Jeongguk opened his eyes and it took them a second to adjust. When he did he was staring at the ceiling. His mind went blank for a minute. How did he end up here? And where was here?
"Jeongguk? Are you okay?" A voice asked him from besides him. It was a very familiar voice at that. One he has heard plenty of times.
Jeongguk turned his head to the side. When he did and made eye contact with the guy standing by him that's when his head cleared. That's right. He remembered now. He remembered everything. Jeongguk sat himself up and wrapped his arms around the male's waist tightly. The force made the guy fall and land on top of Jeongguk. "You're alive. You're really alive." Jeongguk whispered. His body shook a bit as he was on the verge of tears.
Jimin smile and brought a hand to Jeongguk's head. "That's right. I'm alive. Thanks to your mother I've been reincarnated. Although I'm alive this was still once a human body." Jimin said.
Jeongguk looked up at Jimin with glossy eyes. Jimin had to stop himself from cooing at how adorable the Prince looked right now. It reminded him of when they were children in the past and Jeongguk was one of the biggest crybabies.
"Youve grown so much, Jeongguk. Now your mother mentioning me being your fiancé makes sense." Jimin cupped Jeongguk's cheeks. He then repositioned himself so he was sitting on Jeongguk's lap. He leaned down and placed his lips on top of Jeongguk's.
Although the two of them had kissed prior to this, it felt different this time. With their memories back it felt like reuniting with a long lost love. Jeongguk was especially happy. The one he watched die in his arms was sitting in front of him right now.
"I'm glad the two of you are enjoying eachother's company." Solar suddenly spoke up as she entered the room. The room in question was the one that Jimin and Jeongguk shared.
The two quickly pulled away when they heard Solar though. Jimin got off of Jeongguk and was bright red. "Eh heh...hello ma'am." Jimin greeted her with a bow.
Jeongguk glared at her though. "You just had to interrupt a perfect moment. Couldn't you have given us a few more minutes?" He complained.
"You seem so lively for someone who passed out earlier." Solar told him. "It seemed like gaining your memories back at such a rapid rate strained you."
Jeongguk nodded and hummed. "That's right. Before you came and interrupted me I was dealing with-" Jeongguk looked behind his mother and saw Xiumin standing there. His stare turned into a cold one and his eyes were once again Ruby red. "What are you doing in here? Don't think I'm done dealing with you. You have some nerve biting my fiancé and thinking you can get away with it."
Xiumin scoffed at that. "Suddenly he's your fiancé? Either way what are you mad about? It worked out in the end and he's at this school with you. Maybe you should be thanking me instead." Xiumin said with a cocky smirk.
Jeongguk quickly stood up from his spot. "Thank you? You must be insane. I'll kill you for what you've done!" Jeongguk bared his fangs once again.
"Woah, Woah. Calm down there big scary prince. Although it was against the rules for him to bite and then me you don't have to fight him. Two princes fighting in an enclosed place like this can be devasting." Jimin said putting a hand on Jeongguk's chest. "Plus you just woke up. You need to get some more rest."
Jeongguk looked down at Jimin and it seemed like he was coming back to his senses. "Alright. I'll get back into bed." Jeongguk told him. He then looked back over at Xiumin. "You're lucky my fiancé wants to show you mercy. But don't think you're off the hook yet. Biting someone in our territory is still not allowed."
Xiumin raised an eyebrow. "Whatever you say. I don't even know why I was dragged in here to see you anyways. Who would've known that I'd have drank the blood of another royal. It was still so delicious."
Although Jimin now had his memories back it didn't change the fact that being attacked and bitten was still terrifying. He lifted his hand up and a huge ball of water quickly hit Xiumin knocking him into the wall. Jimin's magic was much more intense than Xiumin and Jeongguk's.
He looked at Xiumin with eyes full of disgust. "I suggest you don't brag about drinking my blood. You should go back to your territory today. Although Jeongguk should get some rest I am perfectly fine. Believe I am not the weak rank Z that you once attacked."
Jeongguk smiled at Jimin then grinned at Xiumin. That's right. Jimin had always been powerful since they were young. His powers always impressed Jeongguk and many others. In reality Jimin was much stronger than he was. That's if he was at his full potential, but at the moment it seemed like because he just got his powers back they were weaker and a bit unstable.
"That's enough. Let's not use our powers indoors." Solar said. "Xiumin, you should go to your dorm and begin packing. I will inform your parents on what has happened. If you do not wish for me to tell them you bit a royal without consent then I suggest you keep everything that has happened a secret."
There was not much Xiumin could do. If he got exposed for biting a royal he would face harsh punishment. "Fine." Was all he mumbled before leaving the room.
Jeongguk got back into bed. He was still feeling a bit dizzy. "Why was he even in here in the first place? If it was too apologize then he didn't do a great job at it." He asked.
"Jeongguk, Jimin...now you have your memories back once again. So does everyone else in our clan. The battle with the Lunist clan will approach soon. However, I ask that the two of you remain here as you would normally in school until further notice." Solar told them.
Jimin nodded without a word. If she wanted them on standby then she must've had a good reason. Plus, they were at the age of being in the academy anyways. They still had to finish their studies. Their studies...
"Crap! I'm going to fail that exam that we have coming up. Even though I have my memories back I never paid attention in class. I thought it was pointless since I was a rank Z." Jimin suddenly remembered.
"Dont worry, Jimin. I can help you with your studies. We can do this together." Jeongguk offered his help.
Jimin scrunched up his nose at that. "No way. Last time we studied together you ended up sneaking us off of school grounds. And now that you have your memories back I can only imagine what you're going to try. I'll be studying on my own. You go to sleep." Jimin turned on his heel and walked away from Jeongguk.
Jeongguk held his heart and looked dejected. "Now that he's got his memories back he's back to his old self." He looked down at his bedsheets. "But, I'm so happy. I'm very happy." Tears began to fall on his sheets. "Jimin is alive. I won't let him die like that again."
"I'm glad you have that resolve. Especially since the one who ended up killing Jimin was a human he decided to befriend. As you know vampire hunters still exist and they still want to eradicate vampires. They've only gotten stronger too, but so have we." Solar said.
Jeongguk never knew who ended up killing Jimin. That was because he had gotten attacked himself. But when he saw the stake in Jimin's heart he could assume it was a human. It had to be a very skilled vampire Hunter. Jeongguk knew not to trust human's, but he gave them a chance because of Jimin. In the end that was Jimin's downfall. He wanted to get revenge for Jimin's death, but he knew the human that killed his love was now long gone.
"I will leave the two of you be now. You probably have a lot of catching up to do. Although you've been living together for a month and some time now." Solar then left out of the room.
This left the two vampires alone except Jimin had his nose in his books. Jeongguk got out of the bed and walked over to Jimin.
"Listen, I don't need to be bothered right now. Didn't I tell you to stay in bed as well?" Jimin spoke to Jeongguk without looking up. He could feel his presence.
"Sorry. It's just that this reminds me of the old times. You would always be hauled up in your study. I would have to force you to come out and have some fun with me. This looks exactly the same." Jeongguk mentioned.
Jimin sighed. "Yes, I was always in my study. The only difference is that I use to study for fun. Right now I am doing it because I don't want to fail a test. I wish I was smarter before regaining my memories and paid attention in class."
"Come on, Jimin. You just got your memories back. You could always study later. Don't you want to spend some quality time with your, fiancé? We're all alone now. Just the two of us." Jeongguk said trailing his fingers up Jimin's back.
"See? This is exactly what I meant when I said I couldn't study with you. You just never change even if 1000 years have gone by. You're still the same." Jimin argued, but he still closed his book.
He turned around to look at Jeongguk. His eyes were red and his fangs were out. "But, just this one time I can agree with you. I've been craving you since I got my memories back. It's like I can barely contain myself."
Jeongguk was craving Jimin as well. Really he had been craving Jimin since before the memories coming back. Jeongguk ran his tongue across his top row of teeth.
Jimin stood up and wrapped his arms around Jeongguk's neck. "Please, Jeongguk." He almost whispered. He leaned his head into the crook of Jeongguk's neck and ran his tongue across a spot where was vein was prominent.
That caused Jeongguk to shiver. He wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist and tilted his head to the side. "Do as you wish, my love. I am all yours."
It was all Jimin needed to hear. He bared his fangs and let them sink into Jeongguk's neck. Jeongguk let out a grunt and tightened his grip on Jimin's waist. Jimin began to drink Jeongguk's blood and he could feel himself gaining his power back. Even with that being the case, this was also an intimate moment shared between two vampires who were lovers.
Jeongguk loved when Jimin drank from him. It reminded him that this vampire was all his and Vice verse. Although they weren't supposed to drink from one another until they were married, that was broken the moment he let Jimin drink from his thumb.
Jimin pulled away from Jeongguk's neck when he had enough and licked at the wound. That was enough to heal and close it so he would not lose anymore blood. Jimin's mouth was a mess after that.
"You're still a messy eater. Just like a child." Jeongguk spoke softly and placed a finger under Jimin's chin. He then began to clean Jimin's face by licking the blood up himself.
Jimin had come back to his senses when Jeongguk did that. "You could've just given me a napkin or something. There was no need to lick my face." Jimin told him feeling embarrassed now.
Jeongguk chuckled. "Is there something wrong with me doing that to my fiancé?" He asked. Jeongguk placed a finger on Jimin's neck in an area where he wanted to bite down on himself.
Jimin noticed that and almost instinctively placed at hand on his neck to cover it. "Ha...I'm sorry. It seems like this body is still afraid to be bitten. Even if it's by you. The attack I faced has really traumatized me." Jimin said. "I feel so bad. Although you let me drink from you...but I just..."
Jeongguk would be lying if he said he didn't want to taste Jimin's blood. He wanted to sink his teeth into him badly. At this moment it was one of his greatest desires. But he respected Jimin's boundaries as well. "Dont feel bad. I won't do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Not drinking your blood won't kill me." Jeongguk placed his lips on top of Jimin's giving him a soft kiss. "Now, I won't interrupt your studying anymore. I can feel the blood lose getting to me anyways." He said once he pulled away from the kiss.
Jimin watched Jeongguk walk away. That was one of the many reasons he adored this man. Jeongguk always put Jimin and his feelings first. Still, Jimin felt bad that he couldn't muster up the courage to let his lover bite him. He felt weak. Even though his memories were regained he couldn't get over an attack that happened years ago. It was a lot to overcome. But he had a new goal besides stopping the war between the two clans. That was to push past his well past and not let Xiumin's actions control him anymore.
"Ah! I need to study. That's right. God, Jeongguk is such a distraction!" Jimin said remembering the exam and putting his focus back on that for now.
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