The rest of the week had went by pretty simply. Vampires would glare at Jimin since he was such a low rank, but would walk alongside Jeongguk. It was jealousy more than anything. Jimin only had to drink from Jeongguk once and that was the first day they did it. Of course until next week which Jimin dreaded the most. They would learn things in class that Jimin had no idea about.
Jeongguk told him that they had learned subjects like math, science, social studies, and literature all back in elementary school. Or for vampires, fletching school. That was when they were only 1,000 years old. Yeah, only. Vampires learn basic things like that. So that when they're in their years where they have to be off on their own they can learn how to be good hard working adults that fill the roles they're destined to be at.
Basically Jimin would find himself trying not to fall asleep in class. If he was a Z rank there was no way he was going to be doing the rolls of an S or A. Actually, he didn't want to live in a vampire society at all. The most he had learned about basic vampires is that they don't sleep at day because they burn in the sunlight, they do that because at night is when they start to hunt. At least when they were allowed to hunt humans, that was when they were allowed out.
Another thing he had learned in this week, and it was from Jeongguk because he hadn't made any other 'friends' at this place, was that he was attending a school owned by the Firie Kingdom. Which was the one Jeongguk was apart of. Apparently, there was several different royalties among vampires that lived in different countries. Only two were located in Korea. The Firie and the Lunist Kingdom. Those two kingdoms did not get along.
No, they don't have actually castles in modern day Korea, although to Jimin this school looked like it belonged in a fantasy world. It was more like clans of people...well vampires, who followed under one family. Although, the royal family did live in a pretty nice mansion.
Today, Jimin thought everything would go as it normally did. It was Friday of the first week, but all the vampires seemed excited. As they were sitting in class Jimin noticed it.
He turned towards his trusty guide, Jeongguk, for answers. "Jeongguk, why is everyone so excited today? Do we get to skip classes because if we do I'm looking forward to that."
Jeongguk chuckled. "Well, I guess it's something like that. Today is Obstacle Day. Basically we go to the gym where an obstacle course is set up for us and we get to show off our powers to get through it. It's more like a test to determine where we stand though. But the whole school gathers at once to watch. All the ranks come together, so of course some vampires want to show off." He explained looking pretty excited to show off his powers himself.
Jimin thought about that. An obstacle course where vampires get to show off their powers? Jimin didn't have any powers himself, so he wondered if he had to participate.
Before he could ask Jeongguk though, Namjoon answered for him. "Don't worry, Rank Z, like yourself, doesn't have to participate. I mean you guys are powerless. We wouldn't want you to die. Then who would we have to clean our houses?"
Ignoring Namjoon's smart remark, Jimin's face suddenly dropped. Die? A rank Z could die if they possibly did the obstacle course? Just what did this obstacle course look like?
That earned a roll of the eyes from Jeongguk. "Please, don't listen to him Jimin. The obstacle course isn't that bad. I promise."
"Isn't that bad my ass!" Jimin exclaimed once they reached the gym. The obstacle course was completely insane.
Not only did it seem to be 10 feet off the ground in order to get up you had to rock climb to get up to the course itself. Once you got up there, there was a wooden plank that you had to walk across and if you fell you would fall straight to the gym floor from a ten foot drop. If you happened to make it across, there were wrecking balls swinging across the platform, they were probably made out of styrofoam, but that didn't change the fact that if one hit you it would hurt, but it would also knock you off. Next were platforms that you had to jump across. There were about 6 of those in square shapes. The last obstacle seemed to be bat like creatures that you had to fight before finally reaching the finish line.
"Going on something like this is a complete death wish!" Jimin quickly looked at Jeongguk who had a calm demeanor.
Namjoon scoffed. "Yeah. A death wish for a rank Z. How about you go sit over in that section with them." He pointed to an area.
Jimin looked at the area where a bunch of powerless seeming boys and girls were sitting. Some were drinking blood bags, which made Jimin sick to the core. But he'd rather be there than do that obstacle course.
"Make sure you watch me, Jimin. I'll come sit by you as soon as I finish the course." Jeongguk smiled as he ruffled Jimin's hair before jogging over to stand with the rest of the vampires who were going to complete the course.
Jimin placed his hand where Jeongguk had put it. Something felt a bit...strange, but he simply ignored it. Well he couldn't focus on it because of all the glares that were coming his way. So instead he made his way to the Z rank section.
When he reached the Z rank section it had just hit him how weak everyone looked. But it was the first time since he arrived at this school that no one seemed to be glaring daggers at him.
"You're a Z rank vampire, right? What did you do to be able to Prince Jeongguk's roommate?" A girl asked him. She had black hair with blue streaks in them along with a beautiful pair of big blue eyes.
Jimin looked at her and nodded. "Yeah I am a Z rank. To be honest I didn't do anything. I think it was a miste that I ended up being his roommate and placed in Class A. But Jeongguk refused to let me switch rooms and classes." Jimin told her with a slight smile.
The girl gasped a little and looked at the two vampires sitting next to her. "He's even able to call the prince by only his first name. We wish we could have the privilege you have, Jimin. Instead we're stuck learning how to be servants."
"Are you guys seriously okay with that? I mean why would Z rank be forced to be servants anyways? We should have a choice in what we want to be." Jimin said as he furrowed his eyebrows.
The rank system really was bull crap to him. In what world in the 21st century should someone be forced to take the role of a servant? Everyone should have their own free will.
The girl chuckled. "Well, we're the weakest of them all since we were turned into vampires. We really don't have a choice. I guess it's our destiny. All of us had plans of our future before we came here. Now this is all we have left." She spoke sadly.
Jimin scrunched up his nose and put his hands on his hips. "Seriously? This is pathetic. You guys are sitting here on the bleachers drinking blood out of a bag while the higher ranks are out there doing an obstacle course. Of course they think Z ranks are weak. Because nobody has proven them wrong." Jimin said then took a deep breath. He couldn't believe what he was about to say next, but he felt like he had to do it. "I'm going
To go up there and complete that obstacle course to prove that Z ranks are strong too."
The Z ranks around him seemed shocked by that statement. "You can't do that. This was designed for high ranking vampires with powers. If you try that you'll get terribly injured or even die." The girl told Jimin.
But Jimin refused to listening to reason. Instead he turned on his heel and began to walk to the obstacle course. Although he had spoken with determination he was completely terrified. After that big show though, there was no way he could back down.
"What are you doing Z rank? Go back to your section." The gym coach who was standing at the starting line said. He was keeping the times of each vampire who went.
Jeongguk had just finished the course and earned cheers from all of the students in the gym. He smiled and looked around for Jimin in the Z rank section to see if he had saw only to see his friend wasn't there. Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows and caught Jimin at the starting line of the obstacle course. "What is he about to try...?" Jeongguk spoke in confusion, but still watched.
"No way. I'm going to complete this obstacle course. I'm going to prove that Z ranks can be strong too!" Jimin spoke loudly.
The entire gym heard him. Whispers began to go amongst the students. There was no way he could fail now. If he did he would become the laughing stock of the school. Not only that, but he would let the Z ranks down.
The gym coach only shook his head. "If you have a death wish then be by guest." Was all he said as he pressed the timer. "Go!"
With that Jimin ran to the rock climbing wall. This was simple enough. He easily climbed up the wall. This was something he would do all the time at the school playground, so it was a breeze for him. The way he completed it so easily made the boy feel confident in himself.
But it seemed like that confidence left once he made it all the way up. The height was now getting to him and it looked much more dangerous from up top.
Jimin pressed two hands up against his cheek then let out a breath. "Okay, Jimin. Dont psych yourself out. You got this. You will not die today. You are too young today." Jimin gave himself a small pep talk.
With that he continued with the course. This was the part where he had to keep his balance across the plank or he would fall to his demise. Jimin thought about what he could do. Then an idea came to his head. Jimin got down and instead he began to crawl across the plank. That maneuver made the gym gasp in surprise at Jimin's plan. The talking between them only seemed to get louder. Jimin didn't let that bother him though.
He had more serious things to worry about. It was now time for him to dodge these wrecking balls. They were swinging by very quickly so that only a vampire with speed could really get past them. Jimin, however, saw a flaw. There was space at the bottom of the wrecking balls for him to slide through. That's exactly what he did. He began to Army crawl underneath the wrecking balls.
Jeongguk's eyes lit up as he saw Jimin past this area also. This was getting him very excited. It also made him proud that Jimin was proving all of these people wrong.
Jimin stood up once he made it past the wrecking balls. Now it was time for the area where he had to hope between the square platforms. Jimin looked at the distance between each of them. He then held out one of his arms. They seemed to be arm length. So that meant it wouldn't be that much of a distance to hope between them. He would just have to keep his balance. Jimin hopped on the first one and began to make his way over. He was doing fine until the last one. He accidentally slipped. Right when he almost fell though he grabbed onto the platform and pushed himself up with all his strength. When he did that the entire gym seemed to cheer for him to keep going.
He had made it to the last obstacle. Jimin needed to defeat these bat like creatures. He wasn't sure how he was going to do it though. When it began Jimin's instinct was to dodged them. That's what he did. But the dodging seemed to work in his favor. The bats got confused and crashed into eachother or accidentally attacked one another. Once all the bats were down Jimin ran to the finish line and went down a slide to get back to the bottom.
The entire gym cheered for Jimin loudly. They couldn't believe a Z rank vampire had just completed the obstacle course. Jeongguk was at the end of the slide waiting for Jimin. When Jimin got down Jeongguk was the first one to pull him into a hug.
"I'm so proud of you! That was awesome! I can't believe you just did that!" Jeongguk exclaimed. He was giddy after witnessing that.
Jimin had a smile on his face. It was one that was proud, but also happy to receive a hug from Jeongguk. "Thank you! I can't believe I did it either. I was so scared when I was up there though."
Jeongguk let go of Jimin as Taehyung, Namjoon, and Hoseok approached them. "That was really cool, Jimin. Clearly we underestimated you. You're actually pretty smart and strong." Namjoon told him.
"Yes, we apologize for how we treated you at first. We just didn't know how you managed to become Prince Jeongguk's roommate, so we were concerned. To apologize to you let's go out tonight. We'll get permission from the Goddess. We'll go out to celebrate." Taehyung said.
Jimin smiled at the three of them. "Don't worry. You guys are forgiven. Just stop treating Z ranks like they aren't vampires too. We didn't choose this life, you know. We were turned. And going out sounds fun. I'll definitely look forward to it." Jimin told him.
He looked over at the Z ranks to see them looking at him with admiration. It seemed like this was going to be the turning point of his time at this school full of vampires. That instead of getting glares everyday he would now receive looks of admiration.
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