Chapter 6
Jummu'a Mubarak to y'all✨💫🌙 in advance.
An update💃🏻🕺🏻
Prepare because you have no idea what's about to hit you🌪🌪🌪
Enjoy lovelies 🍻🥂❤️
It has been two weeks since the wedding. Everybody is back to his/her old routine. Akram left for Lagos yesterday and the twins departed a week after the wedding.
Hajiya Khadijah was sitting down in her room reciting the Holy Quran when a young maid came to inform her that Hajiya has summoned for her.
What could she possibly want. She thought. She gently placed the Quran on her bedside table after putting a bookmark on where she stopped. She stood up to go see what her mother in law wants.
She met her mother in law, husband and co wife in the family room. She quietly took a seat beside Bilki.
"Hajiya what is it?" Malik Zayyad questioned his old mother.
She cleared her throat before beginning. "What are your plans for Jawahir?"
"Plans kuma Hajiya?" Malik was confused, so were his wives.
"She has finished secondary school and she has no plans to further her education. So the best thing is to marry her off."
The place became silent. Khadijah felt her heart stop for a few seconds. Marriage? Her Jawahir should get married? She questioned in her mind.
Malik was the first to break the silence. "But Hajiya, Jawahir is still a kid. Besides who will she marry when there's no one available."
Hajiya scoffed and roll her eyes. "She's no kid, during those days Immediately a girl finishes primary school she gets married. During our days there was no such thing as school. And I have someone is mind."
Khadijah hasn't said anything, she's just listening as the mother and son converse, likewise Bilki.
Malik didn't know what to do, and his mother looks dead set on this issue. His Jaw habibty is too young.
He heaved a sigh as he wiped his face with his palm. "Who?" He asked the dreaded question.
The older lady smiled as she replied. "Magaji."
Both Khadijah and Bilki look up quickly. "Magaji?!" Khadijah exclaimed.
Haj. Safiya shot her a glare. "Yes Magaji. Is there a problem?"
Of course there is. Magaji is Hajiya's sister's grandson, he's a drunkard and womanizer and she wants my Jawahir to marry him.
Khadijah finally voiced her opinion on the issue. "We all know how Magaji is, and you want my daughter to marry him?"
"Shi ba mutun ne ba?" She snapped, glaring at her eldest daughter in law.
"But Hajiya........"
"Ke ki mun shiru, ba shawaran ki nake nema ba." She turned to her son. "I'm telling you not requesting, Jawahir has to get married. Her mates are already introducing suitors, take Hanifa and Karima for example, we are just waiting for the grooms' side to set a date."
Malik looked conflicted, on one hand he wants to support his wife, the love of his life and on the other he has to obey his Mother, she's the only parent he ever knew growing up as his father died a long time ago.
"Hajiya but why him?"
"I believe a wife is what he needs to change his ways. And Jawahir nada hankali, she'll be able to do it."
Khadijah felt her eyes getting misty. They are trying to destroy her daughter's life and she doesn't have a say. What kind of life is this?
"Hajiya calm down, let's talk about things calmly." Bilki finally spoke.
"There's nothing to talk about Bilkisu, since batason taje jami'a se amata aure. She just can't sit down at home doing nothing, ku tusata a gaba kuna kallo."
Khadijah felt like screaming out, what did she ever do to this woman to make her have so much anger towards her and her children.
"If you respect me as a mother Malik, in har Nono na kasha. You'll do as I say."
"Toh." Malik sighed.
With that single word, Khadijah felt her heart break.
"But......." She couldn't listen anymore, she quickly ran back to her side with Bilki following her.
How could he? Just like that give my daughter away to some drunkard, how could he? He didn't even stand up for her, he just agreed. Hoowww!? This were her thoughts as she went back to her room.
How will she face Jawahir? Jawahir she thought painfully, her yar auta.
She finally reached her room but before she could close the door Bilki entered.
"Yaya?" She called cautiously.
And the tears she has been holding finally fell. She cried for her daughter, she cried for this unfairness and she cried for all those years she has been holding back, all those years of being strong, all those years of being taunted, discriminated because of her origin, by her in laws. Who are claiming that she isn't one of them, she's just an outsider, a foreigner. And she cried for her father, her father ohh how she misses him, how his hugs made her feel safe and secured from all the dangers in the world, how he wipes her tears and assured her that everything will be okay. And now she has no one, no one to wipe her tears,no one to assure her that everything will be fine, no one to listen to her. Nobody to turn to.
Bilki pulled her for a hug. "Shh, take heart." She rubbed her back soothingly.
"Bilki, what have I ever done? What did I do that she's punishing me this way. I can take it wallah I can but....-m-m-m-my daughter, my jawahir, how will she cope? Tell me how will she?"
"How can I expect anything different after all my mother when through the same thing."
Malik stood by the door, he hates seeing her cry, her tears are like thousands of needles repeatedly piercing his hearts and what she said didn't make it any better. He never wanted her to experience what her mother witnessed at her matrimonial house.
In all the years they've been together, all the obstacles they faced, he has never, never ever seen her breakdown like this, she endured everything and now she has reached her limit and he couldn't do anything about it.
Bilki noticed him, she stood up to leave as she reached the door. "Take care of her." Is all she said before she walked out.
When she heard his footsteps, she turned around. He cautiously made his way to her.
"What do you want?"
"I'm sorry but there...... "
"Sorry?" She asked angrily. "Tell me will your so called sorry prevent MY daughter's life from being destroyed."
"OUR daughter." He corrected.
"If she's your daughter then why didn't you stand up for her? Why didn't you fight for her? Answer me!!! Why? Just why?" She was about to fall down when he quickly caught her.
He made her sit down on the bed and gave her a glass of water. "Calm down. Hajiya gave us an option." He took a deep breath because he knew she wouldn't like what he's about to say. "We either get a suitor in the next seven to eight days or she gets married to Magaji."
What rubbish? "And what did you say?"
"I said I'll think about it."
"Think?! You'll think? Malik what is your problem? You'll have to think before you decide on this?" She couldn't believe what she's hearing, he has to think about saving........
"What do you want me to do? I don't know anyone looking for a wife. Believe me I'm trying my best."
"Well you're not trying enough. And leave it up to me, I promise I'll get MY daughter a good and well groomed husband in the next one week." Khadijah vowed.
"Please just go." She's tired of all these, wallah she's just tired.
"I said you should leave, I want to be alone." She showed him the door.
"I'm sorry." Is the last thing she heard before the door closed.
Maymuna was sitting down in the living room with her family when she got a call from her best friend. She stood up to go to her room before picking the call.
"Assalamu alaikum, Khadijah." She said.
"Khadijah?" She called and there was nothing. She then heard someone breathing heavily.
"Khadijah? Please talk to me what is it? I'm getting worried."
"Maymuna their trying to get my daughter married to a womanizer."
She had no idea what her friend was saying. "What are you saying? Khadijah speak clearly."
After she has finished explaining the situation. Maymuna didn't know what to say. She couldn't understand why Hajiya is doing this. It wasn't easy for her friend from the very beginning, and up to now the old woman wouldn't let her rest.
"Maymuna what should I do? I don't know where to start." Her friend sounded so tired, defeated. Poor Khadijah.
This isn't the Khadijah she knows, her best friend is a strong and independent woman.
"I think I have a solution."
Ammiey came back to the living room looking disturbed. "Aayan when you're through come to my room." She said distractedly.
"Okay Ammiey."
"Amal ga remote din." She first of all glare at me before collecting it. She wanted to watch Sofia the first but I was watching sport news.
I met her and Baba in Ammiey's living room. I took a seat. "Ammiey I'm here, what is it you want to talk about?"
"Aayan you know I love you right? And I won't do anything that will cheat you or make you unhappy."
"Of course, I know that and I love you too. But why are you saying this?"
She looks reluctant. "Promise me you will not lash out and you'll think about it and not make a hasty decision."
All this while Baba hasn't said a thing. I exhaled. "Okay Ammiey, i promise."
Ammiey looked at Baba indicating for him to speak. He cleared his throat.
"Aayan we want you to marry Jawahir."
You've got to be kidding me.
"La! What are you saying? You both know that's not possible."
"Aayan calm down." Baba said to me.
How can he tell me to calm down? How does he expect me to be calm. They both know........and Ya Ilahi this is just... I cannot believe this.
"Aayan my son please sit."
"I said please." She pleaded.
I sat back down. How can they? They both know that this isn't going to happen, no way.
"You see, Jawahir's grandma.........". She then explained the situation.
"Aayan I'm not going to force you, it's all up to you at the end we'll go with what you decide. But think about the lives you'll save, the lives at risk. A desperate mother trying to save her daughter's life from jeopardy. A frail girl too innocent for the evils of this world, her life is about to get destroyed, so much that it'll scar her for eternity. And a mother desperate to see her one and only son settle down, to be taken care of like the prince he is. To be finally happy." She trailed with a whisper.
What she said weakened my heart. But I cannot make a hasty decision, like she said there are many lives at risk here. But think about the poor girl. She won't be happy with me. But she'll be save and secured, far more than what her crap of a cousin could ever give her and you'll never hurt her. At least not intentionally.
After having a two way conversation with myself, I exhaled. "Ammiey, Abu I won't promise you anything right now but I promise to think about it."
Abu nodded his head. "That's all we need. Like your Ammiey said, at the end it's what you decide, we are not telling you what to do, we believe you're old and matured enough to make the right decision. But whatsoever your decision may be we will support you." Ammiey smiled. I attempted to smile at them before going back to my room.
For the whole week Ammiey's words kept echoing in my head.
A desperate mother trying to save her daughter's life from jeopardy.
A frail girl too innocent for the evils of this world, her life is about to get destroyed, so much that it'll scar her for eternity
And a mother desperate to see her one and only son settle down, to be taken care of like the prince he is. To be finally happy.
I think I've made my decision.
I'm doing this for you Ammiey.
Things have taken a turn, is it for better or worse? What do you think will happen?
Jaw's reaction?
And what Hajiya did😭😭, how do you feel about that?
Leave your answers in the comment section lovelies💟💟
How was the chapter? I tried to capture the emotions well I hope I've tried😭😭
Don't forget to please 🙏🏼❤️
LOVE ❤️❤️
Yours truly
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