Within no time a few weeks had passed by. Jimin was getting use to staying with these vampires now. The routine of sleeping during the daytime, going to class from when the sunsets and drinking Jeongguk's blood once a week was becoming normal. The only problem he had that was hard to get use to was Prince Xiumin.
Jimin had made friends with Hoseok and a few other lower ran vampires, but overall he spent a great deal of his time with Jeongguk. Who else spent time with Jeongguk? Prince Xiumin. Jimin took notice that Jeongguk didn't seem to want to hang around the prince, but this was some sort of vampire political matter. With that being understood whenever Xiumin came around Jimin just excused himself.
That wasn't possible everytime though. When they are in class there is no excusing himself or backing away. Xiumin would often stare Jimin down or make crude remarks subtly.
"What are you thinking of? I can tell you're slacking off on studying." Jeongguk asked Jimin.
The two of them were in the school student center spending their time 'studying' for a test they had at the end of the week. However, Jimin's mind was wandering off to other places and Jeongguk was spending most of his time staring at Jimin.
The Prince had been entranced by Jimin since the first time he opened the door and saw the Z rank standing there confused. It was almost like an instant attraction. He didn't know it soulmates were real, but he figured this is what it would feel like. It just didn't seem like Jimin felt the same way about him. But Jeongguk didn't let that stop him from hanging out Jimin. Everyone had noticed how he treated Jimin. Even though he didn't take ranks serious there had been no other Z rank vampire he's treated this way. Not even his friends get treated the way he treats Jimin.
Jimin looked up from his papers when Jeongguk spoke to him. "Sorry. I guess studying is harder than I thought it would be." Jimin said giving Jeongguk a little smile. "Maybe I have too much on my mind."
Jeongguk hummed and examined Jimin. "You do seem like you've been a bit absent minded lately." Jeongguk closed his book that he was using to study. It's not as if he needed to anyways. This material was already taught to him before he entered classes. "Let's forget about studying for right now and go do something that will ease your mind. I'll make sure you feel really good." He got up from his spot and put the books in a bag he had with him.
"The way you worded that..." Jimin said blushing slightly. It seemed like the Prince didn't think anything of it though because he just had an innocent smile on his face. Jimin only sighed and closed his book as well. "Ending studies early sound like a good idea actually." He got up as well.
Jeongguk grinned. "I knew you would like that. Come on. We can leave school grounds and go downtown." Jeongguk spoke in a hush tone not wanting anyone else to hear.
"Isn't that not allowed? Especially because humans will still be out at this time." Jimin asked unsure.
Jeongguk had a mischievous look on his face when Jimin mentioned that. Of course now he knew it wasn't allowed to leave school grounds. He could bet it was even worse to leave if he was a Z rank that ended up here because he lost control and attacked someone.
"It'll be fine, Jimin. I will make sure we don't get caught and if we do then I will take all the blame. You won't even get trouble. I'll say I forced you to go out with me or something." Jeongguk said.
Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. "You know, I'm not sure people will believe something like that. Especially if it's coming from you."
They left out of the student center. "We won't get caught. I have something to show you. Not many people know about it. Let's go back to our dorm."
Now Jimin really did not know what Jeongguk was up to. He didn't put up anymore arguments though. He had been a while since he's been outside the school grounds. If Jeongguk was so confident about not getting caught then there was no harm in trusting him...hopefully.
They got back to the dorm and Jeongguk told Jimin to change into something different. The two of them were wearing their uniforms. Although they didn't have class today on the weekdays there was a rule that you had to walk around school grounds in your uniform.
So Jimin got changed into something regular. He put on a black hoodie with blue jeans. It was chilly outside since it was fall plus he did not want to look noticeable outside. Just in case some authority from the school is outside.
"Alright. Follow me." Jeongguk said once the two of them were dressed. He went into his closet and walked over to one of the shelves. He felt around until he finally touched a soft spot on the wall. Once he pressed down on that the wall came apart to reveal a secret entrance. There were stairs that led downward.
Jimin's eyes went wide at that. "Do you know how insane this actually is to have in your room? How does no one know about this?" Jimin asked.
Jeongguk chuckled proudly. He liked that Jimin was impressed by this. "I found this a year ago. I'm guessing the previous royal who stayed here had it created so they could go outside. This school has been here for thousands of years."
Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. "Wasn't your brother the last royal to say here?" He asked.
"No, it wasn't him. He never went to this school. He married his husband long ago. Way before you were even born." Jeongguk grabbed a flashlight and turned it on. There were no lights on this staircase.
If the last royal wasn't Jeongguk's brother then was it his mother? If that was the case wouldn't she know about this staircase? Jimin wondered all of this, but still followed Jeongguk downstairs.
"Watch your step. These stairs are pretty old." Jeongguk warned him as they slowly descended.
"I can tell they are." Jimin said staying close to Jeongguk. The stairs creaked loudly each time they took a step. It felt like too much weight could cause them to cave in.
It took then about three minutes to reach a door. When Jeongguk opened it the light from the sunset hit them. It took Jimin's eyes a moment to adjust to the light.
Jeongguk walked out and they were now in an alley way. It was the back of the school, but it was also out of the school gates. Jeongguk turned around to face Jimin who had closed the door behind them.
"Here we are. See, it's pretty easy for us to get outside. All thanks to my ancestor who created that." Jeongguk bragged. He grabbed Jimin's hand. "So what do you want to do?"
Jimin thought about it. There was a lot that they could do. But Jimin had an idea. He looked up at Jeongguk with hopeful eyes. "Can we go visit my grandma? I haven't seen her since I came to this school and I do miss her."
"Of course we can. We can get into a taxi and head that way. How far away do you think it is from here?" Jeongguk agreed. They walked out of the alley and the streets were bustling with people.
"It isn't too far actually. Maybe a 20 minute drive." Jimin told him. Jimin got a good look around. The last time they came out there wasn't nearly as many people as their was right now. It was the early am's last time they came out. The city felt much more alive right now than it ever did.
Jeongguk nodded and smiled. "You know, I've been around for thousands of years, but one thing that never changes about humans is their way of transportation. In the past they got around with horses and carriages. It's funny because now when it comes to cars they talk about how much horse power it has. I actually met the guy who invented the first car." Jeongguk explained a bit about his past.
Jimin knew that Jeongguk had been alive for a while, but hearing it like this just made it more surprising. This guy was no where close to being a teenager despite looking like one. He was VERY old. "You're seriously an old man. Actually I don't even know if I could consider you an old man. You're ancient. Why are you even in school?" Jimin asked.
Jeongguk felt like he was getting hit by an arrow each time Jimin referred to him as old. "Ouch. That hurt." Jeongguk said putting a hand on his heart. "I'll have you know I am young for a vampire. My mother is in her 2 thousands. I'm only in the one thousands. And we aren't old until we hit our 3 thousands. So I am at the right age to be attending the academy."
"I don't understand that though. If you're thousands of years old and you age slowly why do you have to attend school right now? Shouldn't you have already been done with that?" Jimin said. The whole vampire thing was confusing to him. He couldn't imagine attending school for thousands of years.
"Actually this is my first time attending school since I was 50. Vampires are a little bit different than humans. We do attend school, but only at certain ages. Before turning 1000 I was just living my life in the human world. Traveling around the world and meeting people. It isn't until we hit 1000 that we start to attend the academy and transition into taking over our parents places. Contrary to belief vampires die of old age as well. It's usually in our 3 thousands when we pass away. So they train us in our 1 thousands for 5 years to take our parents place. Z rank vampires however attend this school as teenagers. Those who weren't born vampires have it different. I attending basic learning school when I was a small kid. Vampires usually keep their small form until they are 50. That's when we grow into adult bodies. Kind of like puberty. From there we interact with the human world and live life how we want to. Until we turn 1000." Jeongguk explained the structure behind their society.
It did make a bit of sense. They got basically 950 years to do what they want to with life before they had to accept the role of the new lead of their families. 950 years seemed like more than enough to live your life and fulfill your dreams.
"So, what did you do for those 950 years?" Jimin asked curiously. There were so many things that this man could've done. He could've been there for so many moments of history.
Jeongguk simply smiled. "Well, I actually don't remember much from those 950 years. I can only remember starting from when I was 800. The rest is pretty much a blur. My mother told me I got into a pretty bad accident though and it messed with my head. But for those about 200 years I observed humans and tried to fit in with them. It's interesting how humans operate. I've been to every country in the world and they're pretty much the same everywhere. Even if they speak different languages. They pretty much operate exactly like vampires. They just have a shorter amount of time to live. I guess that's why they reproduce more than we do as well."
Jimin nodded. He could tell Jeongguk had many stories to tell and Jimin wanted to hear all of them. "So, now that I am a vampire will I also have years to live out life?" Jimin asked.
"Not exactly. Z ranks do live longer than most humans, but the most you will reach is 200 before you pass away. So just an extra 100 hundred years. But soon you will realize 100 years is not a lot of time." Jeongguk told him with a sad smile. It wasn't one of pity, it looked like he was reminiscing.
"Have you ever...fell in love with a Z rank before?" Jimin asked him cautiously. He could tell that Jeongguk felt a way about Z ranks. It wasn't necessarily bad.
Jeongguk chuckled. "I don't think I've ever necessarily been in love. They were a friend though. And although I've watched many human friends pass away, watching a Z rank friend pass away always seems to be the hardest."
Jimin could tell it hurt Jeongguk and that he could possibly be the next Z rank the prince would have to watch pass away. But what could he do about it? Jimin reached down and grabbed Jeongguk's hand. He interlocked their fingers and held his hand tightly. "You looking so sad doesn't suit you, but I'm glad you feel like you can share something personal with me. I might pass away before you, but while I'm here let's have the best times together." Jimin said giving Jeongguk a smile.
Jeongguk looked down at Jimin. When he looked at the male's face a sudden feeling of deja vu hit him. He could barely make out a face in his head, but it looked similar to Jimin's. Jeongguk decided to ignore it and just gave Jimin a smile back. "Yes, you're right. Let's have an amazing time together. Just the two of us." Jeongguk grinned and held Jimin's hand tighter.
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