Chapter 7
Toh I've finally updated
I was threatened with physical harm😂
You can return your makaman yaki now (you know ya self😶)
It has been a week kawai fah🙄
The news is about to be delivered to our soon to be bride😬😬
And believe it won't be all rainbows and sunshines
Lemme not give away the content and let you find out for yourselves.
Ohh before I forget
Eid Mubarak!!!!!! 🌙✨💫 in advance lovelies❤️❤️
I don't know if I'll be able to update soon again with the preps and everything, kunsan mu mata😂 ga kitso ga lalle da sauran su💃🏻
So here's an early barka da sallah💕
Aje a wasa hakora😋🍗🥩🍖😂😂
Don't forget to keep mine oo, zanzo maku yawan sallah😁😁
Lemme not chika ku da surutu😅😅
Enjoy 🍻🥂❤️
The weeks after the wedding passed in a blur. Everything is back as it was before, it's just that the house feels more empty. Boredom is about to kill me, Nai'a and Affan are in school, the twins have left, Ya Akram too so I'm the only person at home. The house is so empty, just few weeks ago I was complaining about it being too full. Oh and Hajiya hasn't left, and I don't think she'll be leaving anytime soon ugh.
Right now I'm organizing my closet. I can be a neat freak sometimes but I blame boredom right now. I separated my traditional clothes from my abayas. I kept the abayas on the left side, and the ankaras on the other side. I hung my kimonos, veils and the few shirts I own. I created a separate place for the trousers and hijabs. Then I rearrange the shoes. And finally the drawer for my undergarments. Phew I'm done! I've been in the closet since morning.
I heard the adhan for Zuhur being called. I went to the bathroom to perform wudhu. After I finished praying, I ambulated to the kitchen to make some chocolate chip cookies sandwich. Have I mentioned that I love baking and cooking? But I prefer baking. I absolutely love it. I bake when I'm angry, sad, frustrated......and the list goes on. I know you'll be wondering why I'm staining what I love doing with these emotions? Well I bake because it takes my mind off things, it makes me happy, satisfied and there's just this tranquility and serenity when I'm baking, the soft flour, fluffy doughs, lastly the aroma, oh don't get me started on the aroma. It's one of the best feeling, It's my escape from reality just like Wattpad.
I picked up the ingredients which consists of 1 cup of butter, melted and cooled, 1 and 1/2 cups of firmly packed brown sugar, 1/2 cup of granulated sugar, 2 large eggs and 2 egg yolks. Mammie and Mama always know to stock the fridge and cabinets with my stuffs. I even have my own share in the household budget, Abu always includes mine. What can I say, he does love my cooking, tho he doesn't take the pastries much, he says if he continues he'll get fat and loose shape. His words not mine.
After kneading the dough and using a square shaped cutter to cut it , I placed it in the oven. I served myself lunch. I was eating when my phone chimed with messages from my friends. Finally!! The girls: Jahara, Kausar, Amani and Nabila started school this month. Jahara is studying pharmacy, Nabila human anatomy, I have no idea why she likes that course, she says she's curious on how the body works. And finally Amani mass communication, lol that course suits her perfectly because she's a loquacious person. You all know Kausar's physiology. They are all studying at Nile university. I'm so jealous they get to see each other all the time.
J: 🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻♀️
Jaw: Hey Jahan Ara.
J: 🤦🏻♀️😒. Wae ke what is your problem with this name ne?
K: I'll never understand why you hate your name.
N: And you'll never, just give it up.
A: Amani in the 🏠. Jaw i'm so jealous of you rn.
A: You get to sit at home and do nothing.
K: Yes😩😩.
Jaw: 😝😝. But lemme tell you guys boredom is a disease. I just want to step out. I hvnt left the house in FIVE solid days☹️.
I heard the oven timer ding. Looks like my cookies are done, I put on the mittens to bring it out. It looks yummy. I decided to tease them.
Jaw: You guys! Guess what I made.
K: Oh my Allah is it soufflé? Aswear Jaw I still feel the taste of the last one you made😫😋.
N: Aah iyyeh see Kausar typing lyk a Nigerian😉.
K: Sharrap😒 am I not a Nigerian?
A: No fah ke da Jaw ba en kasa bane.
Jaw: ke nice asalin bahaushiya "Daura Ta abdu tushen hausa"
J: Whatever🙄 half Arabians, half Nigerians. Yo Jaw what is it that you made?
Jaw: Gimme a sec.
I quickly took the picture of the cookies.
A: Oh my lord😫😫😭😋🤤. Amma Jaw u no get mutunci. Ko kadan.
K: JAWAHIR MALIK ZAYYAD 🤬🤬😫😫😫. Warris dis😒🙄?
N: I reserve my comments🤐🤐
J: Mtsww in kin san ba kawo mana zakiyi ba. Wayace ki yi sending?😑😶
Lol. These girls can be silly. I was about to put a cookie into my mouth when a voice yelled "Cookies!!!"
I twirled around to see Affan running towards me still in his uniform. They're probably just coming back.
"Ya Jaw zan ci cookies please."
"You'll eat, but you have to change your clothes first then come meet me in my room."
"Okay." He ran to Mama's side where his room and Nai'a's are located.
Nai'a too came to the kitchen and I told her the same thing I said to Affan.
I took the cookies with me back to my room. Mama and Mammie are not fans of sugar, Abu isn't around. And I can't take them to Hajiya for two reasons. One, she'll look for a way to criticize me and dampen my mood. Two I don't want the rest of her teeth to fall off. Hah
I plopped down on the bed eating my cookies. I got a call from Suhayl. After we have our usual banter and me teasing him about his girlfriend we ended the call.
Suhayl and Nabila came clean about their relationship three days before the twins left. They apologized and explained why they hid it from us, me precisely.
"We were not sure, we were just giving it a shot to see how it ends that's why we didn't tell you. We didn't wanna get your hopes high or you to be in the middle when it doesn't end well." Is what they said.
After I forgave them, not easily of course. I begged them not to include me in their relationship because I don't want to be in a situation where I have to choose.
I was scrolling through my Instagram feed when Nai'a and Affan came into the room all dressed. Affan is wearing a light green polo with black jeans and Nai'a is wearing a lilac colored gown.
"Ina cookies din?" After I gave them the cookies, Affan informed me that Abu is calling me.
I went to the closet to put a long hijab over my clothes. I proceed to the living room, where I met Abu, Mammie, Mama and Hajiya.
I hope everything is okay. Mammie looks extremely disturbed. I quietly took a sit on the floor, after I greeted them. I asked. "Abu you called me?"
"Yes, I did. Jawahir what are your plans? You said you don't want to go to the university, so what exactly do you want? Your mates have already started school If I'm not mistaking."
He knows about this then why is he asking.When I decided not to write JAMB I talked to him first before taking the decision, then why is he asking?
"Abu I plan to go to a culinary school, remember?"
"Then you can go from your husband's house."
Did I hear him right? Did he just say husband? What is he talking about? Which husband? Who's husband?
"Husband kuma Abu?" I asked extremely confused.
"Yes husband." He nodded. "Jawahir na maki mijin aure."
And that's how my life crashed down.
My heart sank all the way to my feet. He must be joking right? Please tell me he's joking. Arranged marriage? It still happens?
"Abu I don't understand." I hope it isn't what I think it is.
"What is it that you don't understand? Aure zaa maki."
He looks so damn serious, there isn't any trace of humor on his face. He's wearing that expressionless, stern soldier look.
I turned to look at Mammie, thinking that she'll save me, stand up for me but she wouldn't even look me in the eye. Mama is looking at anywhere but me. I don't expect Hajiya to do anything, so I didn't even look at her. I'm all on my own.
I crawled to him, I picked his left hand and held it between both of my palms. "Abu? What did I do wrong, why are you doing this? Please don't do this to me." He wouldn't even look at me. "Abu please." I sniveled
"Enough Jawahir!! He yelled. "The decision has already been made."
I am already sobbing really hard. "Abu Jawahir dinka ce fa, Look at me." He didn't even spare me a look. Ya ilahi help me. Why are they doing this? Who are they getting me married to? Doesn't he care about me anymore? Is he just going to give me away? Just like that?
Someone pulled me off Abu. I twirled around to see Hajiya. Where did she get the strength to do that?
"Listen to me. All this crocodile tears of yours won't work. Didn't you hear what he said? The decision has been made and nothing will change."
"Hajiya danallah ki mai magana, He will definitely listen to you please Hajiya danallah I beg of you." I pleaded desperately.
"He is listening to what I said." What does she mean? Don't tell me........
"Hajiya you did this?" I asked, surprised. I know she hates me, but this much? I knew it was too good to be true. Her, acting nice and smiling at me during the wedding was just an act. I knew it. So this is what she has been planning, to get me married. Nobody had an arranged marriage, none, so why me? They all chose they're life partners and introduced them when they felt ready. Heck! I just graduated high school! I'm not suppose to start thinking about this till maybe the next five to six years to come.
"Yes." She replied with pride and confidence.
I'm her son's flesh and blood but because she doesn't like my mother she's doing this? I exploded. "Hajiya what did I ever do to you wai? Why do you hate me so much? Why, just why are you so hell bent on destroying my life?"
"Jawahir!!!" Abu yelled furiously.
I turned to him. "But it's true. I've been nothing but respectful to her, I've never done anything that will anger her in anyway then why is she doing this? What did I ever do wrong? Just because she doesn't like Mammie doesn't mean she can—
Paw!! I felt a slap on my left cheek. He slapped me with so much force that I almost fell down, but before I could reach the ground a body caught me. I looked up to see Ya Yusuf. When did he get here?
"Abu what is it? Why did you hit her?" He asked confused and shocked. Everyone is shocked, even Hajiya. Abu himself looks frozen, like he couldn't believe what he did. Ya Yusuf then told Hairan to take the kids inside.
I'm just flabbergasted. Because never have I seen Abu raise his hand on someone, never. Talk-less of his own kids. I know some soldiers discipline their kids with physical beating but never Abu. He doesn't believe in that, when I was younger I'll always hide behind him whenever Mammie tries to hit me but today- today, he-he himself for the first time ever raised his hand on me. Ever since that incident, he always had a soft spot for me. But... today, he himself hit me.
Abu took a step towards me. "Jaw......."
I felt a new set of tears coming. I detached myself from Ya Yusuf then sprinted back to my room. I can hear them yelling my name, asking me to stop but I didn't.
I met Hairan beside my room before she could say anything I slammed the door.
Ya Rabbi!!! I can here the commotion downstairs. Ya Yusuf is yelling, you can hear the fury in his voice. Hairan and Mama are trying to calm Mammie down. I blocked them out.
Just few minutes ago my life was going smoothly but in a matter of seconds it took a drastic turn. Somethings in life hit you hard when you least expect it.
I went to the washroom to perform ablution, who better to turn to than your lord? I saw myself in the mirror, my face is so red, my eyes are puffy and you can make out Abu's palm print on my cheek, I chocked. I quickly perform ablution without looking at the mirror again.
I prolonged my sujood asking the almighty to help me through this, to guide me. La yukallifullahu nafsan illa wus'aha; Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear (Quran 2:286)
Our poor Jaw😭😭
Haba Hajiya and AVM it's too much don't you think?
Phewww, I have to admit that was hard to write.
How was it? 👍🏻 or 👎🏻
Do tell me in the comment section.
Don't forget to please, please vote⭐️⭐️❤️
Lots of love💕💕💕💕
Ayi sallah lafiya 😘❤️❤️
Yours truly
Memzyb ✨🌹
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