chapter 4
jiddarh's POV
I have been calling her she is not picking up. why is it that is always when i need her the most to tell her something very important that she is not picking. let me try one more time,she finally picked on the third ring.
"hello where have you been i have called you like four times already why is it that is when someone wants to tell you something important that u wont pick the call"
"hello good morning to you to and my night was fine thanks for asking " Amina said sarcastically.
"you wont believe what just happened today is a very beautiful morning and why didnt you pick my calls earlier"
"first of all i was sleeping when you called and you know am a very deep sleeper and secondly wat happened that u are calling me this early is 11:30 for Gods sake i need my beauty sleep just so you know especially since it is a weekend"
"whatever and even if u like sleep till 4pm you will still remain ugly and i will forever remain beautiful and try and guess what happened"
"yea in your dreams abi and you know i hate guessing so just get to the point so i can go back to sleep"
"okay you wont believe who started talking to me on whatsapp yesterday night" I said
"hmmm let me guess Justin Bieber"
"i wish but nop although you are close"
" cardi b"
"neh "
"hey already told you am bad at guessing so just get to the point already"
" fine its Ibrahim"
"wait what which ibrahim how,when,what did he say to you and how is me saying Justin beiber close"
" how many Ibrahim's do u know he started talking to me last night and he asked me if we could be friends and i said yes and he i just wanted you to keep guessing that's why"
"as in the same Ibrahim u have had a crush on since forever"
"yes him can you believe that i never thought he knew of my existence and now he asked me to be his friend am so happy "
"wow congrats is a dream come true for you"
"i know right"
Ibrahim's POV
I just want to hurry up and get this thing over with so i carried my phone and texted Salim
i have already started how long did u say again i forgot
he replied
just two months you know there is no backing out right you choose it.
I replied
yea i know even if i dnt really want to do it do i have a choice.
(hey guys sorry it took me long to update am just lazy that's why i will try my best to update soon sha and by the way i wonder what Ibrahim is up to)
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