The first kiss under red lights
The two warriors had no trouble climbing the stone stairs leading to the Jade Emperor's palace, where the grand main celebration would take place. Wukong and Erlang passed all the deities they encountered along the way, and throughout the entire climb, the Monkey King never let go of the dark-haired god's hand.
Whether it was because of the fan, their previous adventures, or the fact that Erlang had been the only one to receive him, Wukong felt completely at ease when it came to being in his company. For this reason, he allowed himself to do new things with him, starting with something simple yet symbolic, like taking his wrist to ascend to a party.
When they finally reached the entrance of the palace, Wukong had to crane his neck to try to see the gigantic facade, wide-eyed, but his tail was wagging with excitement.
"Woah... Is it just me, or is this place much bigger than I remember? And more... shiny?" he asked, blinking several times to adjust to the golden light reflected by the pillars adorned with intricate jade patterns along the material.
"After the disaster you caused over five hundred years ago... it obviously had to be rebuilt," Erlang responded, emphasizing what happened when Wukong destroyed part of the Jade Palace in his quest to seize the title of Emperor.
But Wukong felt pleased that at least the palace now had a more welcoming atmosphere for him. He let go of Erlang's wrist and placed both hands on his hips.
"Well, that banquet won't eat itself, let's--" He was suddenly interrupted as he took his first steps and bumped into someone much shorter than him, whom he hadn't seen. Wukong lowered his head only to find an old friend...
The Monkey King's smile remained, though less joyful now, and his eyes narrowed in irritation.
"Monkey," the prince replied, shooting him a sharp glare, rising on his flaming wheels to meet Wukong's height, arms crossed. There wasn't a hint of a smile on his face. "With what right do you think you can shove me?"
"Oh, sorry about that, but..." Wukong apologized sarcastically, leaning down to meet Nezha's height with a mocking grin. "I didn't see you, 'little buddy.'"
Nezha's knuckles turned white from how hard he clenched his fists, even with his arms crossed, his frown deepening. But he took slow breaths to calm himself.
"We still have unfinished business, Monkey..."
"What? Ahh..." Wukong straightened up, remembering what he meant. "You still want that rematch?"
"I have every right to claim it, and eventually, you'll have to grant it unless you want your precious mountain to face trouble..." Nezha threatened seriously, lowering his arms, his fists still tense.
This made Erlang nervous since if Nezha provoked a fight at the festival, all three of them would be in deep trouble. He shifted uncomfortably, sighing and furrowing his brow.
"Nezha..." he warned, urging him to keep his temper in check.
But Wukong raised a hand, signaling Erlang not to interfere. "No, let him... even if I gave you three hundred rematches, kid, you wouldn't stand a chance of beating me~ So, let's keep adding to the count, shall we?" He grinned, flashing his sharp teeth as he leaned towards Nezha, who clenched his own teeth in restrained fury.
"Oh, I can't wait to burn your monkey tail..."
"Not if I take those wheels of yours and see your real height first~" Wukong teased, lightly kicking one of the flaming wheels keeping the prince levitated, chuckling before standing upright. "But not before I fill my stomach! I'm heading in, you two can catch up, brothers~"
As Wukong completely disregarded Nezha's smoldering anger and entered the palace, the prince and Erlang were left behind, watching the Monkey King make his way toward the grand dining hall where the banquet would be held. The air between them felt awkward, and Nezha crossed his arms again, clicking his tongue in irritation.
"Of all the maidens, concubines, and immortal goddesses of beauty... you chose the stupid monkey."
Erlang sighed in embarrassment, raising the sleeve of his robe to cover his blushing cheeks, averting his gaze.
"...You wouldn't understand, Nezha."
"And I don't want to! It's unbearable, but as long as you keep him under control and he gives me my rematch, I don't want to see him again." The prince spat, letting out some of his frustration, but quickly composed himself, glaring at the palace entrance as other deities continued to enter. "...Is your plan still in motion?"
"It is."
"Then you'd better hurry and catch up... He's talking to your uncle."
That made Erlang's heart drop to his feet, his eyes widening in alarm as he looked into the palace.
"What?!" With his third eye, he confirmed it. The Monkey King was speaking with his uncle, the Jade Emperor. Ignoring Nezha, he hurriedly rushed inside the palace, heading straight for the grand dining hall, knowing he had to be there now if he didn't want another call to Buddha.
Erlang squeezed past deities and fellow gods, feeling increasingly nervous and anxious, fearing any moment he would hear shouts of fury from the Monkey King or the Emperor. Finally, after maneuvering past a group of maidens overseeing the banquet, he could hear the few words being exchanged.
"Isn't that... the troublesome monkey who ate all the peaches at the Peach Banquet the last time he was here?" one maiden asked.
Her companion rolled her eyes with disdain upon recognizing the Monkey King among the Court's most important figures, letting out a huff.
"With what right does he return here? I'd better inform the guards to keep an eye on him..."
"Damn it, Wukong!" Erlang thought, and spotting the high phoenix feathers of his headpiece in the crowd, he hurried over. "Wukong—" He abruptly stopped as his steps halted when he found himself face-to-face with none other than the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, and Laozi himself. Immediately, Erlang tensed, bowing respectfully to his uncle and the Queen.
"Your Excellencies... forgive my interruption. I was... I was looking for—"
"Me!" Wukong responded with a smile, tilting his head to rest it. "I was having a delightful chat with some 'old friends'..."
The Queen raised a hand to silence the Monkey King before he could continue. Though Wukong appeared animated, the expressions of the Emperor, the Queen, and Laozi were quite the opposite.
"Monkey... you took Laozi's elixirs and wine of immortality, you ate all the peaches from the banquet I organized, and you destroyed this very palace more than five hundred years ago. Buddha may have forgiven you, but from us... do not feel welcome here."
Those words echoed in the Monkey King's ears, and his smile faded into one of confusion as his tail twitched slightly in response. "Huh, you shouldn't hold such grudges as the highest figures of the Court. I'm a new monkey now, and I only asked for one thing, and you finally granted it~ To be considered one of you." He raised his hand for one of the three to shake, but none made any move to do so. "By reserving me a seat at this Festival, I already feel well served~ Besides, I wanted to thank you for finally considering me as the Great Sage Equal to the Hea—"
"We weren't the ones who invited you," the Emperor interrupted, shaking his head in disapproval at seeing the mischievous monkey in his halls. "It was just one..."
Immediately, Erlang felt the piercing gaze of the Emperor on him, and he was forced to look away, still not daring to say anything. The highest figure of the Court rolled his shoulders and neck to relieve some tension, sighing deeply, and motioned with his hand for Wukong to lower his.
"But...their arguments convinced us enough to add you to the list this year. Wukong, if you behave properly at tonight's banquet, we may consider inviting you again."
Wukong placed both hands on his hips, and despite not having bowed to any of the three upon arrival, he smiled again, happier this time.
"That's what I like to hear! Don't worry, I only came to share a good meal and enjoy the party, Emperor~ Keep inviting me, and I'll be even happier," the Monkey King assured, raising his hand again, this time to pat the Emperor's arm in a friendly gesture, but the four others present immediately tensed.
"Wukong," Erlang called with a stern voice before he did something foolish, and that was enough to stop the Monkey King just as the bells rang, announcing that the banquet was ready. It was a relief for the dark-haired god, who allowed himself to release a contained sigh, grabbing Wukong by the arm. He bowed once more to the three figures, who were still watching the two of them with intense gazes. "Excuse us, Your Excellencies..." he said, finally pulling the Monkey King away to head toward the long table that spanned the hall from one end to the other. When they were far enough, Erlang gave Wukong a slight tug as a reprimand. "What's wrong with you?! You were about to pat the Jade Emperor, and if you had laid a finger on him, they would've ordered your execution..!"
"Oh, please, Erlang! You know no weapon in the Court can harm me, and besides, I thought we were finally on the same page..." Wukong sighed, rubbing his forehead as they walked toward the table.
"Not yet! This is your chance to prove them that you deserve their invitation. You have a record in the Court; they won't forgive you that easily..." Erlang gave him another tug on his cape.
Wukong sighed heavily, rubbing his face in frustration as they neared the table. "How many times do I have to prove myself to those... blockheads? And just who invited me, anyway?"
That question softened Erlang's expression, and he turned his gaze forward, leading him to the dining hall, where they sat on the reddish silk cushions to be at table height. Once Erlang crossed his legs, he glanced sideways at the Monkey King.
"...Someone who believes in you."
Wukong looked even more confused and turned his head to meet the subtle gaze of the god with the third eye. Though he felt puzzled and uncertain about who in this hypocritical Court could believe in him, something in his heart... told him that maybe, just maybe, that person was the man sitting beside him. The Monkey King opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted by the loud sound of the golden gong in the hall, signaling the start of the banquet.
Before anyone could begin serving themselves, all eyes turned towards the Jade Emperor, who raised a hand to give a few final words.
"Welcome to all from the Celestial Court, the Nirvana plane, and the Far Lands. In celebration of a new Year of the Monkey..." The Emperor was slowly interrupted by the sound of chopsticks moving food and plates, and he opened his eyes to see, among the row of deities, the Monkey King serving himself.
Erlang immediately moved his leg to stomp hard on Wukong's tail without changing his prayerful stance, but he was clearly frowning. The Monkey King let out a classic animalistic yelp, dropping the chopsticks as he curled up in his seat, covering his mouth to stay quiet, realizing he was the only one making noise while the Emperor was speaking.
"S-sorry! Now let me go..!" he whispered to Erlang, and after hearing him apologize, Erlang released his tail, allowing the Emperor to continue.
A faint but resonant growl echoed in everyone's minds, especially Wukong's, who hid his hands under his armpits, crossing his arms.
"...Let the Lunar Year Festival Banquet begin. May these foods be blessed by Buddha, and may each of you... receive his grace. You may proceed," the Emperor finally declared.
Everyone gave thanks to Buddha before beginning to serve themselves, except one. When Erlang finally opened his eyes, lifting his foot from Wukong's tail, he picked up his chopsticks and glanced over at the Monkey King with a mix of stoic seriousness and a hint of regret.
"I'm sorry... but I had to do something if you didn't want to be beheaded here and now..." Erlang apologized, trying to raise a hand to rest it on the Monkey King's shoulder, but Wukong shrugged it off. His voice reflected a dark seriousness and annoyance.
"Don't touch me... and whatever, it doesn't matter." Wukong cut him off without even looking him in the eyes, pulling his hands out to grab his chopsticks and resume serving himself.
Erlang felt a painful ache in his heart and withdrew his hand, turning back to his own plate, starting to serve himself in small portions, not daring to say anything. Just when things were going well... it felt like everything had gone downhill now. After so many adventures they had had together during and after Buddha's punishment on Wukong, and the Festival had been going so well. Could the Monkey King think that Erlang didn't support him? It didn't make sense, not after gifting him the fan... He had to find a way to fix things and get back on good terms, and soon.
As he took a bite of meat, amid the chatter, clinking dishes, and utensils, Erlang could make out a distinct tapping on the wooden table. Rhythmic, slow, one nail tapping against the wood, and when he looked up, he found himself staring directly into Nezha's eyes. Resting his head on his free hand, Nezha was tapping the table with one finger, but his face... was unprecedented. Those narrowed eyes and a slight smirk full of mockery silently conveyed, "Tick-tock"... time was running out, and the longer Erlang waited to fix things with the Monkey King, the worse it would get, and Nezha would tell him. Now, Erlang would end up looking even worse. The god of the third eye returned Nezha's gaze and then turned away, focusing on his food again, trying to think.
Time passed, and as the banquet's atmosphere grew livelier, Erlang noticed that the Monkey King hadn't said a single word the entire time. That was not a good sign... and he had already eaten too much, but he didn't seem to be stopping. Erlang placed his chopsticks down on his half-finished portion and glanced around the table. The answer had to be right there... there had to be something among all the food that could unite them, something they both liked and had in common. He almost considered grabbing some peaches, but suddenly he thought of something new: a gourd full of wine. Every time they had been together informally... it was always accompanied by a bottle, two cups, and countless drinks. He figured this was the best option and reached for the gourd, prepared two flat cups typically used for alcoholic beverages in those days, and poured a reasonable amount for the first toast. He grabbed both cups and turned to the Monkey King.
"Wukong..." he called, offering him the first cup.
The Monkey King let out a heavy sigh full of irritation but turned to face the dark-haired god with an annoyed look, only to be surprised when he saw Erlang offering him a drink together. He took a few seconds to look at the cup and then at Erlang, who seemed to want to make peace. Still not entirely convinced, Wukong accepted the cup, sniffing it deeply to catch the scent of the alcohol and... coconut?
"This Court wine... has coconut?"
"Yes. I know how you like it on your mountain. There are plenty of flavors on this table, but... it's better to start with one you know, right?"
Wukong's face showed a mix of incredulity and reflection at that response. Even after stepping on his tail with full intention, offering to share a drink with him was undoubtedly a gesture of apology, and had it been any other god at the table, they wouldn't have bothered to speak to him. So, Wukong flicked his tail playfully, giving Erlang a light slap on the cheek with it, and chuckled, his growing smile showing that the gesture cheered him up.
"Hehe, of course~ And one of my favorites! In this Court, no one knows me like you, Erlang Shen," he responded, raising the cup to clink it against Erlang's, agreeing to the toast in good spirits.
The pressure in Erlang's heart eased significantly, and he allowed himself to return Wukong's smile. With pleasure, they clinked their cups, and both drank their entire servings in one go.
"Eeeek~! The intensity of Heaven's alcohol and the taste of coconut from my mountain, the perfect combination!" Wukong cheered after the first drink, wasting no time in grabbing the gourd to pour himself more. "Erlang, let's finish this gourd and move on to the next one, we've got the whole night, let's celebrate!"
Erlang couldn't help but chuckle, glad to see the Monkey King back in his usual high spirits, and allowed more wine to be poured. "Alright, alright, Wukong... don't get out of control too soon."
"This is the perfect time to do so~ Everyone, stop for a moment!" the Monkey King shouted, drawing the attention of the other gods and sacred divinities. "It's time... for a toast. To this magnificent wine, and to the Lunar Year Festival! Cheers!"
At first, Erlang thought no one would respond to the toast except for him, but he was surprised to hear a first voice follow the Monkey King.
"Cheers!" Nezha exclaimed, raising his own cup filled with red wine.
"Cheers!" followed the Bodhisattva Quan Yin with an enthusiastic smile, raising her own cup as well.
And so, many other guests joined in the toast for the Festival. That scene, with most of the deities raising their own cups (except for the Emperor and the Queen), filled Erlang with joy, seeing that although the Monkey King had committed many unforgivable sins within the Court, the possibility of him being forgiven in Heaven grew stronger. Erlang ended up raising his own cup once more with a gentle smile, which surprised more than a few deities who knew him.
"Cheers, Wukong."
The festival banquet was now in full swing. The atmosphere was lively, filled with conversations and laughter among the guests, all thanks to the first toast made by Sun Wukong, who, unlike how he started, now had no fear of speaking to the other deities about his exploits and adventures on Earth, telling and boasting about them loudly while devouring the food. Juicy meats, tender and fresh fruits, appetizing noodles, and many other dishes he had never seen before, like shrimp lotus, delicate fish skewers, and meat and bamboo soups that only fueled his insatiable desire to try more. Wukong invited Erlang to exchange food, and the two tried different dishes, crossing their arms to drink each other's wine, letting themselves be swept up by the inevitable drunkenness.
Although Erlang had a higher tolerance, the same couldn't be said for Wukong, who, after tasting every gourd of wine and alcohol on the table, was in a much more..."amusing" mood. The god of the third eye lowered his head, rubbing his fingers. They tingled slightly, definitely a sign that the alcohol was starting to take effect, but soon he felt a much heavier weight on his shoulder.
Wukong slumped onto his friend with a deep, satisfied sigh, his cheeks flushed red all the way to his ears. The hand holding chopsticks, with a piece of salmon in soy sauce, fumbled as he tried not to drop the fish. He finally managed to get it into his mouth, letting out a pleased hum, his tail wagging in contentment.
"Hmmm~~ Hic! This has been... the best banquet I've ever been to, Yang Jian~" the monkey began to say in a slow, amused tone.
"Ngh... Wukong, do I need to be your moderator? How much wine have you had?" Erlang grumbled, seeing the other completely drunk on top of him. The Monkey King grinned and pointed to the whole table, which now had several empty plates.
"The whole table—Hic! I've tried everything today, Yang Jian~"
"Oh, gods..."
"I-I must thank you, Erlang...Hic! For everything you've done today..." Wukong sat up and grabbed his arms, making them face each other. Erlang immediately grew nervous, a faint blush creeping onto his cheeks.
"W-what are you talking about?"
"For welcoming me, for giving me the...hic!—the fan...for inviting me..."
Erlang took hold of the monkey's arms and pushed them away, shaking his head in disbelief, trying to hide his surprise. How had he figured it out, and while so drunk?!
"Stop it, you're talking nonsense... what makes you think I was the one who invited you?"
Wukong leaned back against the god of the third eye, resting his cheek on his shoulder.
"Come on... do you think anyone else here would have wanted to invite me, besides...Hic!—you? All night, and always... you've been the only one in this... hypocritical Court... to treat me well. Like an equal, the only one..." he said while shifting in his seat and slowly hugging him tightly.
"W-what is happening?!" Erlang thought, his cheeks flushing even redder until they were the color of a tomato. He couldn't believe the audacity of the drunken monkey and that something like this was happening in the middle of the banquet. Although most of the deities were already getting up and leaving to continue celebrating the festival outside, those who remained, especially those who hadn't celebrated the first toast, noticed how close the monkey was to the dark-haired god, and they let out teasing howls in their direction. But Erlang noticed that Nezha was still seated, watching them with that same disdainful smile.
"Yang Jian... am I really that special to you?" Wukong asked slowly, lifting his head to murmur directly into his ear.
A sharp shiver ran down Erlang's spine, making him tremble, and he was forced to push Wukong away abruptly, breaking free from his grip, his face now completely flushed.
"Y-you've had enough! You have no idea what you're saying, Sun Wukong! You drank from every wine here, how many of me do you see?" he asked, pointing to himself after standing up from his cushion.
Wukong took his time to answer and shook his head to try and clear his mind, though it was in vain. He blinked slowly, and his blurry vision noticed at least two Erlangs.
"Uh... since when—hic!—since when do you have two twins...?"
Erlang rolled his eyes, shaking his head, and bent down to grab Wukong by his right arm, helping him up.
"Let's get out of here..."
"I...I..." Wukong tried to speak, but the words weren't strong enough. To keep from stumbling, he was forced to reach for his staff from behind his ear... but instead of pulling out his staff from his left ear, he pulled out the delicate fan Erlang had given him. "Eh...?" He lowered his head, puzzled, seeing that what he held wasn't his trusty weapon. Suddenly, he heard loud laughter growing louder in the distance.
"What is that supposed to be?! Hahaha!"
"This... isn't my staff..." Wukong muttered, and as he waved it, he accidentally opened the fan, causing those war gods, who had once fought against the Monkey King, to laugh even harder. The pressure inside Erlang's heart returned with much greater force, and he gently pulled the monkey to turn him around so they could leave the palace.
"Wukong, let's get out of here..."
"Yes, Erlang! Take your pet monkey out of the Emperor's palace. All he ever does is cause trouble!" one of the three warriors by the exit shouted. But that response ignited a fierce anger in Wukong, who, in the blink of an eye, yanked himself out of Erlang's grasp, tucked the fan back behind his ear, and this time, with his free right arm, drew his iron staff and extended it swiftly, hitting the god who had been laughing at him square in the face.
"Who did you just call 'pet,' you bastard?!" Wukong shouted furiously, gripping his staff tightly before shrinking it back to its original size. The god stumbled back, clutching his forehead in pain, but after shaking his head, he glared at the Monkey King even more angrily.
"You, filthy monkey! Striking a war god and you call yourself the Great Sage?! Don't make us laugh! You don't belong here! Whoever invited you must be just as sick as you are for believing you could set foot in the Celestial Court for a celebration!" he bellowed at the top of his lungs, and in his hand, sparks flew as a long, sharp iron spear appeared, ready to fight the Monkey King if he wanted to start a battle.
Wukong clenched his teeth and his staff, his tail twitching as he pointed two fingers at the god. "It seems you're blind... Let's see if it's just me, or if I'll have to tear your eyes out because you can't accept the truth?! Come on, bring it!"
With that provocation, the two warriors charged at each other at the foot of the Jade Palace. Both raised their weapons to begin the fight, but an additional spear joined the fray—one with a silver and gold blade, its shaft made of indestructible black iron, the only one brave enough to stop them. Wukong looked stunned and incredulous as Erlang wielded his spear to halt the fight, and although the two stared at each other, Erlang was forced to push them back with a wave of air, making them both retreat.
"Erlang! Help me finish off this scoundrel; he insulted my name!" Wukong demanded.
"Sacred Divinity, what are you doing with that wild monkey? Arrest him and get him out of here!" the other war god demanded.
"Silence!" the god of the third eye commanded, addressing both of them. Several deities, and worse yet, the Emperor and Queen, were watching them intently from afar. They had already caused a scene... but he had to remedy it somehow. "We are at the Lunar Year Festival, and it is strictly forbidden to provoke fights or even brandish weapons at anyone! He is a guest of the Court, and you must respect the Emperor's decision!" he told the war god, turning toward him, then turned to face the Monkey King. "And Wukong—"
"Kiss-ass!" Wukong shouted, cutting him off abruptly, leaving a shocked silence in the air. "Can't you see he disrespected me?! And we didn't do anything to them! ...And why, of all people, are you pointing your spear at me?" he asked, lowering his staff with a somber expression toward Erlang's newfound stance against him.
Erlang felt another pang in his heart, but he couldn't let this escalate any further, so he slowly lowered his spear, pointing its blade toward the ground, and let out a deep sigh.
"You need to calm down, Wukong... and listen to me."
"No, you listen—ugh..." The Monkey King clutched his head, leaning on his staff. The effects of the alcohol and wine were giving him a headache, only worsening his mood. He shook his head and looked up again. "No matter how cordial you behave, welcoming me, receiving me... deep down, you still think I'm a monster that needs to be contained. And I thought... you treated me like an equal until now, but you've only been watching over me like a dog... Heh, haha!" Wukong let out a laugh, filled with pain. "You're still a Court kiss-ass, Erlang Shen..."
Each word from the monkey's mouth was like an iron dagger stabbed into Erlang's heart, who had no choice but to endure the insults. He looked around, noticing how everyone in the palace had their eyes on him. "Is his loyalty with him or with us?" "Why would he invite that infamous monkey again?" "He's a traitor." "The Emperor should punish him, just like his mother." He could hear what they were thinking and whispering about him now, and he struggled to manage the growing pain in his chest. But more importantly, he needed to talk to Wukong.
"That's not true..!"
"Then why do you think I'm special?!" Wukong shouted, stepping up to him, holding out both hands. "Why, Erlang Shen, am I special?!" he asked again, demanding an answer... but he got none. "Eh? Why?" The seconds passed, and only silence reigned. "Why.... Why?!"
"Because..!! Because..." Erlang tried to answer, raising his voice, but suddenly, the lump in his throat completely prevented him from speaking the real reason. His mouth was open, but no words could come out, only hesitation, over and over. The pressure on his chest was too much, and his heart pounded at an inhuman speed, making him pant. He felt as if Buddha himself was watching and judging him from above, along with all the eyes that wouldn't stop staring at him, especially Sun Wukong. He deserved the answer, more than anyone, but... he couldn't do it. The weapon in his hand disappeared, and he lowered his head, unable to meet Wukong's eyes.
Wukong, filled with disillusionment and immense disappointment, let out a bitter snort, lowering his hands, then took his staff, shrinking it again, and placing it behind his ear. He stepped back, shaking his head in disbelief and sadness.
"...Heh, that's all I needed to hear." Those were the only words he said before turning away. Before even setting foot on the stairs, he called for his cloud, and as he climbed onto it, he disappeared into the sky at lightning speed.
The other deities in the palace began descending the stairs, throwing incredulous and disdainful looks at Erlang, but right now, he felt like it was him against the Heavens. His eyes were closed, unable to believe that everything had gone so wrong, unlike ever before. He brought a hand to his eyes, and instead of following the others, he chose to walk to the left, reaching the edge of the Jade Palace, where a vast emptiness stretched toward Earth among the clouds. The festival continued below, but just like in the garden—and worse—Erlang felt so distant from it... so disconnected. An eerie silence filled the place; even the wind couldn't be heard, the only indication of its existence being the way it ruffled his black hair and long robes. Erlang didn't move a muscle as the red prince stopped beside him, gazing at the night sky.
"Well... you did it, Erlang Shen. You didn't manage to win over the monkey, he probably hates you now, and everyone here thinks the same. Congratulations." But Erlang didn't respond, and Nezha turned to look at him with a deep gaze. "You're a coward..."
"You don't need to remind me..." Erlang finally spoke, letting out a shaky sigh, throwing his head back. "I just wanted... to create an mood where he could have a good time, where everything could go well. I guess the more I tried... the worse things turned out."
Nezha pouted, looking up as he nodded slightly, thinking it over several times. "Yeah, that's exactly how it went... you messed it up."
Erlang no longer had the patience to deal with him, so he sighed heavily, crossing his arms and hiding them under his sleeves. "If all you're going to do is insult and lecture me... I ask you to leave, please... I want to be alone."
Nezha turned fully toward him, and after scanning him thoroughly, he dared to give him a slap on the head, which immediately made the god of the third eye wince.
"Idiot! Do you really think the festival is over?" The prince moved now to Erlang's right side, looking toward the Court, where everyone was preparing to witness the most important event of the festival. "The fireworks are about to begin."
With just that statement, something clicked within Erlang, and he lifted his head, opening his eyes, turning just enough to see that indeed, there were the rockets ready to be launched as soon as the clock struck midnight. The final event of the Lunar Year Festival... As his eyes opened wider, a spark of hope returned to them. He still had a chance, a chance to fix everything, and this time, not be afraid. He turned fully, feeling the rapid beats of his heart again, bringing a hand to his chest, an idea growing in his mind.
"He must have... gone back to Mount Huaguo, his home..."
"That's most likely," Nezha agreed with a nod.
Erlang's eyes darted around as he realized that although he had time, it was still ticking away, and he became more alarmed.
"I have to hurry...!" he murmured, taking a few steps back and lowering his arms.
"Yeah, you should—!!" Nezha was cut off mid-sentence as he felt the gust of wind left behind by the dark-haired god, who had just leaped off the palace's edge, and in the middle of the void, with a flash of lightning, his body transformed into a great white hawk. Nezha watched in surprise from the edge, and seeing that Erlang was preparing to fly, he stopped him, calling out.
"Old man!... You'd better win over that monkey!" he shouted, giving him the encouragement he needed, with a slight, defiant smile. The two gods locked eyes for a few seconds, and the hawk wasted no more time, diving swiftly through the clouds, cutting through the air, and trying not to waste another second before midnight, heading for Earth, specifically to the Mountain of Flowers and Fruits.
Despite having returned to his homeland, where all his little ones welcomed him with fervor and joy during their own Lunar New Year Festival, Sun Wukong's spirits were low, and he didn't want the other monkeys to feel down seeing him like this. He excused himself to "take a bath" before celebrating, but in reality, he headed to a high and solitary spot on the mountain, where nothing but a young peach tree stood. The Monkey King sat beneath it, in complete silence, bathed in the silver light of the full moon.
Whenever he ascended to the Celestial Court, it was always to deal with problems. The previous war he had with Heaven, the betrayals, and now... the fact that no one had taken the time to make him feel welcome, except for... Erlang Shen. That name echoed in his mind, and a pressure in his heart made him clutch at his armor, trying in vain to ignore it. That god had always been one of the most important figures in the Court, and of course, if forced to choose sides, he would side with them. It was expected. No one, apart from the monkeys of Mount Huaguo, his master, and brothers like Zhu Bajie, had ever considered him an equal.
Something inside the Monkey King's left ear stirred, and he pulled out the pin, transforming it into the beautiful fan the dark-haired god had given him. For a moment, he felt the urge to throw it into the abyss or break it into pieces... but instead, he gently stroked the edge with his thumb, eventually opening it, focusing once more on the drawing of the mountains that connected them both.
"...You've become special, Wukong," those words echoed in his mind, recalling that garden, and he ran his fingers over the soft paper of the drawing, sighing tremulously. He bent his knees, burying his face in the fan, curling his tail around his feet.
After that word, silence reigned under the peach tree, and once again, he could barely hear the festive atmosphere of his kingdom far beyond. He didn't dare look at the moon, not alone, because in the Court, he had truly believed he might see it alongside... him.
Despite the silence that dominated the place, Wukong sensed a slight change in the air around him. His ear twitched as he heard the faint crackle of white lightning behind him. Those white bolts... he didn't need to turn around to know who had returned. He lifted his face from the fan, letting it rest on his knees.
Their hearts pounded as if they were one, but they needed to muster the courage to settle this once and for all. Slowly, Erlang approached until he stood beside the Monkey King, silently gazing at the landscape, not saying a word yet.
It was Wukong who decided to break the ice, still not looking at him. "...So, it was you who invited me."
Erlang glanced at the Monkey King, closed his eyes for a few seconds, then reopened them and sighed deeply. "Yes... it was me."
"...How did you convince the Emperor?"
"He believed that... despite everything, you could still redeem yourself before him."
Wukong let out a bitter snort, shaking his head with lowered eyes. "Redeem myself..."
Erlang cast a sympathetic look at him. "You were doing well up there... but what happened wasn't your fault."
"No, of course it wasn't. Those 'wise ones'... will never accept me. I don't know why you even bothered inviting me. They're more stubborn than I am."
The dark-haired god turned to face him and leaned in, placing a hand on Wukong's shoulder, making them meet each other's gaze for the first time in their conversation. "Because... there's still someone up in Heaven who believes in you."
Wukong couldn't detect any falsehood in Erlang's words or in his gaze, and his expression softened in surprise. The touch of his hand on the fan became much more sensitive. Erlang offered his hand, and Wukong didn't hesitate to take it firmly, standing up from the ground so that they were at the same height. Their gazes spoke more than a thousand words, and the wind made their accessories and hair move in the same direction.
Despite the growing blush on his cheeks, Erlang wasn't afraid to speak this time. "...Your indomitable and free spirit is truly... admirable. I wasn't stopping you up there to please them. I did it because... I was afraid they'd punish you again, as severely and long-lasting as Buddha did, or that... they'd force me to fight against you. I couldn't allow that, because if it had happened..."
"What?" Wukong asked, narrowing his eyes in curiosity, wanting to know more.
"...You wouldn't have fought Heaven alone this time."
The Monkey King hadn't expected that response at all, his eyes widening at the revelation that if something had happened, a second war... he would have had an ally on his side this time. And not just any ally, but the Sacred Divinity, his... friend. A strong blush spread across Wukong's cheeks, but he was startled by a sudden burst of fireworks, and after blinking several times, he turned his head to see that, indeed, his little ones had already started launching rockets into the sky to mark midnight. The lights alternated between green, gold, and especially red—a red full of energy, passion, euphoria, and hope. And the explosions didn't just form round shapes; they alternated between special figures, primarily that of a single monkey. With each explosion, it appeared in a different pose. Of course, it was the Year of the Monkey.
The two warriors paused to watch the light show in a now peaceful and surprised silence, but Erlang decided to ask.
"They... were celebrating their own Lunar New Year Festival too?"
"Yes... I missed most of it while I was up there, but I'm glad I made it to the best part~... and not alone." Wukong dared to smile at the dark-haired god, and Erlang returned the same smile, nodding. For a good few minutes, they watched as the fireworks painted the sky red, gold, and green like never before.
Though Erlang had grown accustomed to the festivals in Heaven, attending a completely different one with Wukong on the mountain made him feel... as if he were attending his first Lunar New Year Festival in his life, completely ignoring his divinity. He lowered his head for a second and was surprised to notice the Monkey King holding the open fan he had given him in one hand, which made Erlang's heart flutter. For a few seconds, the sky was completely dark and silent, except for a single whistle ascending to an unprecedented height. But the golden glow reflected in Erlang's eyes, and in those milliseconds, his mind went blank.
"Wukong!" he called, turning to look directly at him, guided by his heart. As soon as Wukong turned to face him, Erlang didn't waste a second, leaning forward.
The largest rocket from Mount Huaguo exploded at the same time that Erlang Shen dared to kiss Sun Wukong on the lips. The Monkey King's eyes shot open in shock, feeling the god of the third eye upon him. He didn't know what to do; his heart was now racing, and his entire body had frozen. But as the seconds passed, he felt as if he had left Earth to ascend to Heaven. He regained feeling in his fingers, the weight of his armor, and above all, the sensation of Erlang's lips on his. He relaxed his eyes until he finally closed them, wrapped his arms around Erlang, and returned the kiss.
Feeling Wukong kiss him back made Erlang's heart explode with joy, and he embraced him in return, wrapping his arms around Wukong's back and pulling him close. When Wukong felt the embrace, he couldn't help but chuckle in the middle of the kiss, moving one arm to caress Erlang's cheek, holding him tightly with the other arm as they spun in joy. Above them, the figure of the Monkey King illuminated the sky as the festival's grandest firework, accompanied by many more bursts of light.
This act of love required no explanation. Erlang had finally taken the step to make a difference, to win the heart of someone like Sun Wukong, and he finally knew what it felt like to be truly loved. After breaking the kiss, both of them were left laughing, and as they looked into each other's eyes, both Erlang and Wukong knew they had found the right person to love. Holding each other's faces, the god of the third eye gazed at his beloved, and without any fear, kissed him again, only for a few seconds before they pressed their foreheads together.
Their combined breaths were the only sound beneath the peach tree, and Erlang slid his head alongside the Monkey King's, until Wukong finally let out a laugh of pure happiness, and they wrapped each other in a warm, tight hug, with no intention of letting go, knowing now that their love was mutual.
Though they believed it was a moment just for them, someone else, far away, was watching them. In the Celestial Court, fireworks also illuminated the sky, and although the soldiers desperately searched for the prince, he was not found that night. Sitting on a lonely cloud, Nezha rested his cheek on his fist, watching both Erlang and Wukong embrace with the most sincere joy he had ever seen on the dark-haired god's face. He allowed himself a faint smile.
"Heh... not bad, Erlang Shen..."
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