Chapter 5
Bye July
Hello August!!
Happy birthday to y'all August celebrants 🎊🎉🎈
So sorry for not updating.
I want to thank you guys for voting and commenting 🤭❤️. It means a lot. This chapter is dedicated to all of you🤗💕, Shukran 😘 Good bless✨✨
Silent readers vote mana danallah 🙏🏼😭
Extra long chapter guys. Hope you'll enjoy it😌😚
"Someone should come and clean this bathroom."
"This kids!!! Oya out I don't want to see any of you inside the house, go out and play."
"Is the food ready?"
The house is chaotic. The wedding started this week, relatives and friends from all over, are here. The house is too full for my liking.
The kayan lefe was brought by the grooms' side a few days back. We had the bridal shower yesterday, it was so much fun. We played games like bridal shower bingo, purse raid, the newlywed game, wedding movie charades, celebrity name game and so on.
Today's event is the Mothers Day. We are all getting ready for the event. The brides and their friends are staying at a hotel, I would have been there too but I don't know them that well so it'll be awkward and uncomfortable. I'm not that social.
I'm in Suhayla's room trying to get ready, she's with the brides too. I had to give up my room to some aunts mtsw, I hope they don't destroy it.
"Jawahir?" A girly voice called from the door.
"Naam" I look up to see one of my cousins from my father's side, Hanifa. She doesn't like me and I don't know why, the feeling is mutual though. She's the type of girl that depend too much on makeup and think wearing tight clothes will attract suitors. Mtsw wai suitors she's the same age as me. She's also rude and mannerless.
She's chewing a gum noisily making that kat sound. The sound is so irritating. "Maman ki na kira; your Mom is calling you."
I met Mammie in her room alone. I don't think I've seen her room empty since the wedding started. "Mammie? You called me?"
"Yes, sit down I'm coming" She called out from her closet. She walked out holding a bag. "Take this, go outside you'll meet Aayan, give this to him." I collected the bag and stood up. "No explanation??" She shook her head negatively. "Okay, then."
I quickly went to my sister's room and wore a big hijab over my clothes. As I was heading down I met one of my Father's younger sister Anty Amina. She's the only Hajiya's daughter that doesn't have a problem with us, she's really nice.
"Jawahir, you finally decided to grace us with your presence." She teases a lot to. I just smiled. "Where are you going?"
I showed her the bag in my hand. "Mammie ta aike ni." She nodded.
I saw Aayan standing beside his car with an uncomfortable look on his face. I wonder why. I then saw what or rather who the reason were. Hanifa and her sister Karima are talking or shall I saw attempting to flirt with him. Too bad he doesn't understand most of what they're saying lol.
"—your number so that we can communicate." I cringed. She thinks her voice sounds sexy but it really sounded like an old rat crying for help. Aayan looked relieved when he saw me.
"Jawahir!!" He said in relief, he shot at me with a look that screams 'help.' I laughed mentally. The two sisters turned around to glare at me. "Wannan yarinyan koh? What do you want? Can't you see we are busy?" Busy? My foot.
I ignored them. "Marhaba, asif zalalat ant fi aintizar." He smirked, I did to. I bet they don't know what I said, they may even think I'm insulting them, knowing them they will.
I heard them hiss and walk away. I caught a bit of their dialogue
"......who does she think she is? Speaking Arabic, mtsw wai ita me jinin larabawa."
"Well he looks like an Arabian though............"
I couldn't hold it anymore, I bust into a fit of laughter. I laughed so hard, clutching my stomach.
"You're done?" Aayan raised a brow.
I sobered up. "Sorry, but that was really funny. You looked as if you wanted to disappear." He smiled a bit. "I bet this is not the first time something like this happened." He actually chuckled. "Actually no, no it isn't."
I giggled. "Well I'm sorry about my cousins, they can be annoying." I apologized on their behalf.
"It's okay really." He brushed it off. "Where is it?"
I hand him the bag. "I believe she has explained." He nodded. "My greetings to Mammie."
"Ok In sha Allah."
I went back inside and ambulate straight to my room. I met it dirty, the floor is sticky, rice was poured on the it and stepped on. Ughh, yuck! I decided to just get dressed since it's almost time. I waltzed into my walk-in closet to get my asoebi. Thankfully the closet is exactly the way I left it.
The asoebi is a navy blue almost black lace for the brides' sisters. Mine was sown into a mermaid shaped gown with a sweetheart neckline,with white flower shaped beads as decoration, it's long sleeved. I adorned my self with the gown and some jewelries, sprayed my fav Elizabeth Aden red door, I grabbed my nude stilettos. I then applied my makeup, just some powder, eyeliner and mascara, and finally a touch of red wine lipstick. I'm not a fan of heavy makeup.
I clicked some selfies and I was done. I quickly went back to Hayla's room, thank goodness I didn't meet anyone on the way. I laid down on the bed and started reading on Wattpad while waiting for my friends to arrive.
Several minutes later, they arrived. They were all adorned in a light green paper lace with white head, which is the general asoebi for yan mata.
"Yo Jaw jaw!! Amani in the house." Amani exclaimed, she walked in rising her shoulders in the process.
"You're crazy" Jahara smacked her upside the head. Amani yelped and glared at her.
"You're ready?" Kausar asked taking a seat in front of the vanity table.
"Yes Kausar I've been for a while."
Nabila plopped on the bed. "What time should we leave?"
I checked my watch and it's quarter pass 3. "I don't know, we should probably go to the hotel, then go there together with them."
"Good idea, let's go hayya. I can't wait to see how weddings are conducted here." Kausar said cheerfully. She has being really excited. It's the first wedding she'll attend after they moved back.
"Calm your horses Koko, so how are we going there?" Jahara said.
"I'll call Suhayl." As soon as I mentioned his name I saw Nabila smiling almost shyly from the corner of my eyes. Okayy I'll squeeze the details from her later.
He picked up after the fourth ring. I asked if he'll be able to drive us and he said no. I sighed.
"He can't girls, and I don't think there's anyone available they're all busy."
"Why don't I call Akhi." Kausar said as she brought out her phone.
"You think he won't mind?" Amani asked unsurely.
"Of course not Amani, lemme quickly call him." She stepped into the closet to make the call.
"He agreed, he said we should be out in five."
I quickly texted Mammie to inform her because I didn't want to get stuck In the house.
We went outside. Aayan was already waiting for us, he has changed from the jeans and shirt he was wearing earlier. He's now dressed in a kaftan an ash brocade with black designs, he wore a black zanna bukar cap. All in all he looks great, I don't think I've seen him in a traditional attire ever since I met him. I smirked internally. I bet girls won't be able keep their eyes off him this evening.
He entered the car when he sighted us. Kausar entered the passenger seat and we all entered the back seat.
"Ina wuni." We chorused.
"Lafiya" He responded.
The car ride was silent with a soft music playing in the background. I got a message from Jahara.
J: Oh my Allah!!! Jawahir have you seen him?🤤🤤
Jaw:🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ Jahara😒. Please, seriously?
J: Jaw he's soooooooo sexxxyyy😋😋😋🔞🔞❌❌, vavavum 🔥🔥🔥🔥. He's the sexiest man I've ever set my eyes on😍😍.
Jaw: Ya ilahi 🙆🏻♀️🙆🏻♀️, Jahara you're so shameless🤦🏻♀️, that's our friend's brother you're talking about fah. May God deliver you.
J: Soo🤷🏻♀️, it's not haram is it??
Jaw: Yes it is, you're suppose to lower your gaze. Duh🙄
J: Tell me you didn't look at him😒.
Well she's right I did look but I didn't have thoughts like her. Okay.
Jaw: No I didn't.
J: 🙄🙄 whatever helps you sleep at night.
Before I could reply, we arrived at the hotel. We alighted the vehicle.
"Thank you." We chorused again.
"It's nothing girls, have fun." With that he drove away.
We went to the rooms they're staying at. We first met Ya Nana in a dress similar to mine, just that hers is A-shaped.
"Good you're here, I was about to call you. You girls look great, lemme quickly snap you." She brought out a Cannon camera from her bag. We posed and she clicked several pictures.
"Ya Nana, please send it to us."
"In sha Allah Amani, I'll send it to you when I settle down."
They exchanged greetings. Ya Nana pulled Kausar for a hug.
"Oh Allah, Kausar. How are you? Look at you, you've grown into a fine young lady." Kausar blushed. Hah! Now you know how it feels.
"Where's Kulthum?"
"She will be heading straight to the venue with Ammiey and Ya Maheera."
"Okay, I'll meet them there.You guys should head inside I'll have to borrow Jaw though."
She turned towards me. "Come with me and help me finish packing the souvenirs."
"That's the last one."
Pheww. We've been packing for almost an hour now.
"I've not seen Ayman and Zarah, where are they?" I asked, searching for my nephew and niece.
"Ayman is with his father and Zarah is with Suhayla."
Hairan walked in with Tasleem attached to her hips. "Ya Nana kin ga..... Jaw!!" I quickly stood up to hug her. Hairan is like a friend to me, no she's my friend/sister/sister in-law. She's 4 years older than me, which makes her 22. She got married to Ya Yusuf at the age of 18. It was a love marriage.
"So kinzo and you didn't come to look for me." She said accusingly.
I smiled sheepishly "Immediately I came in Ya Nana put me to work." I took Tasleem from her. "Hey baby" I cooed and she blabbers some gibberish as if she's returning my greetings. She's too cute.
"Hairan you look amazing." She twirled around. She's also wearing our type of asoebi, her dress is an umbrella shape from the waist . "Thank you, you look great too."
"Thanks sister in-law." She rolled her eyes. "Stop calling me that, it makes me feel old." I laughed.
Ya Nana told us that we can go since everything is wrapped up. We went to room where the brides are getting ready. The makeup artist has just finished, they are putting on their gowns. Ya Fifi's is a simple silver gown with a cape attached to it.
(A/N I am so sorry, I'm awful at describing so I'll just put the picture so you'll understand better, I'll still try tho.)
Ya Firdaus's dress.
Ya Farha's
They all wore heads according to their outfits.
Ya Nana, the photographer clicked pictures, the brides individually, the two brides together, the brides and sisters, the brides and their bridesmaids, all of us and so much more. Me and the girls took with each bride and then together.
My phone began ringing. It was Mama calling.
"Jawahir, why are you still not here Ina amaran, what's this? People have been waiting for almost 3 hours, it was suppose to start at 4 and it's seven already. Mtsww Danallah kice suyi sauri, it's not proper, people have been waiting." She ranted without giving me the chance to reply.
She disconnected the call before I could reply. I quickly went to Ya Nana to inform her. Under 5 minutes we were on our way. The grooms sent cars to take the brides and their friends.
Me and the girls took a car. The person driving is a friend to the twins, he talks way too much, thank goodness we have Amani to keep up with him. That girl is a chatterbox.
We arrived at the venue after a short while. We alighted the car and thanked him before heading to the entrance. It's a tent.
The emcee has already announced our arrival and we are ready to go in. First were the flower girls. Amma, Zarah and Yasmeen went in throwing petals along the aisle. They were dressed in a silver flower girls dresses. The dresses where made by Hayla. Masha Allah she's really talented.
Wow!!! The hall is beautifully decorated. The tables are round tables with silver cloth and silver chairs with a touch of peach wrapping the chairs. The lighting is dim.
Then Nai'a and Amal, they claimed that they are too big to be flower girls. Then I, my sisters and sister in law followed in a double file, followed by the couples and lastly their friends(the girls included). When we reached the end we stood side by side along the aisle as the couples continued their journey to the stage. All this time, a really catchy song was playing, I don't know the name of the song but it's really nice.
After the emcee finished the introduction and all those things, we took our seats that was reserved. Me, Jahara, Kausar, Amani, Nabila and Hairan sat at one table.
"Oh my Allah, my very first wedding since we moved back here."
"You haven't seen anything." Hairan chuckled. I introduced them to each other and they immediately clicked.
"I can't wait to dance oo." Nabila likes dancing too much but she's really good at it.
I stood up to go look for Mammie. I don't know where to find her in this sea of people.
"Jaw-bear." There's only one person that calls me that and it's Hairan's hubby.
I transversed through the seats to meet them. I saw Ya Yusuf, Ya Jafar, Ya Akram, Aayan and a new face.
I quickly hugged Ya Yusuf. "Babban yaya."
"Jaw-bear, you look really beautiful." He complimented, smiling down at me
"And now I have to keep boys off her." Ya Akram grumbled. I giggled, he is way overprotective.
"WE have to keep them off her dai." Ya Jafar chimed in. "Jawjaw why do have to look this pretty?" I blushed. Ya Jafar and his charming words, no wonder Ya Nana fell for him.
"Hijab zata rinka sawa har kasa ae." I heard Ya Akram mumbling. I rolled my eyes and turned to Ya Jafar.
"Ya Jafaru Ina wuni ."
"Jawahir, how are you?"
"I'm fine Alhamdulillah."
"It's good to see you. So you're now a graduate koh? Iyyeh autan Mammie"
"Ya Jafaru." I whined. "Danallah ka bari." I covered my face with my veil and he chuckled.
I turned to Aayan and his friend. "Sannun ku."
"Yawwa, milady." The friend I'm yet to know his name said.
I heard Ya Akram coughing loudly. Smh
Aayan just rolled his eyes. "Don't mind him, he's crazy."
"Hey that's rude!" The friend exclaimed. "Anyway I'm Uthman." He introduced.
I smiled nicely. "Nice to meet you. Do you need anything?"
Aayan shook his head. "What I need is your number." Uthman whispered. I giggled internally, It seems like he's trying to flirt but I know he's only joking. I can see this mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Kai Uthman stop trying to flirt with my sister." Ya Akram snapped at him.
"Chill Akram I'm only joking." He laughed.
"Well stop." He nodded and winked at me, I just laughed.
"Where's Hairan?" Ya Yusuf inquired.
"She's with Jahara, Kausar, Am......" Ya Akram cut me off. "Just say she's with the girls."
"Okay she's with the girls."
"And why are looking for her? I swear Yusuf you're obsessed with her." Ya Akram turned to his elder brother.
"I'm not."
"Are too."
"Shut up Akram. Wait till you get married, we'll see what you have to say about that."
I shook my head, and walk away as my brothers kept on bickering. And they're the eldest.
I sighted Mama, Mammie, Ammiey and some of Mama's and Mammie's friends at a table. Mama and Mammie are dressed in the same Swiss lace but of different color, Mama's is green while Mammie's is bold red and the color fits her fair complexion. Their laces were sown into a fitted buba with plain wrapper. They look really beautiful. Co wives goals lol. I went there to greet them. I greeted each of them.
"Jawahir you look beautiful."
I blushed. "Thank you Ammiey." I'm still not used to receiving compliments.
"Jawahir please inform the waiters to start serving." Mammie instructed.
After doing what I was told, I went back to our table to meet it empty. I then saw them on the dance floor.
"We should probably go and eat then come back later." I yelled over the music. They all agreed and we went back to eat.
"I haven't seen Suhayl." Nabila suddenly said. I raised or attempted to raise a brow.
"Why? Why are you looking for him?" Jahara questioned suspiciously.
She chuckled nervously." Noting, just wondering."
Me, Jahara and Hairan shared a look. Kausar doesn't understand and Amani is busy stuffing her mouth to notice. We'll squeeze it out of her sooner or later.
After the food was served it was time to take pictures. Thousands and thousands of pictures were taking.
After finishing taking the pictures, we headed to the dance floor. We danced and danced till our hearts content.
My feet are killing me. Dancing in a stiletto was a bad idea. We returned home pass 12. I immediately went to bed after changing and showering. I didn't even bother to eat even though I was hungry, I was just too tired.
"Jawahir wake up." Whoever it is should lemme be abeg I'm knackered. I turned around and pulled the comforter over my head. The voice suddenly stoped. Thank God.
I woke up again around two. I wonder how I slept in this noise. I went into the washroom to perform ablution. After praying, I took my bath.
I have just finished dressing when Suhayla came into the room.
"Good you're awake, I swear you sleep like a log. I've been trying to wake you up." So she was the one trying to interrupt my sleep.
"Ohh. What is it?"
"Nothing. I'm here to collect some of my things."
She went into the closet. I went to the kitchen to eat my brunch.
"Aunty Amina what's for lunch?" I asked as my eyes looked round the kitchen. Noticing different sort of dishes.
"There is Tuwo, Masa, sinasir, fried rice with coleslaw and peppered chicken.........."
"I'll have fried rice with coleslaw and peppered chicken." I'm salivating already.
"Good, I'll serve you but can you please take this food to Hajiya." Oh no.
"But......." I began to protest.
"I know, I know I'll have taken it myself but there's so much work and I need to supervise."
I sighed. "You don't have to explain. I'll take it to her."
Hajiya has been here for the past 3 months, she didn't leave when she came after the sa rana. I haven't seen her since the wedding started.
I knocked on her door. "Come In it's open." Her voice said from the other side.
I quietly walked in and kept the tray on the table. "Hajiya Ina wuni."
"Lafiya lau Jawahir. How are you?" She smiled nicely.
Am I the only one surprised? "I'm fine Alhamdulillah."
"Uhm do you need anything else?" She shook head.
I stood up and leave the room. After closing the door behind me I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. Did Hajiya suddenly have a change of heart or something? Something's wrong. Something has to be wrong.
I went back to the kitchen to get my food.
"How was it?" Aunty Amina inquired handing me the plate of food.
I was still confused. "She was surprisingly nice."
Aunty Amina chuckled. "You seem surprised."
"I AM surprised, Aunty in my 18 years of life, she has never been this nice, heck she never smiled at me that way."
"Hajiya shows her love uhmm differently but trust me she cares even though she doesn't show it."
I kept quite. I'm not really sure about that, there must be something, no there has to be something.
Today is the Kamu and it'll be an all girls event, no boys. I'm going to Jahara's house to get ready today as we decided.
I went back to Hayla's room to get my things. I met Suhayla laying on the floor clutching her stomach.
"Hayla you okay?" I asked in concern rushing over to her side.
She moaned in pain. "My TOM is here." Ohh Mother Nature.
"Well I'm suppose to go to Jahara's, but I can stay if you want."
"No, you just go, I'll be okay, thanks tho." She smiled tiredly.
"You sure?" She nodded. "Yes sis thanks but it's okay, you go have fun, I'll take some pain killers."
I quickly went to the closet to get my things, I came back to the room and hugged Hayla. "I'll inform Mammie just in case, okay?"
"Okay, shukran."
I went to Mammie's room but she isn't there. And I don't know where to start looking for her. I sighed. And it's not like I can call her, she probably doesn't know where her phone is. But lemme try.
She picked up Immediately. Wow I'm lucky.
"Mammie I'm going to Jahara's. And Suhayla isn't feeling fine."
"Okay, I'll see at the venue. And what's wrong with her?"
"Okay, I'll check on her."
I stood outside and there is no car to take me, the driver has gone to run some errands for Mama. Just then Suhayl drove in.
I went to the car. "Ya Suhayl?" I called innocently.
He sighed. "What do you want Jaw?" He knows me too much.
"Why do you say that?" I grinned brightly at him, my full teeth on display.
"Quit the act. We all know you don't call me 'YA' till you want something. So what is it?" He rolled his eyes heavenward.
I grinned sheepishly. "Okay fine. I want you to take me to Jahara's."
"And why should I?" He folded his arms.
"Because I'm your sister and you love me." I batt my lashes to add more effect.
He shook his head. "This girl, no wonder you always get what you want, you and your sweet mouth. Hop on."
I pulled for a hug. 'Thank you, thank you."
Immediately he started the car, music blared through the speakers, I went temporarily deaf. "Turn it off, ahh my ears." I exclaimed covering my ears with my palms.
He hurriedly switched off the radio. "Sorry."
"How do you listen to that?" I asked incredulously.
He shrugged. "I just do." Lallai.
"Anyway who are you meeting at Jahara's."
"The girls."
"Will Nabila be there?"
Okay something is definitely going on between them. Inquiring about each other, blushing when the other is mentioned and all that, none of this ever happened before. I can't believe none of them bothered to tell me, I get that I don't have to know or they don't need my approval but still. If I say I'm not hurt then I'm lying.
"Yes." I replied quietly.
He must have noticed something changed. "Hey you okay?" I nodded wordlessly. He got the message and kept quite through the whole ride.
Jahara resides in Apo, Amani too and Nabila Gwarimpa.
We arrived, i alighted the vehicle after thanking him. "Wait Jawjaw."
"Are you sure you're okay? You can tell me." I shot him a fake smile. "I'm fine really." He doesn't look like he believed me, but let it be. "Just call me when you need anything."
"I will. Bye." I waved and watched as he drove off.
I met Jahara's younger and only sister in the family room. I enveloped her in a hug and picked her up.
"Mir mir you're getting heavy." I joked. But she is getting heavier tbh.
She giggled. "Silly Ya Jaw, I am getting heavier. I'm 4." I feigned a look of surprise. "Really?" She nodded her head eagerly.
"Where's Jahara?"
"She's in her room with Nabila."
I went to Umma's room first to greet her. Umma is Jahara's mom she's like a second mom to me. I knocked on her door, I opened the door after she called me in. "Aa aah Jawahir come here." She enveloped me in a warm hug. "How are you? I haven't seen you since the wedding began." I smiled.
"Saura ku." She teased with a smile.
I groaned and cover my face. "Haba Umma." I whined. "I'm too young fah." She just laughed.
After greeting Umma, I went to Jahara's room. I met clothes lying everywhere. This girl will never change, if she's looking for something her whole wardrobe must be out first. That's why she and Umma always have a fight.
"Jaw!! You're here." Speaking of the devil. "Why aren't you dressed?"
"Didn't feel like it."
Nabila came out from the bathroom wearing just a towel. Jahara asked who dropped me.
"Suhayl." All this while I was watching Nabila's reaction closely. She was playing with her fingers, something she does when she's nervous.
"Jawahir." Jahara yelled. "Snap out of it." I looked at her.
"Jaw? Why do you have that look?"
"What look?" What is she talking about?
"That emotionless look. Don't do that, that's the look I saw on you wh-..when you...i .... Just don't do that it makes bad memories resurface." She was crying.
I immediately pulled her for a hug. "Shh I'm sorry I won't do that again." I rubbed her back soothingly as I said that.
"I promise." She quickly wiped her tears. "You're wearing makeup today and I won't take no for an answer."
I raised my hands in mock surrender. "Whatever you say Jahan Ara."
"I'll ignore that."
I'll never understand why she hates her full name.
After poking me several times and pinching me for squirming, Jahara finally finished my makeup. I swear I can't feel my butt, I've been sitting down for almost an hour, I don't how girls do this, this is torture.
"Okay done, you can look now." I wasn't allowed to look at the mirror till it's done.
I couldn't recognize the girl staring back at me. My hair was pulled into a messy bun. My skin was cream and roses, my eyes were black smokey with a touch of blue. My lips were stained with a matte peony pink, my eyelashes are extremely long due to the fake lashes. The eyeliner is winged and heavy, the kajal is also heavy but it worked. I looked and felt pretty, something I didn't feel in a long time.
"Ya ilahi Jahara. You did an amazing job, I look pretty."
"No I didn't do anything. It's all you, you're beautiful Jaw, you have to start believing that." She smiled softly.
"Thanks sissy, that means a lot. I love you."
"I love you too Jaw."
"Where's Bila?" I just realized she isn't in the room.
"She's probably in the living room, I'll go get her. Why don't put your clothes on." She said and walked out of the room.
I opened my bag to get my clothes. Today's asoebi is a navy and sky blue ankara. Mine is sown into a fitted gown with a black lace as the neckline and sleeves.
After I dressed up, tied my headgear. I quickly put the essentials inside my clutch, I grabbed my heels and veil then moved to the living room.
I met Jahara and Nabila ready in the same kind of clothes as me, Amani also. When did she get here?
"Everyone is ready?" Umma came out in a beautiful red and white lace. Masha Allah she looks really beautiful.
"Ayy!!! Umma you look fabulous."
"Thank you Amani." She smiled.
We piled in the car and zoomed off to the venue. Amani sat between Nabila and I, Jahara sat at the passenger seat with Maryam.
"Where's Kausar?" Amani asked.
"She'll meet us there." She nodded.
We arrived at the venue,we alighted the car and Umma searched form a parking space. The event will take place outside.
The decorations were done beautifully. The ancient gadon karfe is situated at the center of the stage with olden days decorations behind it. The kumbos are placed at both ends of the stage, there's even a room-like thingy at the left. Then rugs, mattresses and pillows were placed on the floor in front of the bed, for the bridesmaids. The place looks great.
We met Kausar at the entrance with the rest of the maids. "Oh my gosh, Jaw?!!! Tabdin mudhhila wallah Masha Allah. I've never seen you looking this amazing not that you haven't before but today is an exceptional." Kausar gushed.
I giggled. "You exaggerate too much."
I saw Suhayla talking with one of Ya Farha's friends. I totally forgot about her, some sister I am. I quickly went to her, well as fast as my heels could take me.
"Jaw?! Oh my God you're wearing makeup." She squealed excitedly. They're making a big deal about this.
"You're exaggerating. I'm gonna wipe it."
"Don't you dare." She points a finger at me. "You look amazing ya ukhti."
I hugged her. "Thanks Hayla. How are you feeling now?"
"I'm alright. Common let's go the brides are here."
We went to the entrance. Like yesterday, the emcee introduced us, but today's emcee is a lady, it'll be awkward if it was a man, him being the only male present.
The flower girls went in first, then me and the girls, the brides and finally their maids.
The brides' outfits.
Ya Fifi's outfit
Ya Farha's outfit.
My sisters look amazing Masha Allah. I went to meet them. We chatted a bit, they also teased me for wearing makeup today. Ya Firdaus even said. "You're lucky Ya Aki isn't here and there are no males, he would have made you wash it." I grimaced as they laughed at me.
After we went inside. The brides took their places on the gadon karfe, and we on the floor. One of the guests was called to conduct the opening prayer.
Then the biography of the brides by their best friends respectively. Ya Nana even said a few words.
"Assalamu alaikum, I'm their eldest sister everyone. I don't know what to say, this is overwhelming I cannot believe my sisters are getting married, it was just yesterday we use to play with dolls,bicker and make each others hair. And it was like yesterday I was in your place, saura Suhayla and Jawahir In sha Allah." Suhayla yelled a no and the crowd laughed. "Firdausi, Farha married life isn't a bed of roses like you see in the movies or read in novels, it has it fair share of ups and downs, but what matters the most is how you resolve your issues. You'll move in with a total stranger, you won't have any of your relatives to turn to, it's like you're starting a fresh life, you'll be in charge of the house and all those responsibilities you didn't have before. What I'm trying to say is you must have patience se da hakuri......."Her voice cracked. She took a few minutes to gather herself. "Men can be immature, they'll make you angry, frustrated but that's how they are because if they didn't love us they wouldn't be that way.
"Mama and Mammie won't be there, it's all you, the training we received at home and most importantly your lord. So you go there and make us proud.....b-be-because I believe you're all groomed to be one of the best ladies.
That's all I can say. I love you sosai Allah maku albarka." The brides teared up, I did too. She gave them a hug before returning to her seat.
During the speeches refreshments were served. After Ya Nana's emotional speech, it was time to take pictures. After the pictures, it was time to dance.
We danced, we laughed, we had fun and we made good memories worth remembering.
Hassles of conveying the brides is going on. The wedding Fatiha took place after zuhr prayer. It's almost time for Isha.
After they were informed on the wedding Fatiha, Ya Nana and the brides came back home. The brides were immediately taken to the elders for the usual fada. After they came back with bloodshed eyes might I add, they were taking Abu.
I prayed Maghrib before getting ready, today there isn't asoebi for us, but Mama and her friends/elderly guests are wearing theirs today. It's a lilac colored ankara with a touch of deep purple.
After taking a relaxed shower, I came out of the bathroom. I rubbed my self with cream. I waltzed into the closet in my towel to get my clothes. I selected a boubou, it's 100% cotton and it's so soft. I applied minimal amount of makeup as usual. I tied my waist length black hair into a bun. Masha Allah, I got most of my features from Mammie. I have her fair complexion, thick lengthy black hair, almond brown eyes, thin lips and short height, I got my delicate nose, defined cheekbones and bushy eyebrows from Abu.
After I finished getting ready I went to Mama's side to meet the brides. The place was crowded, I squeezed myself to Mama's room. I met Mammie, Mama and my sisters only in the room.
"Yawwa Jawahir I was just about to call you. It's time to say goodbye." Mama's voice is croaky because of too much crying. Oh my God I hate goodbyes.
"Ya Fifi, Ya Farha?" And the water works began. "I'm gonna miss you guys so much. Even tho I annoy you, frustrate you and make you angry, know that I love you so very much." I hugged them tightly. I pulled away and wipe my tears. I gave them a teary smile. "It's not goodbye, it's I'll see you later, okay?" They nodded. I grinned at them. "Don't worry I'll come for holiday to trouble you and your husbands."
They all laughed. I picked Ayman and place him on my laps. An old lady came in to announce that the cars to take them. And fresh set of tears gushed. Ya Nana gave them alkyabbas to cover theirselves.
We accompanied them outside where they met our brothers, they also had an emotional farewell. I swear I saw Ya Akram wiping his tears. Lol who knew the mighty soldier will cry too.
"Ya Akram are you crying?" Suhayl teased. Hah I'm not the only one that saw him. We all snickered.
"What? Psst crying? No." He replied nervously.
"Okay it's time." Mammie announced.
"No!!! Don't go."Affan ran up to them and hugged their legs. Aww Affan.
"I promise to pick up my clothes and do my assignment on time." He's gonna make me cry again.
Ya Farha knelt down. "You can always come see us buddy. And we'll come too okay?" Out of all of us she's more attached to Affan.
"But Kaduna is far." He whined.
"No it isn't." Ya Fifi joined them. "It's just 2 hours from here. You'll arrive before you know." She smiled at him.
He grinned widely. "Really?" They nodded.
"It's time." They stood up, wipe their tears and look up at us. "Bye guys we love you and we'll miss you."
We watched as they drove off to their new homes where a new journey awaits them.
Phewwwww🤧🤧. That was a long chapter. I hope dae you liked it. This is the longest chapter I've written so far. 6000+ words.
Tell me how you guys want me to improve. This is my first time writing so I'm still trying to improve. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM is very much welcomed.
Put a smile on this baiwar Allah's face. By:
Yours truly,
Memzyb ✨🌹
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