Chapter 47
I know! I know!
You guys are angry, I'm so sorry❤️
Wallah I finished my exams on the 6th. I have completely exhausted my draft, so I don't have anything written down.
Because of my exams I didn't write for almost a month that lead me to having a teeny weeny writer's block😩😭
I didn't want to rush and give you guys a shitty chapter that's why I took my time.
I'm still not that proud of the chapter😔😔
Ps: New readers say hi❤️ welcome🎉🎉
You're most likely going to encounter typos, bare with me 🙏🏼
The ringing of my phone is what woke me up. With a groan, I stretched to get rid of the cramps I obtained from sleeping on the floor. Still a bit disoriented, I tapped around for my phone. It was my personal assistant, Bashar.
"Hello?" I answered after clearing my voice.
"Hello sir, good evening."
"Evening Bashar," he inquired about Jawahir's health to which I replied with 'Alhamdulillah'
"Uhm Sir? We have finally managed to get a meeting with the CEO of Vinci, three days from now. I've emailed all the details you need." Vinci is a very successful privately owned French construction company, it's the world single largest construction company with more than 185,000 employees globally.
We've been trying to arrange a meeting with their representatives but in vein, after more than five months of trying, we got successful. It has been my number one agenda for months now.
"Bashar get ready to fly to France with Uthman, thank you." I said because I won't be able to attend, I cannot leave, not again. I didn't wait to hear his gratitude, I cut the call. I called Uthman and filled him in on the details of the meeting.
"Of course Aayan, rest assured, everything will go smoothly In Sha Allah. Bashar and I will take care of everything, you stay here and take care of your wife, she needs you more than ever."
A surge of emotions blocked my throat. Family isn't always about blood, it's surrounding yourself with people who genuinely love and care for you. Uthman has been with me throughout the darkest phase of my life, he was my support system. Honestly without his help I don't know where I would be now. The days when I feel like surrendering, to just give up on everything and rest, he was always there to place a hand on my shoulder and say 'keep on going, everything will fine. Allah is with you, I am with you.' There are many things my family aren't aware of but he knows of them.
"Uthman," I called with a somewhat helpless tone. I don't think I've thanked him enough, I don't think I thank him enough.
"Kar ka fara; don't even start Aayan, I don't want to hear it. What are brothers for? I will call you after going through the files, may Allah grant Amaryan mu shifa." He ended the call before I could even reply.
What are brothers for?
While I might never have a brother from the same parents, I can proudly say Uthman is my brother, and I'm lucky and proud to have him. He's the best brother anybody could ever wish for.
I exited Jawahir's closet and ambulated to her bathroom where I took a hot and relaxing shower with her gels. I smell like her, like home. I moved to my room and dressed myself in a simple shirt and trouser. I didn't stop at anywhere but the hospital, I went straight to Jawahir's ward room.
I met her in the same position I left her. A strong pain clenched my heart like a fist, I suddenly couldn't breathe properly. I sat down on my usual sit, the plastic chair beside her bed. I took a hold of her hand, hands that use to be warm are now so cold. I placed a kiss on the back of it, placing the hand on my chest, right where my heart lies.
Ten days, it has been ten days but I feel like it has been thousands of years. Nothing is okay, I am not okay. I just want my wife to wake up so that I can show her how much I love her, so that I can take care of her till we meet in Jannah In sha Allah. I want to apologize, I want to explain. I want to wake up with her cuddled by my side with a smile on her face everyday. I want the last thing I do at the end of a day is kiss her goodnight and pull her towards me. I want to baby her, I want to spoil her with all the riches in this world. Take her round the world, fulfill her wishes and desire. Make her the happiest girl alive. I want her to be happy, with me.
I just want her to wake up.
I felt a twitch but I didn't pay attention much to it, I don't want to get my hopes high. Till I heard a groan, I sprang up. "Tesoro habibty?" I called. She groaned with her eyes closed tight, probably because of the light. I ran as fast as I can to call the doctor.
Third person P.O.V
The ecstatic husband ran out of the room to call the doctor, because of how happy he was, he has forgotten about the little red button he's suppose to press beside the bed. The doctor and nurses immediately tend to Jawahir.
Aayan rang up his family to inform them of the good news. The doctor came out and told Aayan he can go see his wife. He walked into room with his emotions mixed up, he's happy at the same time very nervous and anxious. A nurse was fixing a cannula on her hand. Aayan carefully walked to where his wife was, he still cannot believe she's awake. Alhamdulillah.
"'Ana saeid jiddan li'anak mustayqiz; I'm so happy you're awake. I was very worried, I thought I've lost you too." He kept blabbering. He took a hold of her and she started screaming and shouting, trying to pull away her hands. Aayan was puzzled, why is she acting this way? She kept on screaming then started to remove the cannula and in the process she started bleeding.
The nurses and doctors rushed in when they heard the commotion, they met Aayan trying to calm her down but she keeps on pushing him away, hitting him with all the little energy she has. Her breathing started seizing, she started gasping for air that was when the nurses took action.
One of the female nurse said to Aayan. "Sir it's best if you step out." Aayan turned to glare at the middle aged nurse. She's crazy if she thinks he's leaving this place, he's not going anywhere till he's sure that his wife is safe.
"Get him out, I don't want to see him! I want him to get out!" Jawahir yelled in a fragile voice. "You heard what she said, please sir."
"She's my wife—" Jawahir let out a loud scream again. "Please sir, leave." The nurse pleaded when she saw that Jawahir's condition is getting worst. Aayan opened his mouth to say 'she's my wife' but the nurse didn't let him. "I know she's your wife but right now you need to step back. I'm sorry to say this but she is in this condition because of you so if you really really want to safe your wife you'd step out. She's still very weak and fragile, she might hurt herself or worse fall into coma again." Aayan's body became weak.
I'm sorry to say but she is in this condition because of you. She's in this condition because of you. She's in this condition because of you. She's in this condition because of you. She's in this condition because of you.
He weakly dragged his legs out of the ward room, he doesn't even know what he's doing. He doesn't have a word to describe the pain he's feeling, the pain is clawing his heart mercilessly. As he was walking, he collided with a body. It was Suhayl.
"Ya Aayan?" Suhayl called but Aayan couldn't hear him, all he kept hearing were Jawahir's screams and the nurse's sentences. His legs gave out if not for Suhayl he would have fallen.
"Ya salam!" The mothers panicked. Mammie in a shaky voice asked. "Is she okay Aayan? What happened? Why aren't you saying anything?!"
"She doesn't want to see me," he whispered brokenly. Everybody looked at him in a puzzled manner. "What do you mean Aayan?" Ammiey asked. "Jawahir, she doesn't want to see me." With that he left, leaving his family members very confused. His legs didn't stop till he was in the hospital's mosque. He performed ablution and offered units of voluntary prayers praying to his almighty to grant his wife shifa and to make things right between them. He kept praying till he felt a bit satisfied and calm, he has regained back his consciousness because a while ago it was the pain and heartache crying.
Ammiey, Mammie and Mama walked to the ward room. A nurse stopped them from entering, the same nurse that pushed Aayan out. "I'm sorry but you cannot enter, the patient is sleeping and doesn't want any sort of noise. Come back in the next two hours by then she'll be awake."
With no other choice, the mothers went back to their room. The director of the hospital is a good friend of Abu, because of this they were giving a private room just like the one Jawahir is in, right next to hers. They were giving the room because of how many they were, people keep trooping in everyday. Jawahir is like a ray of sunshine, anywhere she goes she leaves her mark that's why many people were devastated when they heard the news.
The AA's and the Malik Zayyad's are all in the hospital, except for the kids from Na'ia and below. Ya Nana, Ya Fifi and Ya Farha are still here, they refused to return back to their various homes. Everyone's attention is on the clock desperately wishing the time would move faster.
Jahara, Amani and Nabila walked in, they greeted everyone before taking their seats. "Is she awake?" Amani asked. "No, not yet." It was Mama who answered. The girls are very devastated by the events that took place, it reminds them of Jawahir's incident, something they wish they could forget about.
The same middle aged nurse walked in. "She's awake," she informed with a smile. "She asked for her mothers." The three mothers hurriedly walked to the ward room.
Mammie ambulated to her daughter. "Jawahir habibty," 'Alhamdulillah' she kept chanting kissing her daughter's head repeatedly. Jawahir, who's in a sitting position, hugged her mother's waist tightly. In a soft and broken voice she said. "Mammie, I had a dream."
Hajiya Khadijah looked at her friend and co-wife in a puzzled manner. She kept patting Jawahir's back. "What dream hayati?"
"T-that that...." she broke down, sobbing hysterically. "That," she sniffed. "I-I-I lost.... a baby, my baby," she cried. Mammie closed her eyes as tears stream down her cheeks. Jawahir held on to her mother tighter. "Please say it's not true Mammie, please Mammie, say it's not true, please!"
Mammie couldn't say anything to console her daughter, she just kept rubbing her back repeatedly saying 'I'm sorry.' Jawahir howled in excruciating pain hugging her torso. "My baby, my baby." She kept chanting brokenly. Her cries will for sure break your heart, even if you're the most heartless person. Mammie used both of her palms to close her mouth at loud sobs threatened to escape, she quickly left the room. It's heartbreaking to see her last born in this condition, she knows Jawahir needs her now but she needs to gather herself first. She can't explain half the pain she's feeling she can only imagine what her daughter must be going through.
"Listen to me Jawahir," Mama stepped forward. Jawahir turned to look at her stepmother. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry but you have to accept Qadr. This might a blessing in disguise," Jawahir turned to look at her stepmother. "How Mama?" she blubbered. "How?!0
"Don't forget the Hadith that say 'After a miscarriage when a fetus is returned to Allah SWT, Allah says 'that day will come which if the carrier(mother) is destined for the throws of hell, you will rescue her with your umbilical cord and pull her into Jannah.' [Sunan ibn Majah Vol.1, Book 6, Hadith 1608]"
She kept sobbing in devastation, that kind of cry that is silent but the most painful. Mama and Ammiey managed to calm her down a bit.
Jawahir woke up in the middle of the night, she has been sleeping ever since Mammie confirmed that she had a miscarriage. She raised her hands and wrapped them around her flat tummy, so for the past three months a baby has been growing inside of her but she wasn't even aware. Her lips trembled and her eyes burned, a sob escaped and she used on her hand to close her mouth.
Ya Nana who was left to spend the night here, quickly sat up and rushed to her younger sister's when she heard her cry. "What is it my love?"
Jawahir looked at her with eyes full of torment, anguish and despondency. "My baby," she whispered in agony. "Ya Nana my baby."
"Sabr Jawahir. Innallaha ma'as sabirin. Be patient and Allah will reward you for it. Should I call Aayan for you?"
Jawahir felt her heart clench at the mention of his name. "I don't want to see him," In a confused manner, Nana asked. "But why?"
"He's nothing but a liar and cheat." She spatted. Nana became even more confused looking at her baby sister, right from the start she knew that there's a problem between her sister and her husband, Aayan. Whatever it is, she hopes and prays it doesn't escalate. "Do you need anything?"
"Yes," Jawahir nodded. "Can I have water please?" Ya Nana gave her a glass of water with a straw in it, she took a few sips before pushing it away. Ya Nana then helped her lay down with great difficulty because of her ribs.
The next day Baba and Abu came to see Jawahir, there they consoled her and urge her to accept faith. She had a moment with her father where she cried her eyes out and he was there to wipe her tears. Out of all his kids, he's closet to Jawahir.
After her parents left, her brothers walked in. "Hey cutie patootie," Suhayl said, he's holding a teddy bear and a balloon. "How are feeling?"
Jawahir smiled. "I'm fine Alhamdulillah," Ya Yusuf sat down on the plastic chair beside the bed, Jawahir turned to look at him. If she's not mistaken that's where Aayan used sit down whenever he's in the room which is almost all the time, she mentally shook her head to get rid of the thoughts.
"How are you Jaw-bear?" Jawahir let out a soft laugh at the nickname. "It's difficult to breathe, I can't move but Alhamdulillah." Ya Yusuf smiled sadly, his sister has gone through so much at such a tender age.
"You won't ask how am feeling?" Jawahir said to her brother that was standing by the door with his arms crossed, who's yet to say anything. Akram smiled. "I was getting there." He pushed himself up and ambulated inside the room, sitting down beside Jawahir on the bed. He carefully wrapped his left arm around her body, she leaned in and rest her head on his chest.
"I'm glad you're okay munchkin." He mumbled with his lips placed on top of her head. Jawahir pulled away to look at him. "You found me, didn't you?" He didn't say a word, his silence just confirmed her suspicions. She remembers seeing him before everything blacked out. "Why do you always find me in a horrible situation, I've traumatized you enough." She whispered sadly.
Akram playfully winked. "I am your knight in shining armor, am I not? And Uthman was the one who found you first not me."
"I love you," she told him. Suhayl chuckled. "You know he's never gonna say it back right." Jawahir breathed a laugh. "I know." Akram surprised them when he said it back. "Life's too short," he shrugged. The siblings laughed, successfully stirring away Jawahir's attention from her lost.
Aayan, who was standing by the door turned around to leave. He should be the one consoling her, they should be grieving together after all they all lost a part of theirselves. Sadly he can't even go to where she was. He let out a breath, how will he even start tackling the situation? He has a lot to do.
They've been in and out of the hospital for a week now, which means Jawahir has been in the hospital for seventeen days. Jawahir has been whining and begging, she just wants to leave this hospital. It's making her depress, she just wants to go back home and have some time to herself, to mourn the child she never knew she had. Would it have been a boy or a girl?
"Assalamu alaikum," Kulthum walked holding a basket in her hand. Jawahir took her gaze away from the window and dropped on Umm Yasmeen. A smile adored Kulthum's lips as she greeted her sister in law. "How are you feeling azizaty?"
"Alhamdulillah," Jawahir simply replied. Kulthum started bringing out different food flasks. "Ammiey made this especially for you, she won't come because she has an important event to attend." Jawahir smiled to show that it's okay. Kulthum served her coconut rice with pepper soup of different fishes, salad and banana smoothie. The fish, salad and banana to help her bones heal faster.
Jawahir enjoyed the meal so much she asked for more, making a mental note to ask Ammiey for the recipe when she gets better. As Kulthum was serving her again, the door was pushed open and Aayan sauntered in. He hasn't been in the room since he was asked to leave, at least not while she was awake. You can feel the tension from miles away, Kulthum hurriedly exited the room.
Aayan walked carefully and gracefully to where she was sitting, she's sitting on a soft couch with her legs stretched out of course. Jawahir turned the other way when took a seat beside her.
"Tesoro," he called in a soft somewhat helpless voice. Jawahir closed her eyes, feeling his voice resonate deep within her. "Tesoro min fadlik anzur 'iilaya, min fadlik; please look at me, please." He pleaded.
"What do you want?" She inquired dismissively. "I just want you to look at me. 'Urid 'an "ata'akad min 'anak bikhayr; I want to make sure you're okay. I know you're hurting, I'm hurting too, I can understand your pai—
Jawahir furiously whipped her head around to look at him with her red eyes filled to the brim with tears. "You're hurting?" She asked with a small laugh that's filled with anger and disbelief. "You're hurting? And you can understand my pain?" She continue to ask, her voice cracking. "You can never ever understand my pain Aayan, never. You must be happy. Didn't you say it was a mista—" He quickly closed her mouth with his palm. "Don't say that please."
Jawahir pushed his hands away, enraged. "That's what you said! You said it was a mistake. Maybe, maybe," she took a deep breath. "It's for the best my baby didn't survive." Aayan looked at her his eyes blazed like hot lava with tears in them."Don't ever say that Jawahir, ever."
"Yeah, I said it! Maybe it's for the best because I wouldn't want my baby to grow up and learn that her father called her a mistake, A MISTAKE!"
Aayan didn't know when the tears started falling, what did he do? He has broken his Tesoro, ya ilahi! "Jawahir—" She turned her head. "Go," she whispered. "I said leave!" She yelled this time.
Aayan wiped his tears, he knows the best thing to do is leave even though the thought of leaving her alone in this crucial moment hurts him he knows it's the right to do, the least he could do after all the pain her caused her. "I'm sorry, I love you." He managed to place a kiss on her forehead even though she kept hitting and pushing away.
Jawahir howled in excruciating pain especially when everything came rushing back at ones. From the day he left to the message she saw just before her accident. She hugged herself and whimpered. "It hurts, a lot."
After twenty days of being in the hospital, Jawahir finally gets to go home. Since she has already spent more than two weeks in the hospital, the doctor said in the next four to six weeks the cast will be removed by then in sha Allah the bones have healed completely.
Mammie spent the night there, early in the morning she gave Jawahir her bath. Mammie pampered her yar auta to the core, she washed her hair and body thoroughly successfully getting rid of that hospital smell. After she washed away the soap, Mammie pushed the wheelchair back to the room. She dressed Jawahir in a very light but beautiful shirt and flay skirt then thoroughly dried her hair with a towel before french braiding it into two.
Jawahir looked at herself properly in the mirror Mammie is holding in front of her. The scars on her face have healed, some have faded, some will remain there forever. Her face is shining, no longer pale but her eyes are still dull and gloomy. One look and you can see the anguish and sorrow inside them. But Alhamdulillah, she's thankful to the Almighty.
She looked at her mother. "Ana ohbuki ya Mama." She told her with barely there smile. Mammie patted her cheeks lovingly, "Ana ohbuki aydan ya bint." Mammie wrapped Jawahir's head with a veil and wheeled her out, her luggage has already been taken to the car.
The met all of their family members, except for Mama,Baba and Abu, outside waiting for them, including her friends and Uthman. Affan ran to his elder sister, he hugged her sideways. "I missed you so much ya Jawahir." Jawahir placed a kiss on his temple. "I missed you too." She opened her arms for her nieces and nephews, where they all took turn hugging her. Jawahir quickly wiped the tear that managed to escape before anybody could notice, but he did and his heart tightened painfully.
"Where to?" Suhayl asked rotating the key he's holding. "Yusuf will take Jawahir to her house." Mammie said, Jawahir felt her heart stop.
"Mammie we cannot take her back to her house," Akram argued. "We're going back with her, she needs someone beside her 24/7 right now and Aayan has work. Right Aayan?" He concluded looking at Aayan as if daring him to say other wise. Aayan could only nod his head. Ammiey wanted to say something but Aayan held her hand as she was standing beside him, he turned to look at her and shook his head. "Don't say anything Ammiey, she would want to be amongst her parents and siblings." Ammiey sighed helplessly but nodded in understanding, she wanted to take care of her only daughter in law.
It was settled, Jawahir will stay with her parents till she gets better. She couldn't be more happier and she's so grateful to Ya Akram, he's truly her knight in shining armor.
They had a convoy and drove back home. Already Mammie has called Mama to inform her, a room downstairs has been cleaned for Jawahir as she wouldn't be able to climb up the stairs because she's on a wheel chair.
Akram picked up Jawahir from the car placed her carefully on the wheel chair. "I'll take her in," Suhayla said, she turned around and pushed her sister in. They went straight to her new room downstairs, Yusuf now placed her on the bed and made sure she was comfortable before walking out. Jahara, Amani, Nabila and Kausar came in to chat with her and take her minds off things. So they, including her sisters and sister in law sat down catching up. As they were chatting and laughing, Samira and Fauziya walked in with a salam on their lips. You remember them right? Her friends from the culinary school she attended.
"Jawjaw," Samira squealed and ambulated to where Jawahir was, carefully hugging her. Jawahir gladly returned the hug. "How are you feeling?" Samira asked after they pulled. "Alhamdulillah," Jawahir replied with a smile, a fake one of course.
Fauziya too pulled Jawahir for a hug, it took a while because Fauziya got a little emotional. She pulled away, wiping her face. "I'm so sorry." Jawahir didn't say anything, she has always known Fauziya to be sentimental.
When Samira saw that the atmosphere has turned gloomy, she stood up exclaiming. "We bought a little something with us." She ran outside and came back with two boxes. She kept them on a table that's beside the bed. "Are you ready to see what's inside?" She asked rubbing her fingers. Amani squealed. "Yes!" They all chuckled, typical Amani.
The first box consists of twelve beautifully decorated cupcakes, three in the middle says 'get well soon.'
"This is from Fauziya," Samira announced. Jawahir smiled at her friend, in a way she's saying thanks. She's finding hard to speak up these days.
"And mine," Samira presented a cake, the cake is shaped like a leg wrapped with a white cast that also says 'get well soon' with a heart and a smiley face at the edge.
Jawahir didn't know when laughter bubbled out from within her, she laughed so hard till her stomach ached. The girls looked at each other, all very happy. This is her first genuine laughter since she woke up. "Is that suppose to be my leg?" Jawahir asked still chuckling. Samira pouted and stomped her feet saying yes. "Wallah you're something else Samira." She added.
Aayan turned around to leave, he almost walked into Mammie. "Ah Ah Aayan? Won't you go in?" He turned to look at Jawahir as she smiled and cut the cake, she looks happy amongst her sisters and friends. "I can't, I cannot snatch away that smile, it will be selfish of me and I know it won't last long so yeah I can't snatch her smile away. I've done that more than enough." He whispered to himself.
Assalamu alaikum🧕🏻
How was the chapter? I know you expected it to be longer than this but your girl is dealing with a small case of writer's block 😩😭
I really don't have much to say, don't forget to
Yours truly
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