Chapter 46
Ehem ehem medical terms and treatments might be wrong. Your girl is no doctor and you cannot completely trust google🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️correct me if I'm wrong please, thank you😌❤️
Everything that happens to us is a blessing whether we are aware of it or not.
That's what kept me going. I was filled with so many if only(s) but I remembered a Hadith of the prophet peace be upon him; If anything befalls you, do not say (If only I had done such and such), then such would have happened, rather say 'qaddara Allahu wa ma sha'a fa'al (Allah has decreed and what He wills He does), for 'If only' opens the door to the work of Shaytan." (Sahih Muslim).
After the doctor informed us about the loss of our child, he also explained Jawahir's injuries. She obtained two fractured ribs and three cracked ones, a broken leg and a concussion because her head hit the steering wheel. The doctor said she's lucky to survive the crash considering how the car was badly damaged, you wouldn't think a soul could survive.
Mammie is doing okay after she collapsed, she's in one of the rooms. I am still yet to digest all that has happened, I nearly lost my wife and I lost a child, a child we didn't even know about.
Did she know she was pregnant?
No! I mentally shook my head. If she did, she would have said something.
Jawahir has been moved to a room in the female ward, visitors aren't allowed yet. The doctor is running a test to ensure she's save and healthy.
By now the news has spread like a wild fire, my wife was in an accident and she lost a child. I had to switch off my phones, I know they are well wishers but I don't think I can handle them right now.
"Aayan?" A hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned around to see my mother, she's wearing a lilac colored floor length hijab that fits her face perfectly, she looks gloomy. "Yes Ammiey?"
"You should go home, eat and change." I opened my mouth to protest but she didn't let me. "The doctor said she's under sedatives so she won't be waking up anytime soon."
I didn't argue, I nodded and left not before checking on my mother in law. Alhamdulillah she's fine, just a bruise on her back because of the fall.
The city is very busy, it's so full. I almost forgot people are still celebrating Eid, we are suppose to be amongst them. I drove to my parents' house, I'm not ready to go back there yet.
Maheera opened the door for me. "Oh Akhi," she wrapped her arms around my neck. "I'm sorry, may Allah make it easy for you."
"Ameen," I replied. I ambulated to my room, I was hit with a wave of nostalgia, all the moments we spent here. I took a quick shower and had some of the leftovers, I had to have a piece of what she made so I took a piece of cake with me.
It took me twice the amount of time I used in the first place to return to the hospital, the city is too choked up. Ammiey, Mama and Suhayla were all sitting down in the waiting room and a few other people.
I hate hospitals.
"Assalamu alaikum," I said followed by greeting the elders. "Any news?" I enquired hopefully. Mama looked away. "Yes?"
"Aayan," Ammiey called softly. "Son listen to me," I'm getting scared. "What is it Ammiey? Just say it."
"She's in a coma."
Ya Allah! Ya Allah!
"I thought you said she's okay, she was fine when I left a-a-and now, Ammiey!" I couldn't complete my sentence.
"I don't know what happened too son, I suggest you go see the doctor so that he can explain."
I dragged my feet to the doctor's office, I knocked on the door, he said come in and I did. "Mr Aayan," he offered his hand for a handshake. "Take a seat please," he gestured to one of the chairs in front of his desk.
I sat down letting my gaze roam around, I wonder how many people received heartbreaking news and how many people received life changing news. I don't know which I'm about to receive.
"Mr Aayan I'm sure you must have been informed about the condition Mrs Jawahir is in," He started. "Your wife suffers from a concussion because she hit her head on the steering wheel as she was not wearing a seatbelt. This caused swelling in the brain, we were able to reduce it the first time but it increased on it's on which led to bleeding. Bleeding in the layers of the brain may cause coma due to the swelling and compression on the injured side of the brain, types of bleeding includes Intracerebral hemorrhage; bleeding within the brain tissue which is the case with your wife."
"When do you think she'll wake up?"
"We cannot say. A coma usually lasts a few weeks, during which the person may start to gradually wake up and gain consciousness, or progress into a different state of unconsciousness. Let's pray for the former."
I mumbled an Ameen.
"We might need to do a surgery to relieve the pressure on the brain due to swelling if the drugs don't work."
"Do whatever you have to do, just please make sure my wife is okay, please." I pleaded.
"Don't worry, we'll do the best we can in sha Allah. You just keep on praying."
I nodded. "Where is she now?"
"She has been moved to the ICU for proper care but you can visit her."
"Thank you Doctor," I shook his hand and left. I ambulated to the hospital's mosque where I offered two units of voluntary prayer for my wife's health. I remained in the mosque for some dhikrs.
I returned to the hospital only when I felt my heart at ease. Uthman and his family are here. I squat down to greet Mommy where she prayed endlessly for Jawahir's quick recovery and she offered her condolences.
Uthman and I shook hands. "How are you holding up?"
I released a breath through my mouth. "I don't know Uthman, everything is just too much. I feel like this is all my fault, if I—
"—Aayan please. You wouldn't have been able to do anything, this is something that has already been written, you cannot change it." I sighed and kept mum. "I'll go see her." I said to him.
Only two people are allowed to see her at a time. Mammie and Ammiey came out before I went in. My legs felt heavy, I couldn't lift them, I could only drag them. Jawahir shouldn't be in this state, she's hooked up to different kinds of machines. Her right leg is wrapped in a white cast, her chest too. Her head is wrapped with a bandage, a few scratches on her face and finally her left hand is hooked to an IV.
I dragged my heavy legs to the side of the bed, I pulled a chair and sat down. I took a hold of her right hand, it's awfully cold. Her hand is covered with beautiful henna, I leaned down to place a kiss on the back of her hand. I used my index finger to trace the whole design. I sat down quietly playing with her hand.
I didn't know I was crying till I saw tears on the back of her hand, I didn't bother wiping or stopping them. I cried silently, my whole body shaking.
Our baby.....
I don't want to think about how devastated Jawahir will be when she comes to know of this, she'll be shattered to the core. She has always loved children, it won't take you a second to notice that. She always wants to be around them, I know it's one of her biggest dream to be a mother, she doesn't have to say it, I can tell just by looking into her eyes. Now how do I tell her that she lost a child, her own baby? How do I start telling her that her dream was about to come true but it was short She didn't even get to be happy about it.
Ya Allah make me strong, for the both of us.
"Tesoro?" I croaked out. "La 'uhibu ruyatak bihadhih altariqa; I don't like seeing you this way. I wish I can turn back time, or take your place in this situation, I know I deserve it. But you don't. Please wake up, I need you. More than ever, I need to explain, to confess, to make it up to you." I carefully cupped her face with both palms, I delicately placed my lips on every inch of her face that I could reach.
I sat back down and placed my head on the bed then placed her palm on my cheek, like she sometime does before we sleep, I don't know how but I felt asleep that way.
"Aayan?" A voice called softly while tapping me. I slowly opened my eyes to see Maheera. I carefully took Jawahir's hand off my face before sitting up. "Yes? What is it?"
"Ammiey and the others have left, she said you should go home and rest too, I'll stay with her."
I smiled painfully. "I'm not going anywhere,"
"Please don't Maheera. I'm not leaving, I can't."
Maheera sighed. "Okay fine, may Allah grant her shifa."
"Ameen Ameen."
*Two days later*
There's no improvement in Jawahir's condition. She's just......there. Had it not being for the monitor she's hooked up to, I'd assume she's no more. Her body is cold. It's normal, the doctor kept on saying.
My heart hurts, my everything hurts. If only there's something I can do, wallahi I'd take her place in a heartbeat. Mi Tesoro; my Tesoro; shouldn't be in this condition.
If only I could shield her away from all the harm in this world, even a fly wouldn't be allowed to land on her skin.
Is it really a crime to love me? Am I cursed? Why do all the women that love me end up getting hurt one way or the other? Because of me...for me.....
I haven't left the hospital in two days, the only reason I leave the room is to go to mosque, that's the only thing that can make me stand up from this position. I had Maheera bring me some clothes. They knew better than to argue. Nothing they say or do will make me leave. They know that.
I'm leaning against the plastic chair that has become my permanent sit in this hospital room, beside the bed with my legs stretched out, as usual Jawahir's right hand is in mine.
I suddenly felt like it twitched. I sprang up, hopeful, my eyes roaming around her hand, face, her whole body. Nothing. It was all my imagination, she didn't move. My heart broke further,which I didn't know was possible. I wiped the sweat that dripped down my face with my palm.
Ya arhaman rahimin, this slave of yours is desperately begging you......
The door was pushed open which halted my train of thoughts. It was Nana, Fifi and Farha. They arrived earlier this morning but weren't able to see her till now. My heart clenched when I looked at Farha, I quickly looked away.
"Hey," my voice sounds foreign to me, maybe because I haven't used it in over forty eight hours.
"Hey," Firdaus was the one who answered. Farha just walked to the bed and sat down beside it. "Jawahir?" She called in a small broken voice. "You promised me remember? You said you're gonna spoil my baby rotten, I know you'd be his favorite Aunty. You're always the favorite Aunty. Please Jawahir, please wake up, you cannot do this to us, not again. We won't be able to survive if anything happens to you, please Jaw. Y—
I can't stay here anymore, I walked out to give the sisters some privacy. I came face to face with Akram, I haven't seen him since we came to the hospital two days ago. I opened my mouth to speak to him but he walked pass me, I sighed. I don't blame him, I'd react the same me if it was my sister, worse even.
We human beings are selfish.
I walked into the house, sighing. I had a tough day at work. The house smells of vanilla and strawberry. I smiled, Jawahir must be up to something again. When does our home not smell of different ingredients? Never, will be the answer.
I quietly ambulated upstairs not bothering to inform Jawahir I'm back, I'm very tired and only a nice hot shower can make me relax. And that's exactly what I did, I took a long nice shower. I didn't step out till the water turned cold. I switched off the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist.
I moisturized my body, put on clothes before going to the vanity to spray perfume. I picked up the bottle and it's empty. Tesoro, I sighed. She developed a habit of using my perfumes, something about wanting to smell like me all day. I glanced at hers and it's pretty much full. I chuckled softly.
When I reached downstairs Jawahir has already lit up incense, now the house smells like a garden, different flowers scents combining to give a gentle and soothing scent. Just as I was about to enter the kitchen, Jawahir came out and we bumped into each other.
"Ouuch," She yelped rubbing her forehead, "watch where you're going you wall of muscles."
"How'd you know it's me?" She looked at me as if I asked the most stupid question on earth. "Why wouldn't I know?"
"Ahh- never mind."
We walked to the living room and sat down on the same couch. I looked at the plate in her hand. Chocolate chip cookies. "Why did you make cookies? Don't you have a stash of Oreos somewhere?"
Jawahir let out a huge sigh and pushed the plate towards me, I collected it looking at her questionably, then kept it aside. She sighed again and leaned forward, placing her elbows on her knees. She sighed again. What the jahannam? "Why are you sighing like that?" I asked,looking at her weirdly.
She turned to face me, still in the same position. "You didn't hear?"
"Hear what?"
She let out a fake cry, sniffing. Is this girl okay? "You mean to say you did not hear the most heartbreaking news?!"
"Oh just say it already."
"Oreos are not halal."
What?! No way!
Jawahir narrowed her eyes at me. "Don't you dare laugh!" She pointed a finger at me. I bit my lips to stifle the laughter. "Don't you dare laugh Aayan!" She whined. I couldn't hold it anymore, I laughed out loud, Jawahir pouted. I want to stop but anytime I look at her face, the laughter bubbles out more.
"Sorry," I said sobering up. "Sorry." She just twisted her mouth.
"So how'd you do with it? Threw it away?"
"No, how can throw all of it away? Am I crazy? I gave it to Marilla and her mother Vivian. I figured if I can't eat it, they can."
Jawahir rolled her eyes. "Our neighbors," she deadpanned. I still looked clueless and she sighed. "You don't know them, do you?" I shook my head negatively. "I've forgotten the husband's name but they live three houses from us, I met them at the local park when I took Humaid and Yasmeen sometime back. She's very nice, the mother I mean."
I hummed my mind elsewhere. "Can I ask you something?" I finally voiced out. Jawahir looked surprised but gained back her composure pretty quick, she nodded with a gesture that says 'go ahead'
"When did you come to the conclusion about not wanting to go further with your studies?" Jawahir's eyes widened a bit which clearly shows she's surprised.
"That's so random," she commented with a laugh. "But to answer your question, I was in Ss1 then." She said and kept quiet. I looked at her hoping she'd continue and explain herself. "I was watching Food Network, as always, uhm I think the program was 'Bake with Ana Olson' yes, definitely. She's this amazing pastry chef and I so much love her." Her eyes had this certain glim.
"Anyway, at that moment I knew that's what I wanted to be like. I've always been the curious one when it comes to the kitchen, my play toys were always a kitchen set, that's what everyone gets for me because they know how much I love them. Of course when I told my family the decision I made they thought I was joking. Until it was time for me to register for JAMB and I refused to. Ya Yusuf was very furious, it was only Abu that stood by me. They all later agreed, not that I needed their approval, but it's good to have a support system. And that's how!" She concluded.
"You like the pastry aspect more." It wasn't a question but a statement.
She nodded her head in agreement. "Yup, I love it more and I'm better at it. I enjoy cooking but baking is on a whole different level. See, my favorite show is Food Network Challenge," she said enthusiastically, her face practically glowing.
Jawahir adjusted her sitting position. "The competition is judged by specialists in their culinary field, contestants are given eight hours to complete a task, with set of rules they must adhere to. The winner receives a cheque of $10,000 and a gold medal. Aayan the cakes they bake are out of this world!" She exclaimed. I chuckled in response.
"And then there's Cake Boss," she squealed. "Buddy Valastro, it's a reality TV series that focuses on the operation of Carlo's Bake Shop, it's a family owned business in New Jersey. The pastries there are just muah, ya Allah. And then there's Guy Fieri," she said the last statement with a sigh.
"And who is he?"
She threw me a 'seriously' look. "You don't know him?" She asked incredulously. "La; no." I replied, I pulled her by hand and she landed on my chest. Jawahir adjusted her sitting position, we are now sitting side by side with my arm wrapped around her and her head on my chest. "Tell me more about this 'Guy' guy."
"That sounds funny," she giggled. "Guy Fieri, I want to be like him when I grow up." I pulled back a bit to look at her. "Excuse me?"
"Yes," she nodded to make emphasis. "He's living the dream, his show triple D; Diners, drive-ins and dives, he travels across America in search of 'greasy spoons' eateries. I say he travels the world just to eat, ugh dreams."
I lightly tapped her forehead. "You're silly." I laughed.
"Then there's Chopped, Master Chef, The Kitchen, The Pioneer Woman, Barefoot Contessa, Cupcake Wars, Sugar Rush, Iron Chef, Best Baker In America, Cake Wars, Bakers vs Fakers, Siba's Table, Dessert First Time With Anne Thornton, The Great British Baking Show, Zumbo's Just Dessert, Wedding Cake Championship,Ugly Delicious, Nailed It, Caketastrophe amongst many, many more."
She nodded. "I know right," she blew out a breath.
"Don't you ever feel like going to school to bag that degree?" I couldn't help but ask.
"Please degree is overrated," Jawahir replied jokingly. "And to answer your question, yes I do feel like that sometimes but I remember why I made the decision in the first place and I become content." She raised her head to look at me. "Why? Or have you always pictured your wife to be a degree holder?"
"Honestly?" She nodded. "Yes," I replied. Tesoro's face fell. "And now? Are you disappointed?" She asked meekly.
I pulled her back, wrapping my arm tightly around her. "No," I replied pecking her forehead in the process. "not at all."
Jawahir beamed, that smile of hers can fix all of my worries.
*Eight days later, ten days after the accident*
The loneliest moment in someone's life is when they are watching their whole life fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.
There's still no sign of improvement, the doctor uses a Glasgow Coma Scale to asses the level of consciousness and so far the results are always the same; no response.
The doctor has informed us that some people have reported feeling enormous reassurance from the presence of a love one during coma. We were advised to talk to her like we normally would, because they might be a chance she's hearing/listening, hopefully. Showing love and support— even just sitting and holding her hand or stroking her skin can be a great way of comforting her.
All the family members take turn to have their private moment with her. So far, nothing.
I am sitting down the corridor all alone when a group of kids came to me. I raised my head to look at them, each one of them is holding a balloon that says 'get well soon, we love you.' I smiled at them, well I hope I smiled.
"Are you Anty Jawjaw's husband?" A little girl asked, she's not more than five years old. She's wearing a pink gown and a cap of the same color that completely covers her hair, she's chubby and cute.
"Yes I am, and who are you?"
"We are her kids!" They exclaimed at once. I felt a pang in my chest, the pain clawing my heart.
I swallowed before speaking. "Really?"
"Uh huh," the same little girl nodded. "She calls us her babish," she purposely pronounced 'babies' wrong because that's how Jawahir says it when she's speaking to them. "and during Ramadan she always brings delicious food for us, on Eid too. She promised to come back the day after but she didn't," she girl paused with a sad look. "Mama said she's ill." She pouted sadly. "We are here to see her, we miss her." She concluded and the rest nodded in agreement. They are five in number, the one who spoke included. Three girls and two boys.
I didn't like the gloomy look that took over their face. "Come here," I gestured and they huddled around me. I knelt down on one knee before them. "Your Aunty Jawjaw wouldn't want you to be sad, will she?" They shook their heads, mumbling no. "Then smile, for her." I grinned a bit and they gave me a toothy grin. "That's more like it!" I exclaimed and raised my hand up for a high five which they all tapped enthusiastically.
"Okay now tell me your names."
"My name is Nafisa but she calls me Feena!" The little girl that spoke first, replied.
"Oh wow! Can I call you Feena too?"
"Mhmm, you can since I'm sure Anty Jawjaw loves you," the smile on my face faltered. Does she still? After everything....."Do you love her too?" Feena brought me out of my thoughts. I nodded. "A lot."
"What's your name?" I asked the other children. "My name is Khadijah but Anty Jawjaw calls me deedee! She says I have her mother's name." I smiled.
"And my name is Jannah, she calls me J-J."
"My name is Kabir, she calls me KB."
"My name is Bashir, she calls me Bash."
I couldn't help but smile, she all gave them a personal nickname. She's so cute it hurts.
I miss you Tesoro, so much.
"Take us see Anty Jawjaw please!" The kids demanded. I raised to my feet the same time Mrs Nasir came to us. "Mama." The kids squealed and ran to her. We greeted each other and I led them to the ICU.
I placed my hand on the handle, I didn't twist it but turned to look at the kids. "Anty Jawjaw is sleeping, so we have to be very quiet okay?"
"Okay!" They chorused loudly, then looked at each other then me with wide eyes. "Oops," they said softly closing their mouth. I chuckled softly. I opened the door and we filed in.
Jawahir, as usual, is laying there motionless with the machines beeping. The kids walked slowly to the bed to look at her. "Anty Jawjaw?" They called softly, when they didn't get a reply they called again. Again, again and again still no response. I don't have the heart to tell them that she won't reply.
They turned to look at us with sad faces. Deedee ran to Mrs Nasir, hugging her legs. "Mama why is Aunty Jawjaw not replying? Is she angry with us?"
"No Khadijah, she's not angry. She's sleeping."
"But Mama we've been calling her name isn't she suppose to wake up? Why isn't she waking up?" Bash said.
"Tell her to wake up Mama." KB pleaded.
"Yes please." J-J and Feenah added.
"Yes Mama," Deedee continued. "We are good kids, we didn't do bad things. We take our baths, pack our toys, wash our hands, everything she told us to do, why isn't she talking to us?" She pulled her caretaker's skirt. "Tell to wake up and smile at us like she always does, Aunty Jawjaw is always smiling, so pretty like an angel. Tell her to smile at us Mama!"
Ya Allah!
Mrs Nasir turned her head to wipe the tears that were rolling down her cheeks, she looked at me for help. She's too emotional to speak.
I squatted and opened my arms for the kids. "Come here," they did and I enveloped them in a hug, kissing their heads. "Your Aunty Jawjaw is okay she's just sleeping because the doctor asked he too, and you know it's not good to disobey elders right?" They nodded. "That's why, now wipe your tears, the next time you come she will speak to you in sha Allah."
"Go say goodbye kids, we are leaving." Mrs Nasir announced after she regained her composure. The kids went to Jaw's bed to say their goodbyes. Mrs Nasir turned to me. "Thank you."
I nodded. "No problem."
"I'll be bringing the kids again when she wakes up, which I pray will be soon. I don't want them seeing her this way, I came here with them today only because they've been crying."
I nodded in agreement. The children shouldn't see her this way, they should only know one version. Their smiling angel version.
Later that day, I was sitting in the hospital room when my mother walked in. "Aayan?" She called softly.
I stood up to welcome her in. Ammiey took a seat on the chair I just stood up from, she whispered a prayer and softly blew it on Jawahir. "May Allah grant her shifa."
"Ameen thumma Ameen." I answered.
"Aayan you should go home and rest," I'm already shaking my head before she even completes the sentence. "I don't want you to collapse from exhaustion, please son."
"I want to be the first person she sees when she wakes up." I mumbled.
"And you will be habibi, you go and rest."
"Where do you want me to go Ammiey?"
"Home." She replied.
I smiled to myself. "I am home Ammiey," I said, looking at my wife. "She's my home."
Somehow Ammiey convinced me go home, my house. So here I am, stepping into this place after a week. The house is clean but it's so dull and gloomy, the light of the house isn't here. It doesn't smell like a bakery or a restaurant anymore, the heart of the house isn't here.
I walked straight to what used to be our room. This is the first time I'm entering after more that ninety days, and it looks like I'm the first person to enter after those ninety days. I exited the room and went to Tesoro's, I am immediately hit with that unique scent of hers.
I sat down on the bed and let my eyes roam around, I can feel her presence in here. It's like I'm close to her, I robotically entered her closet. Tesoro habibty.
I sat down on the floor in the middle of the closet. I grabbed a random veil of hers and wrapped it tightly around my body, it feels like she's the one hugging me tight.
Aayan, you were never supposed to mean this much to me; I was never supposed to fall so hard. But you know what? I did and that's the truth. I didn't know I was falling in love with you. I just know that I wanted to be near you more than I'd ever wanted anything. I knew that your name or presence makes me smile without realizing it. I know I've never felt like this before, I didn't know what love was but because of you I was figuring it out. Aayan I-I I'm in love with you, I love you.
Everything she said that night rushed back. That red dress, the way it fitted her body, outlining her perfect curves. She looked like the rest of my life. That night all I wanted to do was to pull her to me and hug her tightly, so hard that I wouldn't know where I ended and where she began.
But I couldn't, I was.......scared. There I said it, I was scared. I never wanted to leave that night, I wanted to just lay beside her and watch her sleep then when her eyes flutter open I'll be the first thing she sees then she'd smile, and my world would be complete.
But then I had to go out and what happened, happened. Now all I wish, hope and pray for is that Jawahir gives me a chance to explain myself, I know it won't be easy, I saw the way she looked at me when I returned, like she despises me. But that wouldn't stop me, I'd spend the rest of my life trying.
Right then and there, surrounded by everything Jawahir, I dozed off into a blissful slumber. A beautiful lady kept calling me towards her, Mi Tesoro; my Tesoro.
Marhaban nasun jameela🌺❤️
How are you all doing? I hope we're all fine😌😌
How was the update? 👍🏼 or 👎🏼
I had to squeeze in for y'all🤗🤗🥀❤️
Thoughts on the chapter? Future predictions? Any guesses on what happened? Leave everything in the comment section.
Btw, who also loves Food Network?! I love that channel so much, one of my faves❤️💕 it's kinda I and my dad's thing😁❤️🔐
Ohh and yes today is my birthday 🎉🥀❤️ your girl! Guess the age!
If you told me last year that I'd be a writer on wattpad with thousands of views and votes, I'd have glare at you and asked you what mental asylum you escaped from. Last year was bumpy and at the same time it was memorable all I can say is Alhamdulillah😌✨🌹
Writing JEWELS, meeting and getting to know you guys is definitely the highlight of my 2018🎇🎆 It still feels surreal sometimes. So I'll proudly say you guys made my year🎉💞🎉 all those heart touching comments🤧 to those that'll take their time to message me talking, gushing and how they love ME and my book, if that isn't love then I don't know what it is😩😭❤️ Love you loads🖤❤️🥀 Maymunatu will forever be grateful and thankful for the love and support you've— and still are showing her.✨🌹
The next update will be around the first/second week of July, that's when my semester break will begin💃🏻🎉
And pertaining the Q&A, I'll get back to it. Just giving you time to send in your questions, if you haven't and there's something you're curious about go ahead and comment on the chapter with your questions.
Thank you❤️🖤🔐
Yours truly
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