Chapter 41
You're most likely to encounter typos!
Not proofread.
What?! No that's not possible.
"Are you sure?!"
"Yes sir, he attempted to withdraw money from an ATM three kilometers from where you are. Our men chased him but he ran away, three of our men died. But you don't worry, we will not stop until he's taking into custody."
I rubbed my temples to ease the pain in my head. I released the phone when he mentioned my family, I cannot put any of them in danger. I came here to lure him away from them, especially Jawahir.
I thanked the officer and ended the call.
We've freeze all of his assets but he managed to escape. We've been playing a game of cat and mouse ever since.
With him out there on the loose, anything is possible.
Him, Uthman and I used to very close. The three musketeers, they used to call us. But everything changed in a blink of an eye. The worst part about betrayal is that it doesn't come from your enemies but friends, friends you considered family.
The most dangerous people are the hypocrites within your circle. Not everyone is your friend.
Isn't it pathetic how much time we waste on certain people and in the end they prove they weren't worth even a second of it.
This time my personal phone rang. My heart started beating fast. I gulped before answering the call.
"Assalamu alaikum Ammiey." I said in a small voice.
She didn't say anything. "Hello Ammiey?"
Still nothing. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, I checked the phone and the call is still reading.
"Ammiey?" I started to panic.
"Jawahir collapsed."
My heart stopped. It absolutely stopped beating. I leaned on the wall because my legs are about to give out.
"What do you mean collapsed Ammiey? How?! When?!"
"I don't know. How am I suppose to know Aayan? The girl is all alone in that huge house, all by herself."
I took in a deep breath. Air isn't circulating as it should. "Kausar is suppose to be with her?"
"Is she Kausar's responsibility?" She snapped hotly.
I swallowed. I put the call on speaker to get water.
"Aayan I am speaking to you? Is she Kausar's responsibility. I thought better Aayan."
"Ammiey please tell me if she's okay, please."
"Physically, she looks okay but mentally I'm not sure."
Ya Rabb! I ran my fingers through my bushy hair. I need a cut.
"Where are you Aayan?"
"And what are you doing there? What are you doing that it's so important you'd neglect your fans for it, for TWO WHOLE MONTHS!"
"The safety of my family." I whispered. "Ammiey all that isn't important right now. Tell me how is my wife? Is she okay?"
"So now you remember you have a wife. I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know?"
"She didn't collapse, she's okay. I said it to see if you still care."
I sighted heavily in relieve. "Of course I do Ammiey!"
"Do you Aayan? Do you really? Honestly I don't know how she's doing because she's at her parents house. And I don't have the gut to call her or her mother and inquire why. Because my son left her all alone, and I'm very sure you haven't contacted her Aayan, not even once. Ma bikum; what is wrong with you—
"Don't interrupt me, I haven't finished speaking. Nasha kana da hankali; I thought you have sense."
Ammiey rarely speaks Hausa to us, she's very angry and rightfully so. She has a habit of mixing up languages when she's angry.
"Hal hadhih hi al'akhlaq alty 'aetiatuk; is this the morals I gave you? 'Aw hal nasit 'ana hadhih alfatat tuetaa lak ka'amana; or have you forgotten this girl is given to you as amana?!"
"TWO MONTHS! Two months Aayan! Sixty days? Kasan kana shiga ha'kin ta; do you know you're violating her rights? Why a—, I don't even want to know. Whatever it is, I demand you drop it and hop on the next flight to Nigeria this instant. And call your wife."
"I can't do either, I'm sorry but I can't." I said dejectedly.
"You must be very stupid. 'Ant taqul li 'iinak la tastatie dhlk; you're telling me you can't?! And why not?" She yelled furiously
"Li'ana khata wahid miniy qad yukalifuni zawjati wa'ana la 'astatie tahmil taklifat tilk al'um; because one mistake from me can cost me my wife and I cannot afford that mother!" I yelled. "I can't Ammiey, I cannot."
"Aayan?" She whispered in a horrific voice. "What do you mean Aayan?"
"He threatened me Ammiey. And you know what happened the last time when I ignored him, it cost us severely. I can't make the same mistake Ammiey, if anything happens this time I don't think I'll be able to recover. I'd die, I'd die, I'd die..."
"Repeat after me habibi. Lahaula wala quwata illa billahil aliyul azeem."
I repeat what she said and I felt myself calming down.
"Why didn't you say anything? You shouldn't handle this alone."
"I'm not alone, Baba is aware of everything. I didn't tell you because I don't want you to worry. We are very close to archiving what we want, just pray for me, for us."
"My prayers are always with you. You should tell her, she deserves to know."
"I know Ammiey. But I'll have to ensure her safety first, I'm not coming back till I'm sure you're all save. Y'all are my weaknesses."
You and Tesoro especially....
"I'm scared Aayan."
"Don't be Momma. Everything is going to be okay in sha Allah."
I hanged up after making sure her mind is calm.
I was suddenly overwhelmed with so much guilt. I snatched my car keys from the counter top in the kitchen. It's time I visit a certain somebody, maybe it'll ease the guilt I'm feeling.
I arrived at my destination but stayed in the car for about thirty minutes contemplating whether to just go in or turn around.
You've been nothing but a coward Aayan, time for a change.
Releasing a huge breath, I pushed open the gate.
"Manal." I whispered.
Can this be classified as a cliffhanger?🤔🤔😈😈😈🙊🙊
Heyyo👋🏻👋🏻 how are y'all doing?
I know, I know the chapter is short!😭
But it's better than nothing right🤷🏻♀️
I'm sorry but I just had the urge to update so I did😁
I tried fah😫 I just returned from Daura and whipped this up in an hour.
Yours truly
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