Jeongguk and Jimin ended up at Jimin's grandmother house within no time. They were lucky she was home. Even though she was at a retirement age she still worked and when Jimin lived with her he would have to work part time jobs so they could pay the bills on time. So he was beyond happy that she was okay and doing well. She didn't seem stressed out at all.
What surprised him even more was the fact that she was recognized Jeongguk and saw him as royalty. She was also happy that Jimin had made a friend. Regardless if they were royal or not. Jeongguk treated her with just as much respect that she had given him.
The two of them had such a grand time out that they lost track of time. By the time they made it back to the dorm it was already pretty late. The two of them had that secret entrance though and snuck back in through there. However, when they reached the top of the stairs they were greeted by three familiar faces. Taehyung, Prince Xiumin, and Goddess Solar.
Taehyung had an irritated look on his face that was mostly directed at Jeongguk. Xiumin kept that stupid smile on his face and Solar looked indifferent to it all.
That was how Jimin ended up in the dean's office on a Saturday afternoon. Jeongguk had already been facing his punishment all week. His nose had been stuffed in books and he received daily scoldings from Taehyung about sneaking out.
Jimin's punishment was due now though. He couldn't imagine what he would have to go through. He figured it was something worse than Jeongguk since he wasn't royalty. He had been dreading this day for the entire week. Jeongguk could not save him this time around.
Solar finally came into the room and sat down in her desk in front of Jimin. Her aura alone was overpowering. This woman clearly had so much power emitting from her. It didn't help that she was also very tall. She was every bit of intimidating. It made Jimin feel like he would shrink in his seat.
"Park Jimin." Solar said adjusting some papers that were on her desk. "Earlier this week you followed my foolish son into doing something that the school prohibits." She gave Jimin a piercing stare. Just the look alone could cause someone to go into shock.
Jimin looked down; away from her eyes. He couldn't keep the eye contract. "Yes, and I apologize-" Jimin began to apologize. However, Solar was quick to cut him off.
"Honestly, I'm glad. This was a great excuse to finally get you alone." Solar said and finally gave Jimin a smile. "There has been something that I've wanted to speak to you about for a while now. But you're always with Jeongguk. And if he found out that I wanted to speak to you then I fear that I would never hear the end of it from him."
Jimin blinked twice at that. Now he was confused. So he wasn't in trouble for sneaking out? He was only in here because Solar wanted to speak with him. "Pardon me, Goddess, but I am a bit confused right now. Am I not getting in trouble?"
"Oh you will be facing punishment for sneaking out eventually, but not at this moment. I believe we have more pressing manners to discuss. You might want to listen closely." Solar told Jimin in a serious tone.
He gulped and sat up straight. He has only been here for barley a month. He couldn't imagine what Solar was so serious about in the moment. But it sounded serious enough for him to listen.
Jeongguk had finished his studying for today and daily scolding with Taehyung. Right now he was just exhausted more than anything. But he still had a few more duties around the school that he had to finish.
That was where he was heading in the moment. "Jeongguk!" Xiumin called out and caught up to the Prince.
Jeongguk nearly let out an audible groan, but kept it inside his head. When Xiumin caught up to Jeongguk he wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
"Wow, you look awful. Is the punishment really that bad?" Xiumin asked almost mocking the Prince. Jeongguk could tell that much.
Jeongguk looked at him unamused. He was already in a bad mood. He didn't need Xiumin to make it any worse. "Are you just here to make fun of me? Or is there something that you really needed? I don't appreciate you ever since it was brought to my attention that you were the only who told Taehyung about my leaving the school grounds."
It was Xiumin who brought it to Taehyung's attention. Then Taehyung brought it to Solar's attention. Jeongguk expected that much from Taehyung and that's why he hid it from him, but he didn't expect it from Xiumin. Although he never told Xiumin he would be sneaking out.
Xiumin laughed and removed his arm from around Jeongguk. "Well, I just thought that it was unfit for a prince to be breaking such rules. What if someone from another clan had come to attack you? You never know what could happen. Especially while your clan is in so much turmoil. You should behave like a King in moments like these."
For some reason Xiumin scolding him was really pissing Jeongguk off. He wasn't sure if Taehyung's daily scoldings were what had set him off, but Xiumin was making it worse. Jeongguk was finding it hard to control his anger and attitude towards the Prince.
"Exactly how did you find out that I was sneaking out anyways? Are you stalking me?" Jeongguk asked. It might have sounded like a joke leaving his lips, but he was definitely serious about it.
Xiumin put a hand up to his mouth and chuckled. "Stalking you? Of course not, Prince. There is nothing about you that intrigues me whatsoever to stalk you." Xiumin told him honestly. A smirk formed on the Prince's lips. "However, that Z rank that you keep by your side? I make sure to keep an eye on him. I plan to make him my slave."
Jeongguk heard that and it was enough to set him off. He grabbed Xiumin by the collar and held him up against the wall. His eyes were red and he glared at Xiumin with the most hate he could muster up for someone. "You've been pissing me off since you've gotten here, but if you dare to touch Jimin I'll send you back to your home country missing a few limbs." Jeongguk threatened him.
Prince Xiumin didn't look a bit bothered by Jeongguk's outburst. He grabbed Jeongguk's wrist that was holding him. "Just like I figured. You developed feelings for that Z rank. I bet you'd be horrified to find out..." Prince Xiumin leaned close to Jeongguk's ear. "The one who turned him into a Z rank was, I. That boy belongs to me. I drank his delicious blood. I bet you want a taste, don't you?" He whispered.
Jeongguk's eyes went wide at this information. It all made sense. That was why Jimin was so uncomfortable around the Prince. How could he not tell? He never would've thought a Prince would illegally attack a human and turn them at that. What pissed him off more was Xiumin being able to drink Jimin's blood before he could. He was the reason Jimin was so traumatized.
"I'll kill you!" Jeongguk yelled and went to punch Xiumin with all the force he could muster up.
Xiumin was quick to dodge the punch and kicked Jeongguk away from him. The force of the kick caused Jeongguk to slam into the wall behind them, but it didn't seem like it hurt him much as he was able to get right back up from it.
Xiumin frowned and looked at Jeongguk as if he was pitiful. "You're willing to start conflict with me over a lowly Z rank? That's pathetic. This is why your clan will easily fall once your mother is gone and perished." Xiumin told him.
Jeongguk growled and bared his fangs. "Shut up! I don't want to hear your voice!" Jeongguk charged at Xiumin again. This time he punched him right in the face and it was his turn to go flying back.
Other vampires who heard the ruckus were gathered around. It was a surprise to them to see the two princes fighting. They also didn't understand why.
Xiumin landed on his feet and scoffed. He touched his nose and felt blood coming out of it. "You made me bleed...so now I can't let you live." Xiumin said.
The power emitting from the two of them was causing the students to feel sick. It was overwhelming just how much power royalty had.
"The two of you stop this instance! You'll destroy the school and hurt the students at this rate!" Taehyung called out to the two of them walking closer slowly. Even he was scared of the power the two of them had. But if it concentrated in such a small space everything would be destroyed.
"Shut up!" Both Xiumin and Jeongguk yelled simultaneously. That was enough to get Taehyung to back down. These two meant business and right now there was no telling who would win.
It was silent between the two of them for a minute. They were staring eachother down. It was almost as if they were trying to see who would strike first.
Jeongguk had enough waiting around and charged at Xiumin with his first on fire. Xiumin charged as well once he saw Jeongguk move with what seemed to be wind power surrounding his hands.
The two were going full speed and clearly neither showed signs of holding back. Their fist were about to collide. "Students fall back!" Taehyung warned them and the students began to run away. Each of them scared of the outcome.
"Enough!" A booming voice called out. Fire restraints grabbed the two and forced them to the ground. The two of them struggled to get out of it. This power was clearly stronger than the both of them.
"What's the big idea?! Let me go!" Jeongguk yelled and looked over to see who was using this magic. He must've been delusional from anger because he could easily recognize whose magic it was. That's why when he saw his mother's face he froze. He had just yelled at her. And from the look on her face he could tell she meant business.
Solar walked up to the two of them. "Two Prince causing such a scene in the school hallways like this is disgraceful. I am especially disappointed in you Jeongguk. Putting our people in danger and for what? Your people's safety should always be you first priority."
Solar then looked at Xiumin. "And you? Fighting our Prince while visiting our school in our territory? You must have a death wise. Unless your goal for coming here was to create conflict. I will be sending you back home and a word with your parents will be had."
"You two...are an embarrassment to royalty and deserve the highest punishment for this behavior. Utterly disgusting, both of you." Solar said. "I can't even deal with my own private manners because the two of you."
Jeongguk had cooled down and felt embarrassment was over him. He couldn't believe he let Xiumin get under his skin like that. "I apologize mother. I don't know what I was thinking. Suddenly I got so defensive over Jimin and it made me lose my mind." He apologized.
"Defensive, over me?" Jimin's voice suddenly was heard. He came from behind Solar.
Jeongguk looked at him and his eyes went wide. This was Jimin, but he looked different. There was a completely different aura about him. There was power emitting for Jimin and there was a lot of it at that. Almost as much as...
"Royalty." Xiumin spoke up when he saw Jimin. "What's going on? Why do you have the power of a royal?" Xiumin asked confused.
Solar hummed. "I guess I will do you all a favor. Although you do not deserve it." Solar releases the restraints from the two. She then snapped her fingers.
It seemed like that had broken a restraint on everyone else as well. Except their minds, but Jeongguk was especially taking it. He fell forwards and held his head. He let out a yell like he was in excruciating pain.
"Jeongguk!" Jimin called out and tried to get to him, but Solar held an arm out to stop him.
"No. Let him go through this. He is only remembering." Solar told Jimin.
Jeongguk felt like he was reliving moments in his life in great detail, but in a fast motion. It was causing such a headache. But as he was it felt like a piece of his life that he was missing was finally coming back to him.
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