Its a little complicated....
Jimin woke up to his two kids snuggled up either side. He smiled and chuckled lightly. I'm so lucky to have such cute kids. He looked over at the clock to see that it's 8 in the morning. Perfect time to wake the kids up, he woke up Jungkook first, gently shaking him.
"Wake up sleepy head." He said with a smile and Jungkook groaned from being woken up. Jimin turned to Yoongi, who was gently sucking his thumb. I should have given him his pacifier. He thought. Jimin shook Yoongi lightly, speaking quietly with a singsong voice.
"Wake up snuggle bug."
And a snuggle bug he was. Yoongi reached up, wrapping his arms around jimins neck and pulling him down, causing Jimin to giggle. He pulled the littles arms away from his neck and lifted him up slightly to help wake him up. He then turned back to Jungkook, who was awake, just about.
"You awake Jungkook?" Jimin asked, and Jungkook nodded, rubbing his eyes.
"Come on then, let's go get some breakfast shall we." Jimin said, ushering Jungkook out of his large double bed, and lifting a drowsy Yoongi up and carrying him to the kitchen.
Jungkook sat on the chair, his elbows in the table supporting his head. His eyes kept drifting closed.
"What do you want for breakfast kookie?" Jungkook just shrugs, too tired to really think about it.
"Well I'm going to make some pancakes. Do you want some?" Jungkook perked up at the sound of pancakes and nodded as enthusiastically as he could considering how tired he still was. Jimin placed a snoozing Yoongi on a chair, and filled his bottle with milk, still cold, to wake him up a bit. Yoongi drowsily and slowly sucks it, slowly getting more and more awake, while Jimin makes the pancakes. Jungkook gets bored and slides off the chair to go and watch Jimin making the pancakes. He watches with wide eyes as Jimin skilfully flips the pancake in the pan.
"Wow! Can I try?" Jungkook asks after seeing jimins little trick. Jimin chuckled a little and responded.
"Let me finish this one and I'll let you flip the next one." Jimin continues moving the pancake in the pan before flipping it onto the plate when it's done. He pours more of the pancake mixture into the pan, and swishes it around.
"Can I flip it now?" Jungkook asks almost immediately.
"Hold on, we've got to let it cook a little more first." Jungkook pouts going on his tippy toes to see the pan. Jimin grabs the stool the had and Jungkook steps on to it.
"Ok, let's do this one together and then I'll let you do the next one by myself." Jimin says, standing behind Jungkook and wrapping his arms around him, holding Jungkooks hands on the pan handle.
"No I wanna do it myself!" Jungkook whined.
"If you do it yourself you'll flip it on the floor kookie." Jimin says with a chuckle. "Do this one together so you know how to do it right and you can do the next one yourself." Jimin said, and started shaking the pancake around in the pan, ready to flip it. Jungkook concentrated on remembering what to do as Jimin helped him flip the pancake.
"Did you get that?" Jimin asks, and Jungkook nods. He swishes the pancake around a little more before flipping it on to the plate once again.
"Ok you can do this one yourself this time." Jimin says, grabbing the bowl of pancake mixture and pouring it in the pan. Jungkook was eager to flip it straight away before Jimin stopped him.
"Wait for it to cook first or it'll go everywhere." Jungkook swishes it around just as he had seen Jimin do, and waited for the cue. Jimin said he could flip it, and Jungkook did the same thing he had last time. He shimmied it around in the pan, and flipped it. Kookie being kookie, did it perfectly.
"Well done kookie!" Jimin said, impressed.
"Can I do another one?" Jungkook said, bouncing slightly with excitement.
"Yeah, let's do one more and then a little one for Yoongi." Jimin said, grabbing the bowl once again and pouring more mixture in the bowl. Jungkook swished it around once again, and waited patiently for it to cook. Jimin glanced at Yoongi, who was happily sucking on his bottle, and a smile spread on his face when he saw Jimin looking at him.
"Can I flip it now?" Jungkook asked, bring jimins attention back to him.
"Yep, I think it's about ready." Jimin said, and Jungkook smiled as he successfully flipped another pancake. He waited a little while, before flipping it onto the plate once again.
"Now a little one for Yoongi." Jimin says, pouring a smaller amount of pancake batter into the pan. "You have to be a bit more gentle when flipping this one ok?" Jimin coached and Jungkook nodded. Once again, Jimin have the cue and Jungkook flipped the pancakes, just about successfully, before flipping on to the plate once again.
"Well done kookie! You did well! Now what do you want on your pancake?" Jimin asked, as Jungkook hopped down from the stool and wondered to the other side of Jimin.
"Ummm.... Nutella!" Jungkook said, and Jimin rolled his eyes. Of course.
"Get it out the cupboard then." Jimin says, motioning towards the cupboard.
Jimin lays out the pancakes neatly on some plates. One with Nutella and various fruits and berries for Jungkook, one with maple syrup and fruits for Jimin, and a small one with some Nutella and a few strawberries for Yoongi. Jungkook sits, happily stabbing his fork into his pancakes and guzzling them down. Jimin eats his, a bit more politely, while periodically helping Yoongi, who is still learning to use cutlery himself.
"Did you like sleeping in my bed you two?" Jimin says, and Jungkook nods furiously.
"Your bed is big!" Yoongi says, using his arms to show how big it is.
"Why is daddy's bed so big?" Yoongi asks curiously. Jimin sighs.
"Cause your mother used to sleep in that bed too with me." Jungkooks excitement quietens and is replaced with a slight sad expression.
"Where is mommy?" Yoongi asked curiously. Jungkook pokes at his pancakes with his fork sadly.
"She's in America honey. She's working real hard so we can have enough money for these delicious pancakes." Jimin tries to explain to the little.
"...when is mom coming back?" Jungkook asks after a moment of silence. Jimin sighs again.
"I don't know kookie. She'll come home one day." Jimin said, trying to sound hopeful, but in reality he just sounded sad. Honestly, the couple hadn't spoken in a while. They'd sent a few texts, but those text conversations where getting far and few between. Because of the time zones, it was difficult for them to find time to have a proper conversation.
Jungkook sighs and goes back to poking at his pancakes, putting a bit in his mouth and chewing slowly. Meanwhile Yoongi was oblivious to the tension and carried on happily struggling to stab a strawberry with his fork.
"Go get changed then you two." Jimin says, standing up and taking the plates over to the dishwasher, before going to Yoongi's room and helping him get changed.
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