Job interview
"Guys? You ready to go to daycare?" Jimin says, putting on his smartest black shoes and adjusting his tie.
"But daddy why do I have to go?" Jungkook whined. "I'm a big boy now!"
"I'm sorry Jungkook but I'm legally not allowed to leave you alone until you're at least 10." Jimin said, fixing his hair in the mirror.
"But daycare is for babies like Yoongi." Jungkook said, looking down to the three year old sat on the floor giggling to himself.
"No it's not. There are older kids there too I promise." Jimin said, distracted by making sure he looked as smart as possible.
"Why are you in a suit?" Jungkook asked, being the curious child he was.
"Because I have an interview." Jimin said, fixing a single strand of hair that had fallen out of place. "Now put your shoes on I can't be late so we need to get going ok? Can you help Yoongi too?" Jimin asked, getting more and more stressed by the second. Jungkook puts on his shoes, which luckily had Velcro so it was quick, and helped Yoongi put his shoes on as Jimin grabbed his fancy leather satchel.
"You ready?" Jungkook and Yoongi nodded, and so they set off.
They sat on the bus, and Jungkook was as being as mischievous as usual, attempting to press the stop button several times before he was blocked by Jimin pulling his arm down and scolding him.
"If you try and press that button one more time you will be sent straight to your room when we get back." Jimin said firmly, slightly embarrassed at his son making such a scene on a public bus.
"Don't care." Jungkook started bluntly as he reached out and quickly pressed the button before Jimin could stop him.
"That's it. No tv when we get home. You'll be going straight to your room." Jimin said, holding back his anger and trying to stay calm.
"I. Don't. Care." Jungkook said again, before sticking his tongue out at Jimin. Why did he have to be so cheeky.
"Fine then, no tv all of tomorrow too." Jungkook just huffs and pouts, folding his arms aggressively.
It got to their stop, and Jimin firmly held Jungkooks hand to keep him under control as they walked to the daycare.
"Hi Jimin!" The receptionist said, recognising him from his last visit.
"Hi!" Jimin said back. The receptionist came out from behind the desk to greet Jungkook.
"Hi! I don't believe I've met you before!" She says, bending down slightly to his level. "What's your name?"
"Jungkook" he replies simply.
"And how old are you?" She asks.
"10" he lies, and Jimin rolls his eyes.
"No you're not, your 8." Jimin says, and the receptionist chuckles.
"No I'm 10!" Jungkook tries to argue, but she doesn't believe him.
"He's a cheeky one, huh?" She says.
"Yep. Very cheeky. He already has consequences for pushing the stop button on the bus." She tuts and shakes her head. "You better be on you're best behavior mister" he says, and Jungkook sticks his tongue out again.
"Well I have to go so I'm not late. Thank you so much for looking after them." Jimin says after glancing at his fancy gold watch.
"No worries. Good luck!" She says, taking Yoongis hand and waving goodbye so Yoongi does the same.
"Ok come on guys." She says, leering Yoongi and Jungkook back to the play room.
Yoongi happily scuttled off to the raised sand pit again, while Jungkook scowled at the sight. I'm too big for this baby stuff. He thought.
"Well Jungkook? You wanna go play?" She asked, and Jungkook retaliated straight away.
"I'm not a baby." He said, folding his arms with a huff and scuffing the floor.
"Well what do you want to do? What do you usually do at home for fun?" She asked, and Jungkook continued to scuff the floor.
"Watch tv."
"Unfortunately we don't have a tv here. What else do you do?"
" with my action figures."
"Well, we don't have any of those either. How about I show you some of the things we do have here? There's lots of cool things to do." She says, gently pushing him towards the side of the room where there were some foam blocks.
"Here, these are really cool. They're foam blocks that have Velcro on so you can put them together and make stuff. What'd ya think of that?" She says, praying that maybe he'd engage. But no.
"That's boring." He says bluntly.
"Okay..... what about colouring? We have paper and crayons over here." She says, pushing him over to the table.
"No that's girly!" He shouts with a pout. I hate this place. He thought.
"Well if you wont engage with me I'll let you find what you want to do yourself. But I don't appreciate this attitude." She scolded, walking off, leaving him to stand there and scuff at the floor. He stayed that way for a while, until he saw Yoongi, playing with the aforementioned foam blocks, building a random shape up against the wall. Jungkook smirks, and comes up with the perfect plan. Now he can be entertained.
He ran over and kicked down the blocks, leaving the them to scatter and bounce around the room. This left Yoongi in wailing cries at his creation being destroyed and Jungkook laughed to himself.
"Excuse me Jungkook. That was bad behaviour. You made you're brother cry. For that, you're going to the naughty chair. She said, grabbing his hand and pulling him over to the chair that was in the corner facing the wall. On the wall was a sign that says "I was put here because I was bad, so I think about why it was bad." Jungkook sits on it with an angry pout and she crouched down in front of him.
"You are places on this chair because you kicked the blocks and upset you're brother. I expect you to sit here for 8 minutes and think about your actions." She said firmly, before going over and tending to Yoongi.
"I know honey it's ok. He was being a bad boy." She said, picking him up and bouncing him a little. "Here how about you do some colouring." She places him in front of the table and paced him a piece of paper and a crayon. Yoongi quickly wiped away his tears, completely forgetting about what had happened before in two seconds.
While she was tending to Yoongi, Jungkook glared at here.
I don't need to stay here. There's nothing stopping me from running away. He got up of the chair and wandered around. For a moment, he stared at the glass doors that led out to the reception. He could easily escape right now. He wondered over, and just as he started to open the door, he heard a voice calling his name.
"Jungkook!" She yelled, running over. Just as Jungkook was about to run away, she managed to grab him and pull him away. She dragged him to the chair, and walked away, only for him to get up off the chair again and walk to the door. She manages to act quickly this time and pull him away.
"This behaviour is unacceptable. I want you to stay on that chair for eight minutes, then you can go back to playing. But these attempts to escape are absolutely unacceptable." She says, very firmly. She didn't like to lock the doors, but since Jungkook was about to escape, she might have to. Jungkook pouted with his arms firmly crossed as she locked the doors. Jungkook wasn't happy yet. He needed to trash this place if he wanted to be satisfied. He stood up and kicked the chair, which went further than he expected, and managed to hit Yoongi, who broke into screams. The daycare worker was getting frustrated now. This kid really was a handful, no way could she go tend to Yoongi and let Jungkook carry on trashing the place. She grabbed Jungkook, and shouted to a coworker to make sure Yoongi was ok and tend to him, while she put Jungkook in his place.
She unlocked the doors, with a firm grasp on Jungkook and pulled him into the tantrum room. She dragged him over to a chair by a table and sat him down and crouched down in front of him.
"I don't appreciate this behaviour Jungkook. It is absolutely unacceptable. You could have really hurt your brother back there. That's very bad behaviour. I will be telling your father about everything that has happened here, and you will have consequences for this. Now since you can't be trusted to sit and reflect on your own you have to sit here with me. For 8 minutes." She scolds harshly. She knew there was something more going on here, but there's no way she would get anything out of him at this rate. Jungkook just sat with a scowl, scuffing the floor angrily. He really hated it there.
Meanwhile, the coworker went to make sure Yoongi was ok after being hit at full force by a chair.
"Are you ok honey?" She said, pushing the chair away, and crouching in front of him. Yoongi just shook his head.
"Are you hurt? Do you have any booboos?" Yoongi nodded, still screaming with tears streaming down his face.
"Come on, let's move out the way of the other kids and I can make your boo boo better." She said, gently lifting Yoongi onto her hip and heading to a room much like a nurses office, for treating kids with injuries. Usually they only get bumped heads or the odd paper cut. They weren't used to having kids being pelted with chairs...
This coworkers fear was that the sheer force of the chair hitting him broke his frail growing bones.
"Where are you hurt honey?" She asks, placing him down on the bed. Yoongi motions to basically his whole left side.
"Did it hit your head?" She asks, getting the most important parts out of the way first. Yoongi shook his head, he got lucky this time.
"What about your arm? Does that hurt?" Yoongi nods, coughing and sniffing in between his now slightly quieter wails and sobs.
"Can you do this for me?" She says, wiggling her fingers, and Yoongi successfully copies her. Thank god it's not broken.
"What about your leg? Can you wiggle your toes?" She asks, and she can see Yoongis toes wiggle through his socks and he nods.
Yoongi holds his arm up and cutely says "kissy". The coworkers heart melted.
"You want me to kiss it better?" Yoongi nodded, and she gladly peppered kisses down his arm which made him giggle.
"There. All better." She said, using a tissue to wipe away the tears and snot from his face.
"You ready to go back in?" She asked and Yoongi nodded. "Yeah? Let's go do some colouring yeah?" She said, placing him back on the floor and walking him back into the room and to the colouring table where he was reunited with his masterpiece.
Meanwhile, kookie sat in silence for the whole 8 minutes, until the timer went off.
"Do you have an apology for me Jungkook? For your bad behaviour?" She prompted. And Jungkook just huffed and crossed his arms.
"If you don't apologize you'll be here for another 8 minutes, so I recommend you get on and apologize."
"Sorry..." Jungkook mumbles with a slightly angry tone. It'll do. She thinks.
"Now, can you tell me why I put you on the chair?" Jungkook shrugged, swinging his legs.
"Cause I kicked the blocks...."
"Good. And can you tell me why you kicked the blocks?" She asks. Jungkook shrugs again. He was stumped. He couldn't find a good answer.
"Can you tell me why you misbehaved?" She asks, rephrasing the question.
"I dunno." He mumbles with a shrug.
"Did you just think it would be fun? Or is it maybe because of something?" She prompts, hoping to get the answer from him.
"We're you upset about anything?" He shrugs again. This is gonna take a while.
"Ok, put it this way. I think you were a little upset about daddy leaving you here, am I correct?" It takes a moment, but Jungkook nods.
"Can you tell me why you were upset about that?" She says, and she simply waits for a response. It was a agonising two minutes of awkward silence before Jungkook finally spoke.
"'S for babies..." he just says.
"You think this place is for babies?" She says, and Jungkook nods awkwardly.
"Do you maybe think that daddy doesn't trust you?" Jungkook shrugs again. She basically gave up at this point. She knew what Jungkook was thinking.
"I know you like to think your a big boy, am I right?" She says.
"I am a big boy." Jungkook retaliates.
"Yes, you are. But, you think you're too old for all this. You'd rather stay at home alone right?" She says. Jungkook nods awkwardly again.
"Now I have no doubt that you can be well behaved, and I'm sure you would be well behaved if you were at home alone, but you're just a little bit too young. Unfortunately it's a law that you be under someone's care Jungkook. I know you might think that this place is too babyish for you, but I get plenty of boys and girls your age coming here. It's just there's not many here today, but I promise you there are many other big boys and girls who come here. There are even kids older than you that come here! So I want you to be the big boy I know you are, and behave for us here, ok? Real big boys are well behaved. You want to be a real big boy, yeah?" Jungkook nods with a smile.
"Ok, show me how big of a boy you are and behave ok?" She says, standing up and Jungkook does so too.
"Make sure you apologize to Yoongi ok?" Jungkook nods, and they head back into the play room where Yoongi is happily colouring under the supervision of the coworker, to make sure he's ok after what happened.
"Go say sorry to your brother then." She says, gently pushing Jungkook in Yoongis direction.
"Sorry Yoongi." Jungkook says, sitting down next to him and hugging him gently. Jungkook stays with him and colours with him, and the two daycare workers smile seeing Jungkook being so well behaved and a good brother now.
Jimin has now finished his interview. It went alright, he thought. Not amazing, but definitely not bad either. Now he just has to wait for the results. He wonders back to the daycare, and the bell on their door rings as he opens it.
"Guys, your daddy's back!" She says, to Yoongi and Jungkook, and they both hop up immediately and run to the door. Yoongi squeals with excitement and Jimin picks him up and hugs him tight, while Jungkook patiently waited for his hugs too.
"We're they well behaved?" Jimin asks, ready to hear about all the trouble Jungkook caused.
"Well..." she replies, preparing herself. "Yoongi was an angel. Jungkook.... he had a little moment at first but he got back on track, didn't you?" Jungkook nods enthusiastically.
"I'm a big boy so I was good." He said with a cheeky smile.
"Well that's good, cause I would hate to not be able to give you any of the cake I bought for you two." Jungkook and Yoongis eyes both light up with dramatic gasps.
"You spoil them too much." The daycare worker says with a giggle.
"They're just too irresistible." Jimin says with a warm smile. "Thank you so much for looking after them. I hope kookie wasn't too much trouble."
"No it's fine. He was good." She says, winking at Jungkook who giggles.
"Ok. See ya soon!" Jimin says with a wave as they leave the daycare.
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