Chapter 42
Jummu'a Mubarak 💫🌙
If you guys don't love me after this then akwai matsala.
You're welcome😉😌
My break is about to end🥺😔🤧 on Sunday😭 and Ramadan is approaching so is my test😓 I don't think they'll be an update anytime soon.
I hope you understand😌😊
Now please wish me luck🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
"Ya Jawjaw where have you been?" That was the first thing Amal said to me when I entered the house. My in laws house.
I had iftar here for the whole first week. I haven't been here since then. When the sun sets today it marks the twentieth one. Nine or ten days to eid.
How time flies.....
"Amal you talk too much," Kulthum scolded. "Go Baba is calling you."
"Ahlan wa sahlan Zawjatu akhi; welcome sister-in-law." She pulled me in for a hug.
"Marhaba." I smiled. "Where are the kids?"
"They are inside, ya su Mammie?"
"They are all fine Alhamdulillah."
We casually walked inside while discussing about a few things, the charity work I've been doing included.
All I can say about it is Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah.
"Jawahir!!!!" A voice screamed and before I knew it I was tackled to the ground. We fell and she ended up on top of me. "Ugh, get off me you're too heavy." I whacked her in the back.
"Oh my God, Jawahir are you okay?" Kulthum gasped. "Ya ilahi Kausar when will you grow up. What's wrong with you?" Kulthum pushed her sister off of me and helped me up. "You didn't your head badly did you? Are you feeling dizzy?" She started going all mother hen on me.
I chuckled. "It's okay, I'm okay."
"Sorry," Kausar said sheepishly. I rolled my eyes. "You'll never grow up." I shook my head.
I left them there to go greet my mother in law. I knocked on her door, she answered softly. "Come in."
"Assalamu alaikum," I entered the room. Ammiey's whole face lit up when she saw me. "Ya bint." She opened her arms wide for me. I gladly walked into them with a smile.
She embraced me warmly, patting my head softly in the process. "Kayfa haluki; how are you?" She inquired after pulling away.
"Ana bikhayr, wa anti; I'm fine and you?"
"Ana 'aydaan bikhayr; I'm also fine."
"Kayf hal alsiyam?; how's the fasting going."
"All I can say is Alhamdulillah. And I pray we see the next Ramadan in sha Allah."
"In sha Allah."
"Jawahir?" She called after awhile. From the expression on her face I know what she wants to talk about.
I shook my head. "Ammiey please don't."
"Let me..."
"You don't have to. Wallah you don't, it's okay." I smiled sadly. I don't want any of their explanation, I want his only.
"Okay," with that she dropped the matter. We talked for a few minutes before I left her room. I went to Baba's living room where I also greeted him after that I went to the girl's living room.
A little body wrapped itself around my legs. I bent down to her level. "Hello habibty,"
"Masa' alkhayr; good afternoon," she greeted with a toothy grin.
"Afternoon Yas, howwayyu?"
She giggled at how I said 'how are you' "I'm fine," she answered. I pulled her cheeks a bit then held her hand and led her to Maheera's room.
"Hello?" I entered but the room is empty, I then heard the sound of water from the bathroom and I concluded she's in there. I unwrapped my veil and kept it aside, I haven't combed my hair in a week so it's all tangled. I opened one of her drawer to get a comb.
"Can I do it for you Anty Jawjaw?" Yasmeen asked in a cute voice.
"Of course," I smiled. Who can say no to this cutie. I gave her the comb and she dragged my head left and right. My head will definitely ache.
"Uncle Aayan used to make my hair," she said out of the blue. The smile on my face faded. "Really?" I asked with fake enthusiasm.
"Uh huh," she nodded, completely focused on the task at hand. "Done." She clapped in delight.
"Oh wow!" I grinned whiled tickling her, she giggled cutely. I combed my hair properly before pulling it to a messy bun.
"Do mine," Yasmeen requested.
"And done."
"Oh wow!" She mimicked what I did earlier. "Thank you, I love you. I'll go show jaddati." She hoped off the chair and ran out of the room.
Maheera came out in a robe just as I placed the comb in it's rightful place. "Sister-in-law." She grinned. "It's good to see you."
"You too," I grinned back.
"Bow down the queen is here," Kausar barged into the room. I rolled my eyes at her. "You're crazy," Maheera remarked, going into her closet. She came out dressed in a jumpsuit.
"Jawjaw?" Kausar called.
"You look fresh and a bit chubby. Ke ana ramewa, you're getting fat."
I hissed. That's because I haven't been fasting for the past eleven days. But I said nothing to Kausar.
I spent half of the day catching up with my sisters in law, if I'm honest I miss them. Then we moved to the kitchen to prepare for iftar together with my mother in law. Masha Allah it was such a special bonding time. We prepared Ammiey's family recipe. I can't wait to taste it, the aroma is filling up my stomach already. It's so mouthwatering.
We made Machoos laham.
Elbah(Vanilla custard)
And turmeric ginger ice tea. Ammiey said it eases digestion and cleanses the stomach.
We ended up baking cakes on Amal and Kausar's insistence.
I love the blue one more.
I've already prepared the food I plan on taking to the orphanage today but because I came here, Hairan and Hayla will deliver it.
"Ammiey a ina zamuyi sallah; where are we spending eid holiday?" Kulthum asked.
"I don't know but I think it'll be here, eid al kabir will be in Katsina in sha Allah."
I planned on spending eid in Daura with my husband, he said he has never been there. I'd have shown him all the historical places, the famous Kusugu well amongst others, watch the Durbar... After that we'd go to Katsina to visit his paternal family. We weren't able to do that before after all. But...
That's by the way.
Maheera twisted her neck to look at her elder sister who's standing behind her. "Why are you saying 'mu' instead of 'ku' or you've forgotten that you're no longer part of the family?" She teased.
Kulthum narrowed her eyes at Maheera before a smirk took over her face. "One more month dear sister, just one more month."
Maheera huffed and pouted. Laughter bubbles out from all of us. "Leave my Mahee alone." Ammiey scolded but she's obviously biting back a smile.
All of a sudden Maheera threw her arms around her mother, clutching onto her tightly. "I don't want to go anywhere Ammiey," she whined. Then we heard a sniff, oh my God is she crying? I chuckled softly.
"Maheera you're crying?!" Kausar exclaimed incredulously. "Please save the tears for when they're actually needed."
"Shut up." She grumbled.
"Cry baby." Kulthum coughed. "Ammiey!" She whined. "Tell them to stop teasing me."
"Stop teasing her, Kausar your time is also coming. Jawahir and Kulthum have passed the stage."
Kausar gasped. "Ni?! Ni da aure ai ba yanzu ba; Me?! I'm not getting married anytime soon."
Ammiey whacked her with the spoon she's holding. "Mara kunya; shameless." She chuckled.
I smiled brightly, thanking Allah for blessing me with another family like them.
"Wai ba'a kira sallah ba; the prayer haven't been called?" Kausar whined for the umpteenth time.
"Keh don't disturb us." Maheera chided.
"Ughhhhhh," Kausar groaned, rolling on the floor. I shook my head at her. "Wallahi these five minutes before iftar last longer than most relationships."
"Wallahi you're something else Kausar." I laughed whilst shaking my head. "Even Amal isn't whining as you're doing. You should be ashamed."
She rolled her eyes heavenward.
My phone dinged, a message has been received. It was an unknown number and the number is hidden. Why would a private number message me? I wanted to ignore but a voice in me said I shouldn't so I opened the message.
Do you know where your husband is?
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, what nonsense is this?
A new message came in. You don't, do you?
A new one immediately followed. Poor you.
The messages kept coming one after the other.
He left you.
For two months! Sixty days! One thousand four hundred and forty hours! Eighty six thousand four hundred minutes! Five million, one hundred and eighty four thousand seconds! Tsk tsk pathetic!
I felt fear consume the whole of me. Ya Allah, who is this? And how does this person know Aayan isn't around and the amount of time he spent away?! I started feeling a banging headache.
What's happening?!
The rest of the evening/night passed in a blur. I wasn't myself, those messages messed up with my brain.
Who could it be?
Should I tell someone? No, I shouldn't. It's just a text, maybe a prank. In sha Allah, nothing will happen.
I tucked away everything in a corner, I have so many better things to do.
I'll be spending the night here, Ammiey refused to let me go back home.
I'm currently in 'He who shall not be named' room, apartment? We have some of our clothes here. I remember the first time we spent a night here.
"Tesoro you're ready?" Aayan peeked in holding a small traveling bag.
"Yeah, just a minute." I ambulated to the bathroom to get my toiletries. "Okay I'm ready."
Aayan took my bag, his muscles rippling in the process. He's wearing a cargo pants with a short sleeved shirt. The shirt doesn't hug his body too much, Alhamdulillah just in the right place.
I followed him as we sauntered to the car. He opened the door for me first, I got in, he closed the door then rounded the car to enter himself, ever the gentleman.
"Why are we staying there again?"
He turned with furrowed eyebrows. "Because I miss them," he said with a look that says you suppose to know that.
"Baby," I muttered absentmindedly.
"What did you say?"
"Huh?" I looked at him with widened eyes. "I said uhh, uhm I didn't say anything." I shrugged.
"Are you sure?" He glanced sideways.
"Uh huh," I nodded. He didn't say anything after that. We drove to the AA mansion in a comfortable silence with the radio on as a background noise.
We arrived at the mansion in a short while, one of the guards took our bags and Aayan took a hold of my hand.
I gave him a 'are you crazy' look and snatched my hand away. "We are at your parents'." I said to him in case he has forgotten.
He gave me a bored look. "And so?"
"So?" I raised a brow, shaking my head I snatched my hand away. "No holiday hands." I ambulated inside and left him there.
"You can't be serious," He scoffed and jogged up to me.
"I am." I replied with a poker face.
We went straight to Baba's main living room, that's more like a family room. They are always there together as a family.
"Assalamu alaikum," Aayan and I chorused. He and I took a seat beside Ammiey on the floor, on either side of her leg.
"Wa'alaikumus salam," They chorused back.
Pleasantries were exchanged. Ammiey and Baba left later on, they had an event to attend. We helped Ammiey in getting ready.
She wore a lilac colored luppaya that looks so good on her, the color blends with her skin tone perfectly. She rejected makeup, even a little bit. She then wore a set of pearls Baba gifted her, a white hand bag and shoe, she was ready.
She looks sophisticated and so elegant. I pray I have this charisma when I get to that age.
"You look beautiful Ammiey," I complimented with a wide smile.
"Shukran habibty,"
We led her downstairs and the look on Baba's face was priceless. He stood at the foot of the stairs waiting for her. When she reached down he offered his hand to which she gladly took. He then proceeded to place a soothing kiss on her knuckles and whispered something to which she flushed.
I felt my chest tightening, Ya ilahi they are so Masha Allah. Even after years of marriage, after giving birth to many children, their love is very much strong and visible. And they are not hesitant to express it.
Some men will pamper you and treat like you own the world but immediately after marriage or when she gives birth everything changes. The terms of endearment no where to be found, she'll now be addressed as ke, mamman(name of child), ji mana—this annoys me the most.
Why? Instead of the love to grow stronger it diminishes. Your wife deserves to be treated like a queen and a queen only even when you're old and can barely stand.
This will forever be one of my favorite saying/quote. "In English a wife is known as housewife. In Arabic she is known as 'Rabbaitul bait' which means 'Queen of the house'"
That's why I so much respect my fathers.
An arm wrapped itself securely round my waist. My back collided with his muscular chest, I could feel every contour of his body. His sweet masculine scent took over my olfactory nerves. He leaned down, his warm breath caressing my ear, I held back a gasp.
"That'll be us one day in sha Allah," He whispered in low raspy and seductive voice. He then placed a kiss on the sweet spot behind my ear, even with the hijab I felt the burning feel of his lips.
Ya Allah, my heart.
"Okay picture time," A voice shrieked, successfully bringing me back to my senses.
I hastily pulled myself away from Aayan, what was I thinking?! In front of my in laws. It's all his fault, my ability to think always flies out the window whenever he's around.
I could literally hear his smirk. When I turned around, be hold, he's smirking sexily.
You see what I'm talking about!!
"Baba, Ammiey move closer so that I'll take the pictures." Kausar instructed, so she was the one who shouted.
Baba wrapped his arms around Ammiey's waist. Awww, can they get anymore cuter?
Apparently yes, because he placed a kiss on her cheeks.
"Abbas!" Ammiey gasped in horrification while blushing deeply.
Kausar kept clicking away.
My heart can't take this cuteness.
"Akhi, Jawahir join," Kausar turned and told us.
"Come on," Aayan dragged my hand. I stood beside Baba and Aayan stood beside Ammiey.
Kausar then asked Baba to please step back, he looked at her amusedly but did as he was told. She clicked, Ammiey, Aayan and I. She did the same to Ammiey and asked Baba to replace her. She clicked again.
The camera woman kept on instructing as she kept clicking away.
"You won't join?" Maheera asked.
Kausar gasped as if she suddenly realized she hasn't been in a single picture. "Of course I will, give me a minute."
She rushed out and came back with a camera stand. After setting the camera she rushed to us.
Ammiey and Baba in the middle, me beside Baba and Maheera beside me then Aayan beside Ammiey and Kausar beside him, lastly Amal, she stood in front of Ammiey and Baba.
One, two, three.... and the camera clicked, once, twice, thrice.
"Okay we're getting late, bye." Baba took Ammiey's hand and left.
"I want their type of love," Maheera sighed dreamily.
We all do sister.
Kausar all of a sudden let out a scream. "What happened?" Aayan panicked.
"They pictures are so peng," she grinned sheepishly and Aayan rolled his eyes. She scared him.
"If only Kulthum was here," Kausar mused.
"Send the pictures ASAP," Maheera ordered Kausar. "lemme go rub it on her face," she smirked and left the room. "Good night." She said over her shoulder.
"Night," We mumbled.
"Come on Jaw let's go to my room, I'll edit this pictures and send them." She took a hold of my left hand and pulled me with her.
"Wait, wait," Aayan caught my right hand. "What exactly do you mean? Go where?"
Kausar turned around to look at her brother. "My room of course," she said in a duh tone. "She's spending the night with me."
Aayan faked a grin and breathed a laugh. "Mhmm, cute. But she's not going anywhere." He pulled my arm towards the direction of his room but because Kausar is still holding my hand I was pulled back.
"Haba mana Ya Aayan, you're always with her fah. Just let her spend the night with me mana." She whined. "Common Jaw let's go," She pulled me and the same thing happened, Aayan pulled me back.
See how they are pulling me like a toy they are fighting over.
"And why should I do that?" He raised a brow.
"Because sharing is caring."
"I'm not sharing my wife with you, I didn't get married to her to share with anybody." Oouu
Again he pulled and again Kausar pulled me back.
Aayan turned to glare at her. "Ina wasa da ke ne wai; am I playing with you?"
I just stood there like a dummy as the kept bickering over me. What the....
"I never knew you were the clingy type,"Kausar blurted. She quickly covered her mouth with both hands, her eyes wide open.
I bit my lip to hold back the laughter attempting to bubble out.
"What did you say?" He asked growled.
Kausar furiously shocked her head back and forth. He smacked her. "Ouch," Kausar whimpered and I gasped.
He pulled me away. "Wait!" I spoke for the first time since they started bickering. "I wasn't allowed to choose."
Aayan groaned and Kausar squealed.
"Don't." He shook his head.
"I want to stay with Kausar, please let me stay with her." Kausar rushed and hugged me from behind, placing her chin on my shoulder. "Please Akhi."
"Fine," he grumbled and walked away. Big baby kawai.
Kausar picked up her stuffs and we sauntered to her room.
She picked up her laptop and jumped on the bed. "Jawjaw you're turning my brother into a sappy baby," We chuckled. "I'm glad though, he's happy." She smiled brightly.
"Oh no!" Something just dawned on me. "What is it?" Kausar asked. "I didn't get my pjs, lemme quickly go get them." I stood up.
"No no, no." Kausar sprang from the bed. "I have a new set of pajamas I'll give them to you. But if you go to that room you're not coming back, that I know for sure."
I breathed a laugh, true.
We took turns in taking shower. After we sat on the bed munching on Kausar's secret stash of junk—who doesn't have that— as she edits the photos.
If you remember, I mentioned Kausar's passion for photography. And Masha Allah, she's so good at it.
She even gets invited to parties in school to take photos, she's that good. I advised her to stop doing it for free though.
What? People will take her for granted and will not see her importance and talent, she's downgrading herself.
We talked, laughed, gossiped. We were even on a video call with Jahara, Nabila and Amani.
We're now just talking randomly, I don't even know the particular thing we're talking about.
The door was suddenly pushed open. Auzubillah, we shrieked. Aayan walked in, what the jahanam?!
"Oh Allah! Akhi you scared us."
Aayan didn't spare her a glance, his gaze was set firmly on me. "Let's go."
"Go where? Akhi but you said she can—
"—Kausar you shut up, I'm not talking to you. Tesoro, get up."
I sat down Indian style on the bed and crossed my arms. "But...
"Jawahir please." He begged tiredly.
I pouted and shrugged one shoulder like a stubborn toddler.
Aayan sighed in exasperation. "Okay if this is how you want it." He whispered something to himself.
"What did you sa—
The words were stolen from my mouth. Aayan picked me up and threw over his shoulder like a sack of potato.
Barbaric much???!!
"Aayan put me down," I yelled. "I demand you put me down this instant."
"No!" He said sternly. "I asked you nicely you refused, you leave me with no other choice." He started walking, I can feel my blood flowing to my head.
"PUT ME DOWN!" I demanded. "Kausar stop laughing and videotaping this, help me."
"This is priceless," she laughed. "Oh my gosh."
"Aayan put me down this instant." I whacked his back. He retaliated by whacking my behind.
I gasped loudly. Subuhanallah!
I didn't say anything after that I just quietly sulked.
Aayan gently placed me on the bed. I turned my face away from him, he sighed audibly.
"Jawahir?" He called softly. He sat down beside me and picked up my hands. "Look at me please."
I turned my face away even more. "I'm sorry," he apologized in a calm tone, playing with my fingers. "I-I.." he sighed. "Never mind, I'm sorry."
"Stop apologizing!" I snapped. He looked startled. "It's annoying, you don't have to apologize." I said softly.
Aayan smiled, not his usual small smiles but the large one he reserves just for me, and me only. He looks so handsome it hurts.
"Let's sleep." He's already in his pajamas. He climbed the bed and pulled me to him after switching off the lights. He wrapped his arms around my waist, my back to him.
He buried his head in the crook of my neck. "Tesoro?" He mumbled.
I can feel goosebumps all over my body. "Hmm?"
"I didn't bring you here to stop you from having fun with my sister. It's just that..... I need you, so much. I've gotten used to having you with me all night that I can't sleep without you by my side, I'm sorry if I'm being clingy I just—
I turned around and placed my palm on his mouth, shaking my head. His expression was poignant and filled with sadness.. I discovered long ago that he has insomnia, I didn't bother asking why. I'm just so happy, very happy that my presence makes it better. He has no idea how honored I am to be the reason behind it.
I turned around so that I'm facing him, we're just a breath away. I can feel his breath caressing my lips and I'm sure mine is doing the same for him.
"Ya Amar," I called softly. "You don't need to explain, never feel like you have to explain yourself again. I understand."
Aayan latched on my lips with his. I held my breath and let myself drown in his kiss, I pushed every other thought aside and concentrated on how his lips molded into mine in a slow ferocious and passionate feeling.
Aayan carefully released my lips with a pop, he swooped down again and pressed his lips once, twice, thrice, four times before pulling me to his body.
I wrapped my arms tightly around him, placing my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat that successfully lured me to sleep.
I wiped the tears that fell from my eyes. I quickly picked the collected what I needed and hastily left the room.
I can't stay there.
*singing horribly and off chorus* This girl is on fire🔥 this girl is on fire🔥🔥 oohh😎
'Sup people!!!!
Don't you all love me😌😎😌 I know I know! I love me too😁❤️😂
How was the chapter?
That flashback had my chest tightening all the time😭😭😭
Aayan you better do and come back because people are threatening to take Jawahir away from you.
Take a look👇🏻👇🏻
_ayyarh_ started the thread😂😂
@amieyluv followed 😂😂😂
This shameless child of mine 😂😂 _haliematou
TheOmoope was ready to bring koboko🤣😂❤️
Toh you better come back, I don't think I can hold them back anymore 😂😂😂
Don't forget to vote, comment and share if you liked the chapter💕
Love you all 💕💞💘
Yours truly
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