Chapter 57
*quietly walks in*
Hey guys🙈🙈 I know! I know! Forgive me please. I had the worst case of writer's block🙁 and then there's school, so everything got choked up.
But finally here it is!
*drums roll*🥁🥁
Last chapter then an epilogue😩 gimme a minute🤧 I'm so not ready😭
It's loooonnnngggg, seat tight and grab a drink🥂
Trust me, the longest chapter I've ever written!
AsmauIsaAli you😩😩😭😭 I don't know what I would have done with you😩❤️ Love you loads✨🔐 (your head shouldn't increase in size🙄)
Credit goes to this beauty for saving my soul and helping me write this chapter. Y'all should thank her, really. For without her I don't know when I would have updated, maybe in the next two months 😂😂
Seriously though Ma'u, thank you😌💕 without you there wouldn't have been this chapter. So this chapter is yours❤️
Then I'd like to dedicate this whole chapter to TheOmoope Vi😁🤗😭 where do I start from? THANK YOU, FOR EVERYTHING. Really, I'm so grateful for having you in my life😩💕
Consider this as a late, very, very, very, late birthday present😂😂 or maybe take it as me showing how much I appreciate you❤️💕
Your Mona loves you✨❤️
The morning light streamed into through the little space in the drapes, the light shining brightly on my face. I blinked to adjust before my eyes fluttered open slowly. I stretched but the muscles around me restricted me from moving much.
A smile adorned my lips as I look at my Habibi lovingly. He looks so peaceful whilst sleeping, like an innocent little boy. I used my index finger to trace his features, his chiseled jaw, his crooked nose, his cheekbones, his eyes and lashes that are too long to belong to a man, and his lips that me go gaga with what they say and do.
I was so caught up in what I was doing, I didn't notice that Aayan has opened his eyes. It was when I raised my hand to sift it through his soft curls did I finally noticed his unwavering gaze on me.
"Good morning," he said smirking, thinking that I'll get shy and all red. I did the exact opposite. I smirked back and leaned in to kiss him so deeply that he let out a growl, his hands exploring my curves.
Aayan was so lost and was trying to take things far so I pushed myself away and quickly hopped off the bed and ran to the bathroom telling him to stand up and get ready. I heard him yelling you will pay for this to which I just giggled like a school girl.
I took my time to soak my body in the hut tub, after spending about thirty minutes soaking up, I ambulated to the shower stall to rinse my body then I used a big fluffy customized rope to wrap myself, it has Mr AA written in cursive on the back and top right side of the front, courtesy of Aayan. And finally I wrapped my wet hair with a big towel.
I sauntered into the room confidently knowing that Aayan is in the other room getting ready, I'm sure of that because he has an important meeting so he will not wait for me to come out. Out of nowhere, a pair of arms picked me up. I squealed both in fright and surprise. Aayan carelessly dropped me on the bed which made me bounce and he jumped on me to completely cage me but not putting his weight on me.
I looked at him with widened eyes as he kept on smirking like he has achieved something good. We spent about two minutes without either of us saying a word.
"What happened?" He asked raising a brow. "Cat got your tongue?" He teased.
"A-a-a-aayan..." I stammered then gulped uneasily because of how intense his orbs have become.
"J-ja-jaw-Jawa-jawahir...." he mimicked his eyes shining with mischief. "Please let me go, please." I whined, batting my eyelashes.
"No can't do milady." He said then started tickling me, I giggled uncontrollably begging him for mercy. Let's just say one thing let to the other, Aayan ended up getting late.
"Jawahir I don't know what to do anymore," the lady sobbed. "I've done everything I could think of but nothing is working out. I feel like giving up, I'm tired. I don't know when being an orphan became a crime in this country."
My heart clenched in a painful way as I listen to my friend cry brokenly. It makes me angrier knowing that it's her relative, her blood that are doing such an awful thing to her and her family. Samira is the eldest child of her family with two younger brothers and a younger sister. Their father died just two weeks ago and his relatives are already drooling on what he left behind. People surprise me honestly, their brother just died not long ago but all they are interested in is his property. Allah ya kyauta. If you knew how fast people forget the deceased, you'll stop living to impress others.
People forget the consequences of mistreating an orphan and that they'll face Allah SWT's wrath for oppressing them. They've forgotten where the Almighty says in Surah An-Nissa. 'And give to the orphans their properties and do not substitute the defective [of your own] for the good [of theirs]. And do not consume their property into your own. Indeed, that is ever a great sin. Q4:02.' Allah SWT also says in the same Surah. 'Those who unjustly eat up the property of orphans, eat up a fire into their own bodies; they will soon be enduring a blazing fire. Q4:10' But because of greed, people push all these away. And there is so much baraka and rahma in being good to the orphans because a Hadith says 'Narrated by Sahl bin Sa'd; The Prophet said, 'I and the person who looks after an orphan and provides for him, will be in paradise like this,' putting his index and middle fingers together. Sahih Bukhari.'
Subuhanallah, imagine being that close to our Rasool in Jannah. And this is an authentic Hadith. May Allah make us contented with what we have, Ameen.
I managed to calm her down and we ended the call after I promised to visit her soon. My phone rang again seconds after I kept it on the table. I answered without looking at the screen.
"Hey cuz,"
I smiled sheepishly. "Hey Ibtee!" I said guiltily, I was suppose to call her but it totally skipped my mind.
Yes Ibtisam, the same Ibtisam I was pissed at for getting cozy with my husband weeks ago. When I told her what happened, she laughed her ass off. Apparently she's done with love and men in general.
I can't really say how this beautiful friendship began. Now we're very close. You know in your family there's always a particular cousin that is your fave right? Well Ibtisam is it for me, I was never really that close to any of my cousins both maternal and paternal. It's like that particular position has always been meant for her, it was just a matter of time. And our age difference doesn't matter, even though we are like seven years apart. I think what brought us close is our passion for cooking and baking, apparently it runs in the family.
"I've being waiting for your call Waheer," she sounds pissed off. We were supposed to go shopping today but it totally skipped my mind. Ibtisam came to Nigeria to spend a few weeks, she's staying with Mammie. She loved Nigeria apparently and couldn't resist coming back to spend more time.
And I agreed to show her around. "I'm so sorry Ibtee, I totally forgot but I'll get ready now, let me inform Aayan." We said our goodbyes then I dialed my husband's phone number.
"Hey Tesoro," he chirped. I adjusted the phone on my shoulder as I rummage through my closet in search of what to wear.
"Hey Habibi," I replied with equal enthusiasm. "how's work?"
"Work is boring, I want to come home and cuddle with you." He said in a whiny tone. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
"I called to ask for your permission, Ibtisam and I want to go out, the girls might join us if they are free. Can I go please?" I finally found a fuchsia colored jilbab, I fell in love with them after Ammiey bought some for me.
"Yes you can go, please come back before Maghrib." He replied.
I sat down to rub lotion on my body. "Please come pick me up at Mammie's after Isha, please Habibi, please." I used my best pleading tone. I heard Aayan sigh. "You're too troublesome amore mio."
My love.
He sighed again. "Yes I'll pick you up after Isha." I let out a squeal. "Thank you Noorie, I love you."
"I love you more Amira, bye." He hung up first. I slipped on the jilbab before lightly dusting my face with loose powder and applying lip balm on my lips. I grabbed my car keys then ran down the stairs. I arrived at my parent's house after some minutes.
I met Abu alone in his living room. I couldn't help it, I ran into his arms. I miss my father. Abu softly chuckled whilst patting my back softly. I pulled away after a while. "Good afternoon Abu."
"Afternoon Jawahir," he answered with a smile. "hope everything is okay?" He inquired worriedly. I smiled at his concern. "Everything is fine Abu, I just miss you, so much."
My father smiled and pulled me for short hug, I love it when Abu is emotional. "I missed you too my princess. Go in your cousin has been waiting for you for a while now."
I ran inside the house, on my way in I bumped into Mammie. I almost fell. Mammie smacked me harshly on my back and I let out a silent scream.
"When will you grow up Jawahir? Why will you be running
like this?" She scolded.
"Mammie," I pouted while trying to rub the place she hit me. "You should be happy to see me." She rolled her eyes, my mother can be a drama queen, I swear. She reluctantly let me hug her, she kept scolding me. You're not a little girl anymore, ki kama kan ki. As if I was rough to begin with.
I still nodded though before sauntering to my old room where Ibtisam is staying. I pushed the door open, softly mumbling my salam. The room is empty but I heard the sound of water running from the bathroom and concluded that Ibtisam is in there.
I took of my jilbab, underneath it I was wearing a sleeveless top and leggings. Ibtisam came out, she threw me a glare when she saw me then went ahead to wear a pretty pink colored dress, she completed the look with a blue hijab and comfy looking slippers which I'll be stealing later on.
"Seriously Ibtee? You're not going to talk?" I asked after about ten minutes. Ibtisam just rolled her eyes. "I said I'm sorry, let's go please, we're getting late." She stood but still didn't say a word to me. I rolled my eyes heavenward, big baby.
We said our goodbyes to Mammie and Abu, Mama has travelled. I called Jahara to inquire about their destination.
"Hey best friend," she chirped. "Hey bestie, where are you?" I asked. "We are on our way to pick up Nabila, we'll meet you guys at Jabi Lake Mall, right?"
"Yes, see you there." With that I hung up the phone.
Seventeen minutes later, we arrived. I looked at Ibtisam. "Ready?"
She grinned widely. "Let's go." We alighted the car. I rang up Jahara and she told me their location. I saw Amani first, she's wearing a rosy brown colored abaya but instead of a hijab she's wearing a turban. She saw me first too, and being a typical Amani she screamed and ran to hug me.
"Jawjaw, wallahi I missed you like sosai sosai," I chuckled, hugging her back. "I missed you too Amani."
We exchanged pleasantries but not with the same enthusiasm as Amani's. Kausar is dressed in a traditional Ankara, blouse and skirt. Jahara is also wearing an abaya while Nabila is wearing a boubou. They've already met Ibtisam so no introductions were made.
Amani led us into the mall. "Where to first?" I asked. Nabila and Jahara looked at each other before chorusing "House of Tara!" Makeup obsessed freaks! Ibtee squealed. "Ouuu makeup." Amani was also down for it. House of Tara it is then.
As they all know, I am not a big fan of makeup, right from the beginning. And Aayan doesn't like heavy makeup that much or at all, he always says why alter the beautiful creation God gave you? So it's a win-win situation.
We went to house of Tara, when they started speaking I couldn't understand what they were saying. Jahara had two bags packed already, I had the smallest package. I just bought Tara brow fix, eyebrow pencils and lipsticks, that's it.
They ended up getting their faces done, I declined the invitation. After that, we left House of Tara not before they exchanged numbers with the makeup artist, we roamed around the mall.
"Let's enter Pandora." I suggested. They all agreed even though Nabila made a joke about being there for window shopping. I almost got blinded by all the sparkling jewelries. A saleswoman introduced herself as Rebecca, she showed us the latest arrival and I fell in love with a bracelet. It's so simple yet elegant. I inquired about the price and my jaw almost hit the floor when she called the price.
"Should I package it?" She asked and I was quick to shake my head. "No, no thanks."
We came out of Pandora empty handed. It took us few seconds before we started laughing. "When she said the price, I honestly thought Jawjaw was going to faint." Kausar said in between chuckles.
"Common, the prices is outrageous and it's not even silver or diamond or gold. Or any precious stone." I threw my hands up.
"I'm pretty sure if you wanted to buy it, you would have." Jahara shrugged.
"I cannot afford it."
Amani let out a small hiss and I looked up in time to see her rolling her eyes. "No need to be all modest Jawahir, I can swear with everything I have that you can buy not one but many of those bracelets. I mean Aayan—
Knowing what she was going to say, I quickly cut her off. "—it's his money not mine. And I'd rather do something more effective, something that'll be added to my list of good deeds than waste all that money on something that is not a necessity."
The conversation died there as we continued to wander endlessly around Jabi Lake Mall. We took pictures, entered a few stores to window shop, Amani and Kausar even entered a bouncy castle. I laughed my ass off until a security man told them to get down immediately, he was mumbling something along the line of troublesome teenagers. I was too busy laughing I forgot to videotape thankfully Ibtisam got everything on camera.
"Your friends are crazy." She said with a big grin on her face.
"I want to buy perfume." Nabila announced suddenly.
"Let's go to cascades luxury then." Kausar said and led us to the said store. Fragrance of different perfumes welcomed us when stepped into the shop.
"Hello, welcome to Cascades Luxury, how can I help you?" The lady in blue shirt asked.
Nabila's gaze roamed around the whole store before finally landing on the sales lady. "Do you have Miss Dior blooming bouquet?"
"Yes, please follow me." Nabila followed the lady as the rest of us roamed around the store. It was then that I remembered I need to buy some perfumes too.
"Excuse me," I called to the lady in black. She kept the bottle of water she was holding before ambulating to where I was standing.
"Do you have Al Haramain products please?" I asked. She nodded. "Yes we do. They are on this row." I followed her to the said row, she handed me a small basket and I thanked her with a smile. I slowly searched for the products I'm looking for on the shelf. I mostly use their ouds, their scents are out of this world. And they are Aayan's favorite too.
After abound ten minutes of searching, I finally have what I want. I got Oudh Al Haramain, Oudh Ma'Al Attar Maliki, Al Haramain dehnal Oudh trath, Al Haramain Mukhallat Seufi, Al Haramain Khulasat Al Oud and Al Haramain Omry due. I can't tell you which is my favorite, each has it's on uniqueness. I saw bukhoor and I couldn't help buying them too.
I also bought Bleu De Chanel for Aayan. I love the scent.
"Where to next?" Jahara asked. We finally left the mall, I had to drag Kausar out.
"Let's go to Yogurberry, please! I've being craving for their treats wallah." I said.
"Yeah let's go there." Amanai nodded in agreement.
We drove to Yogurberry in Wuse. We had so much fun there too. I ended up taking takeaway. I had the yogurt parfait with cereal topping and strawberry and mango topping. Then the Mix-in yoghurt; strawberry and brownies. I couldn't help but buy the yogurt smoothie and fruit smoothie and finally I got waffles, red velvet and plain wheat, plain waffle with yogurt.
The girls didn't say anything but I knew they were itching to.
After we left Yogurberry, we parted ways. Jahara, Amani and Nabila left in Jahara's car while Ibtisam, Kausar and I left together.
As promised, Aayan picked me up at my parents after Isha. Kausar was taken home by Mammie's driver before Maghrib. We bit adieu to my parents and Ibtisam and we were on our way.
"So had fun?" Aayan asked glancing at me through the corner of his eyes.
"Yes," I answered enthusiastically. I ranted off his ears, telling him every single thing we did. "...and lastly we went to Yogurberry. I....huh!" I gasped out loud.
Aayan quickly looked at me. "What's wrong Tesoro?"
"I left my takeaway," I whimpered. "Please turn around."
"I can't do that, we're seconds away from home."
"But my treats, please Noorie, you have to turn around. I want to take it now please."
"I'm sorry but no, tomorrow, I promise we'll go to Yogurberry." He said stopping in front of our gate before pressing the horn.
Out of nowhere, I started wailing. "If I don't take it this night, I'm going to die!" I cried, letting out a loud shrill.
Aayan looked at me in utter panic. "Habibty please stop crying." But his pleads only intensified my wails. "Ni yogurt dina nake so!"
"Okay, Okay! Okay! We'll go get it for you but please stop crying please."
My cries reduced to sniffles. We went back home but only Aayan went in. He came back with my takeaway. He glared at me when he entered the car. "Mammie scolded me for doing as you wished." I just smiled cheekily and took the bag from him. I handed him the fruit smoothie, then I grabbed mix-in yogurt for myself. I finished mine remotely fast and somehow I fell asleep before we got home.
I woke up floating in the air, it took me a while to realize that I was in Aayan's arms and he's walking up the stairs.
"Noorie," I mumbled sleepily. "Shh I got you." He whispered.
"My takeaway...."
"It's already in the fridge, go back to sleep, Amira." He said, and lovingly pecked my forehead.
I obliged and snuggled deeper into his chest before drifting back to lala land.
There was absolute chaos in the kitchen. We are fighting against time, we are already an hour behind, one of the workers forgot to turn on the ice cream maker. I was livid, I had to assign her to a simpler duty like washing the utensils. I cannot afford any more mistakes.
I blew out a large breath before grabbing everything I need. I'm in charge of the cake and I decided to make a glittery three tiered cake. I baked the cakes earlier this morning and I made the fondant last night. Now all I have to do is piece everything together. I covered the three cakes with white fondant before piecing it together. Next the glitter. I grabbed my piping gel, this helps the glitter stick to the fondant. Piping gel is very sticky, therefore excellent to use as a glue. It's transparent but you can add any food color of your choice. The color doesn't affect the taste of the gel and the gel doesn't affect the taste of the cake. I won't be adding any color though. After brushing the whole cake with piping gel, I grabbed the glitter. I'm using gold and cream colored glitters. The cake is already on a rack and I have a greaseproof paper to catch the excess glitter that fall. I start with the bottom tier, which is the largest one, I covered it with golden glitter, for the middle tier, I covered the bottom with golden and the upper part with cream and finally for the last one I covered the whole of it with cream glitter. Then I grabbed a piping bag, it's filled with golden buttercream icing. I got a round tip nozzle for beads. I decorated the edge of each tier with golden beads.
I took a step back to admire my work.
Good job if I do say so myself. I sometimes still can't believe I've came this far. I remember when Mammie used to scold—sometimes hit—me for making a mess out of her kitchen when I tried to bake.
Today is Maheera's bridal shower. Yesterday we had the sa lalle yesterday. Of course, Jawahir's Golden Kitchen is in charge of the catering services like it was decided since from the beginning. Maheera didn't actually say what she really wants. When I asked her, her reply was 'anything you do is okay Jaw.' Now I hope I don't disappoint her.
"And we're ready." Samira announced loudly, excitement laced in her tone. It's good to see her being her goofy self again after all she's being through.
"Jawahir you need to see! Wallah we did a very good job," she said walking towards me. "Hi five!" She raised her palm up and I was quick to slap it with equal enthusiasm. When I saw the table ready, sitting pretty with everything we took hours preparing, my eyes got misty.
The event will be taking place indoor because of the rainy season. The event will be taking place at The Glam Hall located at Shehu Shagari Way, Wuse. It's actually not far from the restaurant. We had everything loaded in the vehicles then we zoomed off.
The decorators, alveenaevents, were already through with their work when we arrived so started setting up immediately. The deco is out of this world. Our place is at the beginning of the hall, the first set of tables you'll meet when you walk in through the door.
Fauziya, Samira and I gave out instructions on how the table should be set. The way we planned it, each dessert will have it's own bar. We have glazed doughnut dessert bar, cotton candy dessert bar, cupcake dessert station, pie dessert bar, sundae dessert bar, ice cream bar, cookie dessert bar, cake pop dessert station and finally cheesecake and pie dessert bar. Also a mini pancake stacks and crepe cakes.
As we were working, the cocktail team also arrived. We hired Famcubes cocktails, they are located in Garki. Their drinks are amazing. The also started setting up their stations. They were kind enough to offer us some and we did the same. And of course, the cocktails are non alcoholic.
After making sure everything is set we left the venue to go get ready, I've already extended the invitation to Fauziya and Samira so they also left to go get ready. I drove to my in laws where's the bride and the bridesmaid are. Actually, they are in mine and Aayan's part. Maheera wanted something secluded.
I first went to Ammiey's side. The house is already filled to the brim with relatives from all over, Ammiey's relatives and Baba's. My mouth got tired from greeting so many people and smiling so widely. I finally found Ammiey in her room, and surprisingly she's the only one.
"Good afternoon Ammiey," I greeted after I said my salam. My mother in law pulled me in for a hug. "Habibty, hope you've eaten?" Ammiey glared at me when I sheepishly smiled. "Hayaa alhusul ealaa lawha; come on get a plate." She said pointing to a table at the right alcove of the room with warmers and plates on it.
I quietly walked to the table and grabbed a plate. When I opened the warmers, I started salivating. Ya Rabb, Kuwaiti dishes filled each and every warmer. I served myself my favorite, Machboos. It is a dish made with mutton, chicken or fish—it depends on your preference— accompanied over fragrant rice that has been cooked in a chicken/mutton well spiced broth. It's often served with red gravy called dakoos. I always loved it when Mammie makes it at home.
I sat down and devoured the whole food. Ammiey paced me a cup of chilling ginger drink. "Thank you Ammiey."
I hurriedly ambulated to where the bride is. I went it and met utter chaos. Some are already dressed up, some are eating, some are even roaming around in their pajamas. Wow.
"Jawahir, you're here." Kulthum exclaimed. "Oya, enter the bathroom and take your bath. We're out of time." She pushed me in and handed me my toiletries and bathing rope. I took the quickest shower of my life. I came out and was surprised to see half of the people that were there have left. I looked at Kulthum.
"I had to send out, they were moving at a snail's pace." I laughed out loud and proceeded to get ready. Maheera came in fully dressed. She looks so Masha Allah.
I ran and engulf her in a bone crushing hug. "Mahee, you love absolutely beautiful."
"Thank you." She said after we pulled away. I looked at her from head to toe. She's wearing an A-line black dress with narrow shoulders and wide hips, the top of the dress has golden embroidery. The sleeves sewn into circular flounce. And finally she had a black hijab on with a golden net pieced to the side of her head. Her dress is from Avenga. Her makeup is looking flawless.
I quickly slipped on my dress. The dress code for the bridesmaids is white or black or the combination of the two. Kulthum, Kausar and I are wearing the same black and white striped dress with few differences here and there. Our dresses were made by Zavani.
"Go get your makeup done Jawahir." Kulthum said. Ya Allah every one is ready, except me. I quickly sauntered to the room where the makeup artist is, she was just finishing Kausar's lips. Our MUA is none other than the CEO of A'aaila cosmetics herself, Nabila Baba Hassan. A tall, dark skinned beauty that carries herself with so much grace and eloquence. The first time I saw her, I fell in love with her dimpled smile.
"Hey Jawahir, you're ready?" Nabila asked flashing me a dimpled smile. I nodded and sat down on the chair Kausar vacated. My sister in law is looking so Masha Allah.
"Keep it simple please." I said. "Don't worry I've got you covered."
In less than an hour, Nabila had my face transformed but not in a way that you won't be able to recognize me.
"Thank you," I expressed my gratitude with a smile. She packed her things and the lady she came with took the box to the car. We extended the invitation to her but she politely declined saying she already has something plants with her husband and triplets. Yes, triplets, Mareeyah, Fadil and Fadila. They are the cutest and most adorable triplets I've ever seen. Maheera had to drag me from the office the day we went to book an appointment. Wallah they are just so adorable.
"Careful," Kulthum said as she stirred a blindfolded Maheera to the door. When the blindfold was removed Mahreera gasped. The decorators killed it. The whole place is decorated in white black and golden. On the stage there's a golden royal choral and behind it is a big letter M in golden surrounded by a black frame. A table is littered with different bridal shower accessories. What I love most about the deco is the wall designed with fairy lights and pictures, pictures of Maheera with her friends and family taken years ago.
"Oh my God, you guys this is so beautiful." Maheera said in awe as her gaze roamed around the entire hall. When her eyes landed on the delicacies, she turned around and engulfed me in a warm hug. "Everything is looking so mouthwatering, thank you Zawjatu Akhi."
"Let the party begin!" Kausar yelled into the microphone.
And the rest of the evening was spent having fun and making memories.
"An daura auren Fahad Yakasai da Maheera Abbas Abdullah....." The girls let out a shrill and Maheera burst into tears. Of what? I had no idea. She removed the call from hands free and placed the phone against her left ear then she silently left the room.
My phone vibrated too, it was Aayan calling. I deliberately didn't pick the call, I'm still mad at him. After the bridal shower yesterday, I wanted to spend the night at the mansion since the wedding Fatiha would be the next day but he refused. I pleaded and pleaded, heck I even shed some crocodile tears but still he didn't budge. He even reported me to Ammiey and she scolded me that I should listen to my husband. I ended up crying during the whole ride and Kausar kept adding salt to my wound by posting pictures and videos of the fun they were having, without me.
Aayan ended up getting the silent treatment, he hates it when I do that but he left me with no other choice. I haven't seen him since he dropped me this morning.
A message came through, it says;
Pick the call Tesoro!
I tossed the phone aside as yodeling chorused from the door. A few ladies sauntered in holding their noses as they yodeled. Kulthum has already dressed Maheera in a black and golden lupaya. Two of them raised her up and walked her out, probably to the living room for pictures.
The newly wed will be leaving tomorrow for their honeymoon. Fahad has refused to disclose the location. I stood up and followed the yan matan amarya train.
The groom and his friends are already here. My gaze landed on Aayan looking so handsome in a sky blue kaftan with his Zanna Bukar perched perfectly on his soft curls. He looks yummy wearing a babban riga, the clothing sitting perfectly on his broad shoulders.
Our gazes clashed and I was the first one to look away. I'm still mad at him. He kept trying to get my attention but I ignored him. After the photo session, the groom left and the bride was taken to her parents.
"Jawahir," a voice called me from behind. I turned around to see one of Aayan's maternal cousin, Huda. "Akhi Aayan has been looking for you, he's outside in the parking lot."
I smiled softly. "Okay Huda, thank you." I ambulated to the parking lot, my eyes roamed around before finally settling on Aayan leaning against his car. I pouted and walked up to him.
"You called me?" I asked when I stood in from him. He didn't say a word, just opened the door and motioned for me to get in. Seeing the serious look on his face, I obliged without arguing.
"How many times did I call you?" Aayan asked without looking at me. I kept quiet, refusing to answer. "Jawahir? How many times did I call you?"
"Eight." I mumbled.
He made a small sound at the back of his throat. "And why did you not pick the call?"
I stayed quiet. Aayan didn't say anything after that too. When we arrived home, he alighted the car without looking my way and ambulated inside. I got annoyed, I'm supposed to be mad at him not vice versa.
I grumbled under my breath and walked inside too. The moment I shut the door I was pushed against it and a set of lips descended on mine in a fiercely brutal kiss, successfully stealing my breath a way.
"That was for not answering my calls." Aayan breathed against my lips and before I could utter a word, his lips were back on mine. He rewarded with another bruising kiss, he kissed me so hard, I lost my breath. "And that is for giving me the silent treatment." He whispered. "Don't ever do that again."
I couldn't answer as I was still disoriented. When I finally got my senses my back, I asked. "Why did you bring me here?"
Aayan shrugged carelessly. "I just wanted to be with you for a while," he walked to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I missed you."
I placed my head on his chest, where his heart is beating at a very fast rate. "I missed you too," I mumbled with a pout. "kai kaja amma, it's your fault though. Why couldn't you just let me stay?"
"Forget about that, come let's go." He dragged me to the couch, he sat down and pulled down to seat on his laps. We whiled away time like that.
I somehow fell asleep and did not wake up till it was time for Maghrib. My husband and I prayed together. After that I went upstairs to change my clothes and then we were on our way back to the AA mansion.
"Won't people say anything?" I nervously asked Aayan. My question halted his movement, he was about to open the door. "What's there to talk about?" He honestly looked lost.
I rolled my eyes, men. They don't know that women find a reason to talk about everything. "You and I disappeared for almost five hours."
"So," he shrugged. "it's not like you left with a stranger, you disappeared with your husband. To hell with what people would say or think. As far as I'm concerned, we didn't do anything wrong, did we?"
I shook my head. "No we didn't."
"And there's your answer." Aayan alighted the vehicle, then came to my side to open the door for me. He offered me his palm and I gladly slide mine, entwining our fingers.
Hand in hand, we walked inside. Of course there were stares, of course people whispered but did we care? Absolutely not.
Narrated Ibn 'Abbâs [On the authority of the Prophet (See Fath Al-Bari, Vol. 7, Page 210)].
"...(Prophet) Ibrâhîm (Abraham) brought her (Hajar) and her son Ismail (Ishmael) while she used to nurse him at her breast, near the Ka'bah under a tree on the spot of Zamzam, at the highest place in the mosque. During those days there was nobody in Makkah, nor was there any water. So he made them sit over there and placed near them a leather bag containing some dates, and a small water-skin containing some water, and set out homeward. Ismail's (Ishmael) mother followed him saying, "O Ibrâhîm (Abraham)! Where are you going, leaving us in this valley where there is no person whose company we may enjoy, nor is there anything (to enjoy)?" She repeated that to him many times, but he did not look back at her. Then she asked him, "Has Allâh ordered you to do so?" He said, "Yes." She said, "Then He will not neglect us," and returned while Ibrâhîm (Abraham) proceeded onwards, and on reaching the Thaniyyah where they could not see him, he faced the Ka'bah, and raising both hands invoked Allâh saying the following supplication:
Ismail's (Ishmael) mother went on suckling Ismail (Ishmael) and drinking from the water (she had). When the water in the water-skin had all been used up, she became thirsty and her child also became thirsty. She started looking at him [i.e. Ismail (Ishmael)] tossing in agony; she left him, for she could not endure looking at him, and found that the mountain of As-Safâ was the nearest mountain to her on that land. She stood on it and started looking at the valley keenly so that she might see somebody, but she could not see anybody. Then she descended from As-Safâ and when she reached the valley, she tucked up her robe and ran in the valley like a person in distress and trouble, till she crossed the valley and reached Al-Marwah mountain where she stood and started looking, expecting to see somebody, but she could not see anybody. She repeated that (running between As-Safâ and Al-Marwah) seven times."The Prophet said, "This is the source of the tradition of the Sa'y (the going) of people between them (i.e. As-Safâ and Al-Marwah). When she reached Al-Marwah (for the last time) she heard a voice and she asked herself to be quiet and listened attentively. She heard the voice again and said, 'O (whoever you may be)! You have made me hear your voice; have you got something to help me?' And behold! She saw an angel at the place of Zamzam, digging the earth with his heel (or his wing), till water flowed from that place. She started to make something like a basin around it, using her hands in this way and started filling her water-skin with water with her hands, and the water was flowing out after she had scooped some of it."The Prophet added, "May Allâh bestow mercy on Ismail's (Ishmael) mother! Had she let the Zamzam (flow without trying to control it) (or had she not scooped from that water) (to fill her water-skin), Zamzam would have been a stream flowing on the surface of the earth."The Prophet further added, "Then she drank (water) and suckled her child. The angel said to her, 'Don't be afraid of being neglected, for this is the House of Allâh which will be built by this boy and his father, and Allâh never neglects His people.'
"Noorie, where are we going?" I asked Aayan three days later after Fahad and Maheera's wedding Fatiha. The couple left yesterday.
"Just wait and see, hayati." Aayan has been acting strange since yesterday and whenever I ask he gives me vague answers..
"Just wait and see, hayati." Aayan has been acting strange since yesterday and whenever I ask he gives me vague answers.
It's 2pm and we just left home. I am not sure where we're going to and it doesn't look like Aayan is ready to tell me.
After several minutes of persuading him, I decided to just be calm and wait.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we're 20 minutes away from landing at Dubai International Airport. Please, ensure your seat belts are securely fastened. Do not stand or use the bathroom except at your own risk. Thank you." Said by a very seraphic voice
I woke up from my slumber to the announcement made the by the flight attendant.
We were flying with Emirates on a six hours flight to Dubai. Long through, I fell asleep and well, we can say I was asleep all through the flight. Only waking up to eat.
"I knew it. I knew it was Dubai." I said, straining my neck to look at Aayan who was sitting in the next seat.
He forcefully closed my ears when we boarded and didn't let me get a hold of the tickets.
"You think?" He asked, smiling. He took my hand in his and squeezed it before kissing it.
"Yes." I said cheekily.
"Well, then, Tesoro. We shall see."
"Don't." I said faking annoyance. "Please, tell me. Please. Please."
"Okay, we're not going to be staying in Dubai. We're going somewhere for now." He was now laughing at my annoyed face. "Smile for me. Please." I smiled. I couldn't help it. He's so cute.
"Hello, Ma'am. What would you like to have? We've green tea, black tea, coffee and milk." Said a flight attendant. She's wearing the Emirate's flight attendant uniform, a court-style shoes, like pumps, which leaves the top and side of her feet open. A hat that was two width above her eyebrows. I couldn't help but notice.
"I'll go with the coffee. With sugar, please." I answered, giving her the same light smile.
I'm going to start counting the set of people with the biggest smile; 001. Flight attendants.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Dubai International airport. The time is 3:47am. For your safety, kindly keep your seat belt fastened till the aircraft comes to a halt and the seat belt sign is turned off. Ensure that you carry all your belongings. You may now use your cell phone as we've come out of the main runway. Thank you for flying Emirate. Have a pleasant stay in Dubai."
We spent 8 hours in Dubai. Sine Our journey to Dubai was suppose to be a pass through, we used the 8 hours to rest. I was so jet lagged.
Now, we're in Madinah Hilton hotel. We just checked in. It's 3:49pm.
The beauty of Saudi is uncompetitive. The land of the prophet, where his mosque resides and most importantly, where the house of Allah SWT is.
Masjid-Ul-Nabawi is a ravisher and a stunner as always.
"Thank you. Why didn't you tell me?" I said while pouting my lips.
"It wouldn't have been a surprise, then, would it?" He asked cupping my cheeks with his two palms. He kissed my nose and then pecked my lips.
"I love you. I love you so much." I whispered with utmost sincerity.
My husband smiled and shook his head. "I love you more."
"No, I love you more and more." I argued.
"No, I love you more and more and more." This time he let out a chuckle.
"No, no, no. We both know that I love you more and more and more and more." I argued with a huge smile on my face.
"No, we both know that I love you more and more and more and more and more." Aayan refused to give up.
"No... no... I lov... love... you more." And then, that's all it took for the waterworks to start. Before I knew it, I was sobbing uncontrollably.
I've been having an unexplainable urge to cry for a long time. I wanted to burst when we're coming out of the house yesterday but I wheedled myself.
It just came happened. I couldn't control it.
The fright on Aayan's face looks as if he saw wolf a feeding on somebody.
I used both my hands and closed my face, I was ashamed. Aayan worked hard to surprise me and without even going anywhere, I have started messing up.
I'm a bad person.
I tried to hold back the seething torrent of tears but failed. I'm not sure if I'm still the Jawahir I was once. I felt like screaming my head.
I pair of strong arms enfolded me into a wall. Aayan was hugging me. And he's now using one hand to caress my back. "Tesoro please," he whispered as if he was in pain. "don't please, your tears are killing me. What is it? Don't you like the surprise?"
I was quick to shake my head. "I...I love....I just....I don't overwhelmed.....and....." Aayan cut me off by placing his lips on mine. It was short and simple yet my heart was about to escape my rib cage.
"I understand, just stop crying please. Your tears are like arrows painfully piercing my heart. No more tears please."
"Ohkay...." I stopped crying, only hiccuping from time to time. With Aayan whispering sweet nothings in my ears, I fell into a deep slumber.
After spending four days in Madinah, the land of the holy prophet SAW, we proceeded to Makkah to carry out Umrah.
We performed two Umrah and one voluntary tawaf. It wasn't my first time but it surely was amazing.
Rounding the Kaaba with your whole family, the people you love the most, feels so great. Makes you pray for Jannatul Firdaus even more. Makes you want to just have a house in Jannatul Firdaus together with them. A house that will be filled with nothing but laughter and love in the air. A house that will only be of love and happiness.
Now, rounding the Kaaba with my husband, the love of my life, it feels greater than ever.
Now, I pray for Jannatul Firdaus for myself, him and our whole family.
Now, I pray for a house that will be filled with laughter and love with him, the whole and I.
Now, I pray for a house that will be filled with only love and happiness with my husband in it.
Now, I pray for forever with him.
Now, I pray to be reunited with him in Jannah.
Now, I pray to Allah to bless us with kids. Kids that will only grow and die in Ibadah and love for Rasullullah.
Swissotel Al-Ghurair Hotel,
After spending seven days in Saudi Arabia, we came back to Dubai.
I've been to Dubai once. During a summer holiday, the whole family came here for holiday. It was so fun. We went to so many places.
Standing, I admired the beauty of this city through the window.
I felt a hand on my shoulder making me go rigid. Aayan went in to take a bath and I wasn't expecting him back this soon. He turned me slowly, pushing my back against the window, we stared into each other's eyes. And then, he leaned in and kissed me slowly. It was a slow kiss yet a hot one. I couldn't help but put my hands through his hair and pull his face closer.
I was dressed in a Zebra slurred jumpsuit with Threadbare, frayed at the cuffs, shabby.
His hand started roaming and massaging my shimmery tresses.
It got very hot in the room.
We only broke the lock to catch our breath. I looked at his dark orbs. I could see in them, a world of happiness with him and me as the stage characters.
"I have something for you." He said after some moments.
"What's it?" I voiced out, trying to bite back the smile that was itching to come out.
He brought front his hand with a box on it. I stared at the box and then back at him.
I was quite, not sure if it was because I was waiting for him to speak first or because I couldn't speak. I was thunderstruck.
Then, as if he was reading my mind, he opened the box to reveal a jewelry. A familiar jewelry. I knew the jewelry, for sure. I've seen it somewhere. And then it occurred to me where, the jewelry shop we went to with the girls back in Abuja before Maheera's wedding.
I doubt if Kausar can ever keep her mouth shut.
He took it out and placed it on my wrist and then, turned my palm to hook it. The bracelet was so beautiful inside it's show glass but now, it's something else. An unexplainable beauty.
"Thank you. I love you." Standing on my tiptoes, I pulled down his head and kissed him.
After what feels like forever, we pulled away.
"We need to stop now if we're really going out." He said with a smile.
I laughed with contentment because I'd live like this forever but I'm not sure if I'll ever get use to it.
Global village.
Wasu-Al-Safah 4.
Dubai Miracle Garden.
We went to so many places. We snapped a lot of pictures. A lot.
At some point, I'd swear my legs were paralyzed . But Aayan kept saying 'let's exercise you, you need it.'
'What do you mean I need it? You mean I'm fat.' I had asked with a frown.
'No, no, that's not what I mean. I meant you'll enjoy your stay here more."
Grace Santorini hotel.
Imerovigli is the most romantic town in Santorini. I can beat my chest about that. Yes, that's the only town I've been to in Santorini but it's so beautiful. So quiet.
We're on our honeymoon now. Aayan wants to make up for the honeymoon we never had. And so far, I can say this is my a favorite quite and most peaceful place.
I can live in this resort for as long as our honeymoon period lasts, cuddled with the love of my life and just looking at the nature everywhere.
After 4 days, we left Santorini. Not before Aayan gave me another gift. He got me a new ring. A diamond ring.
I, being the emotional wreck I'm these days, cried. I couldn't contain the happiness of getting a gift from the person I love.
It's been days since we left Santorini. After Santorini our next stop was Milano. And after Milano we visited five more countries, Rome, Venice, London, Bora Bora and finally Florence. Went to this many places but only knew our every next destination when we board the airplane.
Aayan kept surprising me with gifts and kept spoiling me like a kid. I'm not even sure if I can adjust to my old life when we arrive Nigeria. I'm already used to having him by my side every minute and hour.
He'd spoilt me. My heart feels so full it hurts, in a good way.
And now we're about to board the plane and leave Istanbul to land in Nigeria In shaa Allah.
I woke up to sunlight's continuous progression on my face. My head was pounding when I tried to get up.
When I managed to stand, I went straight to the window to adjust the curtain. I was about to turn when my eyes caught sight of something. It was Aayan's car, the one he's suppose to go out with today. And that only meant he's not out. But he is not here, where could he be?
Suddenly, two strong arms hugged me hard from behind. I almost fell over from the impact. My arms were tightly pinned to my sides and I felt like my ribs were about the snap.
"I love you. I love you so much. Thank you." After what felt like forever, with enduring from my side, Aayan said.
I turned in his arms, putting my hands on his chest. His big eyes looked like they conveyed teardrops.
I was confused.
"What happened? What happened to you?" I was starting to panic now. With a small peck, Aayan smiled before bringing my two hands to his lips.
"You passed out yesterday night. You remember, right? So I called the doctor to come. I didn't trust myself to drive to the hospital. And then the doctor carried out some tests and injected you so you'd rest." He said in between breaths.
And then, it dawned on me. No wonder, I didn't know how I got to the bed when I woke up. Thought I slept off.
"The results came in this morning. And... and... you're two months pregnant."
Stood. Motionless. What?
"I'm... I'm... pregnant?" I said through tears, happy tears. I'm so overwhelmed, I don't know what to feel. I, Jawahir is pregnant? There's a little being residing in my tummy. I and Aayan's chid...
I pulled myself away from Aayan and hurriedly entered the bathroom. I know I scared him with my reaction but I'm not in the right state of mind right now.
I performed my ablution then came out to where my hijab. Aayan let out a huge sigh of relief. Silly man, what did he think?
"Wait for me." He said before entering the bathroom and came out with his limbs wet. Aayan spread the prayer mats and together, we prayed.
I cried as I prayed. I thank the Almighty for his blessings. I prayed for the safety of my child. I prayed for my husband, for myself....I prayed and prayed and prayed.....
When we finished, Aayan opened his arms for me without a second thought I jumped and he was there to catch me.
"Thank you Tesoro," he mumbled. "I love you more than life itself." I snuggled deeper into the love of my life's arms, where I feel utmost sense of security and serenity.
I'm happy, truly happy.
I don't know what to say, a writer is out of words.....
Maimunatu I Bukar
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