Chapter 26
Jiddarhs pov
Today is the kamu and we where at the venue of the event when Ibrahim walked up to where I was seating,and spoke to me
"Hey jiddarh you look nice Masha Allah"he said.
"Hey how are you you look good too and I like the scent of your perfume"
"Thank you can we go out and talk for a minute the music won't let us hear eachother well"He said I agreeed and we stepped out of the event hall.
"I know you have a lot on your mind right now but I needed to say this and get it off my chest
Jiddarh since the day I saw you at my house a few months ago I haven't been able to get you off my mind to be honest you never really left my mind I loved you even before I left for school things just happened the wrong way and we fell apart you are my first love and to be honest you have been my only I really want us to try this relationship thing again years have gone by now we are both adults we won't make past mistakes again I hope and pray that as guests have come here today for my sister and your brothers wedding they will also soon gather for mine and yours.because if you say yes to me then nothing will stop me from making you my bride as soon as possible"he said.
I was so speechless I didn't even know what to say I just stood there i am so confused really why would he do that now and out here and today and oh God.
"Um I really just want to go back to my friends inside I will think about everything you said in due time"I said
"No pressure I will give you time but just know I am damn serious about everything I said and I will earn your love back" he said . I turned around and went back in
Ibrahims pov
I have been thinking of jiddarh lately she is always on my mind I even dream of her anytime I sleep.I have been looking for the right time and the perfect romantic atmosphere to confess my feelings for her but I just havnt been able to think of it.when I saw jiddarh at the kamu of my sister I just couldn't hold it any longer I decided that I would tell her before I loose her to someone else.jiddarh is very beautiful and any man in his right senses will want to be with her.I confessed my feelings to her even though I was very nervous but I still told her she told me she will think about it ,I won't stop there I will try my best to show her I am serious and that I really love her.
The next day
Jiddarhs pov
Today is the daurin aure oh God I am so tired and there is still dinner later tonight .weddings are so stressful God I don't want to be this involved in another wedding anytime soon. I packed the clothes I was going to wear and I drove to Maryam's house I am going to be part of kawayen amarya today(brides maids)I got to Maryams house and was hoping ibrahim would have left for the daurin aure before I got there and thankfully he wasn't home I got in and we got ready with the rest of my friends and an hour later .sadiq called maryam to tell her the not has been tied and he was on his way with his friends.we were all congratulating her and teasing her.just then I received a text from yusuf telling me to come out that he was outside Maryam's house I quietly went out because I didn't want questions. As I stepped out and saw him my heart skipped a bit he looked so Masha Allah like how can a human being be this fine with no makeup natural beauty he was wearing a white shadda and babanriga with a matching cap and a Rolex watch oh lord.
"If you stare too much you might droll"he said and I quickly looked away feeling shy.
"Hey I was joking no need to be shy how are you"he said .
"I am fine and you what are you doing here at the brides house"
" I wanted to see you and I knew you would be here today so I left before the groom and his men arrived I wanted to be the first to see you and I am glad I did you look gorgeous Masha Allah"
"You look handsome too and thank you for the compliment"
"It's not a compliment i am stating a fact"he said just then I noticed that the grooms convoy have started arriving.
"Come closer so that when they see you with me nobody will dare to approach you Reina"he said
"You are not serious who will approach me they are all going inside the house so the groom can see the bride and take some pictures"
"I know but he has unmarried friends and I don't want anybody looking at what is mine"
"Seriously how am I yours we are not married"
Just then yusufs phone rang he picked and spoke for a while then ended it .
"Reina I am sorry but I am needed at the office I have to get going in order to finish so I can attend the dinner and see how you are going to choke me with your beauty tonight"
"You like joking around too much but since you are needed at the office I think you should go see you later"
Just then I heard someone call my name I turned it was Ibrahim
"Jiddarh what are you doing outside here"Ibrahim asked with a straight face
"I came to talk to someone" I replied I turned and saw that Yusuf hasn't left he was looking at us curiously.
"Ibrahim this is my friend Yusuf he is also Abduls friend and Yusuf this is my friend Ibrahim he is Maryam's brother" I introduced them to eachother.
"Nice to meet you, I saw you at the mosque earlier"Ibrahim said
"Nice to meet you too and yes I was at the daurin aure"Yusuf said.Ibrahim's phone rang and he stepped away to answer it.
"Is he the famous Ibrahim you told me about all those years ago"Yusuf asked me
"Yea kinda he is the one"I replied
"Wow ok I should get going before my work calls again see you later" he said and entered the car and zoomed off.
Just then Ibrahim came back and was done with his call
"Why did you have to invite your male friend to my house to come see you"Ibrahim said looking angry
"I don't understand since when is it your business who I see"
"It is because it is my house"
"Actually it's your fathers house and a wedding is taking place here so anybody can come and you have no right to talk to me like this" I said getting annoyed and irritated.
"Really you think I don't have a right to talk to you like this you now know what I feel for you and yet I see you outside my house with a guy talking and smiling how do you expect me to react"
"You ask me a question first before assuming things and don't worry now that maryam won't leave here anymore you will never see me here again balle you should start telling me what you want"I said and walked past him to go back in.
Ibrahim's pov
I was so angry after what I saw today it was a happy day at the beginning but seeing jiddarh with that guy just ruined it all and I know I owe her an apology for speaking to her the way I did but I just couldn't help it she looked happy talking to the guy and she was smiling and he was looking at her with so much admiration.but I can apologize to jiddarh laterI need to go pick waleeda she said she is in town so I invited her to the wedding I want to pick her and bring her to the house so she can greet mum because they have both been wanting to meet eachother. Mum already knows her as my friend back in school but they haven't meet physically yet.
I picked her up from her house
"Why are you frowning what's wrong"
"You remember that girl I told you about when we where in London my first love jiddarh"
"The one you were dared to date"
"Yes her remember she is my sister's friend we meet up again and became friends and I realized I still have feelings for her and I finally got the courage to tell her how I feel yesterday"
"Wow that good I am happy for you but that why are you angry did she reject you"
"No she didn't she just said she will think about it and then today I saw her with this guy and I got really jealous and I spoke to her harshly and now I don't know what to do"
"First of all calm down okay no need to be angry you can apologize to her at the dinner or through a text or tomorrow when the events is over is not something to work your self up about"
"You are right thank you leeda na what will I do without you thank God you are back with you around I am sure jiddarh will accept me in no time"I took her home she meet mum and they immediately hit it off and became friends I introduced her to the bride too and they took pictures together I noticed jiddarh wasn't around I asked the bride and she said she went home but will meet her at the makeup artists shop later.I instantly felt guilty I know it was because she was angry she left she didn't want to ruin Maryam's big day with her mood
I have been trying to talk to jiddarh but she keeps avoiding me I sent her a message
I am so sorry for what happened earlier I had no right to talk to you that way or get mad at you like that I was just jealous because of how much I love you I can't bear the thought of you with someone else that is why I lost my cool but I promise you it will never happen again you deserve better than to be spoken to like that I am deeply sorry .
And I sent the message I hope she replies soon.
Jiddarhs pov
"Awwn he is really sober why don't you reply him"Amina said
"No I won't he hurt me with his words earlier and actions I won't forgive him so easily"I told Amina everything that happened from the confession yesterday at the kamu to the argument earlier today.
"Fine if you insist"she said I picked my phone and was dialing
"Who are you trying to call"
"Yusuf he said he will come for the dinner but I haven't seen him here yet"I said and just then he picked.
"Hey Reina"
"Um where are you you are late"
"I am so sorry I was busy with work I lost track of time but I am on my way there now"
"Okay then drive safe"with that I ended the call. Few minutes later I saw Yusuf I went and ushered him in and sat at thesame table with him he looked so fine he changed from his baban riga to kaftan but he still looked good.
"Did you miss me that much that you were waiting for me to come"
"You wished I was just curious that's why I called" I said
" can I ask you something if you are okay with it"
"Sure you can"
"The Ibrahim I meet earlier is he the one you said was your first love and are you guys dating now"
"Yes he was my first love and no we are not dating we are just in laws now am not even sure about the friend part and I already told you I am single so I am not in a relationship"
"Okay then I just wanted to know"he said and then we spoke about random things and work and school and I went and danced with my friends a bit before coming back to continue gisting with him until he decided to take me home and I went with him because I was tired of driving and I gave Amina my car keys to go home with the car .
Relationship never start you want to control babe😒anyways
Ignore grammatical errors
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