Have you ever had that laugh with your best friends, where you laugh so hard that it blocks your windpipes and makes it difficult to breathe? Then you look at each other, recall what happened then burst into another fit of laughter without saying anything.
Have you?
Well, that's what's happening right now. Here's what happened.
I was walking with my two best and only friends— Humaira and Anisa— when a guy started following us. Do you know those kinds of shameless guys that follow anything and everything? Yeah, those.
He was like 'ya bebis ji mana' I wanted to turn around and insult him and his generations but I refrained from doing so because Umma always tells me not to insult or humiliate people. Firstly it's wrong and inappropriate and secondly, we don't know what the person is capable of doing, some might even go as far as bewitching you to make you fall in love with them, make you go gaga, stop you from getting married or something along the line. Yeah, it happens, but just hold onto your duahs tightly and bi iznil Allah, no harm will come your way.
But God knows that my feisty attitude has gotten me in trouble more times than I can count. My maternal grandmother use to call me Jiddarh jaraba or Jiddarh masipappiya. I silently said a prayer for them, I pray they are in a better place.
Anyway, that idiot kept on calling bebis. He was wearing a bright yellow shirt with orange trousers, it was so cringeworthy, and the trousers were more than halfway down his butt. He was doing...Uhm what do they call it? Aha! Ass down, disgusting!
He kept following us for more than thirty minutes, my mouth was itching to give him a piece of my mind. And the English he was speaking.... mehn that was the highlight of the day.
I study abroad, Ingila. My friends use to call me 'dan gaye cuz I know how to do wanka. I'm a musician by blood. The first time I see you, my heart starts doing li dis li dat. They call me sharu khan bicoz I am an romantic......... and so on.
I decided I've had enough, I turned around and nicely told him to leave us alone, well as nicely as I could manage. But the idiot wouldn't listen and keep on following us, it was embarrassing and annoying, people kept looking our way.
We were then going to cross a drain. The bridge was a small wood fit for a person to pass at a time. Anisa, Humaira, and I passed safely, the boy was almost at the end when the wood shifted, and bam! He fell into the gutter. The gutter was very dirty, as in smelly sewage dirty. We laughed our butts off, you should have seen his face. We peacefully arrived at our destination, Humaira, and Anisa's house.
They live in a big family house, with their grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles. They are cousins, their fathers are brothers, with Anisa's father being the eldest. We went to Anisa's side as Humaira's mom has traveled.
They are kind of rich, not as rich as my employers but rich. I still wonder why they're friends with me. Not that they've ever made me feel out of place and I love them for that.
"Which one of us was he talking to?" Anisa asked after we finished eating.
Humaira hummed, taking a seat on the floor. "I think it was Jiddarh."
"Me!" I gasped out loud from where I was sitting. "Why would you say that?" I glared at Humaira.
Anisa hissed and rolled her eyes as if I asked the stupidest question. "You're the prettiest obvi." She said in a duh tone.
I laughed sarcastically with an eye roll. "Oh common."
I'm fair in complexion like Umma. I do not have an hourglass shape, I'm thin not extremely thin though, and I do not have never-ending long legs. My height, I'd say moderate. I'm honestly a plain Jane, the only unique things about me are my large, round eyes courtesy of my maternal grandmother and a cute little birthmark on the right side of my upper lip.
Whereas the two cousins are what you'll call black beauties, African barbies, you name it. With their chocolaty complexion, a killer figure with pretty faces Masha Allah, they'll pass as models. Not only are they beautiful on the outside, but they are also beautiful on the inside. Sometimes I feel self-conscious around them.
"Anisa please." I rolled my eyes.
Humaira glared at me. "You're really pretty Jiddarh, you have to start believing that."
"Oh, I know." I teased with a grin. "I'm just being modest." My friends chuckled. "Oh, Jiddarh."
"How's school?" I asked curiously.
They are studying at Bayero University, Humaira is studying biological science and Anisa is studying computer engineering. Now they are in year two.
"School is fine." They replied vapidly.
I huffed in annoyance, they try as much as possible to refrain from talking about school whenever we're together, in their defense they don't want to annoy me or make it seem like they are rubbing it on my face and it's getting annoying.
It's like they are pitying me. I know I've always wanted to go the university to be a renowned doctor, but Allah SWT had other things planned for me, then who am I to complain? All you need to have is tawakkul. Tawakkul is the 'trust and reliance on Allah' that is accepting the results that He decides regardless of how they may turn out to be. Tawakkul is our belief and the attitude that we have about putting trust in Allah to take care of all our affairs.
I frowned and kept quiet, clenching my jaw a bit.
"Jiddarh," Humaira called with a sigh. "Please don't be angry."
"I am not angry." I rolled her eyes.
"Jiddodo, Jiddodo haba Jiddodo." Anisa engulfed me in a hug, swaying us side to side. "Now don't be angry please." She pouted.
"Go away." I pushed her.
"Haba darling." She planted a sloppy kiss on my cheek. "We are very sorry, it won't happen again, we promise."
"It better not," I warned with a glare.
"We promise." The two sisters chorused. I smiled softly at them, what will I do without them? These girls stood by me through thick and thin. I love them so much, they are practically my sisters.
I spent the rest of the day with them. I didn't go to work today because Hajiya called to inform me that they'll not be home for a week. I couldn't be happier!
I left Anisa and Humaira's house before Maghrib. I was about to pull the door open when it was suddenly pushed from outside, it almost hit me.
"Oh Allah, I'm sorry I didn't know you were there." One of the girls' male cousin apologized.
"It's okay," I mumbled.
"Malama Jiddarh, kwana biyu kin bace; you've hidden for a few days." He said conversationally.
"I've been busy." I simply replied. I wanted to tell him to move out of my way but I don't want to come across as rude. "Uhm can you please let me pass?" I finally said when he didn't make any attempt to giving me the way. He looked at me amusedly. Now, what the hell is funny?
"Okay, till we meet again." He finally shifted and I hurriedly walked out of the house. One of the reasons I don't like coming to this house is because of the tons of men and boys. Wallah, it gets so uncomfortable. One of them had an interest in me back then but I quickly shut down the idea. No way!
Wait....... I think that was him earlier. Khalid? Oh, Allah, he was the one. No wonder he was looking at me funnily. Shaking my head, I continued walking.
"J! J! J!" A voice kept yelling. What the... I surely hope he's not calling me.
Please, don't be ridiculous. Are you the only one that has a name that begins with J? Please you're not that important.
Shrugging, I kept on walking. Suddenly a body started walking in line with me. I gasped, startled.
"I've been calling you but you decided to ignore me, koh?"
I glanced sideways to see the intruder. Mas'ud, infamously known as obnoxious. I sighed in defeat. I've seen this guy more times than I can count on both fingers yet I don't know where he lives, who he is, or who his parents are? I don't even think he lives in the same area as me but yet he appears magically, all the damn time. I don't know if I should be scared, is he stalking me?
Maybe if I ignore him he'll go away. Oh, who am I kidding! As if that ever discourage him.
"Oh!" he exclaimed in what I suspect to be recognition. "so yau en ignoring ne? Okay never mind, I'll do the talking for both of us." See! This guy is like a housefly wallah. You shoo him away and he still comes back the next minute.
Still, I said nothing and kept on walking.
"I didn't see you this morning." He said after a while. "What!?!" I exclaimed turning to look at him. He chuckled. "I mean I didn't see you going to wherever it is you go early in the morning every day?"
"How do you know that?" Great Jiddarh! You just confirmed to him that you do go somewhere every day. But how does he know my schedule?! Okay, this is getting out of hand.
"I just do." He shrugged.
"Are you a stalker?" I blurted out.
"What?" he chuckled. "I promise you I'm not."
"Then why won't you leave me alone, huh? You're following me and don't you dare deny that." I pointed my index finger at him when he moved his lips to object. "Please whatever it is, just leave me alone. I don't appreciate it and it's getting uncomfortable how you suddenly appear all the time. In the name Allah, Mr. Mas'ud I'm begging you to please leave me alone."
I didn't bother waiting for his reply or reaction, I quickened my strides and Alhamdulillah he did not follow me. I hope that's the last time I see him, I don't want any complications in my life right now, at all for that matter.
I made it home before Isha prayer was called.
"Jiddarh? Is that you?" Umma called out.
"Yes, Umma." I walked to her room. "I'm back, ina wuni Umma."
"Lafiya Kuluwa." She smiled teasingly.
I just grinned at her. I sat down beside her and pulled her for a hug. "How are they? I hope they are all fine," she said referring to my friends and their family. "Yes Alhamdulillah Umma, they sent their regard," I replied.
Rumana walked into the room merrily. "Umma can I please go and buy some sweets?" She pleaded with a pout.
"Keh don't disturb me. Da magariban nan zaki wani tarki siyan sweet. No, you're not buying any sweet." Umma shooed her away.
"Umma please, danallah mana," Rumana pleaded. "Ya Jiddarh," she turned to me. She hurriedly came and sat down beside me, clutching my hijab. "Pretty please." She battered her lashes.
I chuckled. "Fine, but let's pray first."
"You like spoiling her." Umma rolled her eyes. Rumana smiled cheekily at our mom.
We left after we prayed. We went to the shop and Rumana was being her usual indecisive self. After minutes of ruwan ido, she finally chose. The total was three hundred and fifty Naira. I searched my purse and saw that I had just 500 left and that's what we will use for our breakfast tomorrow in sha Allah.
I was stuck, I don't have the heart to tell Rumana no. I don't want her to miss anything during her childhood. I want her to enjoy her childhood, just like I enjoyed mine but without our father.
But Jiddarh you have to say no right now, if not then with what will you have breakfast tomorrow morning?
Before I could open my mouth a hand slid in a 1000 Naira note on the counter. "I'll pay for this fine little girl." An all too familiar voice said.
"Mas'ud!" Rumana exclaimed.
"Hey Ruu, is that all you want? You can add more if you like." He said, squatting to her level. Rumana's eyes flickered to mine and she immediately shook her head once she saw the glare I was sending her way. "No, thank you." She smiled politely.
Not wanting to cause a scene, I took my sister's hand and led us out of the shop. I could hear Mas'ud walking behind us. Once we were at a safe distance, where no one could hear us. I swiftly turned to face him.
"Didn't I tell you to leave me alone?! What is your problem ne wai?" I brought out the old 500 Naira I had. "Take this," I thrust the note to him. "We did not ask for your help."
Up until now, Mas'ud hasn't said a word as he stared at me.
"Nace ka ansa," I said again, still, he kept quiet. "Look miste—"
"I didn't do it for you." He shrugged, shaking his head.
"What?" I glared at him.
"I said I didn't do it for you, I did it for Rumana," Mas'ud said nonchalantly.
He wants to die right?!
I huffed. "Well she doesn't want it so," I took the nylon from my sister's unsuspecting hand and threw it at him. His reflexes were good, he caught the bag without any problem. "There keep it. It's yours, after all, you paid for it."
Mas'ud shook his head in what I suspect to be annoyance. Does he have the right to be annoyed? When he has been annoying me, I feel like banging his head into a wall.
"You're speaking for her, the girl has a mouth so let her decide."
"I'll speak for her all I want, you have no ri—"
He ignored me and squatted to Rumana's level as he did back in the shop. "Ruu dear t—"
"Do not call her dear or Ruu," I interjected.
Mas'ud turned to look at me. Wait.....did he just glare at me?! Lallai! The nerves of this man!
"Rumana do you want the sweets?"
"Uhh..." she hesitated, before glancing in my direction.
"No, don't look at your sister, I'm sure she's glaring." I rolled my eyes. "Tell me honestly, you do know what happens to people that lie right?" She nodded. "Do you or do you not want the sweets?"
"I do," Rumana whispered meekly. This girl!
"Then it's settled." Mas'ud rose to his feet and handed the nylon back to Rumana. "I bought it for you okay? If your sister does anything, tell me the next time we meet."
'Next time.' I scoffed. Like hell, there will be no next time.
"And you J, you feisty little thing. I would have walked you home, but you're this close.." he pinched his index finger and thumb together, leaving very little space between them. "...to hitting me so I won't test my luck or try your patience. Good night." With that, he walked away.
If I was a cartoon character, steam will be coming out from my nose and ears right now, I am that angry. Who the hell does he think he is?! My sister just indirectly defied me all because of him. I hate people like him, oh Allah. He's so full of himself, just who does he think he is? I pray that I never meet him again. So obnoxious.
We started walking, as I continue to imagine the different techniques I'll use to kill that obnoxious human being.
"Adda Jiddarh?" Rumana's voice halted my reverie. "Yes?" I glanced at her. "You're not angry right? I'm sorry, wallahi. I didn't want to lie, you do know people that lie go to hellfire right and I don't want to go to hellfire, that's why..."
I breathed a laugh. "Relax Rumana, I'm not angry."
"Are you sure?" She asked skeptically.
"Mhmm," I nodded. "From now on though, do not accept anything from a stranger, don't talk to them, don't look at them. Do you hear me?"
"Yes, Adda Jay."
"Adda Jiddarh?" She called again after a while.
"Na'am?" I answered.
"Why are you being mean to that man? He's nice."
I stopped walking to shoot daggers at her. "And how do you know that?"
"I just do." She shrugged.
I shook my head. You have no idea what you're saying Rumana, that reminds me. "Ruu, when I say, don't talk to strangers, he's included."
"He's a stranger? I thought you know him." She raised both of her brows in question.
"No, I don't." I shook my head.
"But he knows you." She pointed out.
"He doesn't even know my name." I mentally rolled my eyes and I don't plan on telling him.
"Should I tell him?"
"No," I almost shouted. "Do not tell him my name. Don't talk to him, do not even look at him, do you understand?"
"But Ya Mas'ud seems like a nice per—"
"Ya, what?!" I echoed.
Rumana sighed. "You asked me to stop addressing elders by their names."
"This— whatever. Just don't speak to him. Am I clear?"
"Yes. I won't In sha Allah."
"Good." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and we walked back home while chatting.
Hello my beautiful people💖💫💖
Wallahi I just love writing their bickerings 😁😁 I love her feistiness🔥🔥 ouulala🤤🤤
What do you think of Jiddarh's reaction in the last part of the chapter? Too much?🤔
Don't forget to please vote, comment, follow and share please🌼🌺
See you in the next chapter, in sha Allah💕💕
I hope we're all being cautious 🙏🏻🙏🏻 stay home! Stay safe!
Yours truly
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