Chapter 22
Five years later
Jiddarhs pov
I was sleeping when the kids came into my room shouting and jumping on my bed.I woke up instantly.
"Wai me ke damunku me baza ku bar mutum yayi bacci ba( what is wrong with you won't you let me sleep)" I said to Afnan and Janaan they are twins,they are ya Khalid's children he got married three years ago the kids are two he got married to a woman named safiya. We call her anty safy she is really nice and we all get along with her so well
"Sholly (sorry) aunty jiddarh it was nana that was chasing us" the twins said in their baby voices.
"Oh God when will nana grow up" just then nana came in
"Good morning sis so they came to hid here abi"
"Nana you are 18 for gods sake how can you chase around 2 year old kids"
"Whatever don't you have lectures today go get ready and leave me and my babies alone" she said picking up the twins up .
"Yea I actually do but in three hours time I said checking the clock" I am a 200 hundred level student of baze university I am studying political science both me and my besty yea Amina is my course mate we go to school together. She is basically the only friend I have ,mufida got admission 2 years ago in BUK in kano state so she left we still talk but not like before and when they are on holiday we are mostly in session so we rarely hangout .and as for maryam she is in ABU zaria kaduna state we are actually in touch but not as close as before either .Her and my brother Sadiq are in a very serious relationship now I heard him and baba (my dad) talking the other day about him sending our people to her people for official gaisuwa which is the first step towards a wedding in Nigeria . He Also came 2 days ago and asked me what I think I said I would love them to get married and he said this weekend they will go for the gaisuwa I am actually really happy maryam is marrying my brother they are both amazing people and they deserve each other and I am also so excited because I was the one who linked them up. And Hanifa to be honest hanifa left our squad since the whole Yusuf incident we became uncomfortable around eachother but she is also in baze studying psychology so we do see sometimes and we just say hi.
I got ready and I waited for Amina she came and we left for school after lectures we decided to go to a restaurant and eat because we were both starving after we both ordered and ate it was time to pay the bills so I called the waiter and asked how much was the bill.
"Someone already paused for the bill maam"the waiter said
"What do you mean by that I haven't paid neither has she so who did"Amina asked
"The guy seating at the other table"both Amina and I turned and looked the direction the guy stood up and came over"
"Yan Mata sanunku (ladies well done😂I don't know the real translation)"he then turned to me "hey I saw you and your friend walk in earlier and you are so beautiful that's why I decided to pay for you hoping that that can at least earn me your time my name is kabiru"
"Look me I don't look like someone who cannot afford her own bills so that wasn't necessary how much did you pay let me pay you back"
"Haba mana no need to be rude I just want to be friends"
"I don't need friends I have enough but since you want to dash money away that's your problem Amina let's go"I stood up picked my bag and left .
Amina's pov
"I am so sorry about that thank you for paying our bill we appreciate it"Amina said and apologized.
"No problem I wish she is as nice as you but can you please give me her number and name"
"I can't do that sorry but we appreciate your kind gesture bye"
"Wait can I at least drop you both at home"
"I don't think she would want that we can find our way"
"Alright but can I get your name please you are so nice here is my number" he said and wrote his number on a piece of paper and gave to me.
I collected it " my name is Amina but I don't think she would collect the number"
"I wrote it for you not her you are so polite it's nice meeting you" he smiled and went back to his seat . Wow he is so handsome I wonder what is wrong with jiddarh .I better go meet her outside so we can go home.I walked outside and I saw she had already called an Uber and was waiting in the Uber for me I entered the car the driver started driving
"Finally you came out I was this close to leaving without you"she said
"What is wrong with you why do you keep doing that any guy that approaches you you send them away is not like the guy is ugly why were you so rude to him"
" because I don't want to know him or him to know me is it by force"
" no it's not but I don't get you don't you want to get married one day do you want to die single in your father's house" I can't remember the last time you actually paid attention to a guy"
"No I don't want to die single but I also don't want to get hurt again so I rather not get involved with anyone for now until I am ready for marriage to avoid heartbreak"
"For godsake jiddarh that was five years ago do you think they even remember they have moved on so why don't you do thesame not all men are thesame you know and even if you wait for years the wrong person might still come and break your heart but if you keep chasing them away you might chase away your soulmate in the process"
" I appreciate your concern but please I don't want any man in my life right now"
"Fine suit yourself but as your friend I will always advice you stop being rude to people you don't know what the future hold"
The rest of the ride was quite until she dropped me off and the Uber took her home.
Two updates in one day wow I am improving 😂please please please vote🥺
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