I walked down the corridor, desperately trying to stop the tears. Till when will it stop? What am I expected to do? What do they want me to do? I thought working as a maid is the best option I have, it's the most secure job I can get. But—It's too much wallah, it's too much. The load I carry feels unbearable sometimes, times like this. A tattered note of two hundred Naira is all I have left, there would have been no food in our house had Sa'adah not bought all those things. I used the last card I have— the one I've been saving in case of emergency— to buy Umma her medicine, which is about to finish too. There's a limit to what one can go through.
I've wanted to quit times without number but remembering what Alhaji did for us, how he—
I almost collided with a body, which stopped my train of thought.
I looked at the person in shock.
Ya ilahi, it's Alhaji. I hastily wiped my tears. "Good Afternoon." No matter how hard I tried to hide the crack in my voice, it became audible at the end.
"What happened? Hauwa'u? Tell me."
I looked away, not wanting to say anything. I cleared my throat. "There's nothing, something fell into my eyes."
"When did you start lying?" Alhaji questioned. I looked down, feeling embarrassed and guilty. Lying is one of the things my mother warned me off, always say the truth no matter where you find yourself Jiddarh is what she always tells me.
With much hesitation, my mouth shaking as I stammer. I told him what happened, not because I wanted to but because I so much respect him that I could not lie to him. I honestly didn't want to tell him though because it'll be as if I'm reporting Hajiya to him.
Alhaji Hameed shook his head, mumbling to himself. 'But she told me she has increased your salary, it has been almost a year now.'
He shook his head again after a while. He then dipped his hand in his pocket and brought out a bundle of money.
I started shaking my head before he could even hand me the money. No!
"Hauwa'u," he called sternly. "collect this."
With a shaky voice, I said. "No, this is more than what I'm supposed to be given."
Alhaji sighed. "Do you not respect me anymore?" Oh no! He's going to blackmail me.
"I do," I mumbled.
"If you do then you'll collect this money. I thought you considered me to be like a father to you huh Hauwa'u?"
I gulped. I can never forget what this kind of man did for me and my family.
About six months after my father left, the people he sold the house to came to claim the house. They—without sympathy— threw us out on the streets. We didn't leave with anything except our clothing. We stayed with Umma's friend, who's a childless widow. My mother didn't want our grandparents to know, but you know how things spread like a wildfire, they found out.
Dada insisted we move to his house but that wouldn't be possible, there wasn't space for us. The house wouldn't contain us with Sagir and Sabi'u living there at that time.
Umma's friend, Malama Jummai, insisted I started working, as she doesn't have the means to feed three more mouths. I did not see her fault though, she's also struggling to pass through the days. Initially, Umma was supposed to do the working but I said no, over my dead body. She still had Rumana to take care of at that time.
Malama Jummai took me to different workplaces but they all declined. She ended up taking me to a roadside eatery. It's one of the worst places a girl should ever work at, ever. That's how I struggled in that horrible place for a year.
One day, Larai—my employer, sent me and one of my co-workers to buy vegetables in the market. After we came back, Larai told us to get ready. We're going to the other side of the city to sell food. The moment I set my foot in that car, I felt it in my body that all wasn't well.
Long story short, Larai was trying to send us to 'work', work as in prostitution. I refused whilst the other girl agreed readily when she heard the sum of money that'll be given to her. Larai tried to persuade me, when she saw that I was not cracking she told the men to do what they have to. I've never run that much in my whole life, I had no idea where we were. I stumbled onto the main road. Cars kept passing but none bothered to help me.
I prayed, I desperately pleaded to the Almighty, ya rabbi let me go back to my mom the same way I left. I could hear the sound of their footsteps, they're close. I kept waving frantically at the cars passing, begging them to stop but no one stopped.
Finally, a Mercedes Benz stopped and an elder looking man stepped out. He looks around the age of my father.
"What are you doing here young lady?" He inquired warmly. I started crying and explained in between sobs. He immediately put me in his car, as we were driving away I saw the men. Had I been in that place for a little longer, I'd have been caught.
"What's your name, young girl?"
"Jiddarh, Hauwa'u Jiddarh."
He told me his name is Alhaji Hameed and that he'll help me. I was hesitant at first before I finally agreed. I told him about me, everything. The struggles my mother, sister and I are going through after our father abandoned us, for a year I've been the one taking care of us. I just turned seventeen last week. I felt a sense of security with him, I felt like I could trust him.
When we arrived at the place we're staying, he told me to go and call my mom. I went in and found Malama Jummai hitting Rumana, two years old Rumana. I ran and picked my sister who's crying her heart out.
"Haba Anty, why are hitting my baby sister like this? What did she do?"
"Common keep quiet!" She raised her hand to hit me at that moment Umma walked in. She immediately rushed to collect Ruu who's losing her breath because of all the crying.
Umma and her friend argued back and forth. Malama Jummai had a hand in what happened today. She knew what Larai does to young girls yet she sent me there. She told Umma to pack her things and leave her house.
"A bar mun gida!" She exclaimed.
I ran into the small room we're sharing and picked the 'Ghana must go' that contains our clothes. That's how Malam Jummai threw us out, just because I refused to sell my body.
I have forgotten about the kind man that helped me until we stepped out and I saw his car. I explained to Umma who he is and how he helped me, Umma cried. Mumbling how she should have never let me work. How she's sorry for being a useless mother. I told her no, she's the best mother anybody could ever ask for.
That was when I noticed that my sister wasn't breathing. With so much panic, I knocked on Alhaji's window and told him what was happening.
Rumana was rushed to the hospital. Alhaji spoke to the nurse and she was immediately tended to. The doctor said we had to stay overnight. Alhaji walked in with a bag of drugs. Umma thanked him whilst sniffing.
Alhaji wanted to talk to my mom and I was told to step out. I don't know what they talked about. All I know is that the next day after my sister was discharged, we went to a new house.
The house looks new, it has one living room with two bedrooms and a bathroom between the rooms then a kitchen outside. I was told that it's our new house, courtesy Alhaji. And that tomorrow, I'll start working in Alhaji's house as a maid.
And that's how I started working with the Hameed's. To this day, I don't know what Alhaji told my mom or how she agreed.
About a month after I started working, Hajiya fired me but Alhaji brought me back. He told her that she wasn't the one that hired me so she had no right to fire me.
It's one of the reasons why she doesn't like me, she never liked me from the beginning anyway. Here we are, three years later.
"Hauwa'u," Alhaji called, successfully breaking my train of thought. His hand is still held out, holding the bundle of money. "Collect this, please."
I hesitantly collected the money, my heart heavy. I don't think I can take anymore favors from this man, what he has already done for me is enough.
"From now henceforth, you'll be collecting your salary from me," he declared. "do you understand me?" He asked sternly.
I nodded mutely. From the look on his face, he is very annoyed and I don't know why. I silently left the house, my mind filled with so many different thoughts.
Ya Rabbi show me the day all my sufferings will come to an end. Ya Allah, make it easy on me, on my mother, on us. Ya Allah show me the day when I will be seen as a dignified person, as a person that deserves respect not as a maid, not as a servant but as Hauwa'u Jiddarh, a well respected, honored, and decent young lady.
Ameen Ya Rabb.
After I left my employer's house, I first went to Rumana's school to pay for her school fees. I even paid for the next term because Alhaji gave me a large sum of money, that's why I decided to settle the fee for the whole session. So that in the next few months I wouldn't have to worry about school fees.
After that I went to Kasuwan Rimi to get fresh vegetables then I went to Kasuwan Singa, there I bought all the foodstuffs we'll need. Finally, I went to the pharmacy to get my mother's medicines. I finished everything around six in the evening, just as the Maghrib adhaan was called.
No keke or taxi is stopping. It's getting dark and I cannot begin to trek with all the load I have. After about thirty minutes of staying by the roadside without getting a taxi, I decided to just start walking, I might get a taxi.
I looked at the huge load I have before releasing a huge sigh. My back is aching and now I have to carry all these. Allah have mercy on this servant on yours.
I half dragged, half picked the load I had, I successfully managed to make it home without breaking my spinal cord. Umma watched silently as I put everything in place. It was after I've taken a shower and eaten did she finally ask. "Where did you get the money Hauwa?" She never calls me Hauwa unless she's talking about something very serious. "Did Hajiya Shafa'atu finally pay you?"
"No, Umma," I shook my head. "she didn't pay me."
"Then where did you get the money?"
I sat down beside her on the mat and told her everything that has happened. By the time I finished her eyes have changed color. "Only Allah SWT can reward this man, may Allah bless him with jannatul Firdaus." she prayed and I replied with an Ameen.
We then started chatting about random things. Amidst chatting, a young boy came in, he stays somewhere around the street. "Good evening Maman Rumana, some young man outside wants to see Jiddarh."
I felt my heart stop for a few seconds. Who could it be? I could feel Umma's glare. "You won't stand up until I tell you to ko?"
I pouted my lips and turned to look at my mother, pleading with her to not force me to go out.
"Come on, go get your hijab and see who it is." The stern look she has told me not to argue. I silently stood up, cursing whoever it is. As far as I'm concerned I didn't give anyone permission to come to see me at home.
"Jiddarh saura kuma ki wulaq'kanta shi," Umma called out as I exited the house. I could not help but roll my eyes, how can I be nice to an unannounced guest that successfully spoiled my mood?
An ash Ford Escape was parked in front of our house, the glasses are tinted. A man I've never seen alighted from the driver's side. He is dressed in a cream-colored brocade, he isn't wearing a cap. He is tall and dark with wide shoulders. An unkept beard covered his chin and the side of his face. He sauntered to where I am standing, a few steps away from the door. I couldn't help but notice the way he walks, with a limp and with his shoulders raised, at first I thought he had a problem with one of his legs but when he got close I realized that's just the way he walks. I didn't say a word just stared at nothing in particular.
The uninvited guest cleared his throat, I guess the silence became uncomfortable for him. Good. "Malama Jiddarh, I know you're surprised to see me and have so many questions for me." He said with an unnecessary smile on his lips.
I took in a deep breath to calm myself down. "Look mister, can please get straight to the point? I was doing a very important task before I was interrupted, rudely I may add."
"I know you don't know me," he said. "but I know you."
What in the name of the Almighty is going on here? I remembered Umma's scolding so I swallowed what I was about to say. I kept quiet.
"My name is Muhammad Auwal, I stay in Rijiyar Zaki. I came to visit my friend the other day and I saw you passing by. I went home that day filled with the thoughts of the fair mysterious lady I saw. I tried to stay away but my heart wouldn't stop yearning for you, I asked my friend for your address and here I am."
I looked at this 'Muhammad Auwal' from beneath my lashes. He must be in his late twenties, twenty-six, twenty seven-ish. "What exactly do you want?"
"Ina so mu fahimci juna, I want us to understand and get to know each other."
"Muhammad right?" I asked and he nodded. "I'm not going to lie to you, what you came to look for here is something you can never get. If you'll excuse me, I'm going back inside now." With that, I turned around to leave.
"Amma Jiddarh, why won't you give me a chance?" He called back. I turned around to face him again. "Because I am not interested," I told him the truth without beating around the bush.
"How can you say that when you did not even try?" He was adamant, I realized.
"Sai anjima and please don't come back," I called over my shoulder. When I went inside Umma didn't say anything to me. I picked up a broom to sweep the courtyard, as I was sweeping I can feel Umma's gaze on me. I know she wants me to tell her what happened but I'm not going to say anything until she speaks.
"Are you going to tell me or not?" She finally gave up and spoke. I couldn't help but smile smugly to myself. I knew she couldn't keep up with the facade. I used a plastic hand fan and packed the dirt I swept then dumped it into the bucket we use as a dustbin. I took my time washing my hands before sitting down beside my mother. I told her all that has happened without omitting any part.
Umma sighed heavily. "Yanzu Jiddarh what you're doing, is it good?"
"But Umma, I'm just twenty yea—
"I got married when I was eighteen and had you when I was nineteen." She pointed out.
"But Umma that was then, that was during your time. You don't expect me to get married now, do you? Who would take care of you, and what about Rumana, huh? Please Umma you should stop speaking this way, whenever Allah wills I'll get married," I took in a deep breath. "I know what you are thinking, who would marry a girl with a runaway father right? Because he left, we have to bear the consequences but we have the Almighty Umma and in sha Allah you'll see your girls happily married, In sha Allah. We don't need him."
Umma nodded with her eyes filled with tears and I felt the hate I have for my father intensify. After abandoning us for four years, he still has the ability to hurt my mom, to hurt us and I hate him even more for that. I just want my mom to move on, I want her to set herself free from the hold he has on her.
I pulled my mother in for a hug and wiped her tears before they had the chance of falling. With me around, I promise to try my best not to let tears of pain and sorrow stain her cheeks.
I didn't go to work for the whole week. The Hameed's traveled to Bichi, to visit Alhaji's parents. I was very glad of the little break because Umma had an attack, she was complaining of fatigue and I told her to rest. I left her room to go and pray and when I came back I found her having shortness of breath. I was quick to give her Diuretics, often called water pills, one of the drugs that are very important in her prescription. It helps the patient breathe easier.
I took her to Aminu Kano teaching hospital the next day after dropping Rumana at school.
My mother was diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy(DCM) a little after her husband left. It is a condition in which the heart's ability to pump blood is decreased because the heart's main pumping chamber, the left ventricle, is enlarged and weakened.
I don't ever wish to relive those days, ever again. Umma was very weak, her ankles, feet, legs, abdomen were all swollen even the veins in her neck. According to the doctor, my mother has this disease because of high blood pressure. Those were the worse days of my life. With the little we had and the little Dada contributed we were able to settle her hospital fees. Struggling to pay for the monthly check-up and buying the drugs was tough, still is but Alhamdulillah.
Alhamdulillah, now Umma is all better, she even took Rumana to school. Which means I'm all alone at home now. My phone rang and it was Hajiya Shafa'atu. I haven't spoken to her since she threw me out and refused to give me my money.
"Assalamu alaikum," I said, placing the phone against my ear. Without answering my prayer, she got straight to the point. "Jiddarh we are just leaving Bichi, I want you to go tidy up the house and tell Inna Lami to cook dinner. I've been trying her number and she's not picking. God knows where she threw the phone, that woman doesn't know the importance of keeping a mobile phone close, I honestly can't understand why she even has it if she's not going to use it." She ended the call with a hiss.
Thankfully, just as I was about to leave, Umma came back. I told her that my employers are coming back today and she told me to hurry. On my way, I had this nagging feeling that I was being followed. I decided to trust my instincts so I deliberately followed the wrong way and wandered endlessly in the streets.
The person following finally got tired and revealed himself. It was Auwal. We had an argument where I demanded why he was following me and his reply was he was trying to win me over. We argued, well I was the one angry, he was all calm and cool. I told him to leave me alone if not...
I left him standing there dumbfounded. I don't like this Auwal, in all honesty, I have a bad feeling about him.
Oh ni Jiddarh, I have another stalker...
And I found myself wishing... I wished it was Mas'ud, with him I feel safe.
Ohhhkayyy🚶🏻♀️ so now Jiddarh is wishing for Mas'ud's stalking. Girl, what do you want?
What do you think of this chapter? Honest answers😌
I miss Obnoxious😭❤️
And he better take action quick, someone is trying to take his place😂😂
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Yours truly
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