I'm such a sweetheart, I know💆🏻♀️😌
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Silent readers, how market🌚
Enjoy 🥂
I resumed work the next day. I got up early, as usual, I cleaned the house and cooked breakfast before waking up Rumana. I got her ready, we ate food before saying goodbye to Umma.
I then dropped Rumana at school, there I was reminded of the school fees I'm yet to pay. Ya Allah. I apologized and asked them to please give me a week at most. They thankfully agreed I have to talk to Hajiya about my salary. She hasn't paid me last month and this month is already ending tomorrow.
"Bye Ya Jiddarh." Rumana waved energetically. "Bye," I waved with the same enthusiasm. "Ayi karatu da kyau; read properly." I smiled one last time before leaving.
I arrived at my place of work, I knocked on the gate, Baba tsoho opened the gate grinning widely as usual. And as usual, I didn't spare him a glance, I don't have time for that.
I walked into the house, I met Hajara all decked up in a fuchsia-colored dress that hugs her figure tightly, leaving nothing for imagination. Her face is caked with makeup, her hair—which she fixed by the way— was wrapped in a messy bun.
Ni Jiddarh! This early morning.
"What are you looking at?" She barked. I didn't say anything, I don't want trouble this early morning so I walked away.
I went to the kitchen straight, after greeting Inna Lami I started with my work. I did everything neatly, as it should be. I even swept the whole compound today because the gardener didn't come.
My back hurts a bit, I need to swallow some pain killers. Pair of arms wrapped themselves around my waist.
"Hey Sa'adah," I said without turning around.
"How do you know I'm the one?" She asked in confusion. I rolled my eyes, is that even a question? No one, literally no one in this house will do this except her. "You know what, don't answer. What are you doing?"
"I'm going to water the plants." I picked up the hose. "Isn't that the gardener's job?" I shrugged. "Well, he's not here."
I finally turned around to look at her. "Sa'adah," I warned sternly. She raised her hands in surrender. "sorry," I realized she's still in her pajamas, a SpongeBob pajamas. "nice PJs."
She grinned. "Why thank you." She responded with a fake British accent. "I'll help." She picked up the second hose and we watered the whole plant.
The whole house is surrounded by flowers of different types and colors. Grasses cover either side of the driveway with tall trees at the end. The gardener does a great job because the place is always neat and the flowers are always healthy and trimmed to perfection. The house is extra beautiful during rainy days.
I particularly love how this house is structured. The two-story building is situated in the middle, the BQ at the far right, you can't see it from the gate then finally the young master's apartment, which's directly behind the main house with a walkable distance in between. The parking space/garage is located on the left alcove of the wall, before reaching the main building.
I accidentally splashed Sa'adah with water. She gasped. "Oh no you didn't," she pointed the host at me. "this means war." she sprayed me with water, I gasped which resulted in me coughing because the water entered my mouth.
"Oh my God. Jiddarh are you okay?" Sa'adah panicked and started hitting my back forcefully. It's painful! "Stop, stop hitting me, I'm okay." I pulled away trying to catch my breath. I looked down at myself and I'm completely soaked, from head to toe. I glared at Sa'adah, this is all her fault. She had the nerve to look sheepish. "I'm sorry."
I walked to the kitchen hurriedly so no one will see me, luckily I once left a shirt and wrapper in Inna's room. It came in handy today. I went to Inna's room situated in the BQ. The room is a middle-sized one with nothing inside except a mattress on the floor and Inna's luggage in one corner, it has a joined bathroom though.
I changed and picked one of Inna's hijab to cover myself. I walked back to the kitchen, Inna is slicing onions and her eyes are watering. "Let me do it," I said collecting the bowl, knife, and onions. I opened the faucet, letting the water run then put the hands holding the onions under the running water before I began slicing. That way your eyes won't burn whilst slicing the onions.
I sliced it into ring forms and kept it aside. "What are you going to cook?" I asked Inna. "Sinasir da miyan taushe." She replied, I nodded. "Have you grind the rice?" I asked Inna Lami, she shook her head. "No, I was just about to take it to gidan markade."
"You don't have to bother yourself, I'll do it." I picked up the plastic bucket filled halfway with soaked rice (shinkafan tuwo) and a little bit of boiled white rice, I snatched the money from the countertop. "I'll leave now," Inna said a prayer for me and thanked me again.
I didn't see Sa'adah so she must have gone to her room upstairs. The place I'm going to is within a walkable distance but can be considered far that's why I didn't let Inna take it. After having the rice blended smoothly, I paid the lady and picked the bucket but the handle broke. I had no other choice but to place it on my head.
"Let me help you with that." a voice startled me from behind. Don't turn around Jiddarh, don't turn. "Hey, girl! We're talking to you can't you hear ?" another voice slurred. I kept walking, increasing my pace, reciting. Allaahummak-fineehim bimaa shi'ta; O Allah, protect me from them with what You choose.
Why did you follow this shortcut Jiddarh? I mentally reprimanded myself. They are still following me and I'm yet to exit the alley, they are drunk by the slur in their speeches. I increased my speed, I heard them do the same. Innalillahi wa innailahi raji'un.
"Common pretty girl, we're just gonna have some fun. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself too."
My heart is about to beat out my rib cage, the bucket on my head is slowing me down. I stretched my hand and pressed the lid so that it wouldn't spill and I ran. They chased after me, ya Allah save me. I exited the alley, in doing so I collided with a body. The person steadied me by placing his hands on my forearms, once he was sure I was steady he let go.
The person pulled back. "Jay?" He called in a panic tone. Masu'd! I looked up and released a huge sigh of relief, I've never been so happy to see him until now. "What's wrong? Why are panting?"
I swallowed. "Men....following me...." I didn't even complete the incoherent sentence I was saying when the men that followed me arrived. I ran faster than them, they were very drunk.
Masu'd pushed me aside and stood in front of me, protectively. "I wouldn't come near if I were you," he threatened in a low, menacing voice. It felt odd to hear him speak that way, maybe because I'm used to him always teasing me. I dropped the bucket on the floor, panting heavily to regulate my breathing and the rate of my heartbeat.
They argued back and forth but I couldn't hear a word, my mind was elsewhere. What if he wasn't here, then what would have happened? Would they have.....? No, no, Jiddarh don't go there. For the first time since I met him, I didn't dwell on why Masu'd was here, all I know is that I'm happy he is. He......saved me.
"Jay!" A voice yelled, startling me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." I nodded and glanced forward to see that those vile people are gone.
"They're gone." Masu'd reassured. "Why did you follow that alley in the first place? Don't you know it's not safe, especially for a lady? I don't want you to follow this place ever again, ever." He scolded.
I furrowed my eyebrows. "Don't scold me—
"—no Jay, what you did was wrong you know that. You knew it wasn't safe yet you still decided to follow that path. God forbid what would have happened if I wasn't here...I-I don't even think about it. Promise me, promise you won't follow this alley ever again." He sounded more worried and concerned than angry.
I looked down, he's right. This is ridiculous, right now I feel like a small child being scolded for taking a cookie from the cookie jar. "Promise me." He insisted again. "Fine, I promise," I said with a sigh.
"Good," he said releasing a sigh. "Where are you coming from?" He asked. "I went to grind rice." He hummed but didn't say anything. "Are you going home?"
I shook my head. "No, my place of work." I simply replied. "Right now, I have a place to be at, I would have taken you but let me stop a keke for you." Before I got a chance to reply, he has already walked away. I sighed.
A few minutes later he came back in a keke, he alighted then picked the bucket and placed it inside. "Common," he gestured. He searched his pockets and brought out his wallet, brought out a note then gave it to the driver. "You don't have to—" he shot me a glare and I swallowed my protest, it's as if something is holding me from speaking. Which is a first, really.
I entered the rickshaw. "Be safe okay? Bye." He turned around to leave but I called him back. "Masu'd?" he quickly turned around. "Thank you," I said very sincerely. I saw the corner of his lips widen just as the keke drove away. I told the man the location, then closed my eyes. Ya Allah!
I've already decided that I'm not going to say anything to anyone about what happened earlier. Umma is already worried as it is, I cannot add on that. Firm on my decision, I picked up the bucket and alighted the rickshaw. The driver called me back saying there's change, I told him to keep it. He was very happy and I was glad, he is an elder and looks like he could need the extra cash.
I pushed open the gate and ambulated to the kitchen, entering from the back door. I didn't meet Inna in the kitchen, she must be in her room. I started preparing the batter for the rice pancakes.
I added a cup of the blended rice in a small bowl and reserved the remaining batter. Then boiled some water in a pot then added in that one cup I separated and whisked it until it was thick and smooth and allowed it to cool completely. While waiting for it to cool, I rinsed everything I used and cleared the place. After it cooled, I transferred the remaining batter into a big bowl, then stirred it into a thick mixture. I added yeast and stirred until well combined, I covered it with sling fling and placed it in the oven, which is not switched on, by the way, I just need it to be in a warm place for one hour.
I checked on Inna and found her asleep. I smiled and ambulated further into the room, I covered her properly with a blanket and switched off the light before going out quietly. I really hope Hajiya doesn't enter the kitchen or look for her because she'll wake her up demanding she shouldn't be sleeping during 'working hours'.
I went back to the kitchen to prepare the soup. I found that Inna has already finished everything, all there's left to do is add the water left. I tasted the soup, it's either she didn't put enough spice or she didn't at all so I added the right amount then the leaves.
An hour later, I brought the batter out, added sugar and baking powder, coated a non-stick pan with oil, and started frying. In the last hour and a half, I refused to let myself think but now I couldn't stop even if I tried. It's scary, what happened back there and it's sad to be aware of the fact that not all girls are lucky as I was today. I continued sending my gratitude to the Almighty, thanking him for sending me a refuge, and to Masu'd I'll forever be grateful.
I moved around the kitchen, cleaning it at the same time frying. Now the kitchen is neat not that it wasn't before, all I have to do is mop the floor after I finish then wait till everyone eats and wash the dishes then I'd be done for the day.
My back protested when I stood up straight after I've finished sweeping. I almost forgot about the backache, almost. I must have not laid down properly and picking that bucket back and forth didn't help. And honestly, I don't have money to waste on my own medicine. I'll massage it when I get home, I'm sure it'll go away.
Sa'adah walked, dressed in a simple shirt and trousers. "Hey Jiddarh," she greeted with a smile. I smiled back albeit mine's fake. "Ohh sinasir, lemme help."
I grimaced, recalling what happened the last time I let Sa'adah help me. "I don't think it's a good idea besides I'm almost through."
"But Jiddarh—" she started to protest. I swiftly cut her off. "—please understand, I don't want trouble with your mother." Especially when I'm about to ask her for my salary. Since I started working, I've never done that. Now that I'm about to do so is because I don't have a choice. But I shouldn't be anxious, I mean it's my money, I worked hard for it it's not like she'll be giving me the money for free.
"Okay then, I'll be in my room." She turned around to leave the kitchen. I called her back. "Sa'adah?" she turned around. "I'm sorry," I said feeling bad. She just smiled. "It's okay. I understand."
After she left, I hurriedly finished frying the batter. I transferred everything to three sets of warmers, one set for the soup and rice pancake for Alhaji and Hajiya the other set for the girls, and the last one for their brother, I set the dining table and informed everyone except for the son, through the intercom.
I took Baba tsoho's share to him, I returned the same time Inna was entering the kitchen. "Jiddarh," she called in a stern voice. "why didn't you wake me up?"
"You looked peaceful, I didn't have the heart to wake you."
"You should have, what if Hajiya...
"..Inna relax, she didn't okay. I'm sure you feel well-rested and relaxed." Inna Lami nodded her head in agreement. "Yes, I do." I nodded.
I got a plastic container and packed my lunch to take home, it's something I always do. I take it back home to my mother and sister. Inna always insist I add more but I refuse, this is the amount I'm supposed to take, I won't add more except the owner asks me to. Which I doubt she ever will. She never gives leftovers away, it spoils and we're asked to throw it away. It hurts to see the same food we're struggling to get thrown away like that, but who am I to say a word? It's her house and everything will be done according to how she wants it.
I repeated the activities I did in the morning, by the time I finished everyone has had their lunch, I cleared the table then washed the dishes. I used a clean rag to drain them, after that, I placed everything back in its rightful place.
I'm through. I let out a sigh of relief. I went back to Inna's room and changed back into the clothes I came with, I said my goodbye and left the room.
With my heart practically in my mouth, I walked up the stairs to Hajiya's room. My hands are sweaty, I'm very nervous. I stood in front of her living room for almost ten minutes before I finally got the courage to knock.
I knocked once, twice, thrice, it's during the fourth one did she finally snapped and asked me to come in. I recited a du'a under my breath and pushed the door open.
Hajiya is sitting down all high and mighty in a single chair. She scrunched up her nose in disdain when she saw me. "What do you want?"
I gulped and squatted, my knees on the floor like I was serving punishment. I cleared my throat before I spoke. "Uhm, dama I want to remind you the month has ended, you're yet to pay me for this month and the previous one," I said my head bowed, looking at the floor.
What I said was answered with utter silence, then Hajiya clapped her hands. "Inna lillahi wa Inna ilaihi raji'un," she exclaimed. "lallai, so you have the guts to come into my room and spew out this nonsense. Did I tell you I don't have a calendar, am I not aware of the date? You poor people are very ungrateful, duk abinda mutum ke maku bakwa gani; no matter what someone does for you, you never see it. You never appreciate."
"Ungrateful scums," she continued insulting me. "the food you eat, do you pay for it? The cold water you take from the fridge, do you pay for it? Amma har zaki zo ki same ni wai in baki kudin ki; but you have the guts and audacity to come and meet me and demand for your money? Have I ever not pay you?"
Hot tears burned my eyes but I refused to let them fall, I refuse to let her see me weak, I refuse to reveal my vulnerable side to her. What wrong did I do? What's my offense? I just requested for what's rightfully mine, something I worked hard for, something I earned. Then—
"Do you hear me?" Hajiya's booming voice broke my reverie. I raised my head to look at her. "I told you to get out! I'm not giving you the money, I was planning on giving it to you within this week but since you've grown wings I refuse to do that anymore. As your punishment, I would give you when I dim fit."
"Please Hajiya, danallah don't do this to me," I desperately pleaded. "I'm sorry if I was rude, that was never my intention. The thing is that I'm desperate, my mother's medication has finished and I'm yet to pay my sister's school fees, I really need the money. Please Hajiya, ki taimaka min; please help me."
"I said no!" She snapped.
What kind of a woman is she? Doesn't she have a heart? A woman's heart is known to be soft and emphatic but her...Wallahi, I swear this woman spends more than my monthly salary in a day. Yet just to give it to me —what she considers chicken change— is a problem.
I have never complained, every single thing she does to me, I keep quiet. I've never disrespected her or defy her in any way. When I tell my mother, sabr Jiddarh, you owe these people, she says.
I owe these people.
"Danallah Hajiya," I pleaded again. "I beg of you. Even if it's half, please."
"GET.OUT! Don't let me repeat myself. Get out now!" My employer bellowed. I didn't have any other choice, what other option do I have? I stood up and left.
In this world, once you're poor, you're as good as nothing. Once you're poor, you're irrelevant. Scums. That's what we're considered as. People seem to forget that we didn't pick up this poverty and placed it upon ourselves, nobody wants to be poor. It's not because we lack something that we're poor, it's not because Allah doesn't love us that He made us this way, He knows what's best. Considering how some of these rich people live, I'd rather be poor here and strive for a better hereafter. Likewise, it's not their intelligence or smartness that made them rich. And it's not because they are more superior to us, no, to Allah we are all the same except who worships Him more.
Yet, people seem to forget all of this.
I walked down the corridor, desperately trying to stop the tears, not wanting them to fall. Till when will it stop? What am I expected to do? What do they want me to do? I thought working as a maid is the best option I have, it's the most secure job I can get, I don't have any qualifications whatsoever. But—It's too much wallah, it's too much. The load I carry feels unbearable sometimes, times like this, I feel like giving up. A tattered note of two hundred Naira is all I have left, there would have been no food in our house had Sa'adah not bought all those things. I used the last card I have— the one I've been saving in case of emergency— to buy Umma her medicine, which is about to finish too. There's a limit to what one can go through.
I've wanted to quit times without number but remembering what Alhaji did for us, how he—
I almost collided with a body, which stooped my train of thoughts.
I looked at the person in shock.
This chapter absolutely broke my heart😩💔 Poor Jiddarh🤧🤧
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Yours truly
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