"What do you mean?" Jimin had asked Solar. They were in her office and she was finally discussing what she wanted to tell Jimin. But what Jimin was hearing from her was hard to believe.
Solar reached into her desk and pulled out a bottle. Inside of it was blue glowing ball. The bottle was sealed with very powerful magic. It was a spell that only Solar could break.
"I know it must be shocking to hear this so suddenly, but it will all come back to you now. However, once it does then I fear things will only get difficult for you from here on out. It is necessary that you know the truth though." Solar told him. She then opened the bottle.
Once she did that blue glowing ball went straight for Jimin as if it knew Jimin was it's rightful owner. Jimin gasped out once the blue ball collided with him. He looked up at the ceiling and that's when it was all coming back to him.
There was a time in the past where vampires ruled over the land. Humans were free for them to hunt and each clan ran territories as big as countries. That lead to many clans having arranged marriages between one another.
The Lunist clan and the Sun clan had been at odds with eachother for a while. But this was all due to change within time. Both of the clan leaders had children and they would become the peace holder between the two clans.
Jimin was enjoying some time playing by himself in the garden when his mother had called him over. He ran over to her excitedly hoping she was joining him to play. At this point in time Jimin was 10 years young and was an only child. He hadn't started school yet, so he didn't have many friends. He spent his time either playing alone or with the servants.
"Mother! Are you done with work today? Do you want to play with me now?" Jimin asked happily holding out his toy. He stopped though as he noticed his mother standing with another woman and a young boy.
She smiled at him and bent down to be his height. "That sounds like fun, but I actually have someone I want you to meet. This someone can hopefully be your new friend. Jimin meet Jeon Jeongguk. The second Prince of the Sun clan." She introduced them.
Jimin looked at the boy. He seemed shy and hid behind his mother. He shied away from Jimin and had a cautious look on his face.
Jimin didn't let that phase him though. This was the first time he was meeting someone his age. The servants children that were his age were never allowed to talk to or play with him. So this was Jimin's first time officially meeting another kid.
"Hi! I'm Park Jimin! The prince of the Lunist clan. I've never met another kid before. Do you want to play with me?" Jimin asked excitedly. He gave Jeongguk a warm welcoming smile.
This caught Jeongguk's attention. He came from behind his mother now. "I...would like to play with you." Jeongguk said quietly.
Jimin giggled and grabbed Jeongguk's hand. "Great! Come on! Let's go to my room!" Jimin then pulled Jeongguk along with him. He was so happy to have a new friend.
The two mothers watched their children pleased. They could already see the future of their clans.
The two boys spent most of their time together after that. They had become close easily. They even started school together. Although they made more friends at school in the end they would always end up staying close to eachother.
When they had turned 50 is when their parents finally sat them down to have a talk. Even their fathers joined them which was surprising.
"We have great news for the two of you. Now that you are officially becoming adults and growing into your adult forms we have finally made a decision." Luna, Jimin's mother had said.
Solar clasped her hands together. "We have been discussing this since the two of you first met 40 years ago. You two are officially engaged. You will marry eachother once you take over in your 1 thousands and rule the clans together. You're betrothed." She announced.
Jeongguk and Jimin looked shocked. They looked at eachother then back at their parents. This was what either of them least expected. Up until now they had just been bestfriends. Neither of them had any feelings for eachother. They were only kids until recently.
"There is no way you want me to actually /marry/ Jimin! He's my bestfriend! There's not a chance I'm marrying him! Unless you want me to be miserable for the rest of my life!" Jeongguk spoke out against it taking a jab at Jimin as well.
Jimin glared at Jeongguk when he said that. "Hey! You aren't exactly an ideal husband yourself! You think I wanna deal with your loud, obnoxious, and annoying behavior for the rest of my life?!" Jimin took a shot back at him.
"Well you're worse than me! At least I'm not a crybaby! And you try to act overly cute to get your way." Jeongguk said.
"I do not!"
"You do to!"
"Yes huh!"
Solar giggled at the two of them as they began to bicker. "Well, it seems like the two of them are a perfect match for one another." Solar told Luna who simply nodded in agreement.
The two of them were a perfect match. Although they started out not liking the idea of getting married to one another it was becoming clear that the two feelings were growing as years went on.
The time before they turned 1000 and had to get married and attend an academy was being spent together. They both were allowed to live life as they wanted.
Jimin was spending his time observing the human world. He spent a lot of time in his study reading up on human's. He was intrigued by them. Their cultures, customs, sports, and even their wars peaked his interest.
"Jimin, are you going to stay hauled up in your study all day long?" Jeongguk asked entering the room. The two were now 500 and many advancements were made in the world. At this point the relationship between vampires and humans were staggering. Vampire hunters were now a thing and humans were fighting to rule countries.
Jimin looked up from his book and at Jeongguk. "Sorry, I guess I got too into my books." Jimin apologized with a smile. "Did you need something?"
Jeongguk loved Jimin's smile. That's all he ever wanted to see from the Prince. "Nothing. I just wanted to spend a bit of time with my fiancé. It seems as though the books have your attention more than me. You enjoy the humans that much?" Jeongguk asked walking over to the chair Jimin was sitting on.
"But it's just so interesting. They've made so many advancements and creations without magic. Aren't they the most interesting little creatures you know? They have no power, but they can still create weapons and machines that give them what they lack. Vampires should model after them." Jimin said with sparkling eyes.
Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows before smiling slightly. "You know...the humans don't like us. They're killing our kind as we speak. But you still are interested in them. What if they attack you?"
"I can understand why they don't like us. I mean for years we've hunted them down and drank their blood. They are just trying to survive." Jimin told him.
"But so are we. We drink their blood so that we can survive as well." Jeongguk argued.
Jimin shook his head. "That's not true and you know it. The two of us could not drink blood for the rest of our lives and be fine. We drink their blood so that we can live for thousands of years."
"If you don't drink their blood then you'll end up dying way before me, you know. Don't you want to spend as much time with me as possible?" Jeongguk asked.
Jimin grabbed Jeongguk's hand and gave him a reassuring smile. It was true. Jimin didn't drink human blood like the rest of the vampires. So he would probably lose his youth faster than the others. "Listen, I might pass away before you, but while I'm here let's have the best times together. Okay? We still have plenty of years left." Jimin said locking their fingers together.
Jeongguk couldn't argue with that. This guy certainly had a way with his words. "Yes, I suppose you're right. Let's enjoy the years we have together." He agreed. "Plus, I still haven't been able to taste your blood yet. It pains me that I have to wait until we're married to share that intimate moment with you." He whispered into Jimin's ear then gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Jimin turned red and pushed Jeongguk away from him. "Dont say things like that so suddenly! You're so embarrassing! Now leave me alone and let me get back to my studies!"
Jeongguk laughed at Jimin's reaction. "You're so cute. Fine, I'll let you get back to your human studies, my adorable fiancé~"
"You're so annoying." Jimin huffed, but a smile slipped through his lips. He really did love this man. "I have some news for you actually. I met this human and I'm befriending him. He seems so friendly and he trust me."
Jeongguk raised an eyebrow. "Befriending a human? You must be insane. I would not go about trusting him so easily, darling. Or at least be careful." Jeongguk warned him. He didn't want to judge someone he'd never met, but it was clear that many humans hated vampires.
"Hey, I will be alright. I am a Prince after all. I know how to be cautious and I choose my friends wisely. You don't have to worry about me. I have enough power to protect myself." Jimin said assuringly.
Jeongguk gave Jimin a slight smile. He had always been adventurous. Ever since they were little he was also too friendly for his own good. All of these things made Jeongguk worry, but there wasn't much he could do to stop Jimin.
He wish he could've stopped Jimin. He wished that he could've done more. Maybe if he would've voiced his opinion more then none of this wouldn't have happened. If he had someway to show Jimin the outcome then maybe...but the reality was there was no changing how things ended up. This was their fate.
There was nothing he could do to change the fact that he was holding his dying fiancé in his arms. He had came to visit Jimin for his birthday like he did every year. He was especially excited because it had been a year since he had seen Jimin. The two of them would sometimes spend years apart from one another, but that never changed how close they were.
Jeongguk had been in Europe for the past year studying at a university. It was easy for them to get into these prestigious universities. Many times vampires attending them to further their knowledge or to get well paying human jobs to blend in with society. Jeongguk was going to earn a few accolades. From there he had brought Jimin back a souvenir as a gift.
The last thing Jeongguk was expecting to see when he got there was in lover in the garden near the pond lying on his back in a pool of his own blood with a stake piercing his heart. Whoever had done this even masked the smell of Jimin's blood because it took Jeongguk a while to find him.
"H-hold on Jimin. I'll save you. I will." Jeongguk stuttered and bit down on his own wrist. He then held his wrist up to Jimin's mouth trying to get him to drink his blood. Jimin was not moving though or swallowing it on his own.
Jeongguk gathered his own blood into his mouth not minding the copper taste and placed his lips on top of the dying Prince's. He began to mouth feed him instead. Although this way helped the blood go down quicker it didn't seem to have much effect on Jimin's health.
Jeongguk began to tear up. He couldn't believe that this was happening. Who? Who could've done this? Why Jimin out of everyone? His lover never hurt a soul. He was the most kindest and friendliest person Jimin knew, so why?
Jimin weakly put a hand on Jeongguk's cheek. It had his own blood on it causing it to smear on Jeongguk's face, but Jeongguk didn't mind. Jimin couldn't speak. It almost seemed like they communicated with just their eyes.
"Dont worry, my love. I will find who did this and I will get revenge." Jeongguk whispered to Jimin. He watched as Jimin's body went cold and his eyes glazed over. Jeongguk gave him one last kiss and let the tears pour from his eyes.
"There he is your majesty! The one who murdered the prince!" A male's voice shouted from behind Jeongguk.
Jeongguk went to turn around to see who it was only to feel a sharp pain through his chest. "What-" He looked down to see a hole straight through his chest where his heart was or would be. Jeongguk then fell forward himself landing right on top of Jimin."
Jimin had took a deep breath once the memories stopped flashing through his head. He remembered. He remembered all of it, but he was still confused. "I died. How come I'm back right now? I don't get it." Jimin asked.
"Well, once Jeongguk was hit with an attack I felt it. I teleported and saw what had happened. You were dead and Jeongguk was on the verge of dying. Luna was the one who had attacked him. She thought Jeongguk killed you. That was when the war between our clans officially began. I saved the two of you though. I took your soul from your body and you reincarnated with your powers sealed as a human. I then entrusted one of our elders to raise you. I took Jeongguk and healed him. I then sealed away the memories of everyone in my clan so they wouldn't remember you just to keep Jeongguk safe. However, Luna is planning to attack my clan soon and you are our peace keeper." Solar explained. "Now tell me Jimin...who killed you? I know it was not my son who loved you dearly."
Jimin frowned. He didn't remember Jeongguk being nearly killed because he was gone before that had happened and it was his fault. "A human...a human took my life. One that I thought was a friend." Jimin looked down. "This is all my fault. It's because I trusted a human and now the clans are at war. Solar. I will do all I can to prevent the war from happening. Please allow me to help." Jimin told her. In his eyes was eagerness, but he was serious.
Solar smiled and nodded. She was about to respond until the two of them felt a power surge. It was tremendous. The power of two Princes who were going toe to toe.
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