Chapter 43
I'M BACK!!!🎉🎉🎉
I miss y'all 😫💕
May this special day bring happiness, peace and prosperity to everyone.
Anyi sallah lafiya?
Ciki ya bude, Toh dai aci a hankali 😂😂
And keep flagyl on one side 🤣🤣
It's long alright💥🔥
I hope we love long chapters 😬😬
Gobe sallah!!
Ya Allah I'm so excited, nothing can tamper down this feeling. There's just something about Eid, it's so placid. I remember the halcyon days of my childhood, especially during Eid. The happiness, the joy get what I mean.
I got down from my bed and went to the bathroom. I took a hot and relaxing bath that was mixed with so much bath bombs. After draining the water, I moved to the shower stall to rinse my body.
I wrapped myself up in a fluffy towel, I moved to the basin to brush my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror, like really looked at myself.
My face is fuller than before, it's looking chubbier and my face is unnecessarily glowing. I don't look like the wife that confessed her love to her husband just to have it thrown at her face. And my eyes are shining, what in the name of Allah?
Normally during Ramadan I loose weight more than the average person, but this time around reverse is the case.
But during this Ramadan my menstrual cycle went haywire, I couldn't understand my body. All in all I missed almost half of the fast, I need to see a gynecologist.
Walking back to the room, I went straight to my wardrobe. I don't have much clothes here, it's at his house and I don't want to go back. Ever since Ramadan started, I haven't been there. I spent it between my house and the AA's.
I dressed myself up in a light floral gown.
I ambulated to the family room. As I was walking towards the room I kept hearing voices, do we have a guest? Shrugging, I continued walking.
I met Mammie, Mama, Suhayl and a man, who's back is facing me. I said 'salamu alaikum' before entering to which they all replied.
"Good morning," I greeted with a smile. They replied back with a wider smile. Suhayl kept looking at me, 'who's he?' I gestured to the man, who's yet to turn around. Suhayl just shrugged his shoulders mouthing 'oho.'
Weird. Who could he be? And why is he here early in the morning?
The man unexpectedly stood up and turned around at the same time I was moving further into the room.
I gasped once I saw his face. Ya Rabbi, it can't be.
I screamed and jumped on him, wrapping myself around him like a koala.
"YA AKRAM!" I screamed clinging to his neck. "I thought you said you won't be able to come back," I breathed. We talked a week to Eid and he said he wouldn't be able to make it, I was so sad and angry.
I heard him chuckle. "I was kidding." He dropped me down carefully. I beamed at him, Wallahi I miss him so much, to the cube of infinity and beyond.
He look every bit like the soldier he is, rugged and manly.
"It's good to have you back."
"Thank you, why aren't you in your husband's house?"
The smile on my face fell flat. I didn't know what to say.
"He traveled," Mama came to my rescue.
Ya Akram nodded. "Let me go freshen up." With that he left. Suhayl also followed.
"Keh zo nan." Mammie gestured. I slowly walked to them. Mammie lightly smacked my arm. "Ouch," I whined. "What did I do?"
"Don't you know kin girma yanzu. You're married now Jawahir."
I bowed my head. Ohh that, I was just excited to see my brother.
"It won't happen again." I grinned.
"It better not."
My siblings and I spent the day together. Ya Yusuf and his family came too, even Ya Farha, Ya Fifi and Ya Nana were there, on FaceTime.
Currently I, Suhayla, Hairan, Nai'a and Affan are having a call with our sisters.
"Ya Fifi, Ya Farha are you coming for sallah?" Affan asked expectantly.
"We may," Ya Fifi answered. Affan and Nai'a squealed excitedly.
Ya Farha stood up to go to the bathroom with her barely-there belly.
"Mai ciki; pregnant lady." Ya Nana teased. Ya Farha just shook her head.
"Yaushe zaki haihu; when are you giving birth?" Affan asked innocently. We all chuckled. "In the next five months." Suhayla answered. "Yeey, I cannot wait." He squealed.
"When should we expect the good news from the two of you?" Hairan asked referring to me and Ya Fifi. "Actually," Ya Fifi cleared her throat, blushingly.
"Don't tell me!" Suhayla gasped. Ya Fifi nodded her head shyly. We cooed at the same time. Congratulations where thrown her way.
"How many months?" Ya Nana asked. "Four," the pregnant lady muttered.
Wait.......Ya Farha is also four months pregnant! Those sly people...
"Affan, Nai'a go watch cartoon." Ya Nana instructed and they obeyed without complaining.
They all focused their attention on me. I scrunched up my nose in confusion. "What?" I asked feeling insecure.
"Jawahir habibty," Ya Nana called softly. I gave her all of my attention. "What's happening? Where's Aayan?"
The rate at which my heart is beating increased, what?! How do they know? Was I that obvious? I tried very hard to be subtle about it!
"Calm down Jawahir," Suhayla eased. "I know you're wondering how, I heard you crying at night more than thrice, I didn't know what to do. And I knew you will not be happy in na fada ma su Mammie, so I told them." She explained looking apologetic.
That even made me more angry than I already was in the first place. She had the nerve to look apologetic.
"Jawahir," Ya Fifi called carefully, I shifted my angry stare to the screen. "I know—a, but...." she sighed because she obviously didn't know what to say.
I didn't say anything, I just stood up. "Jawahir sit back down!" Ya Nana ordered firmly.
"No! I said no. Even if something is wrong it's none of your business. You don't see me prying in your lives, then what gave you the right to pry in mine that you'll go as far as arranging a meeting of some sort." I snapped hotly.
"Because we care about you." Ya Farha argued.
"I know! And I appreciate that but my live doesn't have to be under your surveillance 24/7. If I have a problem, I know where to find you."
"—don't Jawahir me Ya Fifi." I still feel angry about what you did even if at the end I was the one that benefited. "Why—
"Because we're afraid you'd try to—" Ya Nana snapped, she stopped mid sentence, her eyes wide. The place became so quiet you'd be able to hear the sound of a pin dropping.
I fumed. "Because I'll what? Huh?! I'd try to kill myself, isn't that what you wanted to say?!" I said bluntly.
Ya Nana vigorously shook her head. "No Jaw, listen to me.."
"So all these while you've been looking at me as a weak person that'll dive back to where she was immediately after a problem occurs. Wow! Thank you so much for the trust and support."
I marched out of the living room with my heart boiling in anger. I can't believe them. I went to my room and slammed the door shut. I immediately went to the bathroom to perform ablution. I prayed two units to calm myself down.
The anger subsided gradually. I sat down on the floor hugging my knees with my head in between. Everything is just too much! With what do they want me to deal with first?
I agree they were looking out for me and trying to help, I understand that but that doesn't mean they should put me on the spot like that and expect me to pour my heart out.
I'm sick and tired of them treating me like a weak and fragile person. It's been years and I've never had a relapse. Close but not quite, it was at a moment of weakness. And I'm sure none of them know about that.
Am I giving you out signs of me possibly hurting myself again? Am I really okay? If my sisters don't believe in my improvements then have I really improved at all? Have I been deceiving myself into thinking I'm okay now? Do I need help?
I vigorously shook my head to get rid of the thoughts. I'm okay, I know I'm okay.
A knock on the door brought me out of my reverie. Hairan and Suhayla walked in, hesitatingly.
"Jawahir?" Hairan called softly. I didn't move or make any sound.
"Jawahir, please." Suhayla begged. "I'm sorry, I know it wasn't my place to tell but Jawahir..."
Of course there's always a but.
I raised my head to look at her and listen to the excuse she'll come up with.
"The truth is I was scared. I know we have overstepped our boundary. I just don't ever want us to go through that again, ever." She started tearing up. "You have no idea how scared we were that day Jaw, I'm sorry but you'll never understand how it feels to see your sister that way. You weren't moving at all, not even a finger and you were barely breathing. W-w-when Ya Akram brought you out in his arms I-I-I- Ya Allah." Suhayla dropped to her knees, sobbing in her palms. Hairan immediately wrapped her arms around her, tears also streaming down her face.
Ya Allah! What was I thinking? I should have put myself in their shoes, I don't how I'll feel if I see anyone of them in that condition. Like Suhayla said, I'll never understand but the least I could do is try to.
I rushed to my sister and threw my arms around her neck. Hairan pulled back to give us space.
"I'm so sorry Hayla."
Suhayla raised her head. "That was the scariest day of my life, of our lives. Jawahir, I know we're breathing down your neck sometimes but Jaw it's because we love so much, so so much. I was scared when I was told that you were kidnapped but that day I was terrified, beyond terrified." She sniveled. "I've never seen Abu and Ya Akram cry but that day I did, Ya Akram was sobbing like a baby. He kept chanting that he carried your corpse.
You were pale a-and y-y-yo-your body was awfully cold. Ya Allah Jawahir, and at the hospital it took them a lifetime to tell us how were you doing. We sat there not knowing whether you'll make it or not Jawahir, it was very terrifying." Suhayla stuttered, she cupped my face with both her palms and used her thumbs to wipe the tears that were streaming down my face.
"We never want to see you that way again, never again." She shook her head. "Having us being over protective of you to the point that you get furious doesn't mean we think you're weak. You're the strongest person I know, we know. Never forget that Jawahir, it's just that— we're, I am scared. I'm so sorry Jawahir, I'm so so sorry. I never meant to make you doubt yourself or make you feel weak. I'm sor—
I used my palm to close her mouth, shutting her up. I just hugged her tightly. "I understand Hayla," I mumbled into her neck. "I'm sorry for being inconsiderate."
Suhayla pulled away to smile at me through her tears. "You don't need to apologize. I'm sorry."
I smiled back tearfully. I led us to the bathroom, holding Suhayla's hand. We washed our faces and ambulated back to the room. Hairan was sitting on the bed. I hugged her too without saying anything, she knows what I mean.
"We want the best for you."
"I know, thank you." I smiled. "You should call Ya Nana." I nodded.
Suhayla and Hairan left the room as I make the call. I rang her up through FaceTime, she picked up immediately.
"Jawahir I'm so sorry, Ana asifan habibty. I didn't mean to—
"Ya Nana!" I cut her off. "It's okay." A smile took over her lips, her face is flushed and her eyes are swollen which means she has been crying. I felt bad.
"I'm sorry for being blunt and inconsiderate." She shook her head. "I should have used a better approach. Jawahir?" She called softly. "You know we love right?" I nodded. "And we want the best for you." Again I nodded.
"Is everything okay?" I bit my lower lip. What do I tell you Ya Nana? That my husband doesn't love me? He's so disgusted by the fact that I loved him, he left for three months, without a single call or text. Nothing, zilch, nada, I'm not worth that anymore or that an ex of his has been threatening me? Sending me messages almost everyday.
I shook my head. "Nothing is okay Ya Nana." My eyes welled up with tears.
"Oh Azizaty! Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head in a negative manner. "Are you sure? Talk to me Jaw."
"No third parties Ya Nanah." She breathed a laugh. "You're right no third parties."
"You said it isn't a bed of roses, there will be challenges, ups and downs." Ya Nana nodded her head in agreement. "We're going through a rough phase but all shall pass in sha Allah," my voice cracked at the end. "Where is he Jaw?" She questioned softly.
I shook my head. "I don't know," tears fall from my eyes. "I don't know Ya Nana. From what I was told he's in the UK."
"Is he—
"No," I said firmly. Or is he? "Everything will be fine by the grace of God. Keep praying,"
"In sha Allah. My regards to Ya Ja'afaru and the kids."
She smiled brightly at the mention of her family. I want that. "Zasu ji."
After ending the call, I called my sisters too.
"What do you mean Mammie?! Haba mana! This isn't fair." I grumbled.
"Do I look like I'm kidding?" She snapped. "Come on, go do what I asked you to do."
I turned to Abu. "Abu please say something." I begged desperately.
Abu just shrugged his shoulders. "I don't have a say in this habibty, sorry. You should listen to your mothers." With that he left the living room, Mama's living room.
Wow thank you so much Abu!
I gave my stubborn mothers a pout, I was literally begging them with my eyes to not do this me.
"No," Mama shook her head. "Don't even start."
"Nothing I say will change your mind?" I asked in defeat.
"No." They chorused.
You must be wondering what's going on. My dearest mothers are sending me away from 'their house' Thier reason being, this special holiday should be spent with my in laws as I'm a part of the family now. In their words, I wasn't supposed to be here for Ramadan but they let me but that won't be the case for Eid.
"Fine." I sighed helplessly. Dejectedly, I dragged my legs to my room and packed the little clothes I brought with me including my kayan sallah.
Thank goodness I did my henna yesterday, the rest will do there's today. A friend of Lami came to do it for us but she was only able to do mine, she didn't come early and she's slow.
I'm in love with my hands.
And legs.
I dragged my suitcase downstairs. All of them were seated watching Iqraa.
The house is full and Mammie wants me to leave, why won't she let me stay here for Allah's sake. I can't remember when last the whole family got together like this, the absentees might come a day or two after Eid also.
"Where are you going? Kika wani dauko akwati?" Ya Akram inquired.
"She's going back home." Mammie answered instead.
"Isn't she home?" He retorted. I said the same thing. Mammie ignored him, she turned to me. "The driver is waiting for you outside."
Ya Akram stood up. "Don't bother, I'm going out I'll drop her."
I said goodbye before following Ya Aki. We entered his sleek black Range Rover. The car is very neat with a unique scent of it's own. He has a plane with the Nigerian Air Force written on it, dangling around then his camouflage hat on the dashboard.
"So Jawjaw?" He started as we zoomed off. I turned around in my seat to look at him. "How have you been?"
"Alhamdulillah, we thank God."
"I heard about the charity work, that's very good of you, though you didn't inform me I would have helped."
"Ya Aki—
"I forgot you like being 'independent'." He mocked, air quoting the word independent. I chuckled. "You're doing a great job baby sis," he held my left hand. "I'm very proud of you." I beamed, squeezing his hand. "Thank you Ya Akram, it means a lot."
We drove to the AA's in a comfortable silence except a few chatter here and there. Ya Akram dropped me off, he came in and greeted them before leaving.
Right now I am in the kitchen preparing the final iftar I'll be taking to the orphanage. I've gotten so used to the kids there in a short amount of time, being amidst them makes me so happy. I genuinely love them, all of them and I'll continue to help them to the best of my ability.
I made French toast nuggets, Apple pie oat bars, chicken and veggie noodles and finally frozen yogurt fruit pops. Baba has a meeting and Ammiey went out for shopping, Maheera is at a friend's place. Only Kausar, Amal and I are left, we took the food using Kausar's car.
"Aunty Jawjaw," the kids chorused merrily, running towards my direction. I squat down to their level, enveloping as many as I could in my arms. They all took turns to peck my cheeks, can they get any more cute?
Have I mentioned I love kids?
I introduced Kausar and Amal to them and they all took turn introducing theirselves. After that they dragged Amal with them to play while Kausar and I go meet the caretaker, Mrs Nasir.
"Assalamu alaikum sisters."
"Wa'alaikis salam, how's the fasting going?"
"Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah. Take a seat please."
Mrs Nasir is a middle aged slim woman, she's been married for almost two decades but have never been blessed with a child. Her love for children made her open this foundation.
"Mrs Jawahir, how are you?"
"I'm doing fine Alhamdulillah, this is my sister in law Kausar." I introduced.
We spent about thirty minutes discussing about the kids, upcoming Eid and life in general. I left with the promise to visit them a day after Eid.
We said our goodbyes to the kids, they made me promise to bring goodies when I'm coming next.
"Ya Jawjaw, whenever you're coming back I'll follow you." Amal said as we were driving back home.
I chuckled. "Toh shikenan Amal."
The day after which is Eid, we woke up as early as 4:00am, Amal included.
I and Kausar were in charge of pastry aspect with some maids to assist us. Ammiey and Maheera were in charge of the cooking, they too with some maid helping them.
"Amal who are you joining?" Ammiey asked.
"Uhm," she tapped her chin as if she's thinking deeply. "I'm going to join Ya Jawjaw."
"I knew it," Ammiey chuckled.
After that we got to work. This is one of the moments that'll forever be my favorite. My first Eid with my new family, I feel like I'm a daughter of the family and not a daughter-in-law.
It was memorable. It almost made me forget that the son of this family abandoned me for three months, almost.
That's beside the point.
We baked two cakes that said 'Eid Mubarak'
Cookies/ biscuits.
I packaged bags for my kids, I know they'll be happy. It includes the cookies, cupcakes, tokens and many more.
Ammiey and Maheera made so many different dishes. The tables were set beautifully.
Alhamdulillah we were done by 9:00am but none of us were able to go to the mosque except for Amal who followed Baba.
After everything was set up, the maids tidied up the whole house I could see my face on the floor and the whole house was lit up with potpourris of different incenses.
I put on a brave face and went to his room to get ready. This time I didn't waste any time reminiscing, I got straight to the matter at hand. I only took my bath and put my clothes there, I moved to Maheera's for my makeup where the rest are.
"Ayyyyyy," Kausar squealed the moment I stepped into the room. "You already look peng." She enveloped me in a hug. "Eid Mubarak Jawjaw."
"Eid Mubarak sweety."
I also hugged Maheera wishing her Eid Mubarak too before sitting down for my makeup. They both messed up with my face to their heart's content. As usual I wasn't allowed to look till they were through. This time I had to have a small photoshoot.
Kausar made me sit down on a stool and spread the kaftan I'm wearing.
She clicked multiple times.
"Masha Allah Mrs AA," Kausar cooed making a good sign with her thumb and pointer. "Take a look."
I do look good if I do say so myself. Kausar and Maheera did each others makeup before we snapped tons of pictures.
What's sallah without pics?
Our kaftans are the same but of different color, including Umm Yasmeen. A gift from Baba. Kausar's own is coral in color, Maheera plum and Kulthum dark slate blue.
The sisters and I went to the dining room to have our breakfast. Kausar informed me that it's kind of a tradition, a tradition actually, for all the family members to have breakfast together before exchanging gifts. She had me at gifts, lol.
Ammiey is dressed in a thistle colored cool lace that was sewn to perfection. She's the true definition of epitome of beauty, her face, as usual, is left in it's natural form but by Allah she's glowing.
When she pulled me for a hug, her lavender soothing scent took over my olfactory nerves. She pulled away but was still holding me by the shoulder. "Eid Mubarak," She pecked both of my cheeks.
"Eid Mubarak Ammiey," I beamed.
I then went to greet Baba also wishing him an Eid Mubarak, he did the same plus blessing me.
Kulthum and her family arrived and it was such a joyous and memorable occasion. Nobody spoke of Aayan, not even the children, I didn't either. It's like he disappeared from the face of earth completely, not even once did they speak of him and it hurts. I'm sure they know an inclining on his whereabouts but they chose to hide it from me and I'll be lying if I said my heart didn't ache.
Guest kept trooping in and out we barely had time for ourselves. I was able to take the gifts I packed for the kids, I took Humaid, Yasmeen and Amal with me. The children were very happy, mission accomplished. We didn't stay for long but we left with the promise to go back the next day.
It was after Asr that we finally had time for ourselves. After praying we all gathered in Baba's living room to exchange gifts.
I had the highest number of gifts because everyone gave me a gift as the new and only daughter-in-law. I wasn't allowed to give anyone, I'll give them later though.
Maheera gave me an antique vase, Kausar a new pastry set I've been dying to have. Kulthum and her kids gave me a beautiful lace with cute shoes. Ammiey gave me her recipe books, a priceless gift, with a set of diamond studs and necklace.
"And last but not the least, mine," Baba said handing me a wrapped case.
"Come on Jaw open it, Baba refused to show or tell us." Kausar urged.
Giddily I unwrapped the bow, I opened the box and found a key? I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Show me, show me," I raised the key up for everyone to see. Seven pairs of eyes turned to questionably stare at Baba.
"What is it for Jaddi?" Yasmeen asked.
"That my darling is the key to your Aunt's new bakery and restaurant." Baba replied to Yasmeen but he was looking at me.
Ya Allah! No way.....did he just say...
"Yes Jawahir, you heard correctly."
I felt tears welling my eyes. Ya Rabbi this is so overwhelming,
"Baba," I called not knowing what to say.
"I heard about your dream and as a father it's my duty to make those dreams come true. A little birdie told me you loved being independent, I didn't do this to bruise your 'ego' I just cleared the path for you a bit, we fathers can be selfish a times when it comes to our children."
I shook my head as tears stream down my face, I ambulated to where he was and sat down beside his leg. "I don't know what to say," I said tearfully.
"You don't have to say anything, you just make me proud like I know you would."
"Thank you so much Baba, Allah kara nisan kwana. May Allah SWT repay you deeply, May He grant you the highest rank in jannatul firdaus where you'll be reunited with your malika."
Baba chuckled. "Ameen ameen," he patted my head softly. "Allah bada sa'a."
"Ameen," he smiled one last time before walking out.
I turned to my mother in law. "Ammiey......."
"I know Jaw habibty, I know." I hugged her tightly. "Thank him for me." Ammiey nodded before following Baba.
I squealed and embraced my sisters.
"I'm so happy for you." Maheera smiled.
"Congratulations!" Kulthum wished.
"Jawahir's Golden Kitchen!!!!" Kausar yelled excitedly.
"Ma'am Jawahir?" A maid called. I turned around to listen to what she has to say. "Senior Ma'am is calling you."
I nodded and she left. I left them chattering, I ambulated upstairs to Ammiey's bedroom.
"Assalamu alaikum," I said before entering.
"Wa'alaikis salam, come have a seat," she patted the sit beside her.
I carefully sat down beside her, she looks a bit out place not how she left. "Ammiey is everything okay?"
She took a hold of my hand. "Jaw habibty I'm so sorry,"
"What's wrong Ammiey you're scaring me." I started to panic.
"I know Aayan left without informing you and that he hasn't called you ever since..."
My heart stopped beating.
"I'm very sure it has nothing to do with you, it's because he had to in order to keep you sav—
The door was suddenly pushed open. Our attention shifted to the door waiting for the person to walk in. My heart stopped beating for the second time when he walked in.
"Aayan?" Ammiey gasped.
Ehem ehem 😬😬😬
So Aayan finally decided to make an appearance🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ it took you long enough 😒🙄
What's going to happen next??!?!??!?!?!?!?
What's Jawahir reaction going to be?!?!?!?!
Your guesses?!
Leave them in the comment section.
I hope the chapter wasn't boring🙊🙊🙊
Remember the higher the votes the faster the update😏😏😏 What are you waiting for? Vote away🎉🎉🎉
And I wantu thank you guys for 56k+ reads😫😭😭 The book grew in a short amount of time, it gained more than 10 thousand views in a month! I was so surprised tbvh. You guys are just amazing😘😘 I came back to meet tons of notifications, new readers everywhere💃🏻❤️ welcome guys🤗🤗❤️ Your opinions so far? I wanna hear them. Sorry if I didn't reply to your comments, I'll get back to them in sha Allah.
Thank you once again, lots and lots of love 💕❤️
Ohh and it's my birthday month 🎉🎉🎉 any other June baby?
I'm thinking of doing an Instagram Q&A (I've seen people doing all the time, me wantu try too😂) where you get to ask me anything (well not everything😅, you get what I mean) what do you guys think?🤔
Comment with a Y if you agree and N if you don't.
Yours truly
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