It's Nothing.
Requested by @midnightjjk
Jimin had been dealing with some pain in one of his teeth for a couple days, he was able to ease it mostly with some advil that he'd sneak whenever nobody was watching.
I just need to brush them better and they'll be good as new.
The pain will go away on it's own.
I don't have to see the dentist.
I will NOT see the dentist.
The pain had subsided for a bit, and Jimin woke up excited to know that he'd finally fixed the problem on his own without needing treatment. He was terrified of the dentist, no way was he going to go. When he was a small child, he had a babysitter who would always be watching scary movies after he'd 'go to bed.' However one night he crept in and stared at the movie she was watching and it was some movie about patients going to the dentist and the dentist was taking all their teeth out with pliers and then killing them.
He was traumatized after that, and as a child would fight tooth and nail not to go. He even went to therapy for it a few times, and whenever his parents would force him to see the dentist he had to be medicated in order to sedate him. As an adult, he'd done his best to avoid ever having to go. Even when the company told him he needed to go for teeth cleanings or routine check-ups, he somehow worked his way around it.
As he went to brush his teeth, he decided to inspect the tooth that had been hurting. He opened his mouth and looked in the mirror at the tooth.
There was a significantly sized cavity, practically a complete hole, in the molar.
It doesn't hurt though. So it's fine. As long as it doesn't hurt it's fine.
He finished in the bathroom and headed to the kitchen where everyone else was already gathering around for breakfast. He overheard Jin and Yoongi talking about some new mixtapes, Hobi was talking to Taehyung about a cool dance video he saw online, and Namjoon was reading a the breakfast table? And Jungkook was ...practicing handstands in the hallway. A typical morning for the boys.
"JIMIN-SSIIIII!!" Jungkook yelled as he ran up behind him and grabbed him in a hug, " About time, I'm starving. Jinnie hyung and Yoongi hyung made croffles with ice cream and apples!" The youngest yelled while everyone sat and began eating.
"Oh thank you hyung, this is delici..s.sssss" Jimin was going to tell his hyungs that the breakfast was great, however was stopped by a sudden wince when the ice cream touched his tooth. He groaned in pain and shot his hand up to his face. "Jiminie ? What's wrong?" Taehyung asked, everyone was looking at him.
"Oh it's nothing, I just...I just bit the inside of my cheek by accident," Jimin lied. He didn't want the members to know about his toothache because he already knew they'd make him go to the dentist, and that was a battle he just couldn't fight.
"Oh, well be more careful Jimin-ah" Jin told him while he gently gave his dongsaeng a caress on the cheek. Jimin nodded and continued to eat, trying to fight back the pain but wasn't very good at hiding his facial expressions. Eventually he decided to just not finish eating as it hurt his tooth too much.
"You don't want to finish your breakfast?" Hobi asked.
"No thank you hyung , I'm full."
Everyone stared at him a bit concerned, he'd barely eaten a quarter of it, no way he was full. Yoongi walked over and placed his hand on Jimin's forehead, " Well you're not sick or anything, you're not warm."
"Are you sure you're okay?" Namjoon asked. They all knew Jimin had dealt with eating disorders in the past, so seeing him not finish his breakfast for no apparent reason was a bit concerning for everyone.
"I'm fine...sss" Jimin threw his hand back up to clutch his face. His tooth was starting to hurt like hell. His anxiety was also rising now that he knew he pretty much blew his cover, his members wouldn't ignore him doing that twice now. They'd definitely pry until they discovered what's wrong.
No. They can't know!!
"Hyungie what's wrong with your mouth?" Jungkook asked.
Of course Jungkook just had to ask. He always had to ask. About everything. All the time. Ugh. Golden maknae .... golden at not minding his own damn business!
"Nothing. I just bit the inside of my cheek again," Jimin told him.
"You're lying," Yoongi said sternly. The members had lived with eachother and were close enough to know when someone was lying. Especially Yoongi, he may have been quiet and reserved, but this also meant he spent more time observing people. He knew everyone's little habits, including how Jimin would pick at his nails when he was anxious or lying, which he was doing at the moment.
" No I'm not hyung!"
Yoongi walked over and got in front of Jimin, " Then open your mouth."
Jimin clenched his jaw shut and shook his head no.
"Is it your teeth?" Taehyung asked. Everyone knew Jimin's raging fear of the dentist. They knew he weaseled his way out of having to go almost every time they were asked. They'd seen him have panic attacks before over it, so it was always a touchy subject. The members knew where the fear stemmed from, and had always done their best to help, but there were only so many words they could say to make him feel better, usually to no avail anyways.
Jimin shook his head no at Taehyung.
"Then show Yoongi hyung your teeth," Hobi demanded, but there was still a gentleness to his voice. Jimin started to frantically shake his head no, while clenching his jaw closed. Tears started welling in his eyes. He didn't want his members to know about his tooth. He did NOT want to be forced to see the dentist.
"It's okay.." Namjoon started, " You don't have to be scared. Just tell us what is wrong and we will do what we have to to help you."
Yoongi however, wasn't as patient of a man, "Show me what's wrong with your teeth before I pry your mouth open myself. " Yoongi knew he was joking, but his tone didn't exactly tell his members that.
"Yoongi-ah don't. You'll just make it worse," Jin scolded. Jimin silently looked around at all his members who were staring at him wide eyed with concern. He felt defeated.
It's useless hiding it at this point. They all know.
He shot Jungkook an angry glare.
Thanks a lot , maknae. I love you more than life itself, but you suck sometimes. You just had to ask.
" I ...I think I have a cavity", Jimin finally admitted.
"Oh", all the members said in unison. They all knew what that meant. He'd have to go to the dentist. Needless to say, nobody was thrilled.
"Can hyung check it?" Jin asked. Jimin just sighed as Jin walked over and inspected his mouth.
"Holy shit! How'd it get that bad?!" Jin yelled as he stared at the literal hole in Jimin's molar.
"It's not that bad! It's fine! I'm sure it'll just heal up itself!!"
"It's a literal hole..." Jin stated.
Hobi aimlessly looked around the room, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone, " So......whose going to go with him?" As much as they all loved and cared for Jimin, it was a task none of them wanted. The panic attacks they'd seen him have before at the dentist were enough to break everyone's hearts and make them never want to witness something like that again. They obviously knew the dentist wouldn't hurt him, but seeing Jimin himself not realize that was torture. Seeing him be so scared was like watching him trying to run from a murderer. It was too emotionally exhausting, and sometimes too physically exhausting as well.
"I can go with hyungie," Jungkook offered. Jin shut that down immediately, " No, I don't want you going." Jungkook was Jin's literal baby, the oldest didn't want the youngest being put in that position. He'd rather have one of the older members go and handle it, he thought it'd be too stressful for his little bunny.
"I'll go with him," Yoongi announced.
"Nobody is going with me, because I'm not going," Jimin huffed as he crossed his arms.
"You have to. A cavity like that isn't going to heal itself. It will just get worse and worse," Taehyung told him.
"Well then it can just rot out of my mouth and then it'll be fine."
"That's not how it works. If it gets that rotted, it'll cause infection in your gums. You could need a root canal, and trust me you don't want that. Also, if your gums go long without having an infection treated, the infection could spread to your brain," Namjoon informed him.
Jimin froze. My brain?!?!
"But hyung I...I..." Jimin didn't actually know what he was trying to say.
"But .. you're going to the dentist. Actually, they're already open and take walk-ins so we'll go right now," Yoongi grabbed Jimin's arm and started dragging him away. Jimin fought him. Yoongi knew if they waited, his dongsaengs anxiety would just build up and get worse. It was better to go quickly and get it over with.
"No! I'm not going!"
"Yes you are!" Yoongi demanded. Jimin knew if he was going to lose a battle with anyone, it'd be Yoongi.
"But...but..can't Jungkookie come with me instead? or Taehyungie? Or Hobi hyung?" Jimin wasn't about to blatantly tell Yoongi that he'd rather go with someone a bit more affectionate.
"I think it's best if Yoongi takes you," Jin told him. Jin truly felt like Yoongi was the best option. He knew Jimin wouldn't fight too much with Yoongi, as Yoongi got intimidating when he needed to be. Jin also knew he wasn't soft like everyone else, Jimin probably would've talked any of the rest of them out of having to go. Yoongi would make sure Jimin got in that dentist chair if it was the last thing he did.
"No! They'll kill me! They'll kill me!" Jimin screamed as Yoongi continued to drag Jimin out of the house to the car. Once they were out, the rest of the members sighed. "Will he be okay?" Jungkook asked with big concerned eyes. Namjoon walked over and hugged Jungkook, he knew how worried the maknae got over his hyungs, "He'll be just fine. Stressed, but fine. He's in good hands. Yoongi hyung won't let anything happen to him." The members finished their breakfast and went about their downtime activities, patiently waiting for their oldest maknae and second oldest hyung to return.
In the car, Jimin wouldn't stop screaming and crying.
"Theyre going to kill me!!!!!" Jimin cried. He tried prying the door and window open but Yoongi had them locked shut. He knew Jimin would try to jump out if he could.
"Nobody is going to kill you," Yoongi said firmly, keeping his eyes on the road. Admittedly, it was hard for Yoongi too to see the younger in such a state, but he couldn't give in. He couldn't. He had to remain stern and strong or else he knew Jimin would get his way. And that'd just lead to infection.
"They will! They'll strap me to the chair and then rip my teeth out and kill me!!" Jimin screamed as tears rolled down his face.
Yoongi sighed, " How many times have you seen the dentist in your life? Hm? And how many times have they killed you? Zero. Zero times Jimin. Why? Because they wouldn't do that. You really think hyung would just drive you to a place to be murdered?"
Jimins lip quivered, "I dont know. Maybe.." He pouted.
Yoongi shot him a quick glare. He knew Jimin was just trying to say things that would guilt him into turning the car around. He put his hand on Jimin's shoulder and squeezed it, he could feel his dongsaeng shaking in his grasp. "I wont let them do anything bad to you. I'll stay with you. If they try any funny business, which they wont, hyung will whoop their ass."
When they got to the dentist, Jimin protested getting out of the car. Yoongi grabbed his wrist and literally dragged him inside, "Ow you're hurting me!" Jimin screamed.
"No I'm not. Stop over exaggerating will you?"
Jimin pouted. He really was trying to guilt Yoongi into not making him go, and he was frustrated it wasn't working. Of all the members they just HAD to send him with Yoongi.
Inside, Yoongi plopped Jimin in a chair while he went and checked him in. Jimin brought his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. He couldn't stop shaking as silent tears fell from his eyes. Thankfully nobody else was in the waiting room, so he didn't care what he looked like. Yoongi came back and sat next to him, rubbing his back, "You'll be fine."
"How does it feel knowing you brought me to my death? Some hyung you are." Jimin gave him an angry look. Yoongi just sighed and furrowed his eyebrows. He had a headache, and he knew just getting to the dentist had been the easy part.
"Park Jimin?" The dentist entered the waiting room. Yoongi stood up, but Jimin didnt move a muscle.
"Let's go. Now." Yoongi demanded. Jimin shook his head no and held his legs tighter.
"Jimin don't make me start being mean. You know I can get mean." Yoongi did feel bad having to use that threat, but he didnt know what else to do.
Jimin didnt know what to do either. In his mind the dentist was either going to kill him, or Yoongi was going to get mean. He actually wasn't sure which one he was more afraid of. Yoongi was scary when he got mean.
Yoongi held his hand out waiting for Jimin to take it, and he hesitantly grabbed his hyungs hand and let himself be dragged into the dentist room. He could hear and feel his heart pounding out of his chest. His hands wouldn't stop sweating. He looked at the dentist chair and stopped, not wanting to sit. Yoongi slowly pushed him to the chair, and coaxed him down into it. Jimin grabbed onto the arm rests until his knuckles turned white. The dentist started asking a bunch of questions , but Jimin refused to open his mouth so Yoongi answered them all.
"Okay Mr.Park, I need you to open your mouth," the dentist sat next to him waiting with the light pointed at his face. He refused as tears fell from his eyes. Yoongi could see his dongsaengs breathing was staring to pick up. He gently grabbed Jimins arm, " You're okay. It'll be over before you know it. I promise nothing bad will happen to you. I'm right here for you okay?" He gave Jimin a big smile.
However, it was like everything Yoongi said went in one ear and out the other. Jimin stared at the dentist, and all he could picture was that same dentist from that movie who killed his patients. Everything around him turned into a blur and every noise became muffled. All he could see, was a murderer.
"Jimin-ah?" Yoongi asked when he noticed Jimin was completely still aside from the fact he was hyperventilating.
"Is he alright?" the dentist asked Yoongi.
"He's terrified of the dentist, sorry about this. Jimin??" Yoongi shook him again. Suddenly, Jimin shot up from the chair and ran to the corner and dropped to sit down, huddling his arms around his knees again and burying his face, crying frantically. The dentist stared at him unsure of what to do. Thankfully, Yoongi had experience dealing with this behavior.
"Is it okay if I speak to him alone for a minute?" Yoongi asked. The dentist nodded and headed out.
"Hey," Yoongi started as he went and crouched down next to Jimin.
"Get away from me!" Jimin yelled, catching Yoongi off guard.
"Because you'll make me get back in that chair! You dont understand! You dont understand anything hyung!"
Yoongi sat next to Jimin and embraced him in a hug, " I do understand."
"How could you? You're not afraid of the dentist. You're not afraid of anything!"
"Sure I am. There's a lot of things I'm afraid of."
Jimin glanced at his hyung, blinking away his tears. Yoongi leaned over and used his shirt sleeve to wipe the tears and snot off of him. "What would you possibly be afraid of? You're always so brave."
"I know what it's like to have anxiety. I've had my fair share of panic attacks. Just because you haven't seen them and I don't talk about it doesn't mean it hasn't happened. Remember when Jungkook passed out after a concert? Nobody knew it then but I was having a panic attack in the bathroom, I couldn't stop crying, I was so worried about him. So yes, I do understand. But I also know that anxiety plays tricks on you, Jimin-ah. I know you think they'll hurt you, but they won't. Do you trust me?"
"Of course I trust you."
"Then you have to trust that I wouldn't put you in danger. I'm not being stern to be mean, but I know if I'm not stern with you, you wouldn't have come. And you need your tooth fixed before you end up getting sick. I'd hate to see you get sick, I can't handle when any of you get hurt or sick. So do you trust me when I tell you that this dentist is not going to harm you?" Yoongi grabbed Jimin's cheeks in his hands and they looked at eachother. Jimin didn't have much of a response.
I know hyung wouldn't do anything to let me get hurt.
"Yes, I trust you", He said again.
"So then can you please get back in the chair and let the dentist fix your tooth? You can keep your eyes closed the whole time and hold my hand so you know I'm right there."
Although hesitantly, Jimin agreed. He got back in the chair and Yoongi called the dentist back in. She sat down and handed Jimin the light blocking glasses. Jimin squeezed his eyes shut, and Yoongi stood there holding his hand and ran his fingers through Jimins hair, periodically wiping away the tears that would roll out from under the youngers glasses.
After not even 25 minutes, Yoongi called him.
Jimin didn't move.
"JIMIN" Yoongi yelled, breaking the younger from his trance-like state.
"You're done. It's finished. They fixed the cavity, and all your other teeth look good."
"You mean it's over?!" Jimin sat up quickly with a smile.
"Yeah, and guess what?"
"What hyung?"
"You're still alive."
Jimin gave Yoongi a shy smile while looking at the floor. He helped Jimin out of the chair, and they headed out. Yoongi couldn't stop making fun of and laughing at Jimin's half numbed droopy face from the Novocaine that hadn't worn off yet.
When they got back, all the members ran to the door anxiously waiting for them. They surrounded Jimin when he walked in and hugged him and asked him how he felt.
"It'sss nermb" Everyone laughed at him for not being able to talk right. The panic had him feeling exhausted so he retreated to his room for a nap, being followed by Jungkook who wanted to cuddle.
Jin went over to Yoongi, " So how'd it go? Howd you do it?"
"I have my ways. Anyways, I need a drink."
The members laughed and all decided to day drink and chill for the rest of their day off.
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