher helpers." Yoongi says.
"We have a different assigned teacher every 2 periods." Jin says.
"We help them out with some of their work and we also help the students out when needed." Namjoon says as we walk down the large hill, onto a new road leading us into another rich neighborhood.
"Oh, okay." I shrug.
"It's cool right? They help the teachers and they get to go into staff rooms!" Jungkook says dreamily.
"It's cool I guess." I shrug as I kick a rock. I don't really care for staff rooms or special privileges. We continue to walk, making small talk here and there on our way. It only takes up about 15 minutes to walk to the school.
"Wow, this school is huge." I exclaim as I stop and stare at the giant, tall, white and beige school. It's definitely fancy, I know it.
"Eh, it's small once you're used to it." Hoseok shrugs and starts walking.
"Come on! We need to get you your schedule and see who you have and when." Taehyung exclaims as he grabs my hand and pulls me inside. Yep, definitely a fancy school. We enter a large room, the walls replaced with glass as we walk to a nice looking old lady maybe in her 50's, sitting at a dark brown wooden desk with papers scattered everywhere.
"Hey Darla!" Taehyung giggles as Jungkook hops in next to me.
"Oh, hi boys! What can I do for you this morning? Oh, who's this?" She smiles and motions to me.
"This is Jimin, he's living with us now and he'll be going to this school too. Can we have his schedule?" Taehyung asks politely and Darla nods, grabbing a piece of paper behind her.
"Park Jimin?" She asks as she hands me the paper.
"Yes." I say as I take it.
"Well, if that's all, have a good day boys. And Jimin, if you ever need anything or someone to talk to, just come to me." Darla gives me a sweet smile as she bids us goodbye.
"Thank you Darla, I will." I smile at her and leave.
"What's your schedule like!?" Hobi asks as soon as the door closes behind us. I look at my schedule and shrug.
1st Period: English
2nd Period: Science
3rd period: Math
4th Period:Music
5th period: Art
"I have 1st with you Jiminie, just follow me." Taehyung says as he takes my hand again and leads me away from the others.
"Bye Jiminie! Have fun!" Namjoon exclaims as I'm being dragged away by Tae. I give a small wave and pick up my pace, walking beside Tae.
"I'm so glad we have 1st together! It'll be so fun! Mr.Yeo is really good at English and he's super laid back." Tae says as we get to a classroom.
"Ready?" He asks as he grabs the door handle.
"I guess so.." I shrug as he opens the door and pulls me in. A few people are already there and they look at us.
Of course.
"Mr.Yeo!" Tae calls as the teacher looks up from writing something on the chalk board.
"Taehyung, hello. Who's this?" He asks as he walks over.
"This is Park Jimin, he's the new transfer student." Tae says as he pushes me forwards a bit.
"Oh, well hello Jimin, it's nice to meet you." Mr.Yeo gives me a big smile and shakes my hand.
"Nice to meet you too." I say quietly once he let's my hand go.
"Would you like to introduce you self? Class will start any minute so everyone should be here." Mr.Yeo motions to the now almost filled class.
"Uhm.. s-sure." I say as I look at Tae. He gives me a small smile and I turn towards the class who is giving me weird looks. I feel Tae put his hand on my lower back and rub his thumb up and down, which calms me down a little.
"Uh, hi, I'm Park Jimin, I'm 16 and I guess... I like singing and eating." I let a small chuckle escape as I shrug my shoulders. I get positive reactions when a few smiles show up and a few small laughs are heard.
"Very good, thank you Jimin, please take a seat with Taehyung." Mr.Yeo thanks and motions to a few empty seats. Taehyung grabs my hand again and takes me to the very back window seats.
"You were so brave! Good job, I'm proud of you Jiminie." Taehyung speaks in a low voice beside me.
"Thanks..." I shrug and listen to the bell buzz. Mr.Yeo starts talking about a new project we have to start. Of course, Tae and I were paired up. The class was okay, not boring enough to make me fall asleep. Let's hope it stays that way for the rest of the year. The class soon ends after an hour and I sling my bag over my shoulder and walk out with Tae.
"We have a 15 minute break now and the boys and I usually meet up in 4 corners." Tae says as we walk together.
"4 corners?" I ask as we dodge a few people.
"Yeah, it's a wide open space, and if you stand in the middle, there's 4 hallways. As long as you can find 4 corners, you can find your way around the school no problem." He shrugs as we arrive at said 4 corners. The rest of the group is standing there conversing and laughing.
"Ah, Jiminie!" Jungkook exclaims once he sees us. He runs over and pulls me in for a hug.
"Haha, hi Jungkook." I smile as he pulls me over to the rest.
"How'd you like you first class?" Namjoon asks as he eats a few pretzels.
"Good, it wasn't boring. I got paired with Tae for a new project." I shrug and snatch a pretzel from him.
"Well that's nice, what do you have next?" Jin asks as he hands more pretzels to a pouting Namjoon.
"Um... Science." I say, remembering my schedule.
"Okay I have that class with you. We have Mrs.Kimmy, she's really nice... if you don't get on her bad side." Hobi chuckles as he puts an arm around my shoulder.
Yoongi let's a raspy cough out while saying "Slut warning". I look over and there's a girl with blond hair, a pink tank tucked into a skin tight, black leather pencil skirt strutting over. She takes the rosy lollipop out of her mouth while we stare at her.
"Can we help you?" Namjoon asks calmly.
"Yeah, can I have your number?" She asks, licking her lips. I hear Yoongi scoff and Hobi moves his arm off my shoulder to around my waist, pulling me closer to him.
"Sorry, I don't give my number to random girls I don't know." Namjoon chuckles. She rolls her eye and looks at Jungkook.
"What about you hot stuff? Wanna ditch and have a fun day?" She purrs. I can't help but let a small laugh escape my lips. The boys and girl whip their heads in my direction.
"Oh wait never mind, he's cuter." She ignores Jungkook and slips over to me. She wraps her arms around one of mine and pulls me away from Hobi.
"Hi, I'm Sarah, but you can call me yours." She winks and pushes her chest against my arm.
"Um.. hi." I say. I've never dealt with girls like these before but she's pissing me off. I've seen Taemin shut them down, maybe I should too.
"So what do you say? Want to go back to my place and have some fun?" She purrs and licks her lips again, pushing her whole body against me now. No way am I dealing with this right now.
"Sarah fu-" Yoongi starts but I cut him off.
"Yeah sorry, I don't do that. I'd rather not spend my day with you." I say as I rip my arm from her grasp.
"Ugh why not? I could rock your world." She purrs again. I roll my eyes and cross my arms.
"I said no, take the hint. I don't like you." I step away from her.
"What the hell? Are you gay or something?" She scoffs and I widen my eyes.
"No, I'm not gay." I growl.
"Then come to my place!" She pulls on my arm.
"I said no, I don't want to." I pull back. This bitch just isn't giving up is she?
"So you are gay then?" She smirks and crosses her arms.
"I told you I'm not." I ball my hands into fists. I'm about to punch this chick right in her fake ass face.
"Prove it, come with me." She keeps her smirk.
"Oh for fucks sake." I hear Yoongi growl behind us. I turn around and he's walking over.
"Yoongi I-" I start but he grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me into him, kissing me lightly and carefully. What the...
I hear Sarah growl, stomp her perky black heel, and walk away. Yoongi keeps his lips on mine, one hand on my waist and the other holding my shirt. Once she's gone he steps away from the kiss, taking his hands off me.
"Sorry, she wasn't leaving and I didn't want you to punch her." He smirks and walks back in the corner he was originally in. I look at the others and they're fuming.
"Let's go to class Jiminie." Hobi says and takes my wrist, dragging me away. We turn the corner and I've had enough.
"Okay ow Hobi, you're hurting me." I pull back. He pulls more and I let out a cry of pain. He stops walking and turns around, letting me go. I pull my hand back and grab my wrist.
"Don't hurt me." I flinch as he walks over. He sighs and pulls me into a hug.
"I'm sorry Jiminie, I'm just mad at Yoo-uh Sarah for throwing herself on you like that. Are you okay?" He asks as he lightly takes my red wrist. He runs his thumb over it and kisses the back of my hand.
"Hobi, there are probably people watching." I chuckle as he looks up.
"Let them, I'm just taking care of my brother." He smirks and puts and arm around my shoulder again. We walk to class just as the bell rings. This is going to be a long day...
. . .
Time skip brought to you by: A to the g to the u to the STD.
"It's lunch! Finally!" I exclaim as I leave Math with Jungkook. Math was absolutely so boring and I wanted to bash my head on the desk till I died.
"Haha, no need to rush, there's always a table for us." He chuckles as he puts an arm around my shoulder.
"What do you mean?" I ask as we make our way to 4 corners again. We're meeting with everyone there again and then going to the cafeteria.
"Well... we're kind of popular." He chuckles. We arrive at 4 corners and I see Namjoon and Jin talking quietly while Tae, Hobi and Yoongi are all laughing at something on Hobi's phone.
"Hey guys." I say as we get closer to them.
"Hey Jimin, ready for lunch?" Jin asks as he walks over and ruffles my hair.
"Ugh Jin hyung!" I whine as I fix my hair. He chuckles as we walk together down the hall.
"What are they serving today?" I ask as we turn a corner.
"Um.. I think it's spaghetti." Hobi says, looking up from his phone.
"No its pizza, tomorrow is spaghetti." Namjoon corrects. "I know this because I made the pizza with the lunch lady." He says proudly.
"Then why isn't the school burnt down?" Jin teases.
"Yah! That's not nice!" Namjoon lightly pushes Jin, making him stumble a little. We all just laugh at the bickering that starts between them. We soon enter the cafeteria and a lot of people look over.
"They're here!!" A girl squeals from somewhere in the room. For the love of God, they aren't this popular are they?
"It is! Oh my god! Jungkook marry me!"
"Jin will you let me cook for you!?"
"Namjoon please break my legs!"
"Yoongi punch me in the face!"
"Hoseok dance on me!"
"Taehyung let me feed you!"
"Are you serious?" I quietly ask then as we walk further into the cafeteria.
"Yeah, just ignore them." Jungkook chuckles as his arm falls over my shoulders.
"Want some food?" Jin asks as we arrive to the lunch ladies.
"Sure." I shrug.
"Hey Malaria." Jin smiles at one of the lunch ladies.
"Why hello Jin! Hello boys!" She greets them back.
"Can we get 7 slices of pizza please?" Namjoon smiles. Malaria nods her head and goes to the oven with the pizzas. She grabs 7 separate plates, putting a slice on each and adding... a chocolate rose on the side? The hell?
"Here you are, uh may I ask who this is?" She hands us the plates, me grabbing one with a purple chocolate rose.
"This is Jimin, he's with us now. I'm sure Darla will tell you about him later." Taehyung says with a smile.
"Oh, well it's nice meeting you Jimin, have a good lunch." She smiles at me.
"Thanks, you too." I smile back. "This way Jimin." Jin says as we walk through the rows of tables, passing people while they stare. I hear squeals, scoffs, and other sound effects from everyone.
"I told you there's always a table." Jungkook chuckles into my ear. I roll my eyes and sit next to Yoongi and Jungkook.
Just as we start eating, I hear a chair scrape, a few gasps and heels clicking over.
"Here we go." Jin sighs as I notice none of them have touched their food yet. I give them a confused look and turn around, seeing another slutty looking bitch walk over. I deeply sigh and prepare myself for what's coming.
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